Vote For The Best Triggered Hampshire College Snowflake Meme
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Yesterday we asked you to make a meme out of this Hampshire snowflake, who is reportedly a 24 year old Dover resident named Alec Larson.
We got so many good submissions we can’t choose our favorite. So we’re gonna go ahead and put it to the turtle riders. We’ve narrowed it down to 12 choices you can choose from. We won’t show you who submitted each one, but we will allow you see them all and vote for your favorite at the bottom. The leader as of noon tomorrow (Wednesday) gets a free Turtleboy shirt of their choosing.
They’re all good, but we’re voting for F just because it made us spit out our coffee this morning. Do your thing though.
Here’s some other great ones
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2 Comment(s)
A-J were all awful. They seem like they are all written by middle aged moms trying to be hip.
Who needs a Turtleboy shirt… That’s like winning second place… I already won the best prize…. Here is a letter and a rosewood engraved pen I found:
Worcester Telegram & Gazette
Dear Mr. Larson,
July 2, 2012
Your letter to The People’s Forum has been selected as the Letter of the Week.
Your engraved rosewood Telegram & Gazette Letter of the Week pen is enclosed. We hope you enjoy it.
Chris Sinacola
Editor of the Editorial Pages
Of course now the T&G is just an apologist for the undemocratic Democratic Party!
Paul Larson