Hoodrat Heroes

The Epitome of New Hampshire Drama: Weare Wank Puppets Try To Destroy Neighbor’s Landscaping Business Over Shot Dog Who Allegedly Kept Getting Out And Killing Chickens   

Weare New Hampshire is a quaint little town situated near Concord, and Manchester NH. The town is described by residents as spacious, remote and a good community to raise kids in. Or maybe it’s a backwoods hick-topia, because check out the static that’s been going on over a dog and some chickens:


Oh man. Most of the bloggers here love dogs, but…. wait a second. We’re going to destroy someone’s life for NOT breaking the law? The whole story seems a little suspect. First of all, why is your kid’s “comfort animal” (that’s a new one, but it sounds like ratchetnese!), running off into other people’s yards? Shouldn’t you be watching her, especially if she provides some sort of service? Why is she not trained to not wander? Honestly, you lost me at “comfort animal”. I’m not a proponent of shooting dogs, or harming them in any way, but you live in the middle of East bumfuck, New Hampshire – not the heart of downtown Boston. That’s the law, and that’s how things are done around there. This broad is taking zero accountability for what happened to her dog, and that’s not a great sign.

I mean,


Zero responsibility. Maybe if you kept her on your own property….? Just a thought.


And boy, Is Christine upset…

Vowing revenge on social media never works out well, this is getting pretty ratchet already. This just screams “I wasn’t watching my marauding mutt that I pass off as some sort of service animal to get around pet policies and crank up the sympathy factor, and I can’t afford the legal files to file a lawsuit so I’ll just whip up a mob of halfwit hoodboogers on Facebook instead.”


Shes already organized the methadone mafia to leave Durgin and Durgin landscaping negative reviews online, posted their home address on social media, and has even made veiled threats directed at the Durgins and posted them to social media.

I wanted to be on her side. I really did, but….

Come on now.  The filters.


On the flip side of things, acccording to some unverified comments on social media, This dog has been a problem for the Durgin’s for roughly the past 2 years. That’s a long time. Also, no one (except Christine) seems to be disputing that the dog had killed 16 of the Durgin’s chickens.

Anyone know what the chicken to dog exchange rate is? Is this a fair trade for the area? I feel like the easiest way to avoid things like this is to keep your dog on your own property. But she doesn’t look the the type to understand that to me.

And the people they are mobbing? They look OK to me, and the silence is telling.

They look like regular old people to me, not the cold blooded inbred killers I was supposed to be expecting here.  They own a successful business (Durgin and Durgin landscaping is listed as #5 of the 10 best landscapers in NH on YELP), and Christine appears to own little more than a Facebook account and some snapchat filters.

And appear to enjoy a happy family life.



I’m gonna say they may be the more credible ones here.  In my opinion. And besides, I keep coming back to one pretty simple question; why was the dog on the Durgin’s property, and not its own? I can’t stress enough – they DID NOT break the law.



You lost me Christine, sorry about your dog, but I feel like it’s your own damn fault. New Hampshire seems like such a fun place, maybe next week someone will try to ruin a truck repair shop over a stolen goat?

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33 Comment(s)
  • Atticus
    April 9, 2019 at 6:53 am

    Truthfully they had every right to shoot the dog. My dog did this once, he escaped our fence. He only got one chicken but I went over to the neighbor with a new chicken the next day. I thought that was the law in Massachusetts. I was pissed at my dog…do you know what it was like to drive around with a chicken squawking in the back seat for an hour.

  • TDF
    April 8, 2019 at 8:36 am

    I’d have shot the dog after the 3rd chicken. 3 strikes you’re out.

  • ImUpAllNight
    April 7, 2019 at 7:30 pm

    Not sure if this was said, but down here in MA, if your dog is harassing livestock, you as the owner of the livestock have the legal right to shoot the dog

  • Richyrich
    April 6, 2019 at 8:23 am

    It is Oh So NH. My brother-in-law did the exact same thing to a neighbor’s German Shepard that he let roam on the loose, the dog kept coming onto his property and killing his chickens. He warned the neighbor to get his dog under control or he’d shoot the dog. Next time the dog was going after the chickens, he got two in the hat. The difference is, the neighbor never said a word about it, because he knew he was wrong.

  • Sulfer Powder
    April 5, 2019 at 10:52 pm

    Why the long face?

  • Chester Courtland
    April 5, 2019 at 8:01 pm

    Guaranteed the dead dog owner is originally from Mexichusetts. This wretched gash has Royalston, MA written all over her ratch face. New XHamster used to be a beautiful state until the Massholes invaded it like the spics are invading the southern border of the country now.

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    April 5, 2019 at 4:53 pm

    I still think the funniest moment in Turtle history was the Warwick Leprechaun saying ‘WarWack’

  • Case Closed
    April 5, 2019 at 4:46 pm


    In part:

    C. An owner or keeper shall not allow any dog to run at large with the Town of Weare except
    when accompanied by the owner or custodian and when used for hunting, herding,
    supervised competition or training for such pursuant to RSA 466:30a I.
    D. An owner or keeper shall not allow any dog to be a nuisance, a menace or vicious
    pursuant to RSA 466:31.

    I love my dog more than I like most people so I can understand you are upset..but you are a fucking idiot for letting your dog run free. Your dog is dead because of you being a shitty irresponsible owner.

