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Officer William Green showed up to his disciplinary hearing at City Hall and stayed only 15 minutes before he peaced out because he claims all of the charges against him are “bogus.”
I think wearing a baggy Timberland T-shirt is bogus because it’s not 2003 but to each their own.
“I was like, this is a mess. I’m not going to respond to any of this garbage. I put on the record that I was not going to respond, that (the charges) were lies, and I left.”
Quick tip: If you’re constantly putting yourself in the spotlight by calling out Mayor Rivera, Police Chief James Fitzpatrick and countless Lawrence police officers for being unprofessional, you probably shouldn’t stomp out of your own disciplinary hearing like a pissy 3 year old who missed naptime.
Turtleriders probably remember the article we posted last month about the mini-van full of drug seeking nitwits that were pulled over in Lawrence. Long story short one of the idiots in the car, Andrew McGratty, didn’t feel like obeying commands given by detective Aguiler to sit still and keep his car door open. Well obviously Andrew got his ass handed to him and was arrested for being a non-compliant junior asshat. Mayor Rivera backed the police officers involved in the arrest because, duh.
One officer didn’t agree with what went down though. Guess who?
William Green felt as though officers were being big ol’ meanies and didn’t treat the drug seekers involved fairly. This comes as ZERO surprise when you take into consideration his mile long record of complaints against the LPD that are frequently aired in videos VIA his YouTube channel and posted to his Facebook page.
I’ve put together a timeline of events so Turtleriders can get a better idea of the kind of race-baiting, mofo-popo we’re dealing with here:
August 2005- Hired to the Lawrence Police Department.
November 2006- Accused of police brutality. Nelson de la Rosa claimed he was thrown to the ground, pepper-sprayed and struck multiple times by Green and other officers when he was arrested on Nov. 9th. De La Rosa was no stranger to the LPD and had numerous domestic issues with his wife before a murder/suicide in 2016.
July 2008- Green questioned why his patrol was being given to a rookie cop during a roll call meeting at the police department and was suspended for 2 days.
2009- Suspended for a day for taking a sick day after running through the max 15 days of sick time allowed.
2010- Green (and about 2 dozen other Lawrence cops) were laid off by former mayor William Lantigua due to a dwindling budget.
2011- Green gets reinstated to LPD but was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. During his treatment he took more than 15 sick days but avoided suspension by working for 3 days without pay. We’ll let this one slide because the dude had cancer..
December 2012- Green was on police detail when he shot some nutjob in the chest who was beating a man with a baseball bat outside of Club Copa. He was suspended for 7 weeks with pay.
2013/2014- This is where shit starts to hit the fan with Green, former mayor Lantigua, Chief Fitzpatrick and our current mayor Rivera.
Apparently Green had worked a bunch of detail jobs and pocketed the city’s share of his pay (something like $300 and change). Green said it was a “paperwork oversight” but Lantigua wanted to suspend him for 2 months. Green asks for a hearing and his pending suspension got bumped to Rivera when he took over as mayor. Rivera opts to fire him instead of a suspension but a hearing officer gave that a no-go and upped his suspension to 90 days.
2 months into his suspension Green shows up at a city council meeting and goes off, accusing the Lawrence Police Department of “systemic racial discrimination.” He calls Lawrence citizens “victimized illegal immigrants.” He brings up the fact that there are only 3 minority sergeants, that city policy-makers don’t represent and are against the culture of Lawrence and that there are no Spanish-speaking detectives on LPD’s drug unit. He’s cut off around the 4 minute mark but you can watch that video here:
June 2014- Green is arrested at his home after numerous calls were made to the Lawrence Police Department threatening to kill cops but LPD figured out that the calls were made from the Daybreak shelter in Lawrence by grimebucket Luis Ortiz.
July 2014- Green returns to the LPD but was suspended again when a prisoner who was admitted to Lawrence General Hospital got out of his handcuffs and escaped. The prisoner had cut his own arm in his cell and Green was in charge of watching him while being treated.
“I was in the bathroom. I came back and he was gone.”
December 2015- Green posts a YouTube video titled “Mayor Rivera, stop spreading lies and do your job.” In the video Green supports the recall of mayor Rivera and blasted him saying he was “doing nothing about the opioid crisis, tolerating racist officers and putting friends in city jobs”.
Unfortunately the video went against a directive chief Fitzpatrick put out a year earlier that prohibited members of the department from posting online about internal affairs. How much do you want to bet that Fitzy only put out that directive BECAUSE of Green? Did it work?
2016- Green bashes Fitzpatrick and the LPD after the decapitated body of Lee Manuel Viloria-Paulino was found dumped in the Merrimack River. He comes out saying that Fitzpatrick “botched” the investigation by not taking the Paulino family seriously and treating the disappearance of Lee as a “runaway”. Ouch.
Mayor Rivera attempted to fire Green YET AGAIN in December after he missed another 14+ days but was unsuccessful after Green argued that the days were miscounted. Rivera reinstated Green on Jan. 3 and immediately put him on administrative leave until now.
What does Green do? He makes an announcement that he’s planning on running for mayor in this years election!
Oh no, it’s not personal. All of the bullshit spread out over the last 5 years has TOTALLY been personal but this isn’t. Definitely not.
