Able-bodied Salem Stripper With $1,000 GoFundMe To “Help Me Survive” Is On Food Stamps, Too Depressed To Work, And Is Selling Noodz For $5 A Pop

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Meet Mandi Brown, a Salem stripper who wants you to pay her $1,000 on her GoFundMe because she’s too lazy to get a job:
So let’s review….
She left her abusive boyfriend and was forced to “find ways to make money after to pay my bills.” Ya know, like an grownup.
She then got a job, but injured herself badly because they made her “stay all day and night 12 hours,” and she was forced to work in heels at an “adult job.” In other words, it sounds a lot like she couldn’t hack it as a stripper.
Now of course she’s not working because of her “injuries’ and “depression” because she had to give up her cat after “loosing a baby.” She doesn’t explain if it was a human baby or a cat baby, but either way it’s ratchet.
But don’t fear too much because she’s also on food stamps!! She just can’t wait until the first of the month to get them. And her stupid aunt won’t let her use her address to commit EBT fraud!! No fair!!
Don’t worry though, while you’re living in an apartment she’s living in the Holiday Inn, because that’s apparently more cost effective.
Now she needs you to pay for her food, phone bill, rent (even though she lives in a hotel), prescription meds and “other supplies and necessities” she needs.
Oh, and she’s apparently starving to death:
Well, Mandi apparently does have a backup plan though:
Yup, she’s selling noodz, and offering a discount for high volume users. Oh, and her dirty panties too.
Sure, you could just go on Porhhub for free, but those chicks don’t need the cash as bad as Mandi. Someone actually brought this up:
Oh right, she’s a “real girl” to talk to you and do what you want. Because pictures talk.
She also does videos:
But if she’s gonna make it in the noodz business, she should probably stop giving out so many free samples.
But wait, it gets better. This chick also has a boyfriend who apparently likes to take post-dump selfies from the can:
And the two of them live in Hampton Beach:
Because…..of course Hampton Beach.
Anyway, this chick has somehow raised $435 toward her goal of $1,000. Proving once again that no one has any shame or humility in 2017, and everyone else is a sucker. Here you have an able bodied woman who is fully capable of working. She has a boyfriend, who she should be able to rely on just a little bit. She gets food stamps that we pay for, and she currently lives in a hotel. But she can’t get a fucking job like everyone else because she has “depression,” and as a result she is starving to death. Sounds legit.
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35 Comment(s)
she does perks or heroin. Look at those pinhole pupils
I feel more bad for the cat. I can’t imagine what kind of trash that poor animal ended up with.
After reading all this, I just want to know what happened to that cat.
Our once Great society is being overburdened with garbage like this whore and her defective friends that My hard earned money gets extracted at gunpoint to pay for……….bring back the stocks/flogging/and WORSE in the Public Square for all philanderers drunkards drugheads and degenerates and wash this scum from Our streets…..IT IS MORE MERCY THAN THEY DESERVE…We must Get Right With God……
Pretty eyes, but that’s not enough in life, not even close. Young Mandi’s best chance, is to sign up for Mass Health if she hasn’t already and make a appointment for a mental-health evaluation before anything else.
You don’t find yourself on a blog openly admitting to selling nudie pics of yourself to buy soap “to keep your holes clean” just by chance.
Get a psych evaluation kid, you don’t need a family to do that, you just need to be smart, 10 years from now you’ll thank the you of today for doing it.
“Now of course she’s not working because of her “injuries’ and “depression” because she had to give up her cat after “loosing a baby.” She doesn’t explain if it was a human baby or a cat baby, but either way it’s ratchet.”
You’re making fun of a woman who lost her child?
Man…even Kathy Griffin didn’t do that. Pretty low. This blog is circling the drain.
I’ve got $5… just saying
Also that is totally a Walmart bathroom he selfied in…
But seriously, I’ve got $5
PS: I’d still hit it
I might have small tits but they are perky asf and my nips and lips are pink unlike your roast beef looking shit. I look youthful. Men like that instead of some old worn out beast. Keep hating.
This bitch is stupid. Stripper heels are the most comfortable shoes to wear long term. Buy a pair of plain, clear-colored, Pleaser brand six-inchers and you are good to go.
Is that bitch wearing a choker? Like a legit 1999 elastic choker that you got at CVS or Walgreen’s because your parents wouldn’t let you shop at Contempo or Claire’s? WOW!
* to the pussy who wrote this and stalked my profile *
Lol. Thats why people are hitting me up for more pics. The reason why I’m doing custom pics for donors is nobody wants to just donate. They want more for their dollar. Just like giving a free bracelet or a red nose for a $5 donation. I am not crippled i just simply got injured at my last job and have a little trauma because of somethings i went through the last few months like having to give up my cat baby to live in a fucking rooming house. And i have small bills and want to be able to afford some food and maybe some soap to wash my ass lol. Luckily i have some but I’m running low and with a $5 donation i can at least keep my holes clean. I didn’t except this not to raise some eyebrows but im not gonna water myself down. Just not my style. So if you wanna help me then please its much appreciated if u wanna bitch and complain about me making money from my looks because u or maybe your gross wife or gf can’t whatever. People are still gonna hit me up and people are still gonna bitch. Thats how the world is. If u have struggled like me than u get it. And i don’t have mommy or daddy or grandma and grandpa’s help either like u did. I’ve always had to fend for myself, take care of myself, and raise myself. Fuck you.
Also the information in your article is hilariously off yet creepy you’d do all this digging on somebody you don’t know. Even if you knew me it’s still creepy as fuck. No lie. Also i have never heard u have to claim gifts on your food stamps which i don’t believe ill be getting next month because i don’t have a place to receive mail. So thats out of the question. Thats why i wrote that. Did u look up who my ex bf was? U don’t need the details of my relationships and my bf is sponsoring me because i do not have a bank account and this is allowed by gfm. Why his fucking name is there. Also i had food stamps before when i was working asshole and i was making more than the pictures.
Holy shit you really are stupid. You need to smarten up because those bee stings tits aint getting you anywhere.
Get a fucking job like the rest of us, whore.
Now go make me a fