This morning Hillary Clinton woke up again and still wasn’t the President, but she still is a raging cunt, so she decided to go after my BAE, Tulsi Gabbard, by baselessly calling her a Russian asset.
Hillary Clinton doesn't just predict the Russians will support Tulsi Gabbard as a third-party candidate; she also calls Jill Stein "a Russian asset — I mean totally."
Full context: pic.twitter.com/a5wZeCKWsd
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) October 18, 2019
Update from @merica: when asked if the former secretary of state was referring to Gabbard, Clinton spox Nick Merrill said, “If the nesting doll fits.”
“This is not some outlandish claim,” Merrill added. “This is reality.”
— Rebecca Buck (@RebeccaBuck) October 18, 2019
Clinton suggested the Russians are leveraging a number of top U.S. politicians. She suggested Russia had kompromat on Trump. She accused Jill Stein of being a "Russian asset." And she suggested Russia might back Tulsi Gabbard as a third-party candidate. https://t.co/lsWgSVDZei
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 18, 2019
These are the people who tell us that American institutions are being “undermined.” The same people who baselessly call sitting members of Congress, decorated veterans, and current candidates for President “Russian assets.”
Hillary Clinton is cancer. Why the democrats even allow her to speak is unfathomable. She lost to Donald Trump in perhaps the greatest upset in presidential history. If a coach or player on your favorite sportball team fucked up that badly, they would go down in history like Bill Buckner. Yet Hillary lost to a guy who had a 1% chance of winning, and no democrat has told her to shut the fuck up.
These people are living in la-la-land. It’s insane that Hillary still thinks she lost the election because of any factor besides the fact that she’s Hillary Clinton. Literally ANYONE else could’ve beaten Trump. She doesn’t blame herself for not campaigning in Wisconsin or Michigan, or the fact that she called half the country deplorable, or the fact that she’s completely unrelatable. She ironically said that when Trump lost he wouldn’t accept the results. Then he won and the exact opposite happened and it’s like they completely forgot EVERYTHING.
They hate Tulsi because she marches to a beat of her own drum, and she’s everything the modern day left stands in opposition to – she’s against stupid foreign entanglements, she doesn’t waste time with identity politics, she’s anti-censorship, and she’s smoking hot. This of course makes her a Russian asset, because everyone who doesn’t get in line with the DNC is a Russian asset. That’s how corrupt these people are.
Anyway, since no one in the Hillary controlled media decided to “fact check” her, Tulsi had no choice but to light her on fire around 4 PM Friday, and it’s one of the greatest cat fights I’ve ever seen.
Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a …
— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) October 18, 2019
… powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose.
It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly.
— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) October 18, 2019
She’s so fucking hot.
I can’t get over it.
And of course the establishment is getting in line to call her a Russian asset, a Trump plant, and a bunch of other conspiracy bullshit, despite not seeing the irony of accusing everyone they disagree with of being a conspiracy theorist.
How much of a Russian asset is @TulsiGabbard, you may be asking yourselves?
Why, she is this much of a Russian asset. Thank you @HillaryClinton for standing up to her and her buddy Putin https://t.co/86VnX0Nmoe
— Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) October 18, 2019
Gabbard is vile; in some ways the best strategy is to ignore her. But 2016 election was multi-prong attack that involved not just attacking Clinton but bolstering candidates like Stein who undeniably played spoiler role. We ignore possibility of that repeating itself at our peril
— Susan Hennessey (@Susan_Hennessey) October 18, 2019
Imagine waking up every day and being this person.
No wonder she’s mad.
This guy too….
Let me say that I invited @TulsiGabbard on my show from the day she announced, so she could discuss her change on LGBTQ issues, and many other issues.
Just as i have asked, and interviewed, other 2020 candidates.
Campaign has declined.
But she goes on Tucker Carlson.
— Michelangelo Signorile (@MSignorile) October 19, 2019
Yea, why would Tulsi go on the most popular, 8 PM TV show, when she could go on some random blue checkmark’s podcast that no one will listen to? Didn’t she see his blue checkmark? He’s very important!
This guy ran Hillary’s campaign in 2016.
Action: the American running against Tulsi Gabbard (R-Moscow) is @KaiKahele. Kai has 24,000 followers. If you agree with Hillary and you are tired of these games then RETWEET, follow Kai and ask everyone you know to do the same.
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) October 19, 2019
Imagine being the guy responsible for losing to Donald Trump and still thinking that your opinions on anything are something that people should take seriously?
