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Update: The man the vehicle in question in this blog is registered to has tweeted at @TurtleboyNews on Twitter with a comment:
@TurtIeBoySports I just found you published a post related to one of my rental vehicles. That incident on I-93 did not involve me or my wife. You illegally post personal information on your page which is punished by law. I spoke to my attorney to seek legal actions.
— Yerly Ventura (@yerlyventura) July 25, 2018
@TurtleboyNews I was notified about the I-93 incident post on your accounts. That car in the picture is one of my rentals vehicles. Me or my wife were not involve in such incident. You maliciously posted private information of my family what is punished by law. 1/2
— Yerly Ventura (@yerlyventura) July 25, 2018
@TurtleboyNews I’m meeting with my attorney this morning to file a formal complaint and press criminal charges against your accounts.
— Yerly Ventura (@yerlyventura) July 25, 2018
As you will see in this blog, we never once said that the woman pooping on the highway was his wife. We simply pointed out the fact that the car is indeed registered to him, which it is. All their information was publicly available since they posted it on Facebook, which obviously is not illegal to blog about.
Yesterday we published this blog about a mysterious woman getting her poop on in the breakdown lane of I-93 south in what appears to be Milton:
What a shitty thing to do!! Couldn’t even go behind the door? Fucking Moe’s dude. That place should be illegal!!
As you can see those plates clearly read 6KE 714, and here’s who they trace to…..
According to the Facebook machine Yerly Ventura is from Boston.
But as you can see, that is clearly not a man marking his territory. He is however married to (or is shacking up with) a woman named Jenny Soto, who doesn’t really have much on her Facebook page, but she is all over his.
They seem to have two kids and actually seem like a normal, loving family. Definitely not what we expected to find at the end of this ratchet rainbow. They enjoy clubbing:
And he’s still reeling from the election….
We can’t say for sure if that’s her building a ghetto Lincoln Logs cabin, since she has not returned our messages:
But it’s clearly a car registered to her hubby. And if it’s not her then they should probably know that someone has their car and is dropping rectal rockets all over town.
P.S. Everyone who was whining about my earlier blog about breastfeeding a 3 year old in a restaurant is cool with this right? After all, it’s all natural. Who are we to judge?
18 Comment(s)
I knew Leigha Genduso would pop back up eventually. Keeping it classy, as usual!
They dont assimilate. She was practicing her culture. Its a dominican thing so you wouldnt understand.
Everybody may have this all wrong. I think she was firing out a load of man jam from her pooper shooter. Probably was leaking through her pants onto he car seats. These progressive Liz Warren supporters do like it in the butt!
So thats what Lez means when she says the middle class is getting jack hammered. Thats what she intends to do to every American strap it on and hammer away.
from the shit-hole known as the Dominican Republic (next door to Haiti) what else would you expect?
Lizzy said just yesterday she wants to repeal the POTUS tax cut and start taxing the middle class at 50%!! You vote for this brain fart and you will be taking it in the ass….you don’t have to like it but you will have to do it! Yes worry because you will be taking it is the ass DRY!!
This is a stupid blog. I really doubt this woman intended to shit on the side of a highway. Do we really need to pick on people who very probably have a medical condition? This isn’t calling out a ratchet who makes decision to dope themselves up and act like an animal; this appears to be a normal family member who may suffer from a disease.
However if the young lady would like to show us a better view of her backend; and not while she is in the process of dumping a deuce I’d be glad to take a better look.
And she probably soiled Yerly’s last car so he told her if she shits herself in this one he’s gonna break him’s foot off in her ass..
Yeah, she’s got a fucking disease. Rachet Dysentery. Symptoms include shitting like a fucking animal on the side of a highway.
What a shocker.
Leftists in training
Unsavory for sure, but what if she fell ill with food poisoning? If you’ve ever had food poisoning you’d know there is no time to get to the next exit’s D&D. Should she have shat in her vehicle instead?
Bathrooms are just tools of the White Supremacist agenda. You racist turdleriders wouldn’t understand that. When Bernie FINALLY makes this country free we’ll be able to defecate wherever we want, without judgement from capitalist philistines like all of you.
Jason gives his mother the hot lunch treatment. Its what gets her off and Jasons a mommas boy who wants to please his loving mother.
Sheesh turtleboy how rude of you. Why not congratulate the happy couple on the birth of their child.
The Mooch, for the record, doesn’t condone this flagrant display of fecal debauchery.
“Tragedy has stricken.”
Ha! What a fuckin’ dildo. No, homeboy, that’s the day actual taxpayers rejoiced. The only tragedy that occurred here is the chaotic spasming of your girl’s anal cavity brought on by rancid huevos and flaming hot Cheetos.
They prob ride the turtle and know better to acknowledge this… this too shall pass (bowel movements)
1. Kudos to the the cameraman for catching a turd in flight.
2. dominicans.