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Worcester is a War Zone Because EVERYWHERE Is a War Zone

by J-Dub

Like I said in my last post, the TurtleBoy Revolution started in Worcester.  It’s spreading, and there’s a simple reason for it.  If you pay attention to the following examples, you can easily see it.

The first example is a video shot buy a guy named Shaun Tatum and was featured in a TBS post about Worcester cops getting harassed while doing their jobs.  Watch the video in that post, and tell me what you see.  If you see a bunch of innocent people being harassed by the police, stop reading now.  You obviously can’t be reasoned with, and I’m not here to waste my time with the limited cognitive function of the “Fuck Tha Police” crowd.  However, if you see the police engaging people whom they have probable cause to believe may have or be in the act of committing a crime, then read on.

The dirty little secret about videos like this is it so incredibly easy to see the agenda in play here.  First of all, the dude waving the grocery bag is clearly trying to instigate something with the cops.  If you doubt that, then consider this. What nobody wants to admit is these people know how to bait cops, and they do so deliberately in hopes of getting “incriminating” video, or better yet, a settlement against the city for the ever-popular “police brutatlity.”  This guy has the recipe down pat.

“Grocery bag guy” starts with a great combination for provoking an incident.  He advances on police officers in the middle of a stop and does not immediately obey their lawful order for him to “back off.”  This creates the potential for a really bad situation, because now the cops are facing two potential threats; three if you consider the fact the police don’t know who else may wander out of that crowd to be a pain in the ass or worse.   The police are trained (and rightly so) to maintain control in situations like this because losing control can mean the difference between life or death.

That’s why once the police officer stepped toward “Grocery bag guy” and told him that he was about to get “locked up,” things could have become very serious very quickly.  If  “Grocery bag guy” doesn’t step back, you know that officer was going to take him down in order to re-assert control of the situation.  Once a situation like this starts escalating, pretty much anything can happen from there, because as was stated in the original TurtleBoy piece, this is all taking place in an area with a lot of known gang activity.

That’s another important distinction, because these aren’t uniformed patrol officers; they’re plain-clothes “gang squad” cops.  That means unlike what the JBPs of the world what you to believe, these cops know who they’re dealing with, and they aren’t inclined to a lot of needless screwing around. Trust me, if you are a gang member in Worcester, or you hang around gang-bangers and/or wanna-bes, those guys know exactly who you are.  A major component of the “gang squad” is surveillance.  They know who you are, and they know what you do, and once they have enough proof, they bust you.  That also means the fact that we have people on the streets who been arrested five or a hundred times is not the fault of the police.

Ten will get you twenty these cops know “Grocery bag guy,” and double-or-nothing he knows them.  That’s why he backs off as easily as he does, but goes right to the next step in the recipe…”the “I didn’t do nuthin'” approach.  That’s what all that “we got a receipt” stuff is about.  The trouble is the cops don’t care about the receipt, which is why they don’t respond to any of that noise.

This brings us to step three, which was aimed at potential witness., hence the boring chant of “straight harassment, yo!”  Once they got somebody on camera to agree with them, they’ve got what they need.  As was mentioned in the original TurtleBoy piece:

Everyone and their mother is out there trying to be the next viral Youtube video so they can be a hero on Cop Block. And do you think they’ll ever show the whole video? Nope. Just the part that makes the cops look bad.

In America today, we have a class of people who have noting better than to start trouble for the hope of capturing a sensational video.  “Grocery bag guy” had all the signs of “about to get an ass-whoopin’.”

The Chris Rock bit is so goddamned funny because it’s true. I’m a black guy and do you want to know how many times I’ve had my ass kicked by the police.  Exactly zero. Zip. Bagel. Nada. Do you want to know why? Because I know how to follow a few simple rules.  They are not new; Rock knew them years ago.

1) Obey the law

Easy, and self-explanatory.  Cops bust criminals, therefore the easiest way to avoid dealing with cops is not to break the law.

2) Use common sense

In this case, if you’re hanging out with a bunch of gang-bangers in a place known to have a crime problem related to gang activity, and you are surprised that the police might take an interest in you…well, you’re just an idiot.

3) When you see flashing police lights in your rear-view mirror, stop immediately

Everybody gets pulled over eventually.  If you’re doing 60 through a school zone, that’s nobody’s fault but your own.  Also, make sure your taillights work, your registration is up to date, and your insurance is paid.   Running is just upping the ante on a hand you are already going to lose.

4) Don’t make matters worse

Like Rock says, don’t blast loud music, stay in the car, and shut the fuck up.

5) Know who and what is in your car

I’ve seen too many episodes of “Cops” to not know this.  In other words, I’ve seen waaaaaaaaaay too many people who ended up going to jail because they had a dumb-ass friend doing dumb-ass stuff.  You should know that if I end up going to jail because you have a warrant and a bag of crack on you, when I get out of jail, I’ll be going right back because I’m going to slam your teeth out with a 7-iron.  Also, it’s important enough to mention twice…SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Now, if you can’t figure out these five simple tips, then there’s really not much else we can do to help you.

While our first example feature cops, it shows why Worcester is a war zone.  The second one is from a Wal-Mart somewhere in the bowels of America, and it shows why EVERYWHERE is now a war zone.

Despite those differences, they share some common themes.

