Turns Out The Leicester Playground Guy Is Looking For Gangbangs On Craig’s List And Posts X Rated Pictures While Feigning Outrage When The Cops Question Him

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Does everyone remember the blog I wrote about Mr. Jeremy Smtih aka Mr. Leicester Rocks aka “He can’t do no wrong?” Does everyone remember how it caused a shit load of butt hurt and outrage? If you haven’t read the blog, I suggest you do so now by clicking here!
Now that you’re up to date, you will realize that my take on satire caused many people of Leicester, and some loyal turtle riders to be extremely angry. I can’t say that I felt bad, I didn’t. I say what I mean, I mean what I say. I’m an open book, I have no filter and I won’t ever change.
Anyhow, Uncle Turtleboy had to write a follow-up blog in an attempt to explain to people that I was not calling him a diddler or a pedophile. He did so because we here are TB have a love for the people of Leicester, so it was the least that could be done. If you want to read that follow up, then click here! I wanted to offer my opinion and how I sided with parents who follow the, “better safe than sorry” rule and while doing so, I wanted to make a few jokes about it in the process. I won’t lie, I was definitely questioning his character as an individual. I found it quite odd that he was attempting to be some saint by starting Leicester Rocks when he still has to focus on his own recovery (87 days clean which I commended him for).
I also clearly stated I loved the idea of Leicester Rocks (I guess all of you skipped passed the nice things I said because a picture of a candy van hurt your emotions so much). I said I just didn’t agree with Jeremy being the man to run a program that focuses on being a positive role model for children when he is just now learning to b a role model for himself. That’s basically what I said, and inserted a few vulgar jokes (which I’m known for, and will NOT change). Yet, the butt hurt ensued and people begged and pleaded with TB to remove the blog.
Oh me, Oh my… I’m such a naughty woman for saying such mean things about Jeremy! He is such a stand up guy… *clutches pearls* oh please, please people of Leicester, forgive me for tainting an absolute saint!
Then there is this chudstuffer who looks like he belongs in a Jeeper’s Creeper’s Movie
So, you want to fight me? You want to track me down and confront me? GO fuck yourself Eugene. Even your mother hated you so much she gave you a name that will almost always end up on an America’s Most wanted list. You are a Jefferey Dahmer look a like. Nothing you say can ever be trusted. Enough with you, you’re a complete waste of space and the better part of you ran down your mother’s thigh right down to her ankle, and in between her toes where it remained until it crusted over like glaze does on a cold donut.
ALAS, on to the most important part of the story. Jeremy Smtih. This man is considered a role model for the children of Leicester. He started Leicester Rocks. Kids can find hidden rocks and paint on them. Great. I think it’s a unique idea. I’m all for it. Maybe after this article you can change it to “Leicester Cocks” seeing as how after this blog is published, a name change is definitely in order. Instead of hiding rocks with free paint and urging children to find them, you can hide cocks and urge everyone to google you and find an advertisement of you looking for a three-some and posting pictures of your one eyed milk man. GOTCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His Ad states: “Hi! There are three of us looking to play!! Two guys and a beautiful young lady!! We are looking for some ladies to join our fun!!” Now, as you can see in the advertisement, he posted a second picture. He was kind enough to include a picture of his trouser trout. We are NOT going to publish the uncensored picture in this blog. We have a better idea:
You’ve been TURTLED! If you’re interested in seeing the ad uncensored, click HERE!
Oh maaaaaaaaaaaan… I know right now Jeremy, you are reading this and have an instant reaction to think, “Fuck this, I’m going to deny the hell out of this dick picture!” and maybe even thinking a step ahead and blaming it on the other guy in the picture… I’m a step ahead of you, Jeremy. I am always a step ahead of people like you. I thought about how you would deny, deny, deny…
Then it hit me. Look at that awesome tattoo on your left leg. Hmmm… I immediately went to your facebook and I was typing in your name, I was praying that you had a picture of you wearing shorts. I would have been happy with something that simple. I needing something, I wanted a cockparison. You gave me something better:
Sweet Sweet REVENGE! I can taste it. It tastes like a perfect peach. Like a perfectly ripe mango, not as salty as your lying tears you cried yesterday! 😀
Here is a zoomed in picture of your leg from your Craigslist Advertisement:
BUSTED!! Oh I wish… I WISH I was a fly on the wall of EVERY single butt hurt cry baby who complained about my blog yesterday. I wish I could hug you and make all of your sad emotions go away. Not really, I hope you feel stupid. I hope this disgusts you as much as it disgusts me.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging him about his choices. I’m not one to judge people on their fantasies, desires, sexual orientation, etc. If you want to have a three-some, seven-some, run a fucking train, I don’t care because it’s none of my business. You could go as far as re-enacting a scene from the movie Centipede while you also give everyone a Cleveland steamer, and I wouldn’t bat an eye.
