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Here’s today’s Giancarlo Zambrano update of the day. We assumed that the cop killer’s twin brother and probation officer Ashley Losapio’s boyfriend, who is currently a fugitive from justice, was long gone by now. After all, there’s a warrant out for his arrest. But we got this message yesterday:
Giancarlo was at the Worcester Court House today to withdraw his motion to vacate the dismissal order re: David Owens. It was in the Housing Court, and they didn’t know there was a warrant for him. He walked in and out. He gave an address of 22 Saxon Road, Worcester.
Wait…..what??? Only in Massachusetts could a wanted man walk into a courthouse and leave a free man. I guess people in housing court need to catch up on their Turtleboy. I mean, this is proof that riding the turtle is more than just a hobby – it’s your duty as an American citizen. You need to stay informed so that criminals like Giancarlo Zambrano get brought to justice.
And despite the fact that cat lady Nancy Smith keeps defending this ding-dong, he basically is admitting that David Owens does not owe him money by withdrawing the motion to vacate the dismissal order. He can continue to leave threatening messages like this in order to extort money from people:
But we’ll keep calling him out for it. Hopefully he just starts obeying the law and we can stop writing about him. He can start by turning himself in to authorities.
What I wanna know is, what’s Joe Early gonna do about this? This guy is literally laughing in your face. His brother killed a cop. He’s dressing up his kid in police uniforms and putting it on his Facebook page. He’s driving around in a white BMW while police look for him after violating an abuse prevention order. His girlfriend is a probation officer who is still going to work every day. And he’s so confident that Joe Early can’t stop him that he’s literally walking into the courthouse, the cradle of law and order for a civilized society, without fearing any sort of repercussions. We have plenty of plots left in the TBS graveyard. We can reserve a spot for Ashley Losapio and her boo, or we can reserve one for the District Attorney. Your move Joe.
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83 Comment(s)
Drug world isn’t good enough here anymore . Move to Florida with your boss .
Maybe KS is a lawyer. KS do you work for Ashlee and Giancarlo?
KS, no school . Obviously we share the same initial ‘s dumb ass !
HAPPY FATHERS DAY YAnkee. just remember Your children will learn what a GREAT day you are. A bitter family cannot separate a dAD from his children forever, HOPE you have a great DAy
Go have another snort, KS! Great composition, public school or home skool?
whoever is posting illegally under Ryan b be prepared for lawsuit , Ryan does not even live in Worc anymore and would not see anyone so grow up and post under your own name, unless u want a lawsuit
Define a father !!! Lmao!!!!
giancarlo does live in millbury ! And it is wheelock ave he just came jogging out of the driveway !!! It’s beige and it has a one car garage and a Two car garage in front
Giancarlo ‘ only worries in life are DRUGS , MONEY, AND DIRTY SNATCHES . And let’s not forget about HIMSELF. !!!!
Just me you should be saving THANK YOU
FIesty, I have to disagree, Giancarlo is a loving FATHER he has tried to maintain a steady relationship with his Children, the ex and her parents have done everything to keep him away, the you add Super TROOPER into the picture using his badge and his police position to the mix, EVERY stories has two sides and I have to agree with GIANCARLO.
I Absolutely Agee with the above post every person deserves to see their children, kids need both MOMS and DADS no one has right to keep a child away from a PARENT.
I disagree. A child needs a GOOD Mother or Father. Sometimes a child is better off without a parent if said parent isn’t responsible, loving, and consistent.
No good parent puts their needs before their children. A drug dealer criminal is not an ideal parent, and although it’s sad to take a parent away from a child, it’s even more sad to keep a child around a bad role model for the sake of “having a dad” around.
Just me,you ARE GIANCARLO , why don’t u actually tell US THE REAL TRUTH, I have defended u many times saying u deserve to be a dad, and you have done some great construction jobs and masonry jobs
Do you people look as dumb as you sound??? Are you really threatening someone right here on social media?? But Giancarlo is the thug lowlife right?? I think everyone needs to take a step back mind their damn business and evaluate yourself before you shit out of your mouth!
Yankee is this you?????
