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While I was out enjoying Donut Friday with the crotch fruits today I came back and found this delivered from the Sheriff’s Office:
So last week I walked into 100 Front Street and began live streaming. It’s a building that’s like, 20 stories tall, and the Turtlegram has an office on the 5th floor. I walked up to the receptionist, holding the camera in her face, and making it blatantly obvious that I was video recording. This was in response to Clive McFarlane writing a hit piece on me and my Ma Dukes in the Turtlegram and Gazette, in which he said Turtleboy “promotes pornography.”
I asked the receptionist where Clive was, she said she didn’t know who he was, tried calling him, and had no luck. I then wandered around other parts of the building looking for him, asking random people if they’d seen Clive, and no one had even heard of him before.
Of course the Turtlegram went crying to their lawyer because the blogger they took libelous shots at had the minerals to confront them in a building that doesn’t belong to them. The lawyer realized that what I did wasn’t illegal, but he decided to run the bill up on them anyway by pursuing this, because that’s what slimy lawyers do – they take money from idiots with deep pockets. Hey Turtlegram employees – remember this the next time you don’t get a raise. This is what your company is willing to spend money on while cutting your benefits.
Just to be clear, I’m 99% sure what I did was not illegal, anyone can get a no trespass order at their place of business, and a Judge did not sign off on this:
I know of only one state that criminalizes hidden recordings even when there is no reasonable expectation of privacy and that is currently being challenged in the courts. That state is Massachusetts. However, the case law there indicates that if you are holding your phone in a way that could be reasonably looked at as recording then they “know” and it is not hidden, the fact you didn’t announce it doesn’t matter..
My phone was being held up and pointed at everyone I spoke with. I couldn’t have made it more obvious they were being recorded. This is no different than walking into McDonald’s and recording the cashier, which happens all the time.
Either way, I temporarily took the video down, but reserve the right to put it back up if I want to. It’s just not worth hiring a lawyer to fight this for a video that’s 2 weeks old anyway, which I can’t even make money on because YouTube constantly demonetizes us too. However, if a lawyer who values free speech reads this and wants to reach out regarding legal implications, you can email turtleboysports@gmail.com.
Here’s the tricky part though – my tax guy is in that building. I’m pretty sure from reading that notice that I’m only banned from the 5th floor, since the Turtlegram can’t ban me from a building they don’t own. If not, it’s gonna be hard for me to pay my taxes. Just sayin.
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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:
25 Comment(s)
No wonder the poseur works for a dying small town newspaper. Never could make it in the real world. Cry me a river!
Tracking down my dad……
Looks like he could be the spawn of Lester Green, aka Beetlejuice.
Clive is a strange one. He is obviously very easy to recognize so I walked up to him and tried to introduce myself because I was kind of a fan at the time and he just kept screaming at me to get out of his living room or he was going to call the police so I left without so much as a handshake. He was very rude to me overall.
Poor widdle clivie-wivie got skeeerd. Pussy. I CAN NOT STAND this ass munch. And I wouldn’t even line a bird cage with that horrific newspaper.
You best step off homie or else you be lyin in da chalk bitch.
Believe dat muthafucker on the strength to da mutha zone B.
Spanky, er, Buckwheat McFarlane is so important to their business that everyone, meaning not a f***ing soul there, knows who he is. So it seems. Looks like he may have been expecting you. Tread lightly, we don’t want no canned turtle.
I’m a scared pussy and still hiding under my desk.
Turtle riders, definitely DO NOT storm the newsroom and DO NOT chant “White power, fear the Turtle.”
Meh. I would have too.
He doesn’t know your intentions. Better safe than sorry.
FUCK free press!
Clive who?
Only God can judge you AK.
Word on the street is someone matching Clives description (6ft. Black male) was spotted at the RMV.
Maybe you should take your camera to the RMV and yell at the receptionist to disclose Clive’s whereabouts?
Just dress like the toothy dinge with the rat tailed rug on his head. They will think it was him…..cleaned up.
You went in there looking like the unibomber while huffing and puffing like a loon. You just can’t storm into a place of business and start a manhunt for an employee.
Well Turtle it’s always been difficult for me to figure out if you’re the protagonist or the antagonist in the history of your blog.
I did see the video and I have to say pacing up and down the stairways like a lunatic and then going to the Registry of Deeds and demanding to know where Clive is hiding did make you out to be a little unhinged. Why would a T&G reporter be at the Registry of Deeds and why should they even know who Clive is?
Years ago, my ex girlfriend’s landlord sent a no trespassing order to my house.
My lawyer said that as long as my (ex) girlfriend resides there and i am an invited guest, the order doesn’t mean shit.
I brought the info to the police station and they confirmed it.
The landlord also lived on and owned the property.
And you’re positive that she never mentioned that she was married to the landlord?
Eh, you had to kind of see this one coming, dude.
Angry white guy looking to confront a poor, oppressed black man? That has “victimhood” written all over it.
Of course Clive was going to exploit that to his fullest advantage.
Honestly it’s a good point you are making but none of this is surprising to anyone. You have to tread lightly here there is a slim but way higher possibility of some crazy shooting up an office of local or mainstream media given how much they fucking suck the cocks of Democrats.
Also Clive still looks like a crackhead turd in a toilet bowl.
I’d suggest sending this to some readers and asking them to upload just to fuck with Caruso. Don’t think a third party can get in trouble and that they have a legal right to ask a 3rd party to cease and desist.
Clive looks like a douchebag. Is that a ponytail he’s sporting?
What if you have to go to the Worcester Registry of Deeds?
Schedule a meeting with Peter Caruso right outside the Turtlegram. See if you can negotiate something more specific, like no trespassing wherever the Turtlegram’s monthly circulation is. That’ll narrow it right down. Maybe he’d like to advertise with Turtleboy Sports after this bump. He’ll probably meet you if it’s billable.
Just cuz I love stirring the pot…..
Nothing in Section 99 requires consent. It prohibits secret recordings, and prohibits disclosing “intercepted” recordings.
It looks like their lawyer made a false statement of law, in violation of the Massachusetts Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 4.1
In the course of representing a client a lawyer shall not knowingly:
(a) make a false statement of material fact or law to a third person; or
Time for another BBO complaint?
Why is that no different from when a television crew shows up at someone’s house and records their arrest?
Who cares? Like you’d do anything even if you did confront him, pussy.