Those are your choices, whatever rocks your boat – as long as it doesn’t affect me, you’re free to do as you wish. Any other fantasies we should know about, Jeremy?
You’re a freaky lil’ fucker!! I will never look at my love Adam Levine the same ever again. You have ruined it for many of women all over the world.
Here is another one for good measure!
Sweet Lord… It just can’t get any worse.
I know there will be lots of people who say:
- Those are his choices.
- What he does in his private life shouldn’t matter to anyone but him
- He is a grown man, he can do as he pleases.
- That beach and Adam Levine picture were already on his FB he isn’t hiding anything
- There is nothing wrong with consenting adults who look for three-some action on Craigslist.
You’re right. All of those points are valid. However, we are talking about a man who is running a program that focuses on children. The ages vary all the way up to the pre-teen years. As you know, social media and the internet is forever. How would you feel if your little innocent darling daughter thought Jeremy was so cool with his hidden rocks and free paint that she decided to look him up on Facebook or google and she was exposed to his cock? Is that okay? Because nothing is stopping any child from finding this on Craig’s List. It was sent to us by a few people, so word on the street is, it’s out there.
Remember how pee-wee- herman’s life was ruined because he was jerking his yogurt slinger in a movie theater? It’s because he portrayed himself as a role model FOR CHILDREN. The same way Jeremy walks around town with his shoulders pushed back, all confident that he is the perfect choice to mold the minds of our most precious members of society; children.
All I wanna know is, did Jeremy give her the shocker? That’s the way to a woman’s heart… Well at least a woman who puts herself up for a gang bang on Craigslist anyway. I want to know if he painted her rock. I want to know if he donated $384 to her wallet the same way he bragged about $384 that wasn’t even his being donated to a family. He collected the money, the way he wants your innocent kids to collect his rocks. Yes, yes… That was another inappropriate JOKE, get over it snowflakes!
If there is ANYONE out there willing to stick up for Jeremy, “the more the better” Smtih, please evaluate your morals and life decisions. You can’t be a normal member of society and think it’s okay to have your children be represented by a man who posts his cock all over the internet. His Craigslist ad was posted 1 month ago, around the same time he had the bright idea to start Leicester Rocks. If you want to help the children, you act like a damn role model. You don’t parade around the internet holding your dick up for a camera and then go to A.C. Moore for paint and brushes. It just doesn’t work that way.
I can do what I do because I don’t trot around my neighborhood under the guise that I’m some do-good perfect woman. I don’t expect parents to allow their children to follow in my footsteps. I’m only accountable for my own. If you are still okay with your children looking up to a man like this, you have more things to worry about than a blog I wrote that hurt your privates.
You can say what you want about me. You can call me a loser, bitch, cunt, a bully, inappropriate, ect. What you can’t do is call me a liar. You can’t call me wrong. I pegged him as a “fucking weirdo” and got called out for it by his fans. Do you agree with me now? It must hurt the ego. I almost want to kiss your boo-boo’s and tell you everything will be fine, but I won’t because I don’t have a soul; and I like me that way.
Honestly, the boss asked me not to write about this again. He said he felt bad for the guy. But then we saw Jeremy shitting all over us on his Facebook page, and his supporters were bragging about taking down our Facebook page. And when you do that you have poked the turtle.
Don’t. Poke. The. Turtle.
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28 Comment(s)
11 past criminal charges including A&B with a Dangerous Weapon, Witness Intimidation, and oh yeah OUI offences. Definitely a positive role model in the community.
I love the “I have no soul”, just perfect. He looked like a fucking weirdo the first time I saw him. Thank you for proving once again that gut instincts are always right. You rock!
The guy in the CL ad looks like he could be related to him. Look into that. Wouldn’t that be something…
Nothing to see here now move along. That was the case until he put up a post about parents’ concerns and police infringing on his character, which they did not do. We need to be careful about how we call attention to ourselves. I actually do feel sorry for him but he has brought this on himself by putting his skeletons on the internet. My best advice to him is be a power of example, showing people you can remain sober in spite of being turtleboy famous.
