Social Justice Warriors

Trembling Soccer Mom Haircut Feministo Whines On FB Live About Sexual Harassment That Probably Never Happened Cuz She’s Trying To Guilt People Into Buying Her Shitty Product

I always love it when SJWs try to stand up for women by “rising above.” It basically tells me that you’re a complete queef.


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Oh you guys are are going to have a field day with this broad. Meet Rockland’s own Paula Hoss. Paula runs CLN&DRTY, an all natural brand of hipster hygiene products, and used to be one of the Lululemon cult members selling camel-toe pants. She’s a soccer mom, has the haircut to prove it, and is that annoying chick on your Facebook that posts inspirational quotes from Pinterest all over her Facebook.


We all know one of her. We all hate her too. Her face looks like she’s chewing the inside of her cheek for sport.

First, may I start out by saying that I have a vagina. So, just because it says “boy” in the headline this is a girl telling another girl off. Don’t cry to me about how sexist I am because I’ve got the same parts as you. That means I’ve lived through all of this “hard to be a woman” bullshit you’re blathering on about.

The ONLY sexism I’ve ever seen in my entire life was the fact that a woman can’t be a tough manager without being called a bitch. If you’re nice – you’re a pushover. You hold your ground – you’re a cunt. There is a brutal double standard there and that’s about it.

Paula went Live on her page over the weekend to tell the whole Interwebz about the traumatic experience she had. You HAVE to watch it. She even did the subtitles for it and that made me laugh even harder.

I don’t even know where to begin. Someone allegedly asked her for noodz and she’s is so devastated that she’s ABSOLUTELY SHAKING. I can’t with this girl. You’re shaking over a fucking text message that probably didn’t even happen?


Even if it DID happen, and I’m challenging her to prove it, there is ZERO reason to be trembling like a southern bell on meth because of it. 12 hours of the shakes? Really? Grow up.

This was probably the most attention she ever got because changed her wording twice on the post. First it was OMG and then OMG SHARE!


You know how you handle that as a real woman? Here, I’ll give you some options:

  1. You LOL and then send his wife the screenshots. What kind of woman power do you think you have when you can’t let another chick know her man is a creep?
  2. You google something funny like “floppy roast beef curtains XXX.” You save the screenshots of the abominable party cave that looks like the floor of a butcher shop. You get the guy nice and warmed up by saying “But I’m so nervous!” Giggle. They love it when you giggle. Make him beg for it. Then slam him with the pictures of that gangly fupa-extension and watch his dick shrivel like Dorothy’s house fell on it.
  3. You tell him that you will only send them if he sends you one first. Guys LOVE to send out pictures of their manhood. Once he sends you his throbbing three-inches of lady killer, you save them, hop in to photoshop, and turn that dick pic in to Elmo.
  4. If you don’t want to turn it in to a cock muppet, use one of your apps to add his face to it and send it out to all your friends to laugh at.
  5. Take your #4, create a fake profile, and post that fucker on your community pages or leave a review on his Facebook business page with that attached.
  6. Create a craigslist ad for a man on man encounter with his phone number. Use #4 as eye candy.


Here is what you shouldn’t do if a guy solicits noodz from you:

  1. Go Live on Facebook.
  2. Say you’re ALL A TREMBLE because being a woman is HARD.
  3. Fake cry.
  4. Make stupid faces that show how off-put you are that someone actually wanted to see your Afro-like hippy bush.
  5. Show zero evidence that this actually happened.
  6. Say you almost had a panic attack. (Anytime someone says that they’re lying.)
  7. Speak for all women.
  8. Create a powerful inspirational quote over a picture of you looking resilient. Barf.

The minute you say that you’re going to “rise above” shows me that you’re either a liar or a coward.

You asked your friend if you should tell your husband? Seriously?

