Turtleboy built itself on her infancy on Worcester Politics. There’s a bunch of social justice warrior yahoos who hate Turtleboy because we were the first ones to ever publicly call them out on their bullshit. Read the book or look through the archives if you’re a post 2015 turtle rider. There’s some real characters in there.
Well, one of these winners is Dante Comparetto, a recovering junkie who remarkably got elected to the School Committee because Worcester has no shortage of morons who don’t do research into who they’re actually voting for. He decided to run for School Committee because he was mad that we did real journalism and exposed that a corrupt non-profit called Mosaic Cultural Complex was stealing money from the taxpayers, signing off on fraudulent time sheets, and pretending to do health work in the community. According to him it was racist of us to expose this.
“When Mosaic is attacked by Turtleboy (Sports) or (At-Large Councilor) Michael Gaffney, we need to defend them,” he said. “Whatever people are reporting about Mosaic, I know for a fact they have done good work.”
This is Robert “Boo Shameek” Alston, the son of Mosaic CEO Brenda Jenkins, and a paid employee who never worked the hours his mother signed off on, illustrating some of the “good work” done at Mosaic.
That’s what side Dante is on. Nuff said.
But he just kept beating the drum – Turtleboy is a racist, blah, blah, blah. He even participated in the failed boycott to shut us down,
No evidence whatsoever. Because these people HATE having to back up things they say. It’s kind of hard when you make stuff up as you go along. Sigh.
In 2017 he went so far as to write himself a racist hate note, and then claimed that it was sent to him at his house by Turtleboy Sports, even though both he and his wife are white.
All his friends fell for it of course, because facts never matter to stupid people.
And he once urged kids to skip school because he didn’t like the results of an election.
Oh, and he had to campaign on his bicycle because of he has a suspended license. But that doesn’t stop him from driving anyway!!
Yea, this guy is one of 7 people in charge of designing policy for the Worcester Public Schools. An emotionally unbalanced drug addict, who ditched his kid to live a life of crime and suddenly became “reformed” through the power of wokeness. Not surprisingly perverts like this are obsessed with sex and children. That’s why Dante has been leading the push to bring a sex-ed plan to the Worcester Public Schools that isn’t your traditional, “wear a condom,” stuff that we were taught in the 90’s. Here’s some stuff that’s being taught in the “Making Proud Choices” curriculum that Dante wants to force all Worcester school children to participate in. Let’s start with Activity B:
Once you and your partner both agree to use condoms, do something positive and fun. Go to the clinic or store together. Get lots of different brands and colors. Plan a special day when you can experiment. Just talking about how you’ll use all of those condoms can be a turn-on.
Think of creepy this is. An adult wrote this to children. Dante is urging kids as young as 12 to fuck. Not just regular wham bam thank you ma’am either. He wants them to “plan a special day when you can experiment.”
What. A. Pervert. This is what happens when you elect a well-known junkbox to the School Committee.
This is what Worcester kids will be learning in “Module 5” under Dante’s plan:
Again, an adult wrote about 14 year old “Relationship Raymond” banging his 14 year old girlfriend, and Dante wants to force children to learn about this. Oh, and boys shouldn’t wear skinny jeans (which I actually agree with) because it will keep down their sperm production. Ya got that? An organization that allegedly wants to prevent teen pregnancy is against methods that limit the special sauce that actually creates babies.
Then there’s Activity B for 6th graders (11 and 12 years old):
Yup. Dante is telling kids as young as 11 to “act sexy-sensual while putting on a condom,” and/or “hide a condom on your body and ask your partner to find it.”
What kind of deranged sex curriculum is this? Is this sex or a scavenger hunt? No one has ever done that in the history of boning.
It does teach abstinence as an option, but this is what it lists as forms of abstinence:
- mouth to anus contact
- strip tease
- touching nipples
- cupping the scrotum
- handjobs
“Hello children. Today we’re going to teach you about eating ass.”
Yea some of that stuff actually sounds way cooler than sex, but none of it is “abstinence.” And lets be honest – every single thing on that list leads to sex 30 seconds later. There isn’t a boy in America who’s getting a handjob and wants to stop there. This entire curriculum is just a gateway to boning.