People really need to keep pictures of their giggle sticks and roast beast sleeves off the interWEB. You never ever know when it may come back and bite you in the ass. So kids be warned , it may seem
Like a good idea at the time but DONT do it fiesty might use it later. Lmao!
The blog where every other comment is sexual in nature or talking about some broads crotch (always completely unrelated) has a problem with this sort of thing? Your kidding right.
Nope. Because one is words, the other is a visual. Aside from the fact no one at Turtleboy is claiming to be the second coming of Mr. Rodgers. Someone in the first blog called him “Pee Wee”. I thought he meant Herman. Sad to see I was wrong.
That made no sense whatsoever. What people write, you can see…that would be visual.
Ladies DO NOT respond to the threesome ad. Total bait and switch. Started off ok then after a few drinks they convince me and the other chick to strap on so us and the other guy can triple penetrate the freak. It’s on youporn now but he’s in ladies lingerie and blond wig with a cat mask so you may not recognize.
The awesomeness of being right!!!! Love it.
I don’t think that kids are this guy’s thing but I agree that anyone with this kind of a digital footprint probably shouldn’t be engaging in a lot of kid-specific activities for a while. At least get rid of the d pics first.
That being said the mall photo is hilarious!
Id like to weigh in hopefully i wont be a tb topic lol but my question to you tb is how do you know that it was him who actually made the ad ? I say this because ive seen people (ex) so mad at their ex that they would do anything to either hurt or shame them and what better way to destroy a image then a dick pic looking for a 3some some of us been in those types of relationships where photo of that nature gets obtain lol (not myself) but i know a few now your ex has the bullets next she/he goes on face book looking for pic to aid them in their mission to shame and destroy they find a photo of 3 friend boom they upload it to a sex site throw in the dic pic for the flavor of the week then wait long enough for tb to get a hold of it and the damage is done you have two innocent people caught up in a jealous lovers web of lies the two innocent victims are you tb and the guy whos photo it was cause you do what you do thats expected cant get but hurt behind it but sometimes we gotta step away from the frame to see the pic lol now if you say youve confirmed his email the account was paid by him then lucy you have some explaining to do lol because dealing with children you gotta hold yourself to a higher standard of life and advertising 3somes online aint gonna cut it so if you dotted your i and crossed your t then whats left to say except sorry not sorry deal with it
Holy fucking smokes. Try using some punctuation next time. That entire disaster of a comment is incomprehensible.
Cant argue that it is weird .you are absolutely correct on that . So as i stated before the only thing left to do is say sorry not sorry !! And haste is waste i was have asleep when commenting last night / this morning . So while telling you to dot your I’s and cross your T’s . I should have been writting the kings english my apologies mate …. on that note next subject lol
Half asleep
I stopped reading after your first sentence. I know it was him because he admitted to it in a messsge to a loyal turtle rider and did not care.
That was after the fact, too. His excuse is that hes a consenting adult. I agree, but then you can’t parade around town being “for the children” as he puts it.
Talking to yourself.
This is just a small sample of the many skeletons in this fruit cakes closet. This guy SUCKS.
I want to know…was his “friend” who was at the park with him on the day that started this, the same pal in the Craigslist ad?
Also, WTF with the Proactive picture? Is he at the Auburn Mall? I wish you guys covered THAT up with a turtle? At least give us a warning…bleh.
Why so defensive, Feisty? You mad?
You were wrong, and doubling (or is it tripling) down on stupidity and then virtue signalling your fake morality is such a hypocritically liberal, SJW move.
So disappointed in this blog these days. Used to be 100% full of hot takes – now it’s a lot of pandering to the mob and dumb asses.
You want to meet up for lunch and paint some rocks?
Hypocrite hater??? If that name is an accurate description, you must hate yourself.
BTW, nice takedown on this scuntfuck Fiesty. Keep up the great work!
Also, that jabba the gunt fucker justine wedgeworthless managed to get me suspended for a day, so I haven’t been able to do anything on the fakebook machine.
Bahahahahahaaa! Going back to the comment that I made on the first follow-up post, if you don’t want people to find out, don’t put your dick out on the internet… or something like that. Jeramy, you are a glutton for self-inflicted punishment.
Nice cock
Well we know why his girl wants a few Wands at a time because his didn’t measure up. Jeremy got the short straw in life and now his girl wants a real dick for her Wizards Sleeve. This guy sucks. Nice work Fiesty. You yelled at me before but it’s kool, your a bad bitch, a ride or die bitch.
It’s all good I dont hold grudges!