Turtleboy Was A Junior Smokeshow Magnet At The St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Also Witnessed A Classic Worcester “Almost Fight”
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The St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Worcester wouldn’t be complete without a couple of hardos with too much pride getting into an “almost fight.” As in, two white guys were almost gonna fight but instead they started calling each other the n word and got held back by their friends, thus preserving their bad ass street cred on Park Avenue:
This is just one of many thing witnessed by Turtleboy as we enjoyed the festivities. This woman right here might be my favorite person in the entire parade:
She’s like the Irish oompa-loompa.
And these guys pretty much wait the entire year for this day:
Oh yea, and this was classic Worcester right here. Just two parade goers aimlessly pushing around a shopping cart on one of the side streets near the parade.
Turtleboy was out in full force sampling all the debauchery at the bars. Needless to say, he was a big hit:
That’s some strong turtle love right there.
Turtleboy was also naughty, so he had to go to timeout and sit shotgun with the fuzz:
Oh yea, and junior smokeshows couldn’t get enough Turtleboy
St. Patrick’s Day Parade is easily the best day of the year because it’s the only time you can legally have a gigantic block part in the middle of a street:
Turtleboy even got to hang out with his boy Donnie Wahlberg:
Gotta love St. Patrick’s Day. It’s the only day of the year when you get publicly violate every law and no one seems to have a problem with it. God bless Worcester. God bless the Irish. God bless Turtleboy Nation.
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10 Comment(s)
Drove down Park Ave Monday morning and witnessed the massive amount of trash and litter left behind. Bunch of slobs and low lifes must have attended.
“Bunch of slobs and low lifes must have attended.”
Why would this year be any different than any other?
Just the tattoos on the females in these pictures….bleah.
Donnie freakin Wahlberg. Man… I love Blue Bloods.
wasnt really him bro
Quite a photo montage of Rhodes Scholars, Jonas Salk to be, and future leaders of the free world.
The despair and defeat that is Worcester only deepens.
Were they still running lines and pulling train in the attic apartment at O’Connor Funeral Home?
Dark days.
Junior Smokeshows? Are you going to post any pics of any?
Right? I’ve been noticing of late the rather poor quality of the young lasses that TB refers to as “junior smokeshows”. Love you TB….but NONE of the ladies in this passage are anywhere near a smokeshow!
TB needs new lenses in those gigantic glasses!
The Turtleboy now has something in common with Spanky McFarlane, they both have had a ride in a WPD cruiser!!
Love the pics ! Looks like everyone had a fun time with TB