It’s going to be a long winter if you live in Worcester. Again. This is why we gave Ed Augustus a raise and a new contract a year before his old one was up. Because he’s just that good.
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The City of Worcester did a historically awful job plowing the roads last winter. Didn’t stop 9 of the 11 useless piles of poo who serve on the Worcester City Council from not only extending City Manager Ed Augustus’ job a full year before his current contract came to an end, but giving him a raise and a rating of EXCEEDS expectation. Not meets expectations. EXCEEDS!! And since you can be a complete fuck up and still get rewarded for your gross incompetence, it’s not really surprising that the first real snowfall of the year was another abortion sandwich in the making. Let’s take a look at two videos we found of people crossing the town line into West Boylston and from Worcester into Shrewsbury, to see just how hilariously awful a job they did. Again.
Here’s a car crossing from West Boylston into Worcester:
It’s like you’re traveling into East Berlin. Except the people who ran East Berlin would look at our City Council and admire the amount of corruption they can get away with. Then again, if the Russians had Jim McGovern the Soviet Union might still exist. I mean just look at the difference:
West Boylston
That right there is a fucking joke. This is what we pay Ed Augustus $250,000 a year to do. This happened right during the middle of a tax battle at City Hall. And as usual Mike Gaffney is leading the charge against a tax increase, while Joe Petty, Kate Toomey, and the rest of the slob patrol is trying to increase taxes. Because as you can see, tax dollars in Worcester are always well spent. Always.
Meanwhile, here’s what it looks like crossing from Lincoln Street into Shrewsbury:
Once again, Shrewsbury
“Exceeds expectations.” Not meets. Exceeds.
Notice in that video the plows are turning around in the road to plow the other side of the road, which is perfectly navigable. It also means they JUST plowed the shitty side of the street, and it still looks like Santa Claus took a dump all over it. To make matters worse we witnessed multiple plows with two people in them. Because why would they put two guys in separate plows when they could have one guy sitting in the passenger seat reading the Huffington Post?
Here’s the email address for Ed Augustus: CityManager@worcesterma.gov. Feel free to email him with your thoughts about this and mention the debauchery you witnessed in this blog. This man gets five times the salary of a teacher. He is not an elected official. He was appointed City Manager because he’s a well connected politician who put in his time working for the Jim McGovern Crime Family. Even if you don’t live in Worcester, just email him and be like, “Dude, you’re a joke. Get your shit together. This is reason number 539 I would never even consider leaving my town and moving to Worcester.”
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25 Comment(s)
They had no problem tagging and towing my car, even though it was 530 in the morning, and they hadn’t even started plowing. The city is a money grubbing, uncaring slob with uncaring people running the show. I have lived here most of my life, but definitely will not be staying after retirement.
I love when I see 7 trucks in a row plowing 1/4 of an inch of snow. Sparks flying on the blacktop.
Who’s going to remember? 24 hours later it has rained and the temps up around 45 – 50> No problem with snow on any of the streets. Not going to get much traction with this one turtleboy.
yea dude, tell that to the people trying to get to work, etc. that day. It was only an inch or two, but that didnt stop them from tagging and towing.
Citizens of Worcester, if you remember I already mentioned that I appropriated this years plowing budget to hire a racially diverse legal team to prosecute the man who stole busts of myself from my home in millis. And I have good news! He agreed to settle out of court for a week in my sex dungeon. I would’ve asked for more but Jim McGovern would just get jealous of my new toy
I wonder just how much money Augustus cut out of the snow removal accounts. We didn’t get much snow last year so what happened to that money? This is the part where I do not understand how local government handles individual line items such as DPW snow removal. If that account was retroactive from say just last year – then there should be plenty of funds available for snow removal. If not then where in flying fuck of all globally known flying fucks did that money go???
Speaking of go. Go Pats!!! We’re on to shrimp and beer wearing #12…
Those two people the city hired to oversee each half of the city during snowstorms must only work Monday through Friday. They were probably over Paul Moselys house for a Christmas party yesterday.
Bet the bike path to nowhere was plowed and salted.
Wow, wtf. I wish I got paid 250,000 to sit on my ass. Those roads are worse than wendell Ma. Ya that’s right wendell ma the boondocks, the middle of no where and their roads were better than Worcester’s roads. Thats aweful seeing that wendell’s budget is probably a quarter of Worcester’s. Ridiculous.
I was the responsible parent and took my kid out for first lesson on “How to Drive in Snow in New England” today. Went out in the worst of conditions, so it was a great lesson.
My kid is not even close to driving age but if she drives the way she rides her bike, we’re all dead.
I lived in Worcester for nine months way long ago, Ferdinand Street. This was the ’70’s and lots of Greek neighbors, fantastic people! We had to shovel the street several times as back then the plowing sucked too. Nothing changes in large cities. Plenty of money spent to keep the Democrat elite in power but at the cost of the general public.
A simple question: are the drug dealers and hookers responsible for shoveling the sidewalks they “own”?
Did my undergrad at WPI about the same time. I remember dodging the green gutter runners (buses) with my ’73 Vega. Road maintenance was horrible. Try to get up Insitute Rd in a lightweight rust bucket when they don’t plow or sand. City is just as shameful today as it was then but back the the Galleria was a successful mall.
Sutton blows too….complete shit show
Councilor Gaffney??
I wish Special Ed would come plow me. I mean my driveway.
Disagree 1000%. Worcester was out in force by 8am. Shrewsbury was a shit show till at least 1. Pike disaster all morning. Worcester gets A. Oh and it was a storm..
Thank John, did you even get out?
That’s not much of a counter argument. Worcester was out by 8. Big deal, doesn’t change the fact that the roads in Shrewsbury were better than Worcester.
No way, Thisbe shitty city was awful, west side was a shit show 4 hrs after the storm, storm ends side streets are not plowed why? Where did the contractors go? They made one path early on then vanished . Storm ended at 1pm roads on west side did not get plowed till 4hrs later. Every year every storm the city stinks. I drive a truck for a living and also plow for a town, I would leave work Millbury, auburn roads are great you cross into work on James awful, I will say it again he should be fired , my taxes are not cheap and our services suck. TY, have a great Sunday.
The street I recorded was still unplowed @ 7PM. Well after the storm ended. From my vantage, it still hasn’t been plowed. This is a punchline where I live. The people there pay a lot in property taxes.
My mother lives up by Boynton Park. For 30 years they are never plowed adequately until days after a storm. Usually it’s a path just wide enough for a single car. They pay over $3000 in property taxes in that area yearly and people still get stuck trying to get home.
You are right about one thing though, Worcester IS in force early. But why is it they plow streets THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN PLOWED? As in, there is no snow on the street, it’s just wet, and the plows are there plowing again and again. Do they get paid by the hour or the street?
How can they plow and sand properly when they are funding bullshit like Mosaic and God knows what else? Then add in the sheer volume of ratchets, trap queens, crack addicted babies and the medical/mental health cost of each and ask yourself again; “Why would I think they would have any of my tax money left over for municipal services?”
Surely they’ll have lame excuses. The city, like the state, has a million of reusable excuses.
Typical. Can’t say that I am surprised. Keep calling them out, TB.