Turns Out Wayne Sobonek (Guy Who Calls Chicks Racial Slurs If They Won’t Bone Him) Is Actually A Crossdresser On Another Dating Site And Goes By “SexyDeepthroatgurl”

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Update on the story about Wayne Sobanek, the dude who tries to nail chicks on a dating app and then calls them racial slurs when they tell him they’re not interested – turns out he’s a cross dresser who goes by the name “Sexy Deep throat gurl” on another dating site:
Do I care that this guy is a cross dresser? Nope. If this is how you get your jollies then more power to ya. Because….freedom.
But it’s just kind of funny that a guy who gets his rocks off by degrading women, pretends to be a woman in order to drill unsuspecting dudes.
Oh, and he claims he filed a police report against the girl who blew up his spot about the message he sent her:
Biggest. Dooshnozzle. Ever.
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19 Comment(s)
This fucking kid! He got mad at me years ago because I wanted nothing to do with him after talking for a little bit and put my number on craigslist ads, I had to call pd to get him to stop.
Easy, easy, simmer down.
He’s merely getting ready for the local Women’s 5k.
There’s a cash purse involved.
Prize. Cash prize.
Oh christ you gave him publicity! Now his pick up line will be “Do you know who I am?” lol
Bet he’s “buddies” with Jeffy Neal, aka Spurts.
I instantly recognized this guy because my friends and I used to browse casual encounters for shits and giggles. This was years ago but the guy has one of those punchable faces that you don’t soon forget. This guy had a photo of his face in the body of his ad. I always hope that people who do that are catfish and scammers because I feel bad for any real human being who is that shameless.
Hey Wayne,
You like corn on the cob?
I knew that I recognized that dude from somewhere! Errr… I mean my friend over here knew that he recognized that guy.
So does he try to hook up with black dudes on his gay profile?
Get a life turtle boy you have nothing better to do than stalk weirdos?
He brought a knife to a library show in Chelmsford when we were in high school. Trying to show of and telling my female friends about it. My friends told him to leave or we would call the cops. He threatened to stab us if we did, and proceeded to be a misogynistic creep.
The cops came, but because of noise complaints. He ran across the street like a little bitch.
I don’t care if he’s cd/tv/queer or otherwise, but having known him seems like the kinda dude who would solicit a dude then beat the crap out of him for being gay.
I honestly don’t know what would be more embarrassing. Getting caught saying the n word or getting busted giving bjs in drag. He should be on suicide watch. Or not
Bjs in drag is way worse bro. The n bomb is a tough one but that can be passed off as ignorance.
Plus all your buddies are going to expect bjs all the time
Caught saying the n word will end a career while giving bjs in drag could very well enhance ones career. The former gets you automatically fired whereas the latter will automatically get you hired and ensure job security because diversity
You have got to be kidding!! Great investigative reporting!!!
No, Wanye Sobonek, you are not ‘passing’ at all.
Kinky, you little fucker! You like it up the ass, you little bitch?
You’re a sick fuck!
I want some state to secede and then I’ll go there. No people like this guy allowed inside the wall. Who else is in?
reminds me of Buffalo Bill
I’d fuck me….