I would have shown my guy what happened immediately. Because we tell each other everything. Do you know what Mr. Turtlegirl would do if someone asked me for nudes – knowing full well that I was married and a mother? He would do his whole puffy man thing for a hot second and then remembered who he married. He would let me do whatever I felt was necessary because I’m not a passive-aggressive whiney cunt. I probably would have just blown it off because everything doesn’t offend me. Women like Paula are why regular liberals (like myself) are getting a shit-name these days. We used to be the fun party and now it’s just a bunch of cry baby assholes thinking up shit for what offends when and how to get attention from it.

I’m exhausted with these “woe is me” internet chicks that think they have a story to tell. They are the ones walking in Boston with vag hats hold signs saying “my pussy grabs back.” Meanwhile, they are making Facebook Live posts, crying about fictitious harassment, all in an effort to get Facebook shares for their business.

Yeah, I just said it. This chick is causing a scene for attention. She wants everyone to hear what happened, while not naming names, from her business page. She’s hoping the garner likes and maybe drum up some pity business.

She even went down the comments and replied to every single one of them. She’s clearly got some free time.

So ladies, the next time you have some unwanted dude asking you to see your funbags – and it really happened – you’ve got South Shore Turtlegirl’s list of how to deal with them. However, if you want to drum up some business through a fake pity party – best not go Facebook LIVE and try to fake being offended because the Turtle is always watching.



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46 Comment(s)
  • Petty Betty
    January 22, 2019 at 6:46 pm

    I’m finding this article because I just watched a YouTube interview that Paula Hoss did and she is still shaking and whining about this. She actually uses the words “it traumatized me”. Lol Wtf? Just tell the dude no and move on with your life. She also calls out Turtle Boy Sports for posting this article.

  • Alma
    July 24, 2017 at 2:12 pm

    My fave pic is the one with her tongue wedged between her bottom teeth and bottom lip. When someone makes that gesture, you KNOW they’re about to open a can of verbal whoop ass on ya, so stand back! Or you could just laugh at them.

  • I'm SO offended
    May 24, 2017 at 2:43 pm

    I was dazzled by the way she abbreviates merchandise as “merch”. When I heard that I thought, wow, that is one savvy businesswoman. She’s so successful and busy she doesn’t waste time using full versions of words. So impressed was I, that I went to her website to see this “merch” for myself. This trembling victim who was subjected to naughty talk sells T-shirts that say “clean body dirty mind” , “smell my armpits” (sounds kinky), and my fave “girl power” (how predictable). Sadly, I’m not hipster enough to sport this merch.

  • Lisa (again)
    May 10, 2017 at 4:26 am

    “Victimhood Chic” (Mark Manson, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck”)

    The responsibility/fault fallacy allows people to pass off the responsibility for solving their problems to others. This ability to alleviate responsibility through blame gives people a temporary high and a feeling of moral righteousness.

    Unfortunately, one side effect of the Internet and social media is that it’s become easier than ever to push responsibility—for even the tiniest of infractions—onto some other group or person. In fact, this kind of public blame/shame game has become popular; in certain crowds it’s even seen as “cool.” The public sharing of “injustices” garners far more attention and emotional outpouring than most other events on social media, rewarding people who are able to perpetually feel victimized with ever-growing amounts of attention and sympathy.

    “Victimhood chic” is in style on both the right and the left today, among both the rich and the poor. In fact, this may be the first time in human history that every single demographic group has felt unfairly victimized simultaneously. And they’re all riding the highs of the moral indignation that comes along with it.

    Right now, anyone who is offended about anything—whether it’s the fact that a book about racism was assigned in a university class, or that Christmas trees were banned at the local mall, or the fact that taxes were raised half a percent on investment funds—feels as though they’re being oppressed in some way and therefore deserve to be outraged and to have a certain amount of attention.

