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Turtleboy would like to become Worcester’s new head of tourism and economic development. So we’re gonna throw together a guide for potential homebuyers to convince them why they should buy a home and settle down in the Woo. Here are the Top 10 most beautiful neighborhoods in Worcester.
10. Elm Park
We’ll define Elm Park as everything jammed in between Elm, Highland, Lancaster Street, and Elm Park. Back in Worcester’s heyday this is where Worcester’s finest came to burn their money and laugh about all the poor people who died in their factory that week. And as you can see, the neighborhood is still vibrant and alive with culture, art, and breathtaking scenery.
9. Plumley Village
Plumley Village is on a roll right now. No one’s been shot there since July. New record. So as you can see, things are clearly on the rise in Plumley Village. The area has become quite gentrified, so property value is also on the rise. Buy now before you get priced out.
8. Crompton/Green Island
So this is basically lower Vernon Hill. For our purposes this will cover the area from Southbridge Street, through Millbury Street, and up to Vernon Street. The region is alive with plenty of jobs:
Luxury condos
And buildings that might be condemned, but yet still somehow have 20 satellite dishes so the squatters can watch free cable:
7. Great Brook Valley
This place used to be ranked higher, but then former mayor Ray Mariano made everyone get jobs if they wanted to continue to live here. Downer. Nevertheless there is a strong economy here that revolves around stolen bikes, blunt wraps, and Cheetos. What young professional wouldn’t want to call the Valley home and set their roots for years to come?
6. Union Hill
There’s an ongoing debate about where Vernon Hill ends and Grafton Hill begins. Union Hill kind of joins them together, so we’re gonna define it as everything from Vernon Street, through Providence Street, to Grafton Street. Basically the Dorchester Street shuffle. Union Hill could best be described as charming and quaint, but also swanky and refined. For instance, nothing says “swanky” like some nice boarded up windows:
Or lawns with all types of random shit skattered everywhere:
Or discarded bicycles:
New businesses:
And local residents playing in rubble
5. Belmont Hill
Belmont Hill is everything in between Green Hill, East Park, and Plumley Village. If you are looking for a place to settle down where you and your children can go for a nice walk, then Belmont Hill is the place for you. It features spectacular allies.
Tree lined avenues:
Historic, and bustling streets such as Eastern Ave, Elizabeth Street, and of course Hooper Street:
But as the local tour guide WANDA will tell you, you must watch out for ratchets on Hooper Street.
It also features many lovely parks, which are great for hiking, sight seeing, or throwing your unwanted couches and hubcaps:
And if you’re into the arts, the world renowned Shelby Street brass quartet still plays daily hour long concerts.
4. Lower Pleasant
This neighborhood’s boundaries include everything north of Austin Street, through Pleasant Street, to Elm Street. You know you’re in a great part of town the second you see someone’s shoes dangling from the electric wires:
The neighborhood also features many cultural institutions, such as the G&S pool hall:
Former Domino’s Pizza shops that have been converted into churches:
Random people sitting on benches all day:
Victorian architecture:
Awe inspring landscape:
Plenty of places to cash your check and invest it back into the local economy:
You can meet the real movers and shakers in the neighborhood with a quick trip to Santiago’s:
Every day is trash day, because the mandatory yellow city trash bags are not required here:
And of course nothing screams, “I’m in a great neighborhood right now” like a local Planned Parenthood:
3. Lower Chandler
We will define this neighborhood as everything south of Austin Street, through Chandler Street to May Street. Everyone who lives in Worcester can tell you that this apartment complex right here is where Worcester’s finest movers and shakers congregate throughout the day:
Lower Chandler Street is currently in the midst of a cultural and architectural renaissance:
If you are religious then you are in luck, because local City Councilor Sarai Rivera just so happens to own a church that can only be rivaled by the Vatican:
People in this neighborhood are extremely laid back. As a matter of fact green lights mean very little in lower Chandler Street, and friendly conversations often transpire between drivers and pedestrians:
And you know you’re in a great part of town when you have a pawn shop/loan shark just a stone’s throw away:
2. Lower Main South
Main South is technically a gigantic area of Worcester, so we divided into two parts – above and below the railroad tracks. This rapey looking overpass is the boundary:
