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So the Webster Police Department shared this photograph that they found on the unfortunately spelled “Your Probably From Worcester If” Facebook page:
I guess it’s from a house somewhere in the Crompton Park neighborhood. What a scumbag right? You gotta be pretty low to steal someone’s gift packages off their doorstep around Christmas. There’s a 99% chance this asshat is a known shitbag by the police, and he’ll be caught in no time. If you know who this dickweed is, you should probably tell the cops. But even if you do know who he is, and don’t plan on putting this slug rake in jail where he belongs, please resist the urge to brag about how you’re keeping it real on the Webster Police’s Facebook page:
LOL. What a genius this guy is. Keeping it real Webstah style!! And lets be honest, this is one of the most Webster people you will ever see:
He might have one of the Worcester Voke-staches of all time, but at least he ain’t no rat!! So some people had their Christmas ruined by his crackhead friend, big deal. Code of the street clearly dictates that he has to side with the scumbag. Sure, he could’ve just kept that piece of information to himself and no one would be the wiser. But when your name is Dimitrie Ducharme from Webstah, you’re pretty much born to be a dooshnozzle. And you are obligated to let the whole world know that you ain’t no rat, because we were all wondering what your street status was. How will they ever find this criminal without Dimitrie’s help? Not like the perp has ever committed a crime before. Looks like the joke is on the poor people from Crompton Park, cuz Dimitrie Dooshnozzle ain’t saying shit!!!
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33 Comment(s)
Yes he did live in Athol for a while
Does Dimitrie have ties to Athol, can anyone confirm ? Dimitrie proves the stereotype, layabout loser
Must have been high when he wrote that.. Or else how mentally challenged can you be to admit a connection to someone who is wanted for a crime directly on a police departments facebook page.
College and two jobs,,,,Please stop cant breath LMAO
He also tries to sell weed around Worcester too…..what a joke.
Hey Laura are you hot?
His brother and sister are the only ones who have their lives together.
I would arrest him for obstruction
or at the very least you have reasonable suspicion if not probable cause to question him
Dimitrie, I hope when you or one of your loved ones is victimized by a crime ……. that somebody knows who did it and does NOT help by reporting it. I’m sure you’d be fine with that? Right?
Hope Karma hits you between the eyes.
What an absolute f*cking shit for brains. Hope the worst for Domitrie. And what kind of name is that ?
Would that last name be pronounced “douche arm”?
I bet his nickname is “Dim,” too.
Dim Douche
Just a dick with a badge and no he’s not on disability he has 2 jobs and goes to college and has 2 children lol but I bet it makes all of you feel better to just other because of your shitty lives
Yeah he has 2 jobs- plumber and electrician: he flushes the toilet and turns off the light at the TSKK Club.
Only one defender so far?
Not the largest fanbase it would appear. That’s too bad.
Goes to college? Assuming that’s even true, he needs to go back to elementary school.
The guy that can’t write at grade school level proficiency, is in college? Which one? ITT tech? One of those non-accredited schools you see advertised during daytime tv that just want money?
Love how this dope tries to write, “douches” but ends up with duces. Maybe this dope would be a bit more helpful if it were HIS kids presents being stolen from his front porch.
Probably University of Phoenix. But he tells people he goes to University of Arizona, either to sound better or because he REALLY thinks it’s the same thing.
Hmmm… No punctuation, no proper sentence structure, not even a comma. This is awfully suspect…
Dimitri, that you? You kinda gave yourself up by typing indentical to your FB post.
Yeah sure Dimitrie ……. whatever you say
Geez Franytech, you sound about as intelligent as the piece of shit you’re defending. I’m kidding. I know you’re correct about him going to college; he and I are in the same quantum physics course. What a pant load.
Dimitrie does not go to college he’s a Social a security bum.
Exposed ?! LOL …… people need to realize if they want to go on the internet and lie, they can be exposed quite easily.
If he has 2 Jobs why is he stealing people’s Christmas gifts. What are his 2 Jobs? Stealing and smoking crack?
rocket scientist. If you are going to invoke “omerta” then it’s best to do it privately so one doesn’t have to raise an insanity defense later on. The latter coming when the investigation comes to your door based on the comment that you know the sneak thief which you will most likely immediately recant or claim you were mistaken. Then when the sneak thief is caught and a connection is made you stand the chance of being charged with lying & impeding an investigation. On the other hand, I’m sure the Chief would not embrace the most likely dispatchers continued exchanges with the rocket scientist even if it is good entertainment.
Bravo Webster PD!
That was some Grade A trolling. Webdahhhhh!
I got 50 bucks on him being on life long disability even though he never actually held a real job..Any takers ??
I got 50 bucks on him being a life long disability even though he never actually held a real job..Any takers ??
i know dmitrie hes a retard.a loser.no work ethic
Yes, he does live off the government!! His entire family does!!! Scum of the earth these people!