All-Star Criminals

37 Year Old Fall River Grandmother Kills A Dude Over $50

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Boston Herald

An argument over $50 with Adrienne A. Brown’s daughter led to a fatal stabbing an hour later Saturday afternoon by Brown, 37, of 477 Third St., a prosecutor alleged at her arraignment Monday in Fall River District Court.

Brown is charged with murder and aggravated assault and battery with a dangerous weapon with intent to commit serious injury in the death of Brian Jones, 53, of 215 Whipple St., outside her home. He was stabbed in the heart and two other parts of his upper body, Assistant District Attorney Courtney Cahill told the court.

Brown pleaded not guilty to the murder charge. She was held after Judge James McGovern revoked bail as a result of two pending assault and battery charges against her, and set bail on the murder charge at $500,000 with a pretrail conference scheduled June 29.

In the fatal stabbing, police responded to 476 Third St. shortly after 3 p.m. Saturday where they saw two people trying to stop the bleeding from Jones’ torso, Cahill said.

Two witnesses Cahill quoted said they saw a conscious Jones holding up his shirt to show his bloody torso and saying: “That bitch stabbed me, and she’s going to jail.”

Witnesses reported an initial argument over money was with Brown’s daughter, Quaneja Dkayla Groce-Brown, 19, who lived with her mother along with Brown’s grandchild, Cahill said.


Just when it looked like Brockton was going to take the lead in the race for “sleaziest local MA town 2015“, suddenly this gem from Fall River (a perennial candidate for the aforementioned award), caused us to pause and reevaluate our current top 10 contender list.

Adrienne Brown, an unemployed 37-year-old grandmother who lived with both her daughter Quaneja Dkayla Groce-Brown, and her grandchild, was on the run since Saturday until she turned herself into police Monday. She has been charged with murder and is currently being held on $500,000, a far cry from the fitty bean she was after in the first place!

This story has everything that you would ever want or expect from a timeless Fall River classic. First of all, the victim’s last words were “That bitch stabbed me and she’s going to jail.” Surprising how many times these are the exact last words uttered by a dying Fall River resident.

Secondly, there were so many people involved in the initial argument over a measly $50, that it’s a little difficult to follow what the argument was even about. Adrienne’s daughter “Quaneja” was somehow involved in the original fracas, and is now being held by police also.

Third, after the stabbing, Adrienne fled the scene in a gold car and vowed “I’ll be back”. Very Schwartzeneggeresque. Her appearance in court today featured her dressed in a blue hoodie, covering her face, reminiscent of Rocky Balboa. Nevertheless, a man is dead after multiple stab wounds, and the three-day manhunt for Adrienne Brown is over. Girlfrand, I am not messing with you. You are a cross between Stallone and Arnold, and you’ll kill a man for 50 bux. Here’s a hunnid, keep the change

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8 Comment(s)
  • Rachel Arraiol
    September 28, 2015 at 3:25 pm

    I was just in jail with this woman,and what she did was in defense of herself as well as her daughter and grandson who this man was threatening all three of their lives and threatened her with a knife and he was intoxicated and dropped the knife.. He was also in her driveway and she needed to protect her life as well as her family’s.. I had the opportunity to become friends with her and got to her very well and she is a wonderful person,mother and grandmother and doesn’t deserve this and she will prevail from this! I LOVE YOU LITTLES AND I GOT UR BACK GIRL

  • Wabbitt
    June 7, 2015 at 6:33 pm

    Won’t be long before Clive and the Crew blame this on the white man for creating a level of poverty where fitty bones is worth killing over. And how DARE the racist, white EMTs not get him to the cracker hospital in time to save his life! He was just about to turn things around!

  • Devils Mouthpiece
    June 7, 2015 at 5:45 pm

    I would say theres no redeeming value to fall river, but battleship cove is pretty cool and Portuguese food rocks. There’s some outstanding eateries down there.

  • Fall Riva
    June 7, 2015 at 9:08 am

    Viva Fall Riva!

    Their poor husbands had to come home from a long day at work to this mess. Oh, right……

  • Joseph
    June 7, 2015 at 6:34 am

    Their husbands must be heatrbroken over this.

  • Randy Moss
    June 6, 2015 at 8:38 pm

    This post right here is why I am a fan of the Turtle

  • Leo
    June 6, 2015 at 6:50 pm

    37. Grandmother. I think that says it all right there.

    • JayC
      June 7, 2015 at 10:28 am

      Why wasn’t this poor old, err, thirty-something, granny doing granny things like knitting, going to the senior center, going on a trip to Foxwoods to chain smoke and hit the one arm bandit for hours, or playing bingo? Instead she’s shanking neighbors over 50 bucks? Now she’ll be going off to the pokey want be able to get social security and enjoy retirement and the fruits of labor. Although, if history is an indicator, she could be the first great-great-great-grandmother in prison she lives a long life in the can.

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