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Source: A Texas man is accused of stabbing his girlfriend to death in what he claimed to police was a suicide pact gone wrong. After the killing, he posted a photo of the woman’s lifeless body to Facebook, where it remained for 36 hours, even as her family and friends begged to have it removed.
Kenneth Alan Amyx, 45, was arrested Sunday, May 29 in Plano, Texas andcharged with stabbing Jennifer Streit-Spears. An affidavit from the Plano police, posted by the New York Times, says that police responded to a 911 call from Streit-Spears’ mother, who said she fear her daughter and her boyfriend “are going to kill each other.” When police reached Streit-Spears’ apartment, they found a “nude male,” later identified as Amyx, on top of a naked woman, a knife in his hand. Streit-Spears had multiple knife wounds on her neck, forearms and wrist and appeared to be dead, according to the affidavit.
Amyx is said to have told responding officers that Streit-Spears “chickened out” and that he had to “finish her off.” He later told police that he and Streit-Spears, who had been dating for about four months, had discussed a suicide pact, agreeing to stab each other.
After the killing, a police spokesperson told the New York Times, Amyx postedtwo gruesome photos to Streit-Spears’ Facebook page:
Officer David Tilley, a spokesman for the department, said that Mr. Amyx not only posted a photo of Ms. Streit-Spears — nude and with her neck cut — on her page, he also posted a selfie of his face covered in blood and the words “Pray for us,” the officer said.
The photo remained on Streit-Spears’ page for 36 hours, visible to her friends and family but not to the public. During that period, her loved ones say they repeatedly reported the photos. In a statement, Facebook told the Times,essentially, that they got to it as soon as they realized what it was:
“We remove graphic images when they are shared to celebrate violence,” a Facebook spokeswoman said in a statement. “As soon as it was clear what the facts were behind this photograph, we removed it.”
Oh look, Facebook is lying again. Turtleboy has been on these lying sacks of poo for months. They’ve shut down our Facebook page more times than we can count for harmless posts like this:
And this
And this
Then Facebook executive Monika Bickert claimed that a human being made the decision that these harmless posts were indeed guilty of containing sexual violence:
Bickert told CNNMoney that Facebook prioritizes the review of posts inciting physical harm — but all reports of violations are reviewed by trained Facebook employees. She said she often gets asked why the company doesn’t have its “world-class engineers” tackle hate speech “proactively and perfectly.”
Now they’re telling the family of this murder victim yet another lie:
“We remove graphic images when they are shared to celebrate violence,” a Facebook spokeswoman said in a statement. “As soon as it was clear what the facts were behind this photograph, we removed it.”
Except the sister of the victim tells authorities that she reported it to Facebook several times. Here’s the answer she received from one of the “world class engineers” that Monika Bickert told investors reviews EVERY reported Facebook post on a daily basis:
“I did ask them to remove it several times,” she said. “They told me I could block Jennifer if I didn’t like what she posted and gave me other similar options.”
Her friends say the same thing:
But, but, but…..Facebook said that they take down graphic images like that:
“We remove graphic images when they are shared to celebrate violence
Of course we all know that when you report something that clearly shouldn’t be on Facebook, 99% of the time it stays up anyways. Because a machine randomly decides what stays up and what comes down. Facebook doesn’t have to pay machines, but they would have to pay human beings to make these decisions, which would cut into Mark Zuckerberg’s profits. So now an unregulated multi-billion dollar company is lying to the family of a murder victim.
Where are my democrats when I need them? Aren’t you people supposed to be the champions of the little guy? Aren’t you supposed to go after greedy billionaires that lie to the common man? Oh that’s right, Mark Zuckerberg writes checks to Hillary Clinton. How convenient.
But of course we know that no one reviewed it. It was only removed 36 hours later because every major media outlet picked it up, so the five people who actually work at Facebook were shamed into taking it down.
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19 Comment(s)
Seriously though wasn’t Facey Book going to be reported on by one of the big networks for some weird shit improprieties? I thought I read that somewhere. Fuck Zuckerberg. The bums that panhandle at Park Ave and Chandler dress better than this zipper head.
I’ll take his bank account however…
When does Zuckerberg wear at least a collared shirt to work? Never! If I showed up at an interview business casual I would get marked down for cleanliness. I don’t use Facebook or Twitter and never will.
What a crybaby you are.
Also the lady’s picture there looks uncanny to Kimmy Gibler from full house fame….and that turd fuller house…someone should kl her for dancing in fuller house
most people on facebook are mindless sheep, calling for a boycot will not work.
Correct. I am very concerned about the private details they obtain. It started out innocently enough and is sold as a way to socially connect with people but they have to generate revenue to keep the machine rolling so they obtain and sell data.
I’ve been in some of the data centers that serve Facebook, acres of servers under one roof. Lots of bills to pay…
If people knew what Facebook collects they might very well wear tin foil.
I have to say they do collect information but they definitely don’t record phone calls lol. I was searching for vacation spots on google and when I logged into facebook a bunch of vacation ads were everywhere.
Yes they do.
Try this: logged in to Facebook have a long discussion with someone about something you’ve never done, say a snorkeling trip to Costa Rica. Make sure your phone is close.
Log in to Facebook and see what ads get pushed to you. I’ve had others try this: one guy discussed quitting his job and going to a clown college. He got ads from theatrical supply companies a couple days later.
The BBC exposed this several years ago. And, um, I don’t wear hats, tinfoil or not.
Not a Lawyer but I have Professional credentials and work with three letter agencies.
Hmmm… I shall try this. The thing is I have had some really messed up private group conversations between friends and have never seen any ads associated with what I said. That would be a nightmare though lol.
Whips, chains, whistles, yo-yo, my grandmother riding by on a bicycle giving me the finger…
Naaaaah.. More simple like penis talk and fluffy pancake recipes… lol.. Well besides that one time someone sent a video of midget porn, that chat went on for days. I never saw any midget or step stool adverts on my news feed!!
Fiesty, three pages closed in one night?? Wtf?
i noticed this before but when i have told people that facebook is listening to our conversations, they tell me i crazy. at least now i know i wasn’t imagining things.in addition to the ads, if you say someone’s name they sometimes pop up on your suggested friends list
The only reason I have Facebook is to troll the Brockton Hub and report random people and their posts. Good fun when I’m bored!
Anyone who posts anything on Facebook is an idiot. Yes, 1/6 of the world population is stupid because they use this useless tool to tell everyone when little Joey has his first poo poo. Who cares?
Facebook uses the microphone in your cellphone to listen to your conversations, then market crap to you! They were even forced to admit it. Think about that. You and your spouse discuss personal financial issues and the next time you log in you get news feeds and ad related to what – personal finance! They know your intimate details if you keep your phone on in the bedroom…
You don’t have to worry about the NSA as much as you do about the Facebook Marxists.
Be aware.
Stop and Shop has a sale on Tin Foil
Hopefully they stocked up on the heavy duty kind.
This post reminds me of that old man from “Better call Saul” who never left his house.