Lower Main South includes everything enclosed between Hammond, Cambridge, Canterbury, and Southbridge Street. There are an endless supply of vacant lots:
Local watering holes where Worcester’s most brilliant minds congregate to discuss politics at all hours of the day:
Homes with ambulances parked in the driveway, where South High kids got drunk in the 90’s:
If you can, try to get your kid into Canterbury Street School so they can use their world famous playground:
As part of the growing art scene many local residents have chosen to express themselves by using bed sheets and towels as curtains:
Yards are vast, and scattered with elegant lawn furniture:
The streets are alive with traders and stock brokers dressed in bathing suits in the middle of December:
Once you experience Canterbury Street you’ll never want to live anywhere else:
1. Upper Main South
We will define upper Main South as everything in between Webster Square, Canterbury Street, Florence Street, and Kirsch Liquors. Upper Main South is in the midst of cultural gentrification, and there are plenty of places for your kids to play:
In years past Beacon Street was just a place you went to when you wanted to kill someone execution style without being seen. But now it is a bustling center of splendor and enchantment:
There are lovely boutiques:
Stunning views:
Exquisite property:
And of course this local market where grown men, who have already made their fortune and can afford to not work all day, hang out 24/7 discussing stock tips:
The bottom line is, Worcester is a flourishing, up-and-coming urban enclave for young professionals, families, and anyone looking for a vibrant economy and high end property. Move to Worcester and you too can enjoy this type of gorgeous scenery on a daily basis.
Honorable Mention: Lakeside Apartments, Lincoln Village, Granite Street, Grafton Hill
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
Want to have your business advert seen by over 1.2 million people per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.
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68 Comment(s)
Worcester’s Main South-Piedmont steadily lost ground to blight in ther last third of the 20th century, a time when South Main Street’s storefronts were collectively known as “agency row”, with dozens of non profits dedicated (they said proudly) to reversing the area’s decline. Federal funds provided the salaries and budgets for the Worcester Cooperation Council, Inc. which teamed up with the Worcester Heritage Preservation Society to save and restore the Crown Hill neighborhood. Main Street was preservation’s lost cause, or never-was cause. In the early 70’s north Main Street lost the historic Goddard Block across from the county courthouse, the historic cast iron Corinthian block at Main and Pearl, and many more, as the redevelopment corowd hated old buildings and saw the future in the form of bulldozered progress and steel and concrete high rises like the new Marriott. Meanwhile the downtown interests looked no further south than Chandler Street, consigning everything south of it and north of Norwood Street as expendable. A tragic and deadly tenement fire on Main Street near Wellington Street confirmed the impression that Main-South-Piedmont was expendable, a dumping ground for the poor and disabled. In the early ’70’s fires and abandonment ravaged a once architecturally distinguished area of Main South from LaGrange to Hammond Streets, right under the noses of the agency row neighborhood revitalization crowd, which basically looked the other way.
In 1970 preservation minded architect John Heron led walking tours of the area and advocated investment in the area. By 1976 the area had lost many Main Street landmarks, the Gilrein’s Block, the magnificent Evans apartment block at Main and Hammond Streets (1894), knocked down after a minor fire. Mansions on LaGrange Street and Victorian brick row houses on Oread Place were demolished with Federal funds lest firefighters have to risk their lives saving homeless squatters in buildings there was no interest in saving. For some reason, leftist anti-poverty workers, fearing nonexistent gentrification perhaps and their minds full of Marxist precepts, saw no connection between preserving neighborhood architecture and the well being of the poor. The area’s lack of vision and feelings of disenfranchisement were reflected by the demolition of the iconic tower of the Wright Wire Co. on Hammond Street. On nearby Piedmont Streets, the Charles Manoog Co. moved away, perhaps sensing the area’s social unraveling was quickening. A housing cooperative that tried to rehab Castle Street’s brick row houses in the early 80’s foundered as the surrounding neighborhood lost its historic brick buildings along Main Street and crack dealers invaded. The cooperative housing hailed as a neighborhood turnaround failed because of long standing neglect of the surrounding area. Crack dealers proliferated and middle class members of the Castle Street Cooperative realized this was no neighborhood in which to raise kids.