Look, I’m no prude. I know kids are gonna have sex, especially in Great Brook Valley. I’m all for teaching kids that condoms prevent pregnancy and STD’s. But that’s all you gotta do. They get the point. And honestly, most of them aren’t gonna use condoms anyway. It’s naive to think otherwise. Sure, they might the first time. But that one time they don’t have one he’ll tell her he’s gonna pull out and she’ll say “be careful.” Then the tuna torpedo enters the penis fly trap and they both realize, “Gadzooks! I’m never using a condom again.” Raw dog city from that point on.
What you don’t need to do is let a bunch of sexually deranged borderline pedophiles like Dante give 11 year olds advice on foreplay with condoms. That’s just patently absurd and no rational person could ever get behind it.
But according to Dante it’s “rape culture” if we don’t teach 11 year olds to play hide and go seek with Jimmy hats.
Because Dante is a professional liar. Ya know what’s kind of rapey Dante? You telling kids to cup each other’s scrotums. Just sayin.
At the School Committee meeting last night Dante showed exactly why he doesn’t have the temperment to serve as an elected official. You can watch him at the 1:53 mark in this video, or just watch this clip. The rules in the charter say that members have to address the Mayor when speaking, but Dante is a criminal and a charlatan whose only strength is organizing mobs, so he doesn’t care for rules. That’s why he turned and preached to the crowd about how anyone who opposed his kiddie sex curriculum is a “hate group,” and told Mayor Petty “No, you’re not gonna shut me up,” when Petty told him multiple times to address him, not the crowd.
And this is how the mainstream media covered that debacle:
Good on @dante4schools for calling out that hate group
— Bill Shaner (@bill_shaner) February 8, 2019
And Bill Shaner claims we have no merit. LOL. Sure thing Billy. As you can see, he’s not a real journalist. He’s an activist who got a job making minimum wage at Worcester Magazine because they couldn’t find anyone else willing to work for that when it’s more lucrative to go on welfare. A real journalist reports the facts. Billy just cheers on these groups of radicals because he’s one of them. Live look at Billy reading this blog right now:
Hi Billy! I know you’re reading this because you literally read every blog we publish while simultaneously claiming we’re irrelevant. No wonder you won’t debate me.
And guess what? There’s more people like Dante that plan on running in November. Who remembers this woman?
Cara Berg-Powers is a radical activist who once harassed a mother and her two children in the grocery store because they were wearing “I Am Turtleboy” shirts.
So I was out doing errands in the Woo on Saturday afternoon with my 3 year old and 8 year old daughters, who both happened to be wearing an “I am Turtleboy” t-shirt.
A woman stopped me in a store and asked where I got their shirts from. So of course I told her “Turtleboy Sports.” She then went on to tell me that she “works for various nonprofits and political groups in Worcester” (whatever that means…) and that she couldn’t believe that I was letting my daughters wear a shirt that represented the spreading of hate.
Of course my hippie bullshit sensors immediately went off and I suddenly realized that I was in the presence of an actual Worcester hippie!! (I’ve never seen one up close before!) She went on to tell me that Turtleboy Sports was giving the actual Turtleboy statue a bad name (What?! We ARE talking about a statue of a boy giving it to a turtle, right?! I don’t think that statue has much farther to fall.)
As politely as I could (wouldn’t want to give fellow turtle riders a bad name), I told her I agreed with the opinions of Turtleboy Sports. She didn’t even try to hide her shock and disgust with me after that and I’m sure she’s currently trying to figure out a way to track me down and report me to DCF for allowing my children to wear an I Am Turtleboy shirt. But whatevs.
I managed to escape to safety with my turtle-clad children in tow, but I thought it was important to warn others. The hippies are real and they are out there-in places you’d least expect to find them-like the grocery store in the non-organic/GMO free food aisle. Ride the turtle, but beware of the stealthy hippie posing as a regular citizen.
She’s already collecting out of state money too.
These are the kind of people who are attempting to take over the City of Worcester. People who harass you because your kids in the grocery store because you read a blog that exposes bad people doing bad things. People who urge kids to grab each other’s scrotums at the age of 11. People who give 11 year olds step by step directions on how to fuck. This is what they’d prefer your kids learn instead of dumb things like Science and Math. Luckily a local mother named Laura Clancey has seen enough and announced this week she’s going to run. If you have kids in the WPS and you don’t want their future to be determined by Dante and crew, you should consider running as well. We’ll back you up 100%.
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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:
40 Comment(s)
This is their way of slowly introducing pedophelia to the schools and trying to desensitize it. My suggestion? HOME SCHOOL YOUR KIDS.
Scary to say the least. They can’t attract better candidates than these clowns? It’s always worse than one thinks too!