First of all, just like “Grocery bag guy,” “Captain Mohawk” is clearly trolling for trouble.  Why  else does he already have his video rolling before he ever runs up on the guy who calls him out?  If you doubt that, notice how he double-takes on that guy.  A sad reality is that all stereotypes evolve from a kernel of truth, and it doesn’t take much of a leap to picture that guy connected to a Ford F-150 out int he parking lot with those “Yosemite Sam” mudflaps or (gasp) a Confederate Flag sticker.

That’s why “Captain Mohawk” baits this guy as much as he does; right up to the point of challenging him to get physical.  The problem is the white guy is too smart to fall for it, especially not on video.

That brings us to the second common theme.  Did you notice at the end of both videos that “grocery bag guy” and “Captain Mohawk” both drop the “N-bomb” and drop it against people who aren’t black?  If that doesn’t tell you this is all being done deliberately, and being done to provoke racial tensions where they’re weren’t any, then you simply don’t want to believe it, and therefore you are a person who has a vested interest in keeping racism alive and well in this country.

If you are one of those people, I’ve got news for you.  People are tiring of this sort of crap, and there’s a growing backlash against it.  There are a growing number of people in this country who are getting tired of being called a “racist” every time somebody doesn’t get their way, and that same group of people is really growing weary of their streets being turned into war zones because you are foisting the notion on people any criticism of a black person is “racist” and that all cops are racists.

The coming backlash is centered on the growing notion that it is time to come together and start solving problems rather than to keep old wounds festering for the advancement of a political agenda.  You can attack TurtleBoy Sports all you want, but be warned we are only the vanguard of that coming backlash.

13 Comment(s)
  • coffeemate
    July 11, 2015 at 9:07 am

    Let’s say for shits n giggles these ass hats were being profiled by the hotties in gang squad. I might have a tude. I shouldnt, but I’m female. That doesnt warrent me to talk to them all gangsta and hostile. I think thats the part of the video where its grey. They r not understanding that there is a thin line between the gutter and the sidewalk. Their demeanor towards the squad is street, and that is not respectable.

  • Just trying to do my job over here...
    July 11, 2015 at 7:50 am

    I read this and it made me want to share the time I was clearly SO racist I al almost started a race war single-handedly at a restaurant. I am a waitress. I was waiting on a black couple. They ordered drinks- alcoholic ones- so I asked for ID. I ask every customer under the age of 40 -it’s the law and I could face a fine of up to $500 and lose my job if I don’t verify my guest is over 21. The gentleman did not have his ID, so I could not serve him the drink he wanted. I was called a racist. I still provided the excellent level of service and hospitality that I provide to every person I wait on, as my income is directly affected by how I treat my guests, but because I am clearly a racist (because I needed to protect my legal liability, which is obviously racist). I received $0.12 tip on a bill that was over $60…I pay income tax on my overall sales, so I got hit financially twice on this one, all because of my racist attitude about my legal culpability when it comes to serving alcohol in the Commonwealth.

    • July 11, 2015 at 8:21 am

      It really saddens me how many times I’ve heard a story like yours. What these assholes don’t realize is that every time they throw the “r-word” at somebody who doesn’t deserve it, they are lessening the impact of such an accusation because all too often they are throwing at the very people who give that charge any power in the first place.

  • Just trying to do my job over here...
    July 11, 2015 at 7:46 am

    I read this and it made me want to share the time I was clearly SO racist I al almost started a race war single-handedly at a restaurant. I am a waitress. I was waiting on a black couple. They ordered drinks- alcoholic ones- so I asked for ID. I ask every customer under the age of 40 -it’s the law and I could face a fine of up to $500 and lose my job if I don’t verify my guest is over 21. The gentleman did not have his ID, so I could not serve him the drink he wanted. I was called a racist. I still provided the excellent level of service and hospitality that I provide to every person I wait on, as my income is directly affected by how I treat my guests, but because I am clearly a racist (because I needed to protect my legal liability, which is obviously racist)I received $0.12 tip on a bill that was over $60.

  • coffeemate
    July 10, 2015 at 11:44 pm

    JDUB gets it. Did anyone else wonder (in Main South Video) why grocery bag guy was so adamant about having a receipt for gum? I feel like grocery bag guy knew they were up to no good, the cops just showed up and now have to prove they are patrons instead of loitering or whatever they were really up to.

    • July 11, 2015 at 5:53 am

      Bingo. My favorite part of that whole video is when “Grocery bag guy” insists “Hey, he’s with us” as if his receipt is some sort of “get out of jail free” card. It is also the absolute “dead give-away” that the reason why the cops engaged these people IS NOT included in this video…and there’s a reason for that.

  • oneopinion
    July 10, 2015 at 10:07 pm

    I don’t suggest we start an arms race but a good old fashioned poo-stick would have sent all those punks running. What if the cop whipped out a baton that folded out six feet with a piece of poo on it? That’s how you eliminate the threat and disperse a crowd.

  • hhehehe
    July 10, 2015 at 7:58 pm


    • hhehehe
      July 10, 2015 at 8:47 pm

      sarcasm is a tough nut to crack on the interwebz

  • A Guy
    July 10, 2015 at 5:24 pm

    It’s too bad this sage advice will never reach the eyes/ears of the folks who can use it the most. They’re too busy waving their receipts around trying to prove that they didn’t actually shoplift from that Tedeschi’s

  • HeatherLyn
    July 10, 2015 at 4:55 pm

    on point J-Dub…

  • Small Town Internet Lawyer
    July 10, 2015 at 4:22 pm

    Killed it

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