Social Justice Warriors

The Chick From Jersey Who Sued Her Parents In High School Is Back And She’s Offending SJW’s By Getting Drunk On Cinco De Mayor And Tweeting Jokes About Trump

The Chick From Jersey Who Sued Her Parents In High School Is Back And She’s Offending SJW’s By Getting Drunk On Cinco De Mayor And Tweeting Jokes About Trump

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Back in 2014, before Busgate when we had like 30 followers, we wrote this blog about a naughty chick from Jersey named Rachel Canning who was suing her parents for not paying her catholic school tuition after she moved out of the house because she refused to follow their rules:

“We love our child and miss her. This is terrible. It’s killing me and my wife. We have a child we want home. We’re not Draconian and now we’re getting hauled into court. She’s demanding that we pay her bills but she doesn’t want to live at home and she’s saying, ‘I don’t want to live under your rules,’” Sean Canning said. The father said that he and his wife did stop paying the Morris Catholic tuition and have kept Rachel’s car because they paid for it. The father contended that Rachel moved out because she didn’t want to abide by simple household rules — be respectful, keep a curfew, return “borrowed” items to her two sisters, manage a few chores, and reconsider or end her relationship with a boyfriend the parents believe is a bad influence.“We’re heartbroken, but what do you do when a child says ‘I don’t want your rules but I want everything under the sun and you to pay for it?’” Canning said, adding that his daughter’s college fund is available to her and not withdrawn or re-allocated, as she has alleged.


So basically, she wanted to get stuffed by her boyfriend, the parents didn’t like the boyfriend, she threw a tantrum, and then the parents cut her off. But to make the story even crazier, Rachel Canning was staying at a friend’s house, and her friend’s father sprung for the lawyer to sue Rachel’s parents:

Since the dispute started between the “spoiled” teenager and her parents, Rachel has been living in Rockaway with a friend from school, Jaime Inglesino. Inglesino’s father, John Inglesino is covering the cost of the lawsuit and has also filed a request with the court that Rachel’s parents pay their daughters legal fees that total so far $12,597.

This is her friend’s father:


If you took every greasy Jersey stereotype and rolled it up into a taco, you’d get this guy. And he just so happens to be a major donor to the Republican party:

John Inglesino, a former Morris County freeholder, is a former adviser to as well as a friend and ally of Chris Christie. He also made significant contributions to the governor’s 2009 campaign.

Turns out Rachel Canning’s Dad is a democrat, and he was forced out of his hook up government job by Governor Chris Christie. So basically a Republican dad was getting revenge on a Democratic dad over a spoiled chick from Jersey who just wanted to get plowed by her loser boyfriend and stay enrolled in catholic school.


Anyway, we figured we’d never hear from Rachel Canning again. But then Cinco de Mayo happened so she once again found herself in the news…….

Members of the Western New England University women’s lacrosse team are in hot water over two Cinco de Mayo Instagram posts that referenced President Donald Trump’s pledge to build a wall on the border of the United States and Mexico. Screenshots of the posts were highlighted in a Facebook post by a woman who lists herself as a student at WNEU. The photographs show a group of young women posing on a porch, one suspended upside down over a keg.

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The New York Daily News identified one of the posters as lacrosse team member Rachel Canning, and the women in the picture as her teammates. “Dear Mr. Trump. glad you didn’t build that wall JUST YET,” one caption read. “Happy Mexican St. Paddys day from our honorary Amigos to yours.” Canning, a New Jersey native, previously made headlines when she sued her parents for child support in 2014 after moving out of their home. She later voluntarily dismissed her suit. “Build that wall #wnelax,” another caption read.

Uh-oh!! Young attractive people having fun in college? This is NOT gonna go over well with the outrage patrol!!

WNEU Vice President for Marketing and External Affairs Barbara Moffat told the Daily Hampshire Gazette that the school administrators are reviewing the posts and are “addressing the matter with those involved.” As a multicultural campus, Western New England University cherishes its diversity and firmly believes that all members of the campus community should be treated with civility and respect at all times,” Moffat told the Gazette. “The University is firmly committed to addressing all bias-based incidents, including behavior that creates an unwelcoming and hostile environment.”

Oh for fuck’s sake.

Alright, first of all, it’s a fucking joke. Remember jokes? Back in the 90’s jokes were all the rage. These students are CLEARLY not endorsing Donald Trump, nor are they advocating for any of his policies on immigration. They made a freaking JOKE – “Dear Mr. Trump. glad you didn’t build that wall JUST YET.” Get it? Because they want to get drunk on Cinco de Mayo, and if Trump built a wall then the free flow of sombreros and Coronas would be stifled. Of course if the wall was completed by now it wouldn’t stop any of these students from getting blackout drunk to celebrate the Mexican holiday. This is something called “satire.”

