Smiles And Sunshine

Turtleboy’s Worcester Plowing Expose Was Headline Story For WBZ News, Despite Lack Of Journalism Degree

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Remember this?


“Wait for the Telegram and Gazette to break a story so that you know what you’re reading is verified.”

“It’s so frustrating to see people sharing Turtleboy stories.”

“He doesn’t have a degree in journalism.”

“Journalists have a code of ethics they abide by.”

“I’d love to see his journalism degree.”

Yea, who takes Turtleboy Sports seriously as a news source? Oh I dunno, WBZ Channel 4 News?

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How do you like that Jenny Davio? How do you like them apples Katie Severance? The people of Worcester shouldn’t take Turtleboy Sports seriously as a news outlet. But yet here is a major Boston media outlet riding the turtle and using it as a basis for their story.

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As a matter of fact, it was the LEAD STORY on the 11:00 news:

There are 351 towns and cities in Massachusetts and WBZ chose to highlight Worcester and use Turtleboy as their primary source. And why wouldn’t they? Good journalists know where real news comes from. This is why the Telegram is a dying industry. Meanwhile Walter Bird will go to lengths not mention the words “Turtleboy Sports” in Worcester Magazine (“local bloggers” is his preferred wording), but WBZ has no problem riding the turtle.

LOL. How much does Ed Augustus hate Turtleboy right now? Now all of New England knows what an incompetent bucket of poop stew he is as a City Manager. Embarrassing.

Just to recap in the last 24 hours, Turtleboy forced the City Manager to issue an apology to the taxpayers, and then was publicly humiliated on the 11:00 news in Boston. Because literally EVERYONE who matters reads Turtleboy Sports as their go to source for news and hot takes.

But please, tell me more about why we need a degree in journalism. It’s obviously getting Katie Severance and crew places!!


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Click on the image to get your Turtleboy Sports Revolution hoodie or browse other merchandise from the Turtleboy store.




12 Comment(s)
  • Greg HIll
    January 10, 2016 at 11:28 am

    Because the news never covers a story that was submitted by a citizen.

  • Greg HIll
    January 10, 2016 at 11:16 am

    Maybe the T&G should do a story about how Turtleboysports lies about their web traffic to their sponsors. Turtleboy do you send out a media packet with those fake numbers? Well that’s mail fraud and its a felony. 1.2million unique visitors per month. ahhahahahahaha!

  • Michael
    January 1, 2016 at 10:44 am

    I have a journalism degree from a good school, and spent 4 years working in the area as a newspaper journalist, and I am a bit put off that people think the degree matters. I have had plenty of coworkers who had degrees in other things and I’ve never seen it correlate to their work.

    Most of journalism school was writing in a certain format. There was also the history of mass media and relevant laws to journalism, but there was a lot more education about style and format and next to nothing about telling good information from bad.

  • Nanny
    December 31, 2015 at 8:25 pm

    Hubris, TB. Hubris.

  • Woodiculous
    December 31, 2015 at 3:48 pm

    “Journalists have a code of ethics they (sic) abide by”

    You mean, like Dan Rather?

  • BlackandWhite
    December 31, 2015 at 1:44 pm


  • Chris From Georgia
    December 31, 2015 at 12:40 pm

    Well done TB, well done!!!

  • ccv
    December 31, 2015 at 12:32 pm

    Sometimes I don’t agree with TBS but it is ESSENTIAL that I come here so I can try to get the full story about what’s going on in this city. If you want the half-truth, watered down “news” then you continue to visit TG and basically any other MSM outlet in Mass. That follows a certain agenda. & lets not even start speaking on credentials, the way this city is.. I mean I can get into a whole different topic here but it’s clear that TBS is providing something valuable that the inquisitive Worc. resident is interested in. Regardless of the politics or slant, many of the actual issues in Worc. are being adressed on this website. Please continue your hard work it is appreciated and refreshing compared to the otherwise dull and half-hearted efforts of other local media outlets.

  • Mary
    December 31, 2015 at 12:03 pm

    Awesome. You absolutely do not need a degree in journalism, it’s all about who wants to report and the way they want to do it. You make sense. You gained followers.

  • Snowboundinworcester
    December 31, 2015 at 11:41 am

    It’s funny how these hippies(Democrats) do not want opposing view points to be heard. When a conservative voice is raised they find a way to attack the person instead of listening to the content of what they are saying. It’s a classic liberal tactic. Oh yeah I forgot….Katie Margaret Severance, you can kiss all of our asses…..

    • February 10, 2016 at 4:19 am

      You cod’unlt pay me to ignore these posts!

  • Purple Passion
    December 31, 2015 at 11:16 am

    We all know that Ed Augustus is a low-energy, feeble-minded political hack. This snow fiasco proves it. We know Ed must receive his $250,000 annual feed package at the taxpayer expense somehow. But, does he have to do it at as the city manager? This job deserves a professional, and I must say Ed isn’t doing the city or himself any favors. The city is going to hell and he is exposing himself as a moron. Can’t the powers that be find him a $250,000 no-show job where he can’t do any harm? And Ed, get those suit sleeves shortened. You look ridiculous.

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