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I know it gets repetitive to talk about this, but it’s just so remarkable to look what happens to the roads the second you leave Worcester. Here’s Salisbury Street in Worcester heading towards Holden:
Insane. And this is after four freaking inches of snow. Did they even plow it at all? Because it looks like the only reason you can see parts of the road is because so many people have driven on this heavily trafficked street. This is what it looks like the second you cross into Holden on Salisbury Street:
How is that even possible? Does the town of Holden have magical snow-plowing powers? Ed Augustus is a joke. Paul Moosey is a joke. The fact that they continue to let Worcester be so embarrassed like this year after year and still collect over $200,000 in salary, get new contract extensions, and perfect ratings from the City Council, is a joke. If you live in Worcester and you keep voting for these idiots, I hope your car runs off the road on Salisbury Street. Because you’ve earned that.
This is why people move to the burbs. Our DPW commissioner Paul Moosey would know. It’s why he lives in Sturbridge. It’s why Ed Augustus has a house in Millis. Because in the suburbs your property taxes actually pay for things you’ll use. In Worcester your tax money pays for Councilor Sarai “Ti-Ti Ho” Rivera to chop down her church. It pays paid for Mosaic to organize anti-police rallies. It pays for everything except roads and schools. Keep voting them in though. Things are obviously going great!!
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14 Comment(s)
Webster roads are a fucking joke, too. But it’s also Webster – where all the street lights for the nice houses by the lake are on, but in the shitty half of town (where all the crime is) half the lights are off because the town “can’t afford it.”
When I moved out here they used to run street sweepers every night. Now the same dead cat has been on the edge of the lawn of a boarded up crack house ON MAIN STREET since August.
It’s been a hell of a thing watching this town decay from a dump to a garbage fire over the last 17 years.
Gotta love it . . . . . hey does anyone remember when the street lights on I-290 worked? Yah, me neither, drive from anywhere into Worcester, and you’re plunged into darkness. I have never seen anything like it in my entire life. I bet those lights have been non-working for like 15 years, THEY JUST DON’T FUCKING CARE
Lights on 290 is not a city issue. That’s a state issue. Nonetheless still an issue.
Worcester roads are embarrassing, and worse of all dangerous.
Please TB tell us what to do and we’ll do it: call a number, email someone, write letters…
I’m pretty sure the property value and health of the citizens is worth more than the salt they “forgot” to spray.
Remember to vote out all the councilors (except Gaffney) this November!
Lukes and Rosen are decent. Not 100%, but not utterly incompetent.
Nothing much changes, it basically stays the same. The city could do a much better job if they really wanted to. The top two, live elsewhere and pull in long money. The fake reverend’s so-called church, has a demolition paid by the city. Does it ever end ? Do they have personal values ?
One thing I’ve found to be absolutely true from moving all over this great country is that local yokels get the government they deserve. Especially in states that jampack as many townships/cities and municipalities upon the residents as possible. Just to make jobs for the family and friends of the connected running the “town”
To be fair, I had the same experience on Legg Road going from Sterling to West Boylston to Holden yesterday. Complete snow pack, then bare pavement the second you hit the Holden line. Let’s give some credit to Holden for being the best at snow removal.
I’m the prettiest snow shovel in all the land… 5 years old and still have my factory stickers. Virgin shovel… never seen a flake of snow…
I’d Just like to make something clear. The only reason I hired him is because Jim McGovern and Joe Petty convinced me that his lazy eye was actually a compass that pointed to buried treasure and he’d only let me use it if I gave him the job. On top of being disappointed that wasn’t the case I was very embarrassed by this prank. Now I’m stuck because Joe treats him like a pet and won’t let me fire him.
It snowed this weekend?!?!
Awe, shit…