Back in February we broke the news that a dude named Craig Telfer had become Cece Telfer and was tearing shit up for Franklin Pierce College as their star hurdler and sprinter.
Since then Cece has gone on to win the National Championship in the 400 meter hurdles by over a second because he has a penis, is 6’3″, big male bones, and big male muscles.
His ginger beta male coach also tried to get other coaches fired who had a problem with the fact that his team was blatantly cheating.
But little did we know that Cece actually was at a disadvantage by going up against a bunch of girls, who were much smaller than him because they went through girl puberty and don’t have dicks. At least that’s what he said during this creampuff interview with ESPN’s Outside the Lines.
"If anything, me competing against cisgender females is a disadvantage.."@FPUathletics track star CeCe Telfer talks about the physical challenges she faces while competing as a transgender woman. pic.twitter.com/9VhlOVA70V
— Outside The Lines (@OTLonESPN) June 13, 2019
“If anything, me competing against cisgender females is a disadvantage.”
“I have to work twice as hard to keep my strength.”
This fucking guy’s got jokes.
Of course the real joke here is the fact that the “reporter” wouldn’t challenge him about the obvious lie that he has a DISADVANTAGE over chicks.
Instead he asks the hardball question of, “What would you tell other transgender athletes struggling with this?”
In other words, tell me how brave you are so everyone at ESPN can fap themselves to sleep knowing they made such a difference in the world today.
So why does he think he’s at a disadvantage? Because he’s taking chick hormones. Don’t ya see? Putting chick hormones into your body makes you 7 inches smaller, gets rid of the male muscles you’ve grown, shrinks your bones, and chops off your weener. The women he’s beating all have estrogen naturally that slows them down, which means he’s at a disadvantage because he has to play catch up. That makes sense right?
More than anything this proves how useless a degree from Franklin Pierce is. The fact that this dude can come out of this institution truly believing that he had something to overcome by competing against biological women should disqualify him from graduating from anywhere.
I’m not even gonna rehash all the science and times that prove how wrong he is. I’m just gonna point out that anyone who supports this is a fucking idiot, and the fact that democrats widely think this is a good thing makes them a fucking joke. Happy Friday!!
P.S. Love seeing the fact that we constantly get cited by The Blaze, Daily Caller, and Daily Wire for breaking this story.
Also love the fact that CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NECN, Masslive, NH1, and pretty much every other mainstream media outlet, both national and local, hasn’t covered this story. It’s almost like they know it will show that their agenda is complete and utter horse shit.
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33 Comment(s)
Does he get to shower with the cheerleaders? Perhaps when this happens, the people will get fed up enough that they will stand up and say enough is enough..
That’s a Man Baby!!!!
This isn’t going away. The only way it will is when schools get so fed up with this shit, they do away with HS sports. All sports. It’s sad, and that would be a shame, but to continue is feeding the flames. More of these ” Girls” will feel empowered and soon will be beating every real female out there, making it No longer worth the effort.
this will continue until the men / fathers get so pissed off, alll hell will break loose.
these abc-123”s bring in on themselves. it is like they way dp ne vis just so they cam say say they are;
Theres a word for this weirdo…
The continuing fall of Rome
I don’t care if the trannies are strugggllling.
If you swing dick- your not a chic
Can we just start Civil War 2 now? Enough is enough with this liberal nonsense. These people need to be taken out.
Everyone has to agree that it takes balls to be a dude dressed like a woman running against women. Great big balls.
Just when you think this whiny man couldn’t play any more victim cards, he finds another way to do it.
Fuck the poor girls who have to race against a physically advantaged man, the oestrogen makes the poor little lamb tired and he can’t eat burgers all the time, which clearly the real female athletes do.
What a total fucking cunt!
I can’t stand this thing. This is not a woman. He will never truly be one. His DNA can not be changed. What is happening to these young women is not fair at all. There should be a male team, female team and a transgender team. Until there is, they should play against their same DNA. I’m tired of hearing how brave this person is for removing their penis and getting breast implants. What is brave about that? I feel sorry for all the girls who are being overshadowed by this MAN, and some how he is the victim, because he is truly a man and is playing against people who are truly women. STOP trying to make this normal because it’s not, and NEVER WILL BE
Show me a trannie who removed its penis, and I’ll show you a unicorn.
His pizza parlours are shit as well.
This is why Trump is going to win re-election.
If that is a female then she can suck my dick – I want to see those hazel eyes look up at me while she rakes my cock with those teeth
CC has a PP
Next question
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, when they line up at the starting blocks, and the gun goes off, all the girls should just simply stand up, and walk off the track. That will put a stop to this bullshit immediately, please girls, just do it.
This needs to stop.
Fucking love this article. Best fag hating site on the internet.
I love the article too… Your comment – and YOU – can suck CeCe’s dick
Fuck this guy!
Yo I believe him B, I don’t know why, but I do.
Just beat the gay out of him
Outside the lines. Wiki has a small list of the names interviewed over the years.
I find CeCe more sympathetic than anyone on this list.
To think I used to think the first 2 shit stains spoke for me. Used to think Bush was a
good guy. Stupid me.
Remember it’s not Tilman being interviewed, I’m not ragging on him.
The program has also featured exclusive interviews with newsmakers such as: President George W. Bush, Senators John McCain, Amy Klobuchar, Heidi Heitkamp, Pete Rose, Phil Jackson (after leaving the Lakers the first time) and the Army Rangers of Pat Tillman’s platoon about what really happened. More recently, former NBA player John Amaechi appeared on the February 11, 2007 edition to publicly come out as gay, and the May 11, 2008 edition reported that former USC basketball star O. J. Mayo had allegedly received thousands of dollars in cash and merchandise from a runner for a sports agent dating back to his high school career.
Your honor I wasnt sniffing that womens pussy and asshole because I am a German Shepherd. When I violently assaulted her, I was a pit bull.
You cant discriminate against me and I demand to be released or I will file a discrimination lawsuit.
The old I am black and I had to work twice as hard as you to get here. I always school boons and set them straight with you had to work twice ad hard to get half the score. Wow you pretend not to know how affirmative action works monkey. My male testosterone is depleting as I compete against girls who have less testosterone than me. Another version of nignog illogic I had to work twice as hard as you.
For today, I’ve decided to “identify” as a Daschund.
Please excuse me while I take a shit in my neighbors flower bed.
I fully support the beautiful Cece. They have had to clear so many hurdles at such a disadvantage. They make my heart swell with pride.
I cut my weiner off because she made me realize how much of a cisgendered idiot Ive been.
In more interesting news I got an onion ring in my french fries today!
What a world we live in now
What the fuck is next?