    The current media environment both encourages and perpetuates these reactions because, after all, it’s good for business. The writer and media commentator Ryan Holiday refers to this as “outrage porn”: rather than report on real stories and real issues, the media find it much easier (and more profitable) to find something mildly offensive, broadcast it to a wide audience, generate outrage, and then broadcast that outrage back across the population in a way that outrages yet another part of the population. This triggers a kind of echo of bullshit pinging back and forth between two imaginary sides, meanwhile distracting everyone from real societal problems. It’s no wonder we’re more politically polarized than ever before.

    The biggest problem with victimhood chic is that it sucks attention away from actual victims. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. The more people there are who proclaim themselves victims over tiny infractions, the harder it becomes to see who the real victims actually are.

    People get addicted to feeling offended all the time because it gives them a high; being self-righteous and morally superior feels good. As political cartoonist Tim Kreider put it in a New York Times op-ed: “Outrage is like a lot of other things that feel good but over time devour us from the inside out. And it’s even more insidious than most vices because we don’t even consciously acknowledge that it’s a pleasure.”

    But part of living in a democracy and a free society is that we all have to deal with views and people we don’t necessarily like. That’s simply the price we pay—you could even say it’s the whole point of the system. And it seems more and more people are forgetting that.

    We should pick our battles carefully, while simultaneously attempting to empathize a bit with the so-called enemy. We should approach the news and media with a healthy dose of skepticism and avoid painting those who disagree with us with a broad brush. We should prioritize values of being honest, fostering transparency, and welcoming doubt over the values of being right, feeling good, and getting revenge. These “democratic” values are harder to maintain amidst the constant noise of a networked world. But we must accept the responsibility and nurture them regardless. The future stability of our political systems may depend on it.

  • Lisa (again)
    May 10, 2017 at 4:25 am

    “Victimhood Chic” (Mark Manson, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck”)

    The responsibility/fault fallacy allows people to pass off the responsibility for solving their problems to others. This ability to alleviate responsibility through blame gives people a temporary high and a feeling of moral righteousness.

    Unfortunately, one side effect of the Internet and social media is that it’s become easier than ever to push responsibility—for even the tiniest of infractions—onto some other group or person. In fact, this kind of public blame/shame game has become popular; in certain crowds it’s even seen as “cool.” The public sharing of “injustices” garners far more attention and emotional outpouring than most other events on social media, rewarding people who are able to perpetually feel victimized with ever-growing amounts of attention and sympathy.

    “Victimhood chic” is in style on both the right and the left today, among both the rich and the poor. In fact, this may be the first time in human history that every single demographic group has felt unfairly victimized simultaneously. And they’re all riding the highs of the moral indignation that comes along with it.

    Right now, anyone who is offended about anything—whether it’s the fact that a book about racism was assigned in a university class, or that Christmas trees were banned at the local mall, or the fact that taxes were raised half a percent on investment funds—feels as though they’re being oppressed in some way and therefore deserve to be outraged and to have a certain amount of attention.

    The current media environment both encourages and perpetuates these reactions because, after all, it’s good for business. The writer and media commentator Ryan Holiday refers to this as “outrage porn”: rather than report on real stories and real issues, the media find it much easier (and more profitable) to find something mildly offensive, broadcast it to a wide audience, generate outrage, and then broadcast that outrage back across the population in a way that outrages yet another part of the population. This triggers a kind of echo of bullshit pinging back and forth between two imaginary sides, meanwhile distracting everyone from real societal problems. It’s no wonder we’re more politically polarized than ever before.

    The biggest problem with victimhood chic is that it sucks attention away from actual victims. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. The more people there are who proclaim themselves victims over tiny infractions, the harder it becomes to see who the real victims actually are.

    People get addicted to feeling offended all the time because it gives them a high; being self-righteous and morally superior feels good. As political cartoonist Tim Kreider put it in a New York Times op-ed: “Outrage is like a lot of other things that feel good but over time devour us from the inside out. And it’s even more insidious than most vices because we don’t even consciously acknowledge that it’s a pleasure.”

    But part of living in a democracy and a free society is that we all have to deal with views and people we don’t necessarily like. That’s simply the price we pay—you could even say it’s the whole point of the system. And it seems more and more people are forgetting that.