I thought you guys would be thrilled that SOMEONE is telling these little hoowahs to use condoms. One lees crotch monkey = one less EBT card!!!!
Please somebody forward this to all the major television networks. This sick bastard needs to be removed along with any elected or appointed individuals All should be at the very least fired.
He’s all yours Worcester. You elected him….you got him.
Wtf??? 11 YEAR OLDS? “Find the hidden condom” “act sexy while putting on a condom” “you and your partner go buy tons of different condoms and test them out”
This is what this pedophile wants to teach the kids at his school of course while he watches ugh
Is Cara Berg-Powers related to Deb Powers, whose two adult sons living at her home were arrested for possessing child porn?
You fuckwad peso’s try your door to door shit in my neighborhood…. And I will answer my door with my custom made barbed wire wrapped nail bat and promptly send you to the ER. Fuck it, just because I hate you fucking child fuckers so much, I might even make the extra effort to go to an NH gun show and get a throw away .32 so I can tell the cops you drew down on me.
I do not wish them death from my nail bat; just a multi-decade coma.
I am Randall’s guy’s father. I should’ve pulled out.
Giggity goo. Splat! Misfire. Not enough chlorine in the gene pool.
If my kids attended Worcester public schools I would consider myself to be a failure as a parent.
“mouth to anus contact”
E. coli, fun for all ages!
Nice to meet you e-coli! You seem like a ‘fun guy’ (fungi)!
He’s a sick motherfucker
” I am glad I grew up in the 70’s and was bangin’ anything with two tits and a heartbeat “. Pure 70’s poetry my man!
Dante Comparetto? To whom is Dante compared? I put him comparet-to Ms. Cara Berg-Powers. And as soon as I saw her picture, for some reason, I thought of her compared to an Evel Knievel launching ramp. With any luck Dante will have a mishap on his bicycle; I can see how obviously responsible to health he is, given his sex ed stance and his eschewing of a cranium-protecting helmet.
To be clear – Dante didn’t write this curriculum. The pedo-NAMBLA wing of the Democrat Party came up with this – and are pushing it through their supporters that have infiltrated all our local school committees. And the teachers unions are the ones that paid for the “research” that developed it.
This is what you get when you vote Democrat. Dumbed down children that are now targets for the molesters the libs love to love. Thank a lib!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! I am so sick and tired of these vile people. The SJW’s, the trump haters, the sexual predators. the freaking race baiters!! I said it before, I’ll say it again, you can actually TELL BY LOOKING at them who the sjw’s are, because they look like they haven’t been laid in YEARS! That’s why they are always giving everyone shit, they need to have a good lay, and even THEN they are assholes to everyone. We all need to step up and do something before all these SJW’s ruin it for our children and grandchildren! Thanks for doing your part TB, it is appreciated. We just all need to do something to get rid of these people besides writing articles (no offense here) and sitting behind our keyboards. Yes, I realize I am doing that right now, so don’t be cute with me, i’m not in the mood. I’m talking about really doing something. Calling them all out is a start (as you are already doing Uncle TB) but there has to be something else we can do. I vote for the republicans, and these idiot dems always win. Aren’t people sick of losing yet? Sick of these total assholes and their curriculum and race baiting tactics?? I don’t even want to come out of the house anymore because people are so evil and vile. smdh.
I am glad I grew up in the 70’s and was bangin’ anything with two tits and a heartbeat like they used to teach in fifth grade; I was buying rubbers while still riding a bike and looked so young the pharmacist (yes they were kept behind the counter then) asked if I knew what they were for. It was 8″ when I started and by the time I was 21 it was whittled down to 6″ because it is true that some skanks twats actually have teeth. BEWARE the ones with twat teeth.
Condom use is at a low and the raw dog trophies prove it. So I think we do need to change the ciriculum to make the use of condoms seem more important and less awkward and teach beyond abstinence only (the rel definition of abstience like how I was taught, not licking buttholes) but was this for attention or did he really think this was a good proposal? I think some sex ed teachings should be changed to prevent all this teen pregnancy and raising chlamydia rates but that needs to be scrapped and rewritten by totally different people. Ugh.
How many children has he already harmed? Molested, Raped, abused, terrified.
Pedophiles always around youth sports, schools, they always find a way they never stop.
Dante, if you need a consultant HMU. I’ve watched more scenes and reviewed more tape than Belichick.
Can’t make this up. This man is a danger to children and everyone else.