  • Jeff J
    Direct Quotes.....
    April 5, 2019 at 4:00 pm

    The Durgins say “little pig little pig keep your dog in”.
    Ratchet girl says “not by the hairs of my fucking absurdly long chin”.

  • The angry taint
    The angry taint
    April 5, 2019 at 3:38 pm

    Oh btw another great blog turtle tryout keep it up

    • Kasey Callan
      April 6, 2019 at 6:38 am

      Please stop calling the dog owner ratchet and retard. The term retard is completely immature, insensitive and ignorant. The dog is now shot to death is it not enough?? You have to call her names. Who cares what shape her chin is. So what if the dog brought her child comfort? And shame on you for your insensitive and cold hearted name calling. Yes in New Hampshire we do run shotguns, coonhounds and we eat venison steak instead, is that too redneck for your fake journalist opinions?

      • Hart Ford
        April 6, 2019 at 1:39 pm

        No it’s not enough Casey.
        She is a horse faced self imposed victim spouting off about the legal rights of a law abiding citizen. She was warned multiple times. Only ms rachetqueen could have prevented this outcome. But she was too busy using dog and flower filters to cover up her Lurchface.

  • The angry taint
    The angry taint
    April 5, 2019 at 3:28 pm

    Are we absolutely positive that this dog didn’t off itself?…if these were my owners I would have sprouted opposable thumbs faster than you can say Jack Robinson ….bonus points for where I pulled that partial movie quote from

  • Stupid is as stupid does
    April 5, 2019 at 3:23 pm

    Fairly certain that if she had offered to pay for the chicken and subsequently fenced the dog, this would not have occurred.

    As stated in the first comment, it IS entirely legal to shoot a dog that kills livestock.

  • Well Done
    April 5, 2019 at 2:46 pm

    Pitt bull, nuff said. Fortunately it only killed livestock and not some toddler. Good riddance. Weare is basically Hooterville anyways, a one chromosome town. The guy should at least offer up the backhoe for a few minutes to plant the blood thirsty creature with there still being frost and all. If I had a pitbull wandering around my yard it wouldn’t be two years before I shot it, maybe two minutes at most.

    • Christine
      April 5, 2019 at 6:51 pm

      He never came to us about his chickens there’s more to this story than this person knows how about the history and the bull crap he has pulled over the years for my sons grand parents

  • Fuckin' Eh
    April 5, 2019 at 2:41 pm

    Keep the dog and shoot those two dregs.

  • Hugh Mungous
    April 5, 2019 at 1:13 pm

    just because you serviced your mutt for a film you could put on the Internet doesn’t classify the dog as a service animal

  • Veggie Cowgirl
    April 5, 2019 at 1:01 pm

    This just made me super sad tbh

  • Stymie
    April 5, 2019 at 12:30 pm

    Pretty simple: Keep your goddamned dog on your own property where it belongs and the odds are that nobody will shoot it. Dogs can bite, maim, and kill, and not everybody thinks it’s cute when yours is running berserk throughout the neighborhood once a week.

  • Revenge
    April 5, 2019 at 12:24 pm

    If someone shot my dog I would probably shoot him, his family and any witnesses.

    • George Glass
      April 5, 2019 at 4:24 pm

      Did you get a little hard as you typed that, feeling like an actual tough guy? LOL

    • Live free; don't die
      April 5, 2019 at 8:11 pm

      Ha! Everyone is carrying in New Hampshire, especially in rural towns like Weare. You step foot on someones property unannounced and uninvited prepare to see a gun drawn on you. Once you get out of the hoods of Manchester and Nashua and the rich seacoast towns, its the wild west uphere.

      • Coward with a Gun
        April 6, 2019 at 4:40 pm

        “It’s the Wild West up here” lolllll

        Fat, neck-beard douches with guns tucked into their pants, “I’m a redneck” … no you’re just another loser looking for an identity. Now put on your Harley Village People leathers get in your Ram Tough TRUCK and go tailgate cars and roll-coal on pedestrians, joggers and bicyclists.

        Live by the sword die by the sword.

  • Goonie4Lyfe
    April 5, 2019 at 12:13 pm

    I guess the dog took the state motto a little to literal. Too soon?!

  • Dumb as Fuk
    April 5, 2019 at 11:54 am

    If you don’t like it, go shoot his chickens.

    Another dumb broad.

  • Stunt Penis
    April 5, 2019 at 11:39 am

    All pit bulls should be exterminated.

    Kudos to the shooter for helping eliminate this scourge

  • Maggie the Cat
    April 5, 2019 at 11:37 am

    When I was young we called it “NoWeare”.

  • Christopher Lettiere
    April 5, 2019 at 11:35 am

    Just like the ratchets in Worcester complaining about a racist superintendent being the cause of their children’s failures, these ratchets in NH seem to lack the understanding of accountability.
    The NH ratchets would still have a dog if they kept it on a leash.
    You are accountable for your own actions (or lack thereof).

  • Batman
    April 5, 2019 at 11:32 am

    There are no bad dogs, just bad owners.

  • Leash Your Dog Asshole
    April 5, 2019 at 11:32 am

    If the dog was killing chickens, and it seems like it has a long history of doing so, they were within their right to shoot it. This is even legal in Mass and has a specific exception in MGL to protect farmers’ livestock.

    If this ratchet retard had bothered to leash and train her dog, this would never have happened.

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