    We should pick our battles carefully, while simultaneously attempting to empathize a bit with the so-called enemy. We should approach the news and media with a healthy dose of skepticism and avoid painting those who disagree with us with a broad brush. We should prioritize values of being honest, fostering transparency, and welcoming doubt over the values of being right, feeling good, and getting revenge. These “democratic” values are harder to maintain amidst the constant noise of a networked world. But we must accept the responsibility and nurture them regardless. The future stability of our political systems may depend on it.” ~Mark Mason, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck”

  • Lisa (you f*cking know who)
    May 10, 2017 at 2:00 am

    Holy fucking shit, Paula, you’re still this fucking ridiculous? I’m going to tell you here, since I know you’ll read it, and I’ve unfriended you on FB (boy was accepting that request a mistake), how completely unsurprised I am that you’re still playing the perpetual victim and publicly parading it about for pity. You’ve been pulling this shit since 1994. Take some fucking responsibility for your own mental and emotional health, and quit shouting mountains to the world about your molehill problems. When you demand attention for your bullhit problems, it drowns out the voices around you who are legitimately suffering and need to be heard. You’ve cried wolf so many fucking times- it makes me wonder if you have any clue what real trauma is… does every minor slight and challenge need to be a major fucking production? Most of us face down bigger foes before lunch. Here’s some advice- turn off the fucking computer. Or phone. Or whatever. Don’t feed the fucking trolls. Or sexual harassers. Im not at all excusing this guy’s behavior, but seriously, that is NOT an example of why its difficult to run a business as a woman. That’s just run of the mill, drunk-guy-online-chatting crap. Honestly, your video was absolutely hilarious. A truely genius comedic parody. Nobody gives a fuck that you hate soccer. You’re 33. Get over yourself. Is this whiny diatribe really the example you want to set for our kids’ generation? Ýou really think vague-book video rants are how women ought to demand respect and a social change?

  • Diane Woods emerson
    May 9, 2017 at 10:58 am

    Tell ya what Andrea , how about YOU don’t allow someone to think it’s ok to say nasty shit to you. I promise you that no one has ever or will ever speak to ME that way or be inappropriate. And if by some slim chance it were to happen , it would only be once. YOU control how people treat you , talk to you and react to you. If they think it’s ok and you won’t say anything then they will try it. Be a REAL woman , be strong and don’t allow it. Period.

  • Turtle Terd
    May 9, 2017 at 10:51 am

    I was unfamiliar with your site, but WOW! What a useful and important place, a real meeting of the minds.

    Do you have parents? Grandparents? Anyone you actually respect? Do you tell them how you spend your time, dumping on strangers anonymously, to get more page views for your horrifying clickbait-hole of a site?

    Well, here you go. You got my click. Print this out and put it on your fridge.

    • Turltle Terd is Gay
      May 9, 2017 at 4:11 pm

      Fuck you loser.

      • Turtle Terd
        May 9, 2017 at 7:53 pm

        You wish, you’ve gotta buy me dinner first

        • Turtlehead
          Turtle Terd is Gay
          May 10, 2017 at 9:33 am

          That reply is as retarded as you are. You should start running as fast as you can…..gather up as much steam as you can……put your head down….and run in to the side of building. Then when you come to, get behind your car and pretend the tailpipe is a dick and do your business and suck on it until you fall asleep

          • Turtle Terd
            May 10, 2017 at 1:16 pm

            These are very detailed and helpful instructions. xoxo

  • Troubled Nostrils
    May 8, 2017 at 10:09 pm

    If she gets that inordinately upset over a guy asking for nudes (if it really happened), then I cringe to imagine what her husband must suffer through to have an opportunity for cold-fish sex with her maybe twice a year. Poor feller!

  • Jimmy
    May 8, 2017 at 7:50 pm

    Woe is me and fake panic attacks. I had to check to make sure this wasn’t my ex.