Any work on Giancarlo being seen in Millbury
He’s never had a job , his hands areas soft as a babies ass
People here keeping asking who took out the harassment order against him. If anyone knows, you should keep your mouth shut. This is someone’s life, not a game. He obviously has no regard for the law so how about attempting to keep some things that are vital for safety, private. You people here have given out so much information it’s not even funny anymore.
Keep it to a group message on FB but to keep asking who did it is wrong and immoral. I hope no one truly answers the question with validity. Well, besides Giancuntlo opening his mouth like he’s some invisible cape wearing subhuman. Keep being cocky, let’s see how far it gets you.
Who took Out HARRASSMENT judgement against HIM,????
It’s called Millbury ave across from Queens cupcakes
Why doesn’t owner call Millbury mass state police if heknow a WARRANT out
They definitely live there !!! I know a friend of the owner.
It’s sounds like this giancarlo is in love with a big girl with huge calfs and a vagina that everyone in the state of Massachusetts has either been in or seen .ROAST BEEF ANYONE!!!!
If it’s over by wheelock ave, can we even use the phrase “lives on the water.” It’s more like a big rain puddle with small old homes. Obviously he wasn’t big time enough to relocate to Miami forever, get a condo, exotic car, and sexy mami. Still kicking around Worcester in an old car, with an old shorty that ran through crews, lol. Not very impressive. And for someone who calls people fat, he should really work on his summer body. Maybe in the HOC he can finally get abs.
Doherty pond is actually a really nice area, with really good people who live there. If he truly is there, it won’t be for long… Good people can smell a scumbag a mile away! 🙂
I would LOVE, LOVE,LOVE,LOVE to come across this waste of skin !! He is being looked for. You better get some eyes on the back of your piece of shit head ! People around here won’t rest ! You and your family will feel ZERO peace!
You’re brother rotting in tortuous pain in the darkest places of hell are no consolation for killing a cop like a coward, then shooting a Navy SEAL ???? There is NOOOOOOOO PLACE ON THIS EARTH YOU CAN HIDE !
It’s wheelock Ave. It’s across the street from Queens Cups .
That’s actually funny, because I know that area extremely well, and I know a SHITLOAD of people that live there… Time to make some phone calls 😉
Carl ,they do live in Millbury !!!!!! And I was referring to the Saxon Rd in Worcester address .He always uses his sisters address for everything !!!! They both live just where I explained. Just not sure of the name of the street. I’m get back with the name .
Why would any NORMAL mass state Trooper be dating his ex, knowing past history of this family I guess someone dropped ball on his background check, and who allows someone to move in their home only meeting someone a few month. WOW outstanding Parenting skills, no wonder GIANCARLO has Unsupervised VISATION
10 wrong Alex sister lives on Saxon rd Worcester. GIANCARLOS ex and kids live in Millbury not on water street I will not list her address
They both live in Millbury , on the water . There’s a fire station and a convenient type store and a cupcake place across the street from them . It’s beige and it’s an in law apartment in the back . He doesn’t live at that address he uses , that’s his sister Alex ‘s house . That place was all over the news stations .
Really mill street is the ghetto. Jeeze worcester people really have a tough life.
Reddig I’ll rip sunglasses off anytime do when do I get my hundred, FIRSTY were u in Court yesterday ???wish you had seen him, glad your back to your old self
Joe, are you smoking crack Washington height apartment does not overlook Coes pond its on opposite side of the street, it’s gettio , and FACT Giancarlo never went qcc, he’s a dumb drug dealing SCUM. Yes he did do few construction jobs in city but usually never completed any, he’s driven same old BMW X5 for past 10 years. He should take his DRUG business and go back to MIAMI
??? Huh? What?
So Ashley is still dropping dimes from the Dudley Courthouse, tipping off scumbags and dealers and goons and thugs, and no one gives a fuck? Joe Early? Anyone? Has fear or incompetence totally taken over what’s left of the MA judiciary?
Combination of fear, incompetence, apathy but mainly corruption.
Ha if you knew the truth you might sound educated. Dropping dimes? Figure it out dumbass if you knew the real story everyone would know what a complete ignorant moron you really are!
