In case you were wondering what Katie Lanagan, AKA the Natick Dumpsterslug was up to…..
Well, that’s just great.
If you don’t remember her she’s the skag who sold her food stamps and WIC baby formula all over Facebook so she can buy smack while pretending to give a shit about her kids were being raised by other people in foster care. Then she started sending racial slurs to people who were sharing it and helping to expose this freeloading lardmuffin.
Naturally this freeloading falafel is still spending the taxpayer’s money on really important things. Good thing we’re giving her food stamps. God forbid she just budget her money better, perhaps by cutting down on the genital piercings. Welcome to Massachusetts, and have a great Saturday turtle riders.
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36 Comment(s)
You had me at “NaticK’.
Where the infamous Mr. Piss Bucket, Cuffy, hails from:
Mr. Piss Bucket
just wanted to let you know that your video made the rough cut of Episode 1419 of Ridiculousness and is presently slated to appear on television on September 1, 2019. Check local listings for time!
Gross….just gross. And she announces it to the world, online, cuz she’s so proud of herself.
I don’t know which I find more disgusted- the fact that she did it, or the fact that she’s proud of it.
The procedure was done at Stop & Shop. Someone had dropped a 5lb bag of flour – rolling her in it provided the easiest way to locate the target zone.
How in the hell did the piercing guy not only find that Lardvarks pussy but manage to be near it long enough to pierce it without puking? Poor bastards probably really regretting his life choices right about now.
No one, and I mean NO ONE, was wondering what she was up to.
Get some new material. 95% of this is from the last article, which you linked.
Don’t quit your day job.
You must be new here. I, and i speak for all of turtle boy nation, love when i see updates of past ratchets. It is heartwarming when i see updates, whether they be positive or ratchety Its like reacquainting with an old friend.
when she got that pussy piercing, I hope they clamped it shut. Can you imagine the look on the person’s face when she walked into the place and they asked ‘what can I do for you today’ ‘I want my pussy pierced’, ‘ummm, sorry we’re closed’
The last post says it all ho’s tramps n food stamps money sex n welfare checks…
You do hand jobs or mouth?
Because you’re HAWT!!!!!
Clam must look/smell like a tuna can ripped open with a p38.
The C-Litter is strong with this one.
Hey Hugh- Bo Mont. A two by four.
show us your “lanced labia” you filthy little cumdump
How does one pierce a busted ravioli? Just curious…blech
Well the bright side is she didn’t post pictures of her pierced pussy.
She’s another asshole who uses Trump’s name in a manner that makes him look bad. That’s another problem with trash bags like this.
I’m sportin’ wood. Anybody else?
Sorry, Hugh, but I wouldn’t f*** that Beefy Bunwich with YOUR cock!
Massachusetts seems like a happy place. Does she know Cuffy, the greatest Natickite of all time?
Oh yes she does.
She was up in Cufftards room a few times.
Sorry no video.
Typical Trump supporter.
Take it easy Jussie
I’m sure you can have Mom make you a sandwich before you go out and blow someone
Oh yes she does. She was up in Cufftards room a few times.
Sorry no video.
Now that is what I call a fat ugly broad, I bet her cooze smells worse than mine. And please buy my book.
I wonder if the person piercing it wire a mask. No amount of scrubbing could wipe that odor away. Fucking Pig Bitch. “Oink! Taxpayers support me! ” Oink! Pierce me while my kids starve” “Oink! By my free shit so I can get my fix!” Fucking douche…
Our government is going to kill us all by going broke because of these animals. End welfare after 12 months, you only get 6 months if laid off even if you had that job for 25 years. Fuck these slugs, work or die.
This is what I’ve been saying. Do the math; the ratchets are multiplying at a greater rate than people like us and teaching their kids to sit around, do nothing and collect government welfare. Forget about the deficit, if we were not even in debt, the math doesn’t look good. It will be interesting to see this country in 150 years or so. We’re going to need some time for this country to reach the tipping point, run out of money, government welfare ends, ratchets to stop multiplying, etc. And the people with SOME money are going to cash the fuck out in not too long and move to another country to avoid dealing with this shit.
We are legit in trouble as a country.
150 years? No way. 50.
We R Fuked. Sooner than that.
Yea considering that they reproduce at such an early age I think you’re probably right.
Forget piercing.. how about dys sews it shut. There’s a program that makes sense.
That was a classy post she made. Real class act
My mom posted when she got her’s done. Embarrassing right?
The land of the beautiful, the land of the proud
This shit erks me to no end.. Its people like this slampig that make it harder for people who actually need the help ( use it as a stepping stone instead of a lifestyle) to get it.. Food stamps ,housing, welfare all those things are supposed to be temporary assistance as you work your ass off to get off assistance so it can be freed up for some other FAMILY that may be going through hard times.. This shit is not meant to be a lifestyle or life long help that isnt how help works… Its to help you save up and figure out how to fubction on your own and take care of yourself… Pigs like this is whats wrong with everything in this world