Comment on Worcester neighborhoods tends to be schizophrenic, with the optimists singing the praises of Crown Hill and ignoring anything not nice, and the muckrakers concentrating on the dirt, rubble, and the street’s walking wounded. Almost completely lacking are a perspective on recent history, the reasons why things happened as they did, and some of the block-by-block specifics that tell the real story, a bit of which I’ve tried to hint at here. Leftist poverty fighters, careerist neighborhood revitalizers and so on were and are Humpty Dumptys. incompetents, and i dreamers who came and went ineffectually.
I can’t imagine why any business in and around Worcester would support your trash talk publication. Don’t get me wrong.. I appreciate the heads up. I was looking to purchase a property in Worcester..Thank You for the enlightenment. I’ll scratch the city of Worcester right off my list of potential locales for residency. Negative output never creates positive input. Why don’t you and your clan have a paint party and create a large banner to place on the city borders… “Welcome to the woo.. The western Ma.capital of slumlordville”
My grandparents live near great brook valley. Kinda scary to think they live near such a place.
The gift that just keeps on giving.
My grandfather was President of the old Wright Machine Company, at 69 Armory Street, until his death in 1959. A few years back, I drove by the site; and it was like driving through a German industrial neighborhood, in the 1940s, after an Allied air raid.
I would love to see a minor league ballpark in the area. You could even revive the old South Worcester railroad station so that people could easily get there by public transportation.
So you got Reseda heading toward Lake Balboa down to Sherman Oaks down to Sunset over Ventura Boulevard. Oh shit, sorry, this ain’t Worcester. It’s another fucked up city. Opps.
I have lived my whole life in Worcester, 63 years worth, so I do remember how this city was. I am truly hoping that all these bad neighborhoods will eventually get cleaned up with responsible homeowners will again take pride in their home and property. I grew up in Main South with families who always took pride in the families and homes. Maybe we should get a cleaning crew from the County jail to do work that would clean up some of these awful neighborhoods and put their time working towards an early release. That could be a win – win all around. I can only hope that there will be a change in Worcester. I’m a Worcester girl through and through. I so hate to see how awful it has become and can only hope for a change someday. Maybe this could be my Christmas wish ???? Just a thought…….
This tongue-in-cheek article succinctly throws one of Massachusett’s once 20th largest city in the U.S. right under the bus. So sad that the grass-roots of our corporate culture has chosen to unabashedly place profits over community welfare. With the correct sponsorship plan, the city of seven hills can restart growth and prosperity of its inhabitants. I would propose securing every blighted property with eminent domain and reverse the downward spiral of urban decay. Trades training, artists, architects, venture capitalists, volunteers all have a place and need to feel valued. REAL Leadership would empower and enable these positive forces to prevail and suceed!
Not under the current Plan E they can’t. It’s set up so the city manager blames the council, and the council blames the manager and no one steps up. They’re all focused on their health insurance and pensions, and the above photos are clear evidence of that.
The city chooses to allow the decay of our city because it lacks investment that matters. Everyone passes the buck. At the end of the day this all falls in the lap of the City Manager. He infact is there at the discretion of the City Council. We need a strong mayor as opposed to a CM. The CM is hired and citizens can’t hold him accountable only the council can. As we know that won’t happen. I don’t think I remember a Manager ever being let go. The city makes money off of the issues that happen here. The opiate epidemic is not because of the abusers as much as it is the doctors who over prescribe and are not held accountable. The city has received almost half a million dollars to look into the epidemic. What is there to look at. You have the PIP shelter that forces people out into the street at 7 am and are not allowed back in until 5. This in fact is the case for most shelters. There should be programming such as Substance Abuse issues Mental Health issues Physical Health issues as well as whatever education or assistance they need to be functioning citizens with a place to lay their heads. As long as there are race issues theres money to be gained threw grants. Everyone wins within the establishments but not within the community. We had an opportunity for a strong mayor back in the 90’s and I think it’s time to revisit that idea. At least with a strong mayor he can be held accountable by the voters in the community. As it stands the council has the responsibility to hold him and his staff accountable. There are many at cityhall who are incompetent and should be replaced. The politics in this city however will never allow that. As for this blogs perspective well that’s just as laughable JS
Another scathing report from someone who seems hell bent on slandering a city from which they came… You are, without a doubt, the reason the city has failed, you point out bad areas but have said nothing about groups or organizations that try to help said areas of repute. You fancy yourself as some sort of investigative reporter but really have not uncovered anything unbeknownst to anyone living there. You are in fact a hack, in which I’m sorry to say I know a and grew up in a city you so loathe. What’s the matter New York or Los Angles didn’t find you work up to snuff? Well they’re probably right.
