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These 6 High School Pansies Who Had To Go The Hospital Because They Ate “Weed Brownies” Are Liars Who Can’t Handle Their Shit

Six West Roxbury students went to the hospital today, allegedly because they ate brownies they did not know were laced with weed. Liars.

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CBSSeveral students from two Boston schools were taken to the hospital Friday after eating marijuana-laced brownies, according to Boston Public Schools. Six students, five from West Roxbury Academy and one from Urban Science Academy, were sent to Boston Children’s Hospital after the school district says they ate pot brownies and becomes sick. A student from the Urban Science Academy allegedly provided the others with the brownies, though it’s unclear if it’s the same student from that school who went to the hospital.

Police responded to the school at about 10:30 a.m. for a report that a group of students ate a hallucinogenic substance and got sick. Later, the school confirmed the students ate pot brownies. It’s currently unclear whether they knew the brownies had marijuana in them. The parents of the students sickened were notified by the school district about the incident. If the schools determine the students violated the codes of conduct, the students will face disciplinary action, according to the district.


Someone get Turtleboy the name of these six kids, because every single one of them is full of shit. Reminds me of those girls from Bay Path back in May who said they almost died because they ate brownies that they had no idea were laced with weed:

Bay Path Girls Who Say They Almost Died From Pot Brownies They Didn’t Know Were Pot Brownies Just Told The Biggest Lie Anyone Teenager Has Ever Told Their Parents

Newsflash – six kids don’t go the hospital because they ate pot brownies. That’s not how weed works. That’s not how any of this works.

No, this is just another scare tactic that the establishment is putting out now that the people have voted to legalize marijuana. The Boston Public Schools have released a statement that they all got sick from pot brownies. But how do they know why these kids are sick? Is the Superintendent a doctor now? Does he have access to the toxicology report?

Look, one of two things happened here:

  1. The person who made the brownies put something else in them that got them all sick.
  2. These are kids who probably smoked weed once or twice before, but never had a pot brownie. They got higher than they’ve ever been, acted like morons, got caught, and then pretended like they ate the brownies not knowing that they were pot brownies. They all pretended to be sick so they could get some sympathy and the school would blame the girl who gave them the brownies instead of them.

I’m going with #2. They’re reportedly all doing fine now. What a miracle!! But the story has had the intended effect on the simpletons:





Hey ding-dongs – marijuana is still illegal, and these kids managed to get their hands on it. But yea, let’s keep this plant on the banned list. Because that way kids won’t be able to smoke weed. Oh wait…

Anyway, this state is beyond useless. We legalized weed but the State Treasurer and Secretary of State are actively trying to make sure that this never happens. I’m sure the official stance of the Boston Public Schools was to vote No on Question 4. Shocking that they’d immediately run to the press to make everyone think that refer madness is putting kids in the hospital like hot cakes.


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11 Comment(s)
  • Whatever TB
    December 4, 2016 at 8:40 am

    Lefty TB strikes again….”Is the Superintendent a Doctor now?”. Possibly he is but even if he’s not you can bet your ass there’s a good chance there was at least one doctor at THE FUCKING HOSPITAL! “How do they know why these kids are sick?”. I’m going to go out on a limb and say the kids told the Doctor in the ER that they ate strange brownies for breakfast and then the doctor git this brilliant idea to give them a tox screen?

    This isn’t some big conspiracy about teachers against pot. It’s a TRUE STORY about some kids getting sick from some pot brownies.

  • Light one up
    December 3, 2016 at 10:36 pm

    What a great commercial for weed brownies. Tell the world how high they will get you. Just imagine the fastest moving item at the bake sale?

  • Turd Burglestein
    December 2, 2016 at 10:17 pm

    Yo man this is AMERICA! Show me the proof that smoking a jib with a 6 yr. old or maybe shooting up some H is bad for them man….

    Nothing makes a premature infant happier than a shotgun of crack into their incubator dude. It’s like an Insta bake oven provided by the Hospital!

    • Sterling Turtle Rider
      December 3, 2016 at 1:23 am

      ^ Dumbass impostor alert

  • Rk
    December 2, 2016 at 8:48 pm

    More scaremongering “news” being spoon-fed tothe Oprah crowd? Huge surprise. Huge.

  • Tommy Chong
    December 2, 2016 at 7:21 pm

    This legalization BS is gonna be a huge problem in schools. Huge. The edibles are going to be tbe Biggest problem. Stand by.

    • Tommy Chong
      December 2, 2016 at 7:39 pm

      Are you high man?

    • GFY
      December 2, 2016 at 8:57 pm

      Oh no, think about the children!

    • Chris
      December 3, 2016 at 10:05 am

      They’re under 21 so they won’t be able to smoke pot.

      • BobnMic's a Fucking Moron
        December 3, 2016 at 3:54 pm

        Riiiiight, And the 21 yr old drinking age also prevents underage drinking as well.

    • Ryan
      December 4, 2016 at 8:08 am

      I don’t care.

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