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Meet Lee-Marie Pastore from Everett:
As you can see, the savage life chose her, and thus she is a stripper at the Squire Lounge in the steaming pile of debauchery and traffic known as Revere. Her stripper names are Faith and Boston, and she recently made one of the most ratchet, racially confused videos of all time. It takes place in what appears to be the dressing room at work. And until now I didn’t realize you could have bare titties on Youtube. But since Turtleboy Sports is a family feminist blog, we will not be posting the FULL video, complete with two of the saggiest floppy jalopies you’ve ever seen. You can only find that version on Youtube. I’m not saying you can watch it by clicking here, but if you did click on that link, your ratchet quota for the day would be fully satisfied.
Anyway, we edited the video a little bit, so you can still see and hear this soursnatch kid in all her glory, without having to subject yourself to seeing her north shore flapjacks:
As you can see, she is celebrating her latest accomplishment:
“I just whooped your ass bitch.”
Not sure who she’s referring to, but I think it’s safe to say that this fight began when both of these glorious creatures tried to take out the last copy of Crime and Punishment at the Revere Public Library.
Then she taunts her opponent some more:
“How’s your hair bitch? You gotta fuck mad n words to be where you need to be, bitch!!”
It’s true. We all can’t rags-to-riches success stories like Lee-Marie Pastore, who started off at Dunkin Donuts and grow up to be strippers at the Squire Club.
Some people can’t advance that far in life based solely on their merits, and thus they are forced to “fuck mad n words to be where they need to be.” The American dream is a myth
This was the mic drop:
“At the end of the day I’m a real ass bitch. I pop pussy. I sell drugs. I do what the fuck you can’t do my n word.”
Question – does this look like a fake ass bitch who DOESN’T pop pussy, sell drugs, or do what other competing ratchets can’t do?
Didn’t think so. That chick there pops pussy and sells drugs like it’s going out of style.
She even had one of her coworkers set her up with a softball question:
“I heard you fucked up four bitches?”
“Four bitches, not one. But four my n word.”
So obviously Lee-Marie Pastore has accomplished a lot in life. She’s also capable of magic:
“I don’t even have a dick bitch, and I just fucked your throat my n word.”
I didn’t even know that was possible, but I guess when you’re in Revere all bets are off.
Oh, and she cooks:
“I got that sauce, I got that marinara. Bitch just got fucked by a n word who don’t have a dick. She should’ve told you not to fuck with a real one m n word.”
Although I’m pretty sure you don’t want any sort of sauce that comes out of Lee-Marie Pastore’s meat wallet.
If you get a lap dance from her I’d highly recommend a quick run through the car wash afterwards. Just sayin.
Anyway, we hope to hear back from Lee-Marie when she inevitably reads our blog, and we’d love to have her on the Turtleboy Live show Friday night so she can regale us with more of her urban adventures!!
16 Comment(s)
Haven’t been to the Squire in many moons. It has gone downhill I see.
Just. fucking. Disgusting. What is it with white chicks who wanna talk like a moolie? This puttana looks like she’s been ridden really hard and put away wet. I’m sure her father is really proud. As Tony Soprano was once quoted saying : ” You blow your father with that mouth?”
You call hrr stephanie I call her heafany
You cocksuckers don’t know Lea, one of the most down to earth real chicks I have ever met. She doesn’t steal, swears like a sailor, and would take a bullet for any family or friend. It’s a shame you book cover judging pole suckers have nothing better to do. Sure, tell me to fuck off, back at yeah.
+1 for “book cover judging pole smokers”
well done mam, excellent retort!
“she would take a bullet for any family or friend”
hmm… mark of a great stripper, indeed. Sadly given her err “lifestyle” we might conclude, said day is probably closer than one would desire.
“She … would take a bullet for any family or friend.”
Here’s hoping.
“Eat a bullet” — Jim Norton
Get Fucked,
She’d take a bullet for any friend or family member. She’d also take a cock from any dude with a twenty dollar bill. Anyone that associates with this trash must be trash themselves. Finish your Newport and get back into that Seven Eleven so you don’t miss the next Keno game.
Do you know why they put covers on books? To let you know what’s inside.
Besides the multitude of STD’s I think what’s inside her is represented quite well in these short clips.
I’ll bet she cleans up nicely.
Marinara? More like Marinasty .
Sometimes abortions fail. This is one of those times. They hit the brain stem but the fetus lived.
If she lives long enough, I can’t even picture her situation when she’s in her 50s or older. The scary part she looks 50+. Most likely she’s in her late 20s. God, the amount of energy it must take to be that way. I’m too lazy, it looks like too much work.
There are people out there with mental illness. This is not one of those people. If you publicly proclaim you are a shithead there’s really no fall back position.
Damn the YouTube link is already down anyone got a reup
I’d pay that beast to keep her clothes on.
You know she has a child. A woman that crazy has been through the children and family mill. If no, we definitely need to pay her not to breed.