Dear “TurtleBoy”
I’m so disappointed that you would make fun of Churches especially a church that used to be a Dominoes pizza, if you went inside that Church you would see how beautiful it is. The house of God is not a joke “Turtle Boy” .. Not everyone was born with a silver spoon and able to live in neighborhoods like Salisbury Street. Why make fun of the poor? Think about for a second I know you want to be famous and entertain people but don’t loose your heart over it. I’m not swearing or being rude in this message so that you can really read through this message and give it some thought. May God Bless you, God please have mercy on him and forgive him for making fun of your house, amen.
the house of GOD exists only inside peoples hearts. The bible clearly states GOD saying his house is not made of bricks and mortar. It is the holy spirit inside each one of us that is the true church. Dont be so defensive, the buildings mean nothing
I like you style TB but wish you emphasized it is Administration Excuses that have expanded the blight of the inner city instead of the people. Expose things like 5 May St where all the work of Administration and their reports just filed ,just cover their legal mistakes while leaving the building ,legally boarded up but remaining a blight on the neighborhood corner that has improved. Without others mentioning how it blightts the renovated area ,the City just uses the excuse of ” we try to sell it “. They have a “nickel and dime fund ” for creative ventures ,they could paint fake boarded up Windows and dress up the front steps. Instead they say ,by leaving it as is , we don’t care.
Gayle, do you know where I can find more info on 5 May st? That house was my family’s up until about 12 years ago. I am curious about it.
Normally I agree with you turtleboy, but today your off base! Yes there are some bad neighborhoods but every city has got them! Heck even in bright and cheery Holden there are some run down piece of shit houses!!! Instead of focusing on the negatives try looking at the improvements the city has made!!!
I would like to know where you live that’s so much nicer than anywhere else in Worcester. Worcester is crap, but I don’t see the point of shitting on everyone who lives there, just fucking move. Or do something about it.
They TRIED doing something about it but the Augustus/Petty ticket won (somehow).
YOU are the most fucked up human being in the whole world. Maybe you should loose some pounds and eat with your mouth closed before you judge other people like are you kidding me? You have to be a low life piece of crap if you’re going around judging people for how they live? I grew up by elm park and let me tell you that area isn’t even that bad at all? What the fuck is your problem dude? I grew up there and Im doing pretty okay. Im actually a decent human beings unlike you. As for the valley it has cleaned up a lot how about you take the pictures of the process its going through? I see one picture up there that something was knocked down SO THEY CAN REBUILD SOMETHING AGAIN ON THAT PROPERTY DUH take the hot dogs out of your asss please and thank you
When you don’t make people acknowledge the fact that the way they are living is nonsense and that their lifestyle strays from societal norms, you’re just allowing them to think that how they live is perfectly fine. This should be a wake up call for these people to see that illegally dumping couches and throwing trash wherever they want is not alright.
So you Escaped the elm park hood and settled on Great brook valley. That’s Worcester style upward mobility at its finest…kudos
Hell, I went from lower Vernon Hill to Quinsig Village back to the Hill to lower Pleasant Street.
To Webster.
Now THAT’S upward mobility.
Linda. Elm Street? GBV? You are assuredly living in the right place.
“Im actually a decent human beings unlike you.” – yes, ma’am, we can tell from the rest of your post, that you must have written this in-between your ladies’ auxiliary and debutante class meetings.
“Im actually a decent human beings unlike you.” – yes, ma’am, we can tell from the rest of your post, that you must have written this in-between your ladies’ auxiliary and debutante class meetings.
Linda you are sadly mistaken. The city didn’t clean up GBV, they cleaned it out. When the layabout criminals sucking off the system pretending to be disabled and diseased were threatened with work, they fled to Section 8 housing in neighboring towns or ones with a bus route. Then you have Clive McMoron writing articles about how the area towns aren’t designating enough low income housing. Do you blame them?