Secondly, so what if they were endorsing Trump, and want a wall built? I don’t want a wall built because personally I think it won’t fix shit and is generally a bad investment. But if other people want it that’s their right. Doesn’t make them bad people. Lots of countries outside of Western Europe invest lots of resources into border security. This isn’t rare, and walls are not a new thing. Just ask Genghis Khan.

Thirdly, how the hell is the school, addressing the matter with those involved? What does that even mean? The students posed for a picture and used their right to free speech to express themselves. They violated no school rules and what they did was constitutionally protected. The fact that WNEC is even humoring this shows what a joke of a school it is.

Check out this chick who got in trouble just for hitting the like button on the picture:

Mia Mazzeo, one of the photograph’s “likers” on Instagram, issued an apology on Facebook.“First off I want to publicly apologize for liking this photo, in my not sober state I scrolled through my timeline and liked every photo without reading the caption or even looking at the picture. I would not and do not condone racist behavior … To the girls in the photo, I ask you to not only own up to and publicly apologize for your actions but to take a step back and use your white privilege for good.”

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Good thing this chick is hot, because her brains aren’t gonna get her very far in life. But seriously, this is that state of the world we’re living in. Morons like this have to give public apologies acknowleding their imaginary white privilege for liking a harmless picture on Instagram. And apparently her apology didn’t go over well with the SJWs though:

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See that? That is why you never, ever, ever apologize to a social justice warrior. Because they don’t want your apology. They want to shame and hate you. They are angry little people, who are not reasonable, and thus should not be reasoned with.

She’s far from the only one saying stupid things on this post…..

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This can’t be real!!!! People having fun on Cinco de Mayo? I don’t find this funny, therefore it shouldn’t be tolerated!!

Newsflash – if you live in a country where a bunch of chicks doing kegstands is your biggest problem, then by definition you are already privileged, and you are far from oppressed.

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Oh yea, now we’re policing who likes photos on social media. This is healthy.

Then there’s by far the whitest chick who has ever lived – Samantha Lander:



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Uh-oh someone is telling the teacher on you guys!!!

She alone will be the arbiter of what is and isn’t funny:

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The white girl will NOT be tolerating your fun!! Mexican Americans are VERY offended by this. Especially this guy:

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Oh wait, he’s a Latino guy who realizes that free speech is important and your buzzwords are meaningless. But the WHITE GIRL is telling him that he SHOULD be offended by this because she’s part of a marginalized group as well – white women. Because everyone knows how tough white chick have it in America!!

She’s got jokes too:

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So witty!! Also, ten SJW for calling other white people racist. The only way for white people to let the world know that they’re one of the “good ones,” is to do it on the backs of other white people by calling them racist. The scary part about all of this is how genuinely excited these idiots get about censorship.

Then there’s this cock holster:

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It “CLEARLY HURT PEOPLE?” OK. That’s wonderful. I could care less if it hurt you. It’s not my job nor is it anyone else’s to make sure your feelings aren’t hurt. Your feelings have never, ever mattered. You can either get over it or keep whining about it. But make no mistake about it – I will continue to intentionally hurt your feelings for the rest of my life.

Then there’s this bigot:

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#BasicWhiteGirls. Get it? Because they’re white you can call them that. They don’t have feelings. Only people of color have feelings. Of course if a white guy ever said #BasicBlackGirls, it would be a hate crime. But please, tell me more about all these privileges that white people have. Sounds fascinating.

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Sorry Dana, but no one outside of your academia bubble is taking you seriously. Everyone is laughing at you. Even liberals like Bill Maher think you are a joke and an embarrassment.

Finally there’s this noodledick:

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This idiot is a UMass student who fancies himself a reporter because he got a microphone and downloaded Rock Band for Christmas. And here he is advocating for censorship. Once again, he wants to work in the mainstream MEDIA. The irony is fantastic.

Anyway, this is how batshit crazy SJW’s are. They made Turtleboy side with one of our first villains ever on this blog. A girl who sued her parents because she wanted to have a bonefest with the guy who still thinks his band is about to get its big break. We’d love to hate this chick, and we still think she’s a joke. But now we’re totally on her side. What other choice do we have?



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16 Comment(s)
  • charles
    May 10, 2017 at 2:05 pm

    Hey her parents chose to send her to a catholic high school and everyone in America is guaranteed a high school education. The parents needed to fulfill that financial obligation and pay the tuition regardless of their falling out with their daughter. If they don’t like it then they should have sent her to a public school.

    As for her most recent controversy: You can’t fix white trash so a stupid white girl is just a stupid white girl.