  • ElJefe72
    Lorena Bobbitt
    May 8, 2017 at 5:54 pm

    I have a much more direct and painful way of dealing with sexual harassment.

  • mystressovmayhem
    May 8, 2017 at 5:44 pm

    Andrea Corrieri—No Dear, “Brave” would be showing the alleged texts, and unmasking the supposed pig so other women don’t become his prey.
    As far as this post “not being ok”. Umwhat’s not “ok” is making shit up for attention. What’s also “not ok” is dumb bitches falling for it. You know what else is “not ok”? Your bullshit about sexual harrasment, that magically only came out because of this freaks mental breakdown. For someone so against it, you don’t wait till a psycho babbles to nail a sexual predator! Well unless you too need attention. I which case the whole set of rants by her and you, are absofuckinglutely pathetic.—Signed “Apparently a woman with bigger nads than either one of you!”

  • Poo
    May 8, 2017 at 5:36 pm

    Could everyone who supports this strong, independent woman please go to the Turtleboy Sports facebook page annd express your rage? She could really use your help over there.

  • The Snowflake Executioner
    May 8, 2017 at 4:40 pm

    The snowflakes are calling this an example of our rape culture?! A imaginary text and narrative here! Go to the slums of India if you want to see rape culture and get off the soapbox!

  • Former Corporate Woman
    May 8, 2017 at 4:24 pm

    As I have stated before I usually never comment, but Turtle Girl is correct on this one. I am a woman who has worked for fortune 500 companies, the Government and currently have my own business. I can honestly say I have never experienced sexual harrassment. In my opinion asking for nudes is not sexual harrassment. Say no, click block call it a day. Trying to say Turtle Girl is promoting rape by writing this blog is ignorant. I am sure sexual harrassment exists, but I believe it’s few and far between

  • Annoying
    May 8, 2017 at 4:08 pm

    youre perpetuating the complicity our society has in rape culture. He did something inappropriate and it upset her. How you would have dealt with this is irrelevant. She’s allowed to be upset and allowed to use her forum to speak about it…as are you, but you definitely could have been less of an asshat.

    • El
      May 8, 2017 at 4:24 pm

      The only asshat I see here is you for trying to compare sexual assault or harassment to words typed which may or may not exist. Also when you make your business public via social media you invite everyone’s opinions on the matter, asshat.

    • True Reality Speaks
      True Reality Speaks
      May 8, 2017 at 8:11 pm

      Hampshire College called. They’re asking that you please credit them for your useless degree that has taught you to believe that anyone is interested in reading your entitled and delusional PC/SJW comments.

    • Seriously?
      May 9, 2017 at 7:47 am

      Did you really just use the term “rape culture”? Stick that SJW term up your ass, it is a lie.

  • Jennifer Bukowski
    May 8, 2017 at 3:52 pm

    Name calling, body shaming – blah blah blah
    What man has ever walked down a side walk and heard “nice ass” or “show me your tits” or been subjected to a male boss who will only advance his female employee on his agenda and not her merits? What man walks to his car at nigh with his keys between his finger in case someone attacks him with an intent to rape?
    It’s not fair to try to speak about or shame a woman on something you truly have no personal point of experience with.

    • El
      May 8, 2017 at 4:07 pm

      You do realize the author of the post is female so chances are in this day and age she’s been asked for nudes so save your lame comment. Also, are you seriously trying to compare a potentially non-existent text to the threat of sexual assault.

    • Poo
      May 8, 2017 at 4:07 pm

      A man didn’t write this article, so…

  • The Executioner
    May 8, 2017 at 3:19 pm

    Obviously this guy offering business advice was just trying to figure out the nature of her business as it sends mixed messages…is it Cln or is it Drty? Pics might help determine that!

  • The Executioner
    May 8, 2017 at 3:16 pm

    Imagine how her spawn is going to handle life…better get the xanax out. It’s going to be a doozey.