2016 election was won by 78,000 votes spread among 3 states. Absent 3rd party candidates, @HillaryClinton wd have won & @realDonaldTrump wld not now be harming Americans(& our friends) & aiding autocrats. If @TulsiGabbard runs, it wd be a huge windfall for Trump, Assad, Putin, Xi https://t.co/nTGFl5s4qd
— Samantha Power (@SamanthaJPower) October 18, 2019
If you don’t think #TulsiGabbard is Russia’s Jill Stein, say something negative about her on her page, count to 10 & watch all the Russian bots & Trump trolls rise from the underworld & swarm all over you with misspelled vitriol. I rest my case. I’m not a fake lawyer for nothing.
— Nancy Lee Grahn (@NancyLeeGrahn) October 18, 2019
They’ve lost their minds.
The only one in the media calling out Hillary is Van Jones.
Van Jones: "I’m telling you, Hillary Clinton is playing a very dangerous game… If you’ve got real evidence, come forward with it. But if you’re just going to smear people casually on podcasts, you are playing right into the Russians’ hands" https://t.co/ma82IikqS7
— Saagar Enjeti (@esaagar) October 19, 2019
I usually don’t agree with Van Jones, but I respect the fact that he says what’s on his mind. Very rare at CNN.
Meanwhile, where’s Bernie Sanders? Tulsi had a sweet gig at the DNC 3-4 years ago, and was a rising star in the party. Then she saw how corrupt they were and supported Bernie instead. He hasn’t said shit since, because Bernie is the guy who lets you cuckhold his wife while he sits in the corner and diddles himself. That’s literally his entire relationship with the democratic party. They dump on his face and he comes around like the sad, neutered dog that he is.
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56 Comment(s)
She’s a liberal, but she’s one of the good ones. She served in Iraq and seems to have a good understanding of foreign policy, and how not to get involved fighting Middle East wars. I’ve changed from Republican to Independent. In the primary, I will cast my vote for her. I have to say I have a lot of respect for her standing up for what she believes. In the general election, I will cast my vote for Trump.
Susan H likes to be choked and have someone spit in her mouth.
Sometimes you can just tell.
Tulsi is hot. I would never vote for her but would totally eat her box for how she handled Hillary.
Tulsi served in real combat as Hillary dodged fake bullets in Bosnia.
News sources say that allegedly Hildabeast came onto Tulsi in a big way. Some say in a Biden way with touches and pinches. Tulsi easily disarmed horny Hillary and told her to stay away.
Hillary got all bent out of shape because she is ususlly able to get away with sexual assaults of females she finds pleasing.
It is alleged that Hillary’s ego was shattered after the Trump landslide win and she couldnt handle rejection especially from a desirable female.
…….and then crawled into a gin bottle with her colostomy bag.
“Bernie is the guy who lets you cuckhold his wife while he sits in the corner and diddles himself” Perfectly put. I remember when a Black Lives Matter group hijacked a campaign rally of his and he just stood there saying and doing nothing.
Shes a gun grabber as well!
Hillary won’t last long. Every new pic of her she looks worse. She’s dying.
She can’t stand for long. She’s sitting in the pic while everyone else is standing. She looks bloated and sick.
She’ll be going to the maker soon to pay for all of the murders she has had ordered over the years.
Good luck in hell Killary.
Hillary clinton is a filthy and corrupt post menopausal cunt, totally unfuckable
Gotta laugh at the Hildebeast. Russian asset? Is that the best she can come up with? It didn’t work with Trump, she thinks maybe if she recycles it, it’ll work on Tulsi?
Tulsi ain’t bad looking, she’s a goddess compared to the other women running for the democratic nomination (Granny Warren or Concubine Harris), but she’s still a dog compared to Melania Trump.
All (normal hetrosexual) men want to be Trump, because he’s rich and fucks supermodels.
Gabbard is a manjawed 4 at best with makeup.
For those of you complaining about Ms Gabbards complexion, there is nothing that me squirting my patented Protein-rich face cream on her three times daily would not fix
Tulsi is the only candidate who most Dems will vote for if the MSM and Hitlary didn’t black ball her at every level. Good for her standing up for herself with the whole hitlary thing.
The DNC won’t nominate her ensuring a landslide trump victory in 2020.
I’m not married to you and I’m so over you talking about how hot Tulsi is!! You even alluded to working out an affair on your garage podcast. Sure, I know you were kidding. But if my husband carried on about how hot another woman is…I would not be happy!
I see they forgot to hide the boxed Chablis again .
Hillary stumbled out of the woods and found another more-than- willing alt-left media libtard to slur to.