Green and officer Ivan Melendez were due in court last month over a physical altercation back in 2015 at the police station where they “belly bumped” each other. (cute) Melendez didn’t show so the charges were dropped. I guess Melendez didn’t feel like showing up since he’s on leave with an open investigation against him after he failed to arrest a drunk driver and took his legally owned fire arm and brought it home.
My brain is exploding.
You know who seems to be the only person focusing on race and discrimination? William Green. This guy claims to be for the people and acts like he’s doing us all a huge favor but in reality he’s obsessed with attention and constantly spins out these videos in an attempt to stay relevant. Last time I checked Lawrence has more than enough problems without this guy initiating a half-decade long pissing contest with city officials. He accuses Rivera of trying to divert attention away from the current violent crime rate and drug issues but the only person calling attention to Green is himself. As of October of last year Lawrence employs 127 police officers. Why is he the ONLY one screaming racism and corruption? You’d think if his claims were legit there’d be at least one person standing with him against the supposed atrocities going on in Lawrence. Anyone……..? Bueller?
Word has it that Green wanted to resign and the mayor told him as long as a city attorney an superior officer were present that he can do so whenever he wants. Then Green turns around and asks if he can resign with Dalia Diaz as a witness (she’s the director of bilingual MV news tabloid RumboNews.com) and Rivera was like, nah bro.
You don’t want to ensure that there’s an attorney or a superior officer present but you’re pushing to have Dalia tag along while you turn in your badge and gun? Makes perfect sense.
16 MISCONDUCT CHARGES? How are we still on the fence about your employment status when it seems as though you don’t really go to work? Please please please stop whining and dragging this thing out, Bill. I would rather listen to Caillou bitch and moan until my eardrums bleed than hear another one of your rants. Figure it out and get to work or find another profession.
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6 Comment(s)
Tbs are the hugest chodes ever. Every single one should be decapitated. Nothing but shit reporting.complete garbage. Cop bashing now just wow…what a piece of shit.
Ty my friend I do get your frustration. I really do. Law Enforcement these days are taking hits left and right. Some warranted because nobody is perfect no matter what you do for a living but I’ll submit most hits to LE are bullshit. But the thing is that members of our Law Enforcement community are in fact held to very high standards. Whether that in and of itself is fair you could debate. But it would be a weak one on the side of no checks and balances and moral standards in LE.
With that said I will tell you this. I am from the LE community between military and civilian policing for over 30 years. I will say that we have no place for rogue Cops whatsoever. Transparency is everything these days at all levels of government especially public safety.
So you hear all the time about this supposed code of silence with regard to the “Thin Blue Line” correct? Well, the Thin Blue Line does in fact exist. It exists to protect our men and women in blue that are targeted from hate mongering Cop murdering terrorists groups like BLM. Or other members of our fractured society that subscribes to this hatred toward our police, local, state, federal and our men and women serving in our military. It’s just the world we live in now unfortunately. Sad but true.
Now having said all of that and living by it. I agree entirely with this article and its content. This is one bad apple that no Police Officer wants to serve with. A system fucker. Trust me I lived through this shit several times over my career. I will always stand beside my fellow Cops when the intentions are honorable, justified and especially legal both department policies, M.G.L. and the U.S. Constitution even though unfortunately sometimes incidents go south. Because that is just the way it goes sometimes.
But I stand by the article and appreciate your frustration TY at the same time and in the same breath. Nice job Merrimack Valley Turtle Bae.
It takes a lot of balls to write an article like this. It really does and I applaud this writer for doing just that. I don’t view this entire TurtleBoy Sports blog as a cheerleader for anything or anyone but simply to champion the truth. And like I said up there ^^^ I’ve seen this shit during my tenure and I still stand by Merrimack Turtle Bae. She exposed what is wrong in a government agency with one of their employees. “One” of their employees. Not the whole department. Transparency in government? What a bitch that idea is huh?
Question – How the fuck are the Cops supposed to regain the trust back from the public unless they show that they are serious about internal corruption in all of it’s forms?
Answer – That sweeping shit under the rug is not a thing anymore in 2017 and never should have been. And for you “Supposed Cops”, or like what I like to call it fucking punks with a badge, that are in it to milk it and not serious about the oath you took? Fuck you ok? Fuck you. None of us, either in blue or civilian, have any use for you.
“2009- Suspended for a day for taking a sick day after running through the max 15 days of sick time allowed.”
Wait. He took a sick day more than was in the CBA and because of it he gets another day off?? This sounds like the Simpson’s bit “Homer, the plant called, if you don’t come in today [Friday] don’t bother coming in on Monday.” “Woohoo, four-day weekend!”
I know, I’m missing the point of the article. (and I get the point of the punishment–take a paid day off that you aren’t allowed, you’re forced to take an unpaid one to make up for it) But something struck me weird about the phrasing.
Another affirmative action result.
you got what you didnt want – a police officer thats using the racecard – most of these so called police are police only because you have to hire them or lose federal money – when you hire someone now you usually dont get the cream of the crop you get a some one like him different test results for different people – scums bags – do you want a doctor that gets a hundred on his test to treat you i do – so dont you want the same for police or fireman – i do – read into this i think you will get the point –