All-Star Criminals

Washed Up Racist Worcester Queefstain Wants To Fight Everyone, Calls Women And Children Sluts After Getting Owned By Waitress For Fraudulent Sushi Review


Happy Monday Turtle fame! To kick off this week I found perhaps the biggest penis on planet earth to blog about.


His name is Sean Wilmot, he’s a MMA fighter/gypsy barbecue entrepreneur from Worcester, and he like to harass women and children with sexual slurs, spew racist bullshit while accusing other people of being racist, and give fraudulent reviews about sushi joints on Facebook. I could’ve ripped him a new arshole and called him fun names, but that would be too easy. So instead I decided to kill him with kindness on TB Daily News, on my premier blog on that site. Click here to read it.



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17 Comment(s)
  • Lipstickhippie
    Lipstick Hippie
    September 3, 2019 at 4:47 pm

    He’s just trying to compensate for his half-inch dick.

  • Silencio Dogood
    September 3, 2019 at 3:36 am

    Po’ needy Sean, the whole world against him and his submission to underdog anger, peeing on rented furniture and Facebook to mark the intellectual property of his one-note tune, as sung by an abused child?

  • Frank Rizzo
    September 2, 2019 at 8:45 pm

    Hahah whadda stupid prick this guy is. MMA whats that? Marsh mallow ass?

  • MAGA
    September 2, 2019 at 7:01 pm

    You seem to have a REAL issue with the fact that this dude is a Trump supporter. Another triggered lib.

    • Real_Finn
      September 2, 2019 at 7:14 pm

      Nah, you’re just a giant douche.

      BTW — we hate ppl like you pretending to represent the GOP. I guarantee you don’t even know your state reps.

      Get Fucked,

    • SRM
      September 3, 2019 at 8:37 am

      I have a problem with him being a supporter of president Trump.
      People like him give all of us that support the president a bad look.
      It gives the liberals fuel to lump all Trump voters into a neat little package and call us racists.
      I wish this looser would grow enough brain cells to realize He’s a hindrance not a help.

  • You Got Robbed
    September 2, 2019 at 4:33 pm

    MMA = some douche that was tricked into paying a gym a ton of money because they lied to you about having “talent”
    You were scammed dude

  • Lisa flood
    September 2, 2019 at 4:33 pm

    love the classy response. As a waitstaff / bartender for 40+ yrs in Worc. it’s easy to just say fuckyou asswipe!! But, it’s better to take the high road and show idiots like this , that servers are intellegent , articulate people probably trying to pay off their masters degrees serving brain damaged people like this.

    • dowen0895
      Dick Scratcher
      September 3, 2019 at 9:20 am



  • Gerry Callahan
    September 2, 2019 at 4:16 pm

    Nothing wrong with this if you don’t like it leave. This is America we still have free speech you Bolshevik faggot.

  • z
    September 2, 2019 at 2:24 pm

    Well, the battered women’s shelter is still in business, the straight pride march happened, schools are still opening and I heard Facebook and Twitter are still a thing so where should we direct our anger next?
    My cousins friend told her that her neighbor might be planning on having a yard sale without getting a permit from the city and she doesn’t plan to claim the profits on her taxes.
    Maybe we can shut her down?

    • I Never Post But...
      September 2, 2019 at 4:30 pm

      You are such an asshole and know it all. Get a job

  • JoeMomma
    September 2, 2019 at 2:21 pm


    I’ve got a body by Dunkin too!

  • Paul Casale
    September 2, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    Poor Sean. He obviously never graduated from 3rd grade. He doesn’t know the difference between “too” & “to” or “worse” & “worst”. I’d let him suck my dick though.

  • Real_Finn
    September 2, 2019 at 1:14 pm


    Your MMA picture looks a “before” picture in an office “Biggest Loser” contest. You lost that one too (by submitting to pie).

    Let’s go bra-shopping and get you something to support those tittays.

    Get Fucked,

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    September 2, 2019 at 1:06 pm

    I love love these types. Put on some boxer shorts, fingerless gloves, and suddenly they are Bruce Lee.

    I have an Irish friend who got jumped by 5 good sized guys in a bar and knocked all 5 out.

    I’d love to match him up with this dude for a bout.

  • dowen0895
    Dick Scratcher
    September 2, 2019 at 12:34 pm

    Limerick of the day…..

    A chubby old cunt called Wilmott
    Tried to put his server on the spot
    If he comes in your diner
    There could be nothing finer
    Than kicking this jerk in the twat

    Dick Scratcher (aged 52 and 1/52nd)

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