  • El
    May 8, 2017 at 3:08 pm

    I can’t stand centerpieces. It’s not our fault your daddy didn’t give you special lovin.

  • Eh, 2/10
    May 8, 2017 at 3:03 pm

    Lazy article written by a sad, bored woman. Your poorly written blog post won’t get you the success that the subject of your disdain already has. Tearing down other women to raise yourself up makes you look weak and bitter. Stick to the management job, hon, because writing isn’t not your strong suit.

    • El
      May 8, 2017 at 3:20 pm

      Jealousy never looks good on anyone.

    • Mike Rotch
      May 8, 2017 at 3:20 pm

      How about a crack at that crack mama?

    • ImNewHere
      May 8, 2017 at 4:23 pm

      Writing “isnt not your strong suit” either you dumb hypocritical fupasloth. Send nudes?

    • Dan
      May 8, 2017 at 5:54 pm

      “Writing isn’t not your strong suit”

      Send me pics of your punched lasagna!

  • Jay
    May 8, 2017 at 2:58 pm

    A strong business woman wouldn’t turn into a trembling moron after getting a rando text asking for nudes and try to turn it into free promotion for her business.

    • SMH
      May 8, 2017 at 11:58 pm

      “free promotion for her business”

      Hey, maybe that WAS his business advice! “Post this story that I asked you for nude pics…”

  • Andrea Corrieri
    May 8, 2017 at 2:51 pm

    This is so fucking rude. Her video inspired me to speak out about my own experience with sexual harassment. No woman should ever just accept it, or be quiet about it. We are expected to just laugh it off. I’m done! Realizing how many other women are spoken to inappropriately, especially in the work place makes me sick. She is brave for putting it out there! It’s time for women to say “it’s not ok” by the way, this entire post is not ok.

    • Mike Rotch
      May 8, 2017 at 3:12 pm

      Hey Andrea… send nudes. Preferably 3 different angles. Get a good shot of the holiest of holeys… I need to tell if it’s a blooming rose or a busted ravioli. Gracias!

    • El
      May 8, 2017 at 3:27 pm

      Looks like Andrea needs some attention too. Is hubby too busy with his younger, hotter side chick? Just because you are born with a vagina, you are not granted the right to be a whiny cunt. Do something about the problem instead of crying about it and effectively making females look more ineffectual and weak.

    • Poo
      May 8, 2017 at 3:49 pm

      I don’t understand the problem. How is a guy gonna get nudes if he doesn’t ask? Just say “no” and get on with your life.

      Fellow clam bearer

    • Former Corporate Woman
      May 8, 2017 at 4:31 pm

      Ok, but it was not her work place it was Facebook! Asking for nudes is immature, but not sexual harrassment. This whole comment section does not make me miss my HR day’s when women would file a complaint if a man said she looked nice

    • Fuck Andrea
      May 9, 2017 at 4:03 pm

      Andrea get over it. The fact someone wants to see you nude should make you and your flap jack rock in a sock tits jump for joy. So whip out those nappy roast beef curtains and do what you’re told.

    • John Barker
      May 9, 2017 at 10:29 pm

      Sorry You’ve be harassed. BUT, Even being the old crock I am, I know,Evidence is important. Please don’t give me that “I felt so ashamed crap” You announce it on the internet, You cannot claim to be ashamed! The category of “Sexual harassment” has gone to far. If a co-worker loses a couple of lbs, gets a modern haircut or shaves their stupid chin-strap, I’m gonna say “You look great”/ “Woohoo Sexy Haircut”/About time,You were starting to look like a monkey” Toughen up, it’s a tough ole world and still Only the strong survive!

  • Phong
    May 8, 2017 at 1:53 pm

    Pics or it didn’t happen.

  • Diane Woods emerson
    May 8, 2017 at 1:32 pm

    I would be happy if I found myself attractive! I potentially can give myself a panic attack.

    • Strata
      May 9, 2017 at 12:34 pm

      She is a liar. That never happened.

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