There are a lot of hot dogs in my ass right now.
I believe that all hot dogs should be removed from all asses. It’s a personal thing because I love baseball. I’m sorry. Plus I like real ketchup.
Linda: put the pom poms down, your team lost.
so looks like the only good neighborhood is Salisbury area where all the affluent people live and our city is not looking good there is trash everywhere I live at Lincoln Village do not know what this is considered but going to disrepair and grounds dirty in some areas
Burncoat, Tatnuck, Greendale, and not even Webster Square are listed. Or College Hill for that matter. It’s just a matter of time though until those neighborhoods go to shit as well. Quinsig Village is not looking so hot these days either. I used to love Worcester and always defended it but now I think the best decision I have made in my life thus far is moving out. Sad, I still have young relatives there.
Lincoln Village is a Multi-Income Privately Owned Property by Carrabetta Corp. They obtained federal money to develop the housing for multi income. As part of the loan agreement 25 % of the units are designated for low income people. Then there are what is considered moderate income and then high. They pay 30 % of their income for rent. Plumely Village, Mountain Village, Upland Gardens and Washingting Heights are all the same. Independently owned by Condominium Developers who borrowed federal dollars. Great Brook Valley and Lake Side Apts are Worcester Housing Authority Properties. Public Housing with mixed incomes who pay 30% of their income for rent. All rents are determined on gross income as opposed to net income. All of the developments public housing or not have to show you how your rent is determined. So basically it’s all the same just different management. Ultimately they all have an obligation to H.U.D.
Shut the fuck up you stupid Trap Whore
Ah yes those pictures do indeed take my breath away!!!
In your #2 section, you show a picture of Guertin’s. For the record, I’ve been there a few times in recent years and it’s not half bad. It’s mostly frequented by the decent locals that used to live in the neighborhood and I didn’t see much of the people you’d think would live in that area. Very clean and the woodwork in there is amazing. Did I mention it has drink prices that rival the Hotel Vernon? And a trough? Having as pissing trough bumps you right up on my list!
Im glad to see that the Columbus Park area wasn’t mentioned….does that mean its still considered a good area?
They made honorable mention.
How is GBV not the worst one? If you ever want to feel like you’re about to get shot 24/7, visit GBV.
It’s really not as bad as it was back in WANDA’s heyday.
I think Wanda is hot as shit. Then again I am more blind than Stevie Wonder. Oh well……
I am minding my own business and not bothering with you or your stupid followers. I am not that one. You keep messing with the wrong one. I am not asking I am telling you to keep my name out of your mouth. I am going to come after you and your sponsers as well. There are many laws you continuesly violate. You do not have all the rights that you think you do. You are nothing but a waste of air. Your mother should be ashamed of raising such a bigot. Your feelings were hurt because you’re not able to teach anymore for it. It has made you hateful. If you really wanted to do good things for this city you wouldn’t trash it or us. You are the scum of this city. Trust me I will be pushed to a limit that you or noone else wants to see. Should you continue to be the jerkoff that you are and all your aliases/idiot allies/followers/riders and just plain assholes you will all find yourselves in the same situation. Same as you investigate so haven’t I JS
Wanda is a stupid Trap Whore
Temporarily because they send some problems over to Beaver brook,but it too will grow.
The first half of these pictures it all seems very quiet. You must have taken these before 1pm – before everyone started waking up to conquer the day.
Worcester is turning into a scumpit place .just like Springfields nasty towns. People we let in from poor countries are branching out and living there culture here and then there sisters and brothers come and so on…I see it getting worse and spreading out in Worcester to the outskirts and before you no it Worcester is a cackaraoch town….
Living there culture? Or do you mean their culture…. Maybe English 101 is required for citizenship? Then you my friend may have an issue. Oh BTW PR is part of the USA….then again fact clearly don’t get in the way of your stellar third grade education. If you look at these areas in the last 5 years its the recent immigrants who are the ones investing in the neighborhoods…but please continue with your blind animosity.