A.O. Cortez, Granny Warren and Guvna Infantacideand and Lt Guvna Rapist of the Commonwealth of Virginia approve of this man’s plan.
“A woman fantasizes about being raped by 3 men while making love to her husband” Bernie Sanders. Democrats the party of Rape and Murder.
After the curriculum is in place I’m going to suggest field trips to ghettos and the projects so that the kids can see what poor decisions around sex can lead to. Or I guess we could just send the kids home early.
Fuck subtlety, let’s fast track the grooming and turn these kids out! Ain’t no pretending they didn’t know what they was doing after this. Age ain’t nothing but a number 100 100 100!!!!
Here we come motherfucker…
I like Dante. I can stand behind his beliefs.
I couldn’t agree more. He’s a visionary.
I’m convinced that you just hang out here to get as many downvotes as possible. esp at like 9AM on a Sat?
Let me guess, you wake up at 8am, do a huge line of Mexican Crystal Meth, then go on TBS at 9AM with the goal of trying to get the most down votes as possible? You’ve been on this message board for at least 4-5 months now Randall, so you must have a goal to get the most downvotes.
To quote Harvey Keitel from the movie Bad Lieutenant
“Are you a Catholic?” -cop 1
“Yah I’m a Catholic” – HK
“Well why don’t you show some fucking respect” -cop 1
I like the mention of the WooSox in the comments. I have had countless debates over how the PawSox are NOT going to make Worcester a place people visit. It’s a shithole filled with low lives who are making their way across Park Ave. It’s loaded with litter and run down homes and businesses. The roads are a mess. The Puerto Rican population has aided in destroying this shitty….I mean city, schools, and neighborhoods along with every other able bodied pajama wearing, unemployed, welfare sucking, lazy piece of shit. If you need welfare, YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HAVE MORE CHILDREN. Follow Dante’s “sound” advice and use a condom!
I had a teacher tell that told the class not to wear tight pants for that same reason. He hung himself that year because he was a child molester. I’m not saying Dante likes young boys but he sure cares about how warm their nuts are.
But the WooSox will turn Woo into Wellesley! Wonder if the hipsters would let their kids attending classes like this?
This guy is a sick fuck
Weymouth John needs to get over to Woo Town and do his thing
The bigger problem here is the people that will signn onto this insanity. He played to the crowd at the meeting, showed his “radical side” and stirred up the pot. Guarantee a shit ton of people buy into it and try to push it through. Hopefully it doesnt become reality, but in this country now, you never know. What we see as a twisted human who would love to oviously get his rocks off with some 14 year old lovin’, some people see as someone “wo cares” for the kids and their futures. He is a sick fucker that needs to be watched closely, with drivel like this, its just a matter of time before he goes for the young stuff, if he hasn’t already.. Sick bastard.
I’m sure Dante would be glad to help the innocent 11 year olds out, help them out of their clothes, into his bed. Weirdo pervert, and on the school committee. Wtf Worcester, you should be ashamed for electing this maggot.
Truly fucking disturbing, douche chills thinking about it.on a different note an ass eating seminar wouldn’t be such a bad thing, practice makes perfect. Oh hi leigha! Be my seminar partner?
288 pages tho?! This PEDO DIDDLER wrote a goddamn novel! Fukking sicko! If my child were exposed to that -most of which I was sorry I was just exposed to- I would report the fucker till they charged him with a sex crime on minors!! He shouldn’t even BE ALLOWED around children, never mind on a School Council! I have lurked for a long time but absolutely had to comment on this because I’m just so BLOWN AWAY by Worcester’s elected officials. HIS PENUS SHOULD BE LOBBED OFFF!!! Clearly he has some aversion for 11 year olds… KEEP HIM AWAY–AWAY!!–FROM SOCIETY & SOCIETY’S CHILDREN! For the Love of God!
Would normally troll you for grammatical errors but this your points are good and this is too serious. A child predator on the school committee with the balls to publicly propose “sex games” for 11 year olds, man….
Let the children be children and have some happiness in their young lives. God knows they have the rest of their adult lives to work and overcome difficulties.
I pray to Jesus that he find a way to remove this man from around children and any vulnerable person or living thing.
Speaking as a Catholic, I honestly wanted to vomit when I heard that guy try to use Catholic social teaching to defend this disgusting drivel he calls “education”. Honestly wanted to puke. I just had to say that.
Pretty fucked up, fam. Dude’s a perv.
Woo Sox should be called the Woke Sox.