Hoodrat Heroes

Webster Mom Moves Out On BD To Fall River Shelter, Starts GoFundMe Because Trump Cut Her Welfare And She Wants Obama Back

Webster Mom Moves Out On BD To Fall River Shelter, Starts GoFundMe Because Trump Cut Her Welfare And She Wants Obama Back

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Editor’s Note: We are publishing this blog again because we’ve shared it a bunch of times on Facebook and no one can see it. Something weird is going on and we continue to try to figure out what exactly that is. 

Here’s your GoFundMe Scam of the day from a chick who was apparently named after a car dealership – Kia Ferguson:

HAHAHHAHAHHA!! I’m sorry to laugh at this because there’s kids involved, but the fact that she’s blaming this on Trump and wishing Obama was back in office sounds like the RNC could’ve written this one as a commercial. Holy John Boehner. This is why people vote Republican folks. I almost have to wonder if this is all a Paul Ryan plot to exaggerate how bad some of these welfare queens are. It’s just that ridiculous. But alas it’s all too real.

And just for the record, her story is obviously complete bullshit. Trump’s been in office for 5 months. His budget plan does indeed call for welfare cuts, but that was only a couple weeks ago. There’s a zero point zero percent chance this chick has noticed anything remotely different in the amount of money she’s gotten from the government because of Trump. But lets suppose just for a second that single moms like this have had their benefits cut by Trump. She lives in Massachusetts. No matter what Trump does, our state government isn’t gonna stop people like her from leeching off the system. Not under Jamie Eldridge’s watch. She’s just lying because it’s believable that Trump would fulfill this right wing fantasy of taking out his welfare mallet and destroying the safety net the moment he got into office.

According to her GoFundMe she live in Fall River, but according to her Facebook page she’s living in Webster and went to school in Spencer:

The Spencer to Webster to Fall River shuffle. That sounds like a recipe for how to get AIDS. Just sayin.

Anyway, quick back story on this. She broke up with the baby daddy and moved out. Dad wants the kids, but because this chick isn’t addicted to drugs, mom gets them for now. But the problem is she had nowhere to move out to, which is a really smart thing to do when you have two little boys to take care of. Because kids deserve to be dragged into the soap opera that you call life.

Also, what’s her excuse exactly? Because according to her most recent update she’s not addicted to drugs:

So…..you’re just a sober fuck up? Where’s the fun in that? But she’s got plenty of money for iPhones and tittoos so she never misses out on a duck face selfie.

And she’s asking for $200 for….what exactly? The bus and laundry? Hey, here’s an idea – get a job. You’re allegedly living in a rent free shelter and the state is probably throwing cash at you in the form of welfare like it’s going out style. But that’s not enough. Because it’s never enough with these people. And since they have zero shame they see nothing wrong with opening a GoFundMe to beg for other people to take of their responsibilities for them. Oh wait, it’s not her responsibility to raise her kids, it’s the federal government’s fault. And because Obama isn’t in office to take care of her anymore, she’s fucked. She had no backup plan for a Trump victory. Smart.

Here’s one last thing – perhaps you should use family planning methods before bearing children. Look, I know there’s a lot of great single moms out there doing their thing and living the whole, “me and my babies against the world” lifestyle. I understands lots of dude are scum who dump their seed and move onto the next one. But at the same time I don’t see those women begging for shit. They suck it up, act like an adult, and get the job done. You can’t be this strong independent woman while Internet panhandling. Either that or get married and settle down before you let him fill up your love sponge with his baby batter. I know, it’s crazy and outdated to be responsible like that, but it just might work.


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7 Comment(s)
  • ChesterCopperPot
    June 13, 2017 at 10:44 am

    The problem is Free Breakfast and Free Lunch at school. When I was in school we had tokens. They were color coded. You knew the kids that got full price lunch, reduced lunch and free lunch. The free lunch kids were ashamed, the reduced lunch kids told their parents to make more money and the free lunch kids would sit by themselves or hide in the bathroom during lunch and soon enough they were using regular lunch tokens…I wonder why?

  • Common Man
    June 13, 2017 at 7:10 am

    I’d titty fuck it…….. just sayin………

  • Ghandi
    June 12, 2017 at 8:04 pm

    If you are a former produce sales associate why are you not a current produce sales associate? Or stick with the job and become a Produce Manager? Don’t give me the “child care is too expensive” bullshit. Where’s your sperm donor(s) and why aren’t they ponying up moolah for the kiddies? If you cannot lead a responsible life, give the kids to a deserving family and off yourself.

  • El Guapo
    June 12, 2017 at 5:57 pm

    How much do these baby factories spend on ink? Or should I say us taxpayers spend on her ink?

    • Sperm Mangonel
      June 13, 2017 at 8:27 am

      I should get an NSF grant to study the correlation between public assistance and ink, butts, scratch tix and obesity, to determine if the relationship is causal or correlational.

  • Big Raymond
    June 12, 2017 at 5:23 pm

    I see why guys fall for these tarts, look good on the outside, crazy as hell on the inside. If prostitution is ever legalized in Massachusetts, we’ll have an all-star team with a deep bench in every community.

  • Turd Burglestein
    June 12, 2017 at 5:00 pm


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