He went to quuinsig fact yo! I typed condom over looking coses lol
Me thinks you may be ‘tarded. Just a guess though!
We’re going to need an interpreter for that last comment.
Ill take a washington heights apartment basically a condom over looking coses pond n a good hood. I think she lived on fifth ave when we were kids shit shes 10+yers at a state job she be retired in florida soon good for her . Would you move out of Your apartment even if your lived there forever for 20k im gone. Thats a real racket. Federaly funded hud apartment privitly owned im guessing. Like kids for cash prison thing down in PA.
You misspelled FILTH Ave.
Joe, your speelig an compostisition ar spagtacuularr, did you go to worc. pubic sckoolez?
jes saYinn……..
$100 bucks to the person who rips those sunglasses off his face
Why dont you try. Puss!
Joe, maybe Giancarlo can get an apt under section 8, he’s a thug who owns nothing and rips off elderly people for cash, get your facts straight he never went to college, and Lapdog lived off Shrewsbury street, Worcester residents will not be safe until he’s behind bars, maybe u should go up Washington height get apt with your buddy GIANCARLO
Give it up its a person Vedanta with you know. Hes commenting below now. Heres a real scoop tb i heard washington heights apartment is offering 20000$ to buy out residents who are not on section 8 so by 2017 the whole complex will be federal founded. Fucking crazy. Is that legal. Yoshi was smart getting into the rental game i told you he wasnt a drug dealer he went to college smart kid. Bangs a hot state worker can she retire after 20 yrs good for her she grew up in vernon hill qhen she was young i believe
I agree with you and can these people get a life??? I know the family personally. Nothing what these dumbasses are saying. KNown the family since Ashley was 4 years old. Its just ridiculous. Yes Giancarlos brother very sadly is a cop killer. Why does the public need to drag everyone who has even spoke his name into the dirt?? Just pathetic. Bored with life losers. LOL
Perhaps “Professional Courtesy” the reason a government employee would not turn in this scum bag!
This arrogance is just the tip of the iceberg. Keep the heat on, while the others are too scared to say a word.
Did Giancarlo really violate a Harrassment order?Who took out the order against him??
I never could have imagined I’d be three degrees of separation away from that cop killing fuck nugget. And yet, here I am…
Come again?
I know Dave Owens.
Owens used to rent from Giancarlo.
Giancarlo is Jorge’s brother.
Three degrees.
Not just Massachusetts, nearly every state doesn’t have a clue what one hand is doing. In this day and age with instant information, our government agencies are woefully behind the times, and dare I say GD lazy about doing more than they absolutely have to. That’s what happens when you have job security via the govt.
With a name like Zambrano being all over the news, you would think one dim light there would have been light up? But no, not my job is the mantra inscribed over their paychecks.
Time to require crosschecks.
Agreed…You might think that within the course of SCUMBRANO’s little transaction @ courthouse, someone would have typed his name into a keyboard, raising a red flag on him! Me smells “sumthin’ fishy”!!!
david owens, aka fat bags, how many years of slinging cheeseburgers does he have under his belt?
People like you disgust me. Making fun of someone who is trying to earn a living the honest way is so pathetic.
I rather date a burger slinger than a drug dealer any day. A real woman sees past the financial status of a man and looks for important things like integrity, honesty, and the ability to attempt to further his career the best way he can.
Also I wouldn’t be making fun of his weight when your girlfriend Ashley is a buck fifty below the waist. She’s gross. If you take her midsection and put it on regular sized thighs, it would be clear she has a big stomach too. It only looks semi flat because her legs are huge. A real life optical illusion! It’s why she never poses looking straight forward because they are really large, so side view helps a bit.
Fuck off Giancuntlo.
P.S. Her craters and cellulite are visible through DARK colored pants. Do you understand how fucking disgusting legs have to be to pull that kind of shit off?? GROSS!!!!!
Im sure your a prize!! Got time to waste on here talking about Ashley. She is gorgeous and you are jealous…bottom line. I wish I knew who you really were. Fiestylawyerlady?? Hahaha You mean biggest bitch!! If you are actually a lawyer than you are an educated douchebag. So why attack Ashley on her looks??? You sound like a moron. So you must be busted…butt ass ugly and you are so jealous. It is so apparent. Get a life!
Hey, tell me how it feels to know that they shot your brother in the dick first? Seriously think about it. Even if it was only a minute before they put him out of his misery, think about how it must have felt for him, writhing in pain, feeling that bloody little member were it once was. Think about the stabbing searing pain. It’s not like it was cut off clean, it was mangled. It warms our cold little hearts. We love that he died in that way. It makes us happy. How does it make you feel?
Tell us please, for educational purposes. You were his twin, is that not so? Tell us, did you feel it? When it happened, did you feel pain in your own member? Could you tell he had lost his manhood? Is it like they say?
Ashley looks like Mr. ED. She has a strong face just like a feminine man.
P.S. I am a cutie patootie.
The End.
She does look like a horse, I would definitely be afraid for my fingers if I held an apple or a sugar cube anywhere near her face!
I’m SO SO jealous of a woman who is the masculine version of Jay Leno. She looks like Glass Joe from Mike Tysons punch out.
Last night before I went to bed I begged God to make me gain 47lbs below my waist so I can look good and appealing to minority drug dealers who don’t have physical standards because everyone in their family is obese.
Wow, that was long winded.
I can see you are SO annoyed because you want to know who I am sooooooo bad. Lol, that makes me giggle the same way Ashley does in the ice cream section at Price Rite.
Hola papito chulo, que paso contingo? Papi, me gustaria preguntarle si se olvida de mi, pero se que tiene tantas otras mujeres en Miami. Poner mi carrera en la linea de estar con un padre muerto golpea que es el hermano gemelo de un tipo muerto sin bicho!
I’m just warming up and getting started. Keep fucking around.
Sabes lo que es…quieren mas?
Wow. Is that what was hiding under those pants? I think it has teeth! Be careful Yankee, she will bite your less than mediocre sized bicho right off! Then we have to burn it and add it to Jorge’s velvet bag filled with his ashes.
Yours Truly,
Hector E. Piñeiro
Phew… I had to blur out my dick holster as I was afraid of getting TB in trouble because of my ugly wrinkly vagina being posted here. I chose a probation badge because it’s worth as much as my pussy, ZILCH! Perhaps someone can assure me that I can go bare with my over microwaved roast beef cave? I would love to continue to post here as a regular user, and perhaps every time my boyfriend posts here I can add new pictures to turn him on. He also had a “hard” time getting it up.. No pun intended because he was flaccid often. He blamed it on his alcohol consumption but.. Come on!!
I’m sure at least 10 people got to see it bare, though… If anyone is still interested, just click on my profile. I will be updating with new pictures every time Giancarlo opens his potty mouth!
Feisty, post your bikini pic lol
Would be better than smashleys.
I can tell you right now my legs don’t touch at the knees like your girlfriends. I can also tell you that I can wear white leggings and not worry about craters, again, like your girlfriend. She can’t even wear Navy BLUE pants without that cottage cheese look.
Hahaha right Im sure she is busted!!
Fiesty aka turtlefuckgirl have you noticed David Owens was convicted of class B distribution last year and intent to distribute class D!! Oh but wait not only did he not pay his rent to the scumlord Giancarlo but has another judgement for not paying his rent to another property owner!! I would think being the smart turtlefuckgirl that you claim to be you would do a little research before flapping your bottom lip!! One last thing lets see how pretty you are that your such the critic of Ashley Losapio!! Turtlefuckdipshithooker
Oh my goodness… You seem so mad!!
Fiesty, actually he doesn’t only sling burgers but also cocaine and mariJuana!!!!!! Did you not google the cheeseburger slinger before you put your stupid ass on the line!!!!!!!
I can’t imagine the Tarentino family having to witness another one of these scumbags rub all our faces in his crimes. This is exactly what that other animal did for years before it all came to a head. This guy may be a tad more “white collar”, but he’ll get there, and nobody with any authority seems to care.
Thank a lib.
Just reserve slots for all three of those numbskulls… Early’s a hack, and the wannabe Bonnie and Clyde are just gonna keep digging their holes deeper.