  • Get loaded
    May 9, 2017 at 3:23 pm

    Why is this even such a big deal? None of the liberal snowflakes ever did shrooms and did something to embarrass their parents? Grow the fuck up. Who the fuck cares if they partied hard on cinco de mayo and posted stupid shit on Facebook. The world is doomed to be full of apologies and political correctness. Fuck me in the ass if I ever cave to a public apology. ONLY JESUS CAN JUDGE ME. Can I get an amen?!

  • Diane Woods emerson
    May 9, 2017 at 8:57 am

    These idiots confuse me. I am still curious what happened to the Fitchburg mom story that disappeared like magic. Poof ! Gone.

  • John
    May 9, 2017 at 8:13 am

    PC America is why Trump was elected – enough voting taxpayers got tired of being told by the thought police how to think / speak.

  • Independent Thinker
    May 9, 2017 at 7:04 am

    Of all the things to get upset about, school officials get upset over THAT post? What’s so offensive about it?

    Pretty soon you won’t be able to eat Fritos because of the Frito Bandito. Or Uncle Ben’s Rice, or Cream of Wheat because of their logo.

    What will they do when non-Italians post pictures of themselves eating spaghetti on Columbus Day?

    These schools are being run by a bunch of losers and they are basically turning out more losers who lack any type of skill to even get a job in the real world. Most of these people shouldn’t even go to college. We still need people to clean toilets and as Judge Smales said, “the world still needs street sweepers.”

    • Judge Smails
      May 9, 2017 at 8:17 am

      “The world needs ditch diggers”

  • TDF
    May 9, 2017 at 6:50 am

    Anybody want to explain to these chuckle-fucks that “Mexican” isn’t a race.

  • Donald trump
    May 9, 2017 at 2:12 am

    This is a private school. The administration can do what ever they want to address this. It’s like refusing service. Catholic schools can Institute a selabacy clause if they want. You can refuse service to homosexual weddings because of conflicting religious beliefs. They can exercise their freedom and expel all of them for not representing the school favorable in their own opinion. Sorry. Like Mr gowdy said, be careful what laws you play with Cuz it’s a Pandora box. They’ll come back at you. If the school want to expel them, it’s their right. It’s not a public school.

    • Independent Thinker
      May 9, 2017 at 7:11 am

      Of all the things to get upset about, school officials get upset over THAT post? What’s so offensive about it?

      Pretty soon you won’t be able to eat Fritos because of the Frito Bandito. Or Uncle Ben’s Rice, or Cream of Wheat because of their logo.

      What will they do when non-Italians post pictures of themselves eating spaghetti on Columbus Day?

      These schools are being run by a bunch of losers and they are basically turning out more losers who lack any type of skill to even get a job in the real world. Most of these people shouldn’t even go to college. We still need people to clean toilets and as Judge Smales said, “the world still needs street sweepers.”

    • Independent Thinker
      May 9, 2017 at 7:19 am

      While it may not be a public school, students do have certain right concerning freedom of speech and due process. You can’t just take someone’s money and then kick them out because you don’t like them. Furthermore, not institution is truly private considering how much federal assistance they receive, not to mention being exempt from property taxes. Stop taking federal grants and federal financial aid and I will then have a bit more respect for the so-called private university.

      What will they go after next? Flying the American flag on Mexican Day?

  • Jeeze
    May 9, 2017 at 2:08 am

    Too hot to ignore. Put some ear plugs in or just pretend to be deaf and have that.

  • Sterling Turtle Rider
    May 9, 2017 at 12:54 am

    Brings to mind a saying gaining more and more relevance by the day – “Just because you’re offended, doesn’t mean that you’re right”

  • May 8, 2017 at 11:01 pm

    scrolling down i glazed over-by the bottom long past the point of giving a shite but am concerned about this p.c. crap policing social media etc. not a good trend we are raising potential Nazis if we keep it up-or more aptly little Soviets that will denounce their parents and have them sent to gulag!

  • TurtleBook
    May 8, 2017 at 8:32 pm

    What’s “Cinco de Mayor?” Is it a new holiday? Is Joe Pettey aware???

  • Ryan
    May 8, 2017 at 8:02 pm

    At this point I’m hoping for a nuclear war or a giant meteor because we are just fucked.

  • Savage Squaw Bitch
    May 8, 2017 at 7:43 pm

    Seriously, that joke was pretty funny. Only white Millennials and victim-status-ravenous minorities claim to be offended by these things, and that is only because it is so cool and hip to be an offended white knight for supposedly marginalized (SERIOUSLY sick of this word. We all know that is just delusional fantasy) people. Fuck these retards.

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