Her liver’s probably bigger her ass…which is more than ample.
Pour yourself another, Hillary
It’ll be ok.
Clinton backed out of the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit because Tulsi will be in attendance.
Clinton said how was I to know that Tulsi was with the Russians too.
I know you’re out there You White Punks on Dope!
I see ya!
Finn Fan,
What is an “incel”? Aren’t you late to an Antifa meeting?
Get Fucked,
fin gets the best haters!
All corrupt Dems eventually start to look like a Sith Lord. Soros, Clinton, Nan would but there’s so much botox in that face gravity couldn’t take hold with a black star.
I would not cuckold Ms Sanders with Turtleboys dick.
Tulsi, on the other hand, I would iuld snuggle with during the Long nights in winter in Siberia
Cankles McPantsuit, aka the Bitch of Benghazi is seriously in need of a full neuropsychological workup. Everything is a conspiracy against her, everyone is out to get her. Paranoid much there, Illary? The world really isn’t out to get you – we just REALLY despise you and your repugnant crime family that much. Now please, just go the f*** away and die. QUIETLY!!!! We won’t miss you, I promise.
Not only did Hillary “Buckner” the fuck out of the election in 2016, thank goodness, but why has nobody realized her specialty is gatekeeping and fucking over her own party? She’s like the Saddam Hussein of Democrats. She shreds her own party, competitors or not, the way Saddam killed other middle-easterners. Bless her for it.
LOL Cankles Clinton. Report just out they found 588 security violations in Hilary’s emails from her private server. The cunt should be in jail, but will skate….
I want to smell her…Mmmmm.
That urine smell turn you on and on and on.
Still Trump 2020 all the way.
She’s more sane than any of her gang affiliated party members, which means ‘sucks less’.
She’s also got some massive pores that just piss me off.
I have never voted for a woman and never will. Any country with a woman as a leader is a nation of pussies.
I’d vote for Maggie Thatcher….
She was a cunt. But she had banging tits.
Wow, an article about a woman over the age of 18. What gives uncle creepy?
Hi Josh. Not harassing anyone today? Using a vacation day?
Josh is transitioning.
Please cut him some slack during this challenging process.
And lets help him come up with a new chick name
….but Tulsi would in fact be a great gym partner.
They are so scared of her not because of 2020 but because of 2024
Great posts by Tulsi but disappointing to see her post saying Al-Qaeda was responsible for 9/11. Hasn’t she heard of the “dancing Isrealis?” Way too much serious, scholarly research done in the near-20 years since 9/11 to be that uninformed.
But hot, youthful Tulsi has time on her side. As the Stones also wrote, time waits for no one, and he’s not waiting for Hillary Rotten Clinton. She looks terrible in the photo. Ugh!
She’s the opposite of Clinton. The looks part is to the max. Clinton has become more nasty & delusional with age.
I’ll stick with Donald thanks. She was a supporter of that old pussy. Bernie and if she thought that was a good idea I’m all set with her.
Let the Dems continue to eat their own. It’s great comedy
Tulsi has bad skin.
What’s with the dislikes you shit stains. Look at her skin in some close-up shots. Girl has more puck marks than my ass has pimples. And I have very oily skin on my ass.
Another Trojan Horse. Don’t fall for it!
Tulsi seems like the type of chick who would start punching you if you nutted before she came.
Speaking from experience, I concur with that.
Tulsi actually looks like of an Ex of mine who did just that.
Same here. I can still hear the words. And I would do it all over again, her hitting me and all. Hell, I hope there’s a Tulsi porn parody whether she wins anything or not.
TRUMP 2020!!!!!
It is fun watching the hysteria, though….
Absolute love Tulsi!
Tulsi’s complexity is on par with the guy from A Bronx Tale, Frankie Cupcakes. But if the slap on enough makeup she looks pretty good.
Yeah it looks like someone stomped out a fire on her face while wearing cleats.
Id still love to drop some baby batter on those pores regardless
Tulsi give Fuck Pig raging boner. But then, pic of hillary make Fuck Pig hard-on go bye bye
As long as I have a face Tulsi will always have a place to sit…….
Be be vary wary of this sheep in wolf’s clothing. She is as far left as any from the squad. What this tiff between her and Hillary is about, is the Senate. Both Hirono and Schatz are old school Dims of the Hillary mold and both are vulnerable. Schatz is up for reelection in 2022 and they are very worried that Gabbi (Squad) will take his seat.
Tulsi supports Yangbuxx too. Communism creeps in…be careful!
I would like to go down on her