You just made yourself look stupid. Mr. Sad never mentioned Puerto Rico in his post…. Looks like you need to learn to not place words in another person’s mouth. By the way, you’re a joke if you believe that it’s immigrants cleaning up the neighborhoods. If that point you made was even somewhat accurate, Worcester would not continue to physically worsen as time moves forward. Take your flawed logic to the comment section on telegram.com bruh.
each time I have gone through a discarded trashbag lining the streets in my neighborhood, I have found a piece or two of mail. PRnames. I bring this evidence to the dpw so they are fined for dumping in the once great proud beautiful city.
How is that any different from 100+ years ago when people from poor countries came here and living their culture here?
Personally, I’d rather a productive, educated foreign-born citizen (granted they followed the proper procedures of entrance and citizenship to this country) than most of the uneducated hate mongers that we deal with on a daily basis. Though I don’t mean it as a personal attack to you, Mr.Sad, but judging by your spelling and grammar skills you’d fit into the latter group.
It used to be that anything west of Park Ave was decent, as well as Greendale, Tatnuck and the West Boylston line. Shrewsbury Street was Italian and full of hard-working, proud, decent folks. These days, the decay and underclass has easily crossed Park Ave, invaded Tatnuck, West Boylston and is even creeping up Flagg into the west side. After the west side goes, there’s nothing left. Grafton St, Providence Street, Plantation Street, are all abandoned to the underclass already.
The only question is whether the burbs like Paxton, Holden, etc can keep the muck out and defend the borders.
My first apartment was in the Greendale area and it was decent enough for me to feel comfortable going for a run by myself. Sad to see it has gone downhill. I live just about as far west in Worcester as you can get — right on the Paxton line. I really like this spot and my neighborhood is full of wonderful folks. I’ll be watching for any changes and have no problem being the first yuppie shmuck to stand against this crap.
I agree with you West Siiiiiiiide. Whatever you say I agree with. Period. And it’s not because you’re awesome looking. That has nothing to do with it. (why is my nose growing?)
Hey Bobnmic, it’s pathetic, trite, and aggressive to comment on a lady’s appearance like that. You make us all look bad you sexist asshat.
I agree, she’s very attractive.
Hey Woocity bro – Yet another pathetic soul that does not get satire. Grow up fuckstick and get a fucking clue you idiot.
Make us all look bad? What do you do shit for brains? Say something like, “hobba wobba google nuts fucking triple chocolate nuts my ear hurts because I have a baseball bat shoved into it and I can not sit down because I have a Cadillac stuck in my knee plus my ass hurts?”
Well, Westside, check out the OPEN drug dealing at the tatnuck sq honey farms, the Cumberland Farms , Camelot drive right in front of Farber Field, the JCC parking lot, etc etc. If you can recognize a hand-to-hand drug transaction, then you’ll see it everywhere you go, yep even in Tatnuck.
As long as those towns keep the gangbangers /drug dealers away. Worcester IGNORES the drug/gang menance.
AAHHH – Multiculturalism!
#2 is a gem
You should drive up Queen Street area, you might be greeted by the zombies that just walk around aimlessly waiting for the PIP shelter to open…or the zombies that get treatment for their addictions…there is a hangout right on the corner of Queen and Chandler St. On the corner of Kingsbury St./Woodland is a corner store where you can buy single cigarettes, a slice of pizza. When you are done eating your pizza you can just throw the paper plate on the ground whenever you are done eating it.
Reminds me of the Ground Round custom of throwing peanut shells on the floor. Tradition lives on. Face it, Worcester is a shithole. Cant say it always has been, but its certainly is now and getting worse.
I don’t always wake up laughing hysterically at 4 am but when do, I’m usually reading turtle boy…..hahahaha! This was great and right on point!
The part about no yellow city trash bags being required is 100% true in a lot of areas in the city. I guess the excuse is : “aw, they’ve had a tough life, lets allow them to throw thier shit off the 3rd floor porch into the street”. While we other suckers have to pay for these stupid bags. There’s a scum bag in my neighborhood who just piles EVERYTHING he has on the curb on Monday and the city and/or Casella just takes it any way. I put 1 tiny thing that apparently doesn’t belong in the recycling bin and they refuse to take anything. Scumbags get a free pass.
Just throw your plain trash bags in their pile after the sun goes down and you too can save on city trash bags. If they can scam the system, you can scam them!
I have to agree. This is the best write up of Worcester in a long time. It even beats out the sewerage story from only a couple of days ago. What a great city.
This is PETTY Country!