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Back on Memorial Day weekend 2 people were stabbed in downtown Haverhill just after 1 a.m. on Sunday 5/29. One of the victims, Matthew Sabatino, has been in critical condition for almost two weeks and, sadly, died Thursday night. Matt, his fiancé and another couple were walking from the Chit-Chat when he tried to break up an altercation between his friend and another man outside of the Barking Dog Alehouse. After being stabbed in the heart and lung, Matt was taken by helicopter to Boston where doctors performed 5 hours of surgery but were uncertain if he would survive or if he would suffer brain damage from oxygen loss.
Here’s a guy who was out with his friends and fiancé (who is also the mother of his two young children), who intervened with good intentions and now his family has to bury him at just 28 years old. His fiancé faces the crushing reality of having to raise two young children on her own and those little ones have been prematurely robbed of a loving father. My heart breaks for each and every person who loved and rallied behind Matthew in hopes of recovery. The next step is fighting for justice on behalf of Matt, his fiancé, children, family and many, many friends.
The scum who stabbed Matthew is Hayden Delafuente and he’s a grade-A piece of trash. He has about 4 different Facebook profiles, each one douchier than the last.
Turtleboy blogged about Delafuente after the stabbing when we figured out that he was the new trap-daddy of Brianna Moured. Brianna (AKA the Salisbury Sea Cow) became TB famous after she was arrested for snorting cocaine in her car with her ex-con buddy and her 3 year old son in the back seat. Clearly, you get a sense of what kind of creatures we’re dealing with here.
After the stabbing Brianna did her finest FB rendition of “free my bae” in support of this chump-stump:
She certainly knows how to pick ’em! I mean, who better to have around your kid than a hardo swamp donkey with a list of priors? I figured she would focus on seeing her son more often because evidently it’s “been a while” but declaring your love and support for your newest piece of skeet-meat is top priority when you’re a seacoast-raised bovine.
Although, her bestie is also in and out of jail on the regular so at least her close circle of friends have something in common.
But just look at this festering sack O’ shame:
He’s just another GED boasting, every-other-Wednesday deadbeat dad.
Congrat-u-fuckin-lations on getting a bare-minimum education and using your pinkie-pickle to procreate. This guy has contributed ZERO to society. A&B, theft and trying to punch chicks in the face? 3 of Haydens favorite past-times (along with drinking Henney and ruining people’s lives.)
Even his own family members hate him which is REFRESHING AS HELL since we’re used to idiots coming out of the woodwork to rant and rave about how misunderstood people like Hayden are.
Yeah, everyone hates Hayden and he deserves it. I have no sympathy for people like him and I don’t believe his bullshit claim “that he would not have stabbed anyone unless it was in self defense.”
BUT there were also people who had plenty to say to Brianna as well..
Something tells me this vomitrocious love affair has come to an end. It’s a shame too since she’s well versed in visiting people in prison.
Or maybe she’ll end up with another parole-playmate. Who knows?
Don’t do it Gary.
Bottom line, people like Brianna, Hayden and the rest of the lowlife wastes of oxygen they associate with are a worthless gang of bottom feeders who bring absolutely nothing to the table. They aren’t capable of contributing to society, being functioning members of the community or adequately caring for themselves or their children (obviously.) I’m so sick of seeing people like them leech their way through life without repercussion for their shitty life choices. Even if they slam Hayden with a murder charge he ultimately gets 3 meals a day and perhaps the possibility parole someday. The ones who lose here are the people who have to say goodbye to someone who was loved by many and will be missed tremendously. I hope the court goes hard against Delafuente and that justice is served.
Rest easy Matthew Sabatino.
24 Comment(s)
Noone knows what happened ok nd that bitch brianna aint his girlfriend ok.. Yes i kno matty nd want justice to but noone knows what happened storys keep changing arou d every day nd ppl posting on this rashing on him and bubba have no fucking lifes honestly all im saying he has a baby on the way nd a gf whos there 100 percent nd his friends ok so dont rash unless u know the whole turth bout him not just facts ppl say bout him. He was never a bad person to mr or my fuking kids so shut up..
Another fine example of GED literacy there. You should submit to the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest, most inherent, gutterslug, hoodrat , run-on long ass sentence ever constructed. Spelling, punctuation and grammar, all lacking in that literary treasure.
Some Deval Patrick appointed judge will probably let him go. Because jail isn’t working for him.
Who dresses this fucking POS…………. Barnum & Bailey????? Look up Fuckstick in the dictionary and this clowns pic is next to the definition….
just another shit-stain on the underwear of society . . . kill it with fire!
TurtleBoy. I used to enjoy reading stories on your site. But this BS with trap pop ups and other spam nonsense leads me to believe your best days are behind you. Sorry. Butt pits obnoxious to your readers and speaks volumes that you have to resort to these bottom feeders to generate any advertising revenue. Shameful. Good luck with your dwindling viewership.
A previous reader
clear your cookies and stfu. btw is there anything more douchy than signing off as “a previous reader”? you’ll keep reading..
Use a popup blocker…they are free addons.
He’s a well groomed hoodrat, he’s gonna be popular in the slamma 😉
Hey turtleboy can you do 2 things for me? 1) Get a website that doesn’t have fake virus pop-ups
2) Tell your boy gaffney his wife stands no chance in that race so they should save the time, energy, and $$$$
Hey Real Estate In Your Head can I just explain 2 things to you? 1)You’re a fuckin homo. 2 Your parents are both clearly retarded and related to each other. I hope you catch HIV from stepping on a dirty syringe and you spread it to your whole family when you’re in the middle of molesting them.
Woah someone’s offended. I’ll bet you a large sum of money that she loses you WANKBAG.
Tragic, a 28 year old family man murdered by a 18 year old maggot, sickening. shouldn’t have happened. These perps are well known, to the community and the police they’re living off welfare and crime.
Mass laws protect the evil and make honest citizens struggle to be safe on the sidewalks, safe in their homes and safe on the roads. It should be as easy and legal to defend yourself and family as it is to for criminals to get a public defender and interpreter.
My condolences to Mr. Sabbz family and friends, may god bring you some comfort.
where do these fuckheads come from ? I hope he gets gang raped in prison
Thank a lib!
Matt was and always will be such a loving, courageous, happy go lucky guy. This is so unfair and so many are shattered by this. Hayden will pay the price one way or another, life has its way and you reap what you sow. Now two young children don’t get to have there loving father to teach and guide them through life. ( just so you’re not giving false info Courtney is not the mother of his older child)
Perhaps it’s me but it seems petty to separate Mothers at this point. It would seem the young lady TB quoted isn’t making a distinction, and in all honesty it doesn’t need to be said. If the mothers were interested in correcting TB they would have. The number of Mothers is irrelevant in this juncture just saying….I am sorry for your loss however. May He rest in peace, and this seacow fucking trashbag rott in jail for many years to come!
It’s not petty. The writer forgot to include the victims older son, will be without a father again.
Not petty. Both children are without a dad but which child belongs to which mom isn’t something that I felt needed to be distinguished. Sad all around.
Exactly my point! So perhaps “petty” was not the right word. Mayhap “Unnecessary” or “Superfluous”? That kind of information belongs within the family and not brought up on a web blog.
The Legislature is talking about Boston-Springfield train service. Makes sense, will get drugs and guns to and from both cities so much cheaper and easier. Each Court could take a couple randomly selected mud nuggets, tie them on the last train car and drag them the whole distance. Definitely better than paying to house them in a violent, over crowded jail. I nominate this load that should have been swallowed as the first rail rider.
Boston Sprinfield train, wow, they can call it the opium express. They’re are already buses and stolen cars running that route.
“Town Stoning.” That’s funny because I was just commenting to a friend of mine who is a WDC ADA and suggested that we should forego the court room procedures (nonsense I think I said) all together and go directly to reinstating public hanging gallows. She laughed and agreed and said that would certainly save the taxpayers a lot of $$$.
Don’t forget the lottery possibilities for winner’s to pull the lever to release the trap door…High noon entertainment at its best plus tax revenue! A gallows pole on every common. Stockades and tar/feathers for less egregious crimes.