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A few days ago we shared this story about the basement bandits who broke into The Perfect Game bar only to find out that there wasn’t anything to steal in the basement.
Worst Criminals Ever Break Into The Perfect Game, Can’t Figure Out How To Get By Locked Door Inside
Right on cue Masslive wrote about 24 hours later, followed by WHDH:
Only a matter of time until Howie Carr says, “look what I discovered!!!”
Seriously, the ripping off of Turtleboy never ceases to amaze us. On June 9 we shared this shocking story, showing a 3-year old boy whose father told him to give a Springfield cop car the middle finger so he could take a picture and post it to Facebook:
Springfield Dad Trains Child To Give Middle Finger To Police Officers, Posts Them On Facebook
Pretty messed up. But what’s even more messed up was that a couple days later some ripoff “legitimate news site” called Western MA News came out with this headline:
And the next thing you knew literally every major news outlet in the country was writing about it:
A “local blog in Springfield” is the one who made these claims, according to AOL. LOL. Good one. They all linked and credited Western MA News. Of course if any of them bothered doing even the most rudimentary amount of research they would’ve found out that Turtleboy Sports was the source of this news all along. Sure, Turtleboy would be a household name all across the country if they had done their due diligence, but we’re not salty about it. It just comes with the territory when you’re the perpetual underdog. And we wouldn’t want it any other way. Turtle riders everywhere know exactly where to go for the REAL news behind the news, and our revolution grows by the day.
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Bennie’s Cafe, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors,, The Gun Parlor Range, Attorney Anthony Salerno, Harris Auto Body, Rotti Power Equipment in West Boylston
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10 Comment(s)
One would think, at least one would mention TB. Since they’re benefiting from your story. Especially Carr, since he’s been around forever and is older too. One would think he has the old time news reporter rules. Guess not !
That picture of the kid flipping off the cop… Masslive had it a day before you did. When are you going to give them credit for stealing their picture?
Annie,from Liecester.
Who’s into hot dogs?
Channel 7 GUSHES about Hillary. It’s absolutely sickening how blatantly biased they are. But what do you expect from the liberal masshhole state? I gave up on Mass local news & media a l-o-n-g time ago.
Howie Carr show is a joke. Comes on the air 10 minutes after the hour, says nothing, for 10 minutes, commercial for 5 3 minutes, another commercial till the bottom of the hour. He is a fucking lazy columnist.
Who watches 7 news?
I’m confused why did u post picture of zambrano????
Didnt heather philips work at union station as a bartender?
Union tavern
This blog sure goes at that girl from the courthouse a lot don’t they. Too bad they never finished the story about the “famous” Dj from the Union Tavern…