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So the Hooter’s in Shrewsbury is opening up on December 7, and one of my favorite things to do when I’m bored is to check out the Hooters Facebook page. Because for whatever reason this harmless restaurant is still controversial in 2015. Turtleboy is obviously gonna check it out, and not just for the jugs either. Anyone who goes to a restaurant so they can look at a nice rack is doing themselves a disservice, especially if they’re sacrificing quality for cup size. I’m going because I’ve never been to one and it’s cool to have it close by. If the food is good and the atmosphere is fun, then I’ll be back. Probably won’t be there on December 7 though because I would imagine the place is gonna be packed to the brim with some of Grafton Hill’s finest.
Anyway, the Facebook page is hilarious because of the commentary. It can be divided up as into the following 7 kinds of posts:
1. Marcy Darcy’s of the world, whining about sexism.
Objectification of women? The waitresses are trying to look attractive, I assume because this increases the likelihood of morons leaving a bigger tip. Since when is this a bad thing? Newsflash – all women objectify themselves. It’s the reason you wear makeup, do your hair, and look in the mirror when you go to the bathroom. Because you want to maximize your physical attractiveness to strangers. Unless you are a hardcore feministo who doesn’t shave her pits and lives alone with 20 cats, then you are no better than any of the women who will be working at Hooters.
Oh yea, Hooters is the reason that society is going to hell. Because when you see how 12 year old girls are dressed at the Solomon Pond Mall, “classy” is usually the first thing that comes to mind. But please, tell me more about how some women in shorts and tank tops are the downfall of modern society.
Or you could do both at some point in your lifetime? Nah, that makes too much sense.
A huge step back? You know what a huge step back for women was? When they started treating their face like a voodoo doll:
Hannah seems nice:
LOL, yea Paris, real degrading. Kind of like a certain someone’s profile picture:
Wait a minute….this is a dude talking? Sorry Aslan, but Turtleboy is gonna need your man card. And please, tell me more about how a woman in shorts and a tank top serving you a burger is is the same thing as the circus putting the disabled on display for people’s amusement. Because your logic seems rock solid. Oh yea, and telling people they can’t work at a private business based on their sex or physical appearance is pretty standard procedure. Trust me, I applied to work at Sweaty Betty’s a while back and you should’ve seen the look I got.
2. People complaining that they can’t get a job there because of all their tattoos.
Look, I understand a lot of people have tattoos, but it’s just not the business model Hooters is going for. When you get a Chinese lettering tattoo that you think says, “wisdom,” but really says, “stick it here,” you have to accept the fact that it’s going to lock you out of certain professions. One of those is working at Hooters. Don’t worry though, the Hotel Vernon is always looking for new bartenders.
3. The people who you feel bad for because they haven’t figured out how this works yet.
4. Angry townsfolk.
Yea, why build a restaurant that will bring tax revenue to the town when you can have an abandoned lot for landing your helicopter?
5. Buffalo Wild Wings diehards.
Buffalo Wild Wings blows. Just sayin.
6. People who are mad that the goal of a business is to make money.
I’m as blue blooded as the next American, and I’m sure Turtleboy will get shit for this, but people have to stop being so anal about the American flag rules. So it touched the ground – who gives a shit? Pretend you didn’t see it. Turtleboy Jr. rolls around on the ground all the time. I’m supposed to watch over a flag more than a human being? An apparently you’re supposed to give flags that have touched the ground to the boy scouts so they can dispose of it. I don’t care what law that is, it needs to be changed because it’s outdated and dumb.
7. Hilarious commentary.
See ya at Hooters!!!
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38 Comment(s)
Lets face is Hannah, your not hooters material. The ring can come out but that ink, like your posts, is forever. Good luck with that poor life decision.
Everyone should just enjoy the wings a shut up.
Vote with your wallet. You don’t like Hooters? Don’t spend your money there. Whining on FB gets nothing done. Ever.
These girls are wearing the same amount, if not more clothing, than every girl I have seen 14+ in the summertime my entire life. Leave it to 3rd wave feminists to use ridiculous red herring arguments to say they believe something is sexist. Lol.
And shut up*
Hanna look at yourself..You only dislike hooters because they do not hire girls with giant gauges in their ears and faces like dart boards..By the way are you not the girl who works at the” Amazing” porno plane in Shrewsbury ??
Ah Curtis Aslan Murray, dude is a walking pillow . Go make make more bad music and stop posting paraphrase of nonsense on Facebook, you’re not a social scientist just an over privileged white boy living with mommy and daddy who buy you everything
Am I the only one wondering where they will import the girls to work here? Because Worcester and the surrounding towns don’t exactly have many Hooter worthy ladies. And if you folks don’t complain about the likes of the Lamplighter, and all the other crack den stripy clubs in Wartown, then don’t complain about a restaurant where the girls will be fully dressed, just sexier than all of y’all.
I follow a girl on Instagram who’s from around here. She’s a model and now she’s working at the Shrewsbury Hooters. Lizzy Buianowski is her name.
Smoking fucking hottie.
The people in this town need a reality check…go sit outside the Oak Middle School, Hooter’s waitresses wear more clothes than most of your daughter’s and have you seen the pictures your daughter’s are putting out on social media? I know someone that works at Hooter’s down south, nothing wrong with it. This town is full of snobby, arogant people.
Isn’t the Worcester City Motel, a by the hour hooker haven, in Shrewsbury? Why the ^%^* are residents concerned with Hooters when that crap hole is still open?
I really don’t get our world anymore…
The Worcester City Motel (poorly named, it IS In Shrewsbury) is not just for hookers anymore! It especially features suites for a wide range of opiate addicted criminal losers, organized retail theft shoplifters and murderers.
Why hasnt this been shut down in bucolic chewsbury? THERE’S a story.
This isn’t all bad. Hooters gives the chance for legal employment to young women who might turn to other (illegal) occupations. So they pay federal and state taxes. The more people working in MA, the better for other taxpayers.
Welcome to the neighborhood, Hooters! Before Shrewsbury thought it was West Sharon, Mr. “Spag” Borgatti would send a bouquet of flowers to welcome a new business to town.
The Sharon-on-Quinsigamond crowd would have turned their noses up Joey’s, Bronzo’s, the original Lakeside, LVO, White City or McQuale’s.
“Bronzo’s?” – Shady. Not exactly in the same category as the others….
The better question is who is Shrewsbury building a library the size of the Taj Mahal when only 1000 people a day use it ? Then it’s not even for books, but knitting classes etc. hey we could have saved the money and offered knitting at the Senior center we have enough empty commercial property when need the taxes you prudes. It’s not a strip joint. They dress more modest than the girls at Shrewsbury High but nobody complains that’s immoral. He who is without sin. Cast the first stone. Damn moral do gooders. Drinking and carousing behind close shades. STFU
Some go for the chicken wings; some so for the breasts.
At least it keeps the pervs in one gathering spot for awhile.
Open a Tallywackers in the same vicinity just to balance things out.
“Could someone give me a refresher on how capitalism works? Also, I don’t really understand the phrase “It’s a free country”- The Town of Shrewsbury
I could really go for some wings right about now…
Holy shit! Thank you for featuring me in your poorly written article.
Oh… I detect sarcasm!
Someone’s just a tad butthurt.
Says the girl who posts selfless with the camera angles just-so to show off some cleavage…
*selfies. Damon auto correct.
The Buffalo Wild Wings bartenders don’t exactly dress like nuns either. Low cut shirts and Lulu lemon pants that show the whole ass crack = big tips
Why would anyone patronize Hooters when he could see Konnie Lukes, in the flesh, every Tuesday night?
It’s so dumb! If you don’t like the restaurant, don’t friggin eat there. It really and truly is that simple. And I’m sure these poor, beautiful, hardworking women feel sooooo objectified and used at the end of the night when they’re counting their cash. Give me a break. I’m tired of “feminists” who think it’s their right to tell other women how they’re supposed to feel. Get a life.
But I’m more mad about the assholes that keep saying “use your brain instead”, or “menial job”. I’m sure they’re all cardiothoracic surgeons, and don’t have a desk job filing someone else’s paperwork. These are the type of people that demean and humiliate servers by not treating them with the respect they deserve. They fucking work hard, and put up with assholes every day, with a smile on their face. Give them a break.
Same women hypocrites that would vote for a guy like Bill Clinton, who treated women like pleasure toys, yet women still voted for him anyway. BTW, I don’t know who dresses sluttier in Shrewsbury the daughters, or the moms that never grew up. Not all of course, just most.
BOSTON couldnt support a Hooters, it went under. Shrewsbury? Sorry, no way.
Boston’s problem was location and size. Too small and on Canal Street next to huge pubs that served better food. If it had been over near Prudential, it might have given Dick’s a run for the money.
Half the ladies are offended, and the other half are upset because they can’t get a job there…
Wait, isn’t some of the nastiest strip clubs in the state on RTE 20 in Shrewsbury and ppl are crying about Hooters? Fucking fraudulent Social Justice Warriors, always hypocrites
They are both in Worcester, but not too far out of town.
( o Y o ) 58008
Wishing for a place with shirtless cowboys with 6 pks waiting on me!!
That would make a killing. I’m sure they’re out there somewhere.
As a woman, I find Hooters to be a wonderful business. The girls aren’t showing anything that you don’t see walking down the street. They’re actually dressed more conservatively than a lot of the women walking down the street. Hooters is a major supporter of breast cancer research. I find companies like Aeropostle and Hollister to be more offensive. Face it, sex sells.
That Paris profile pix has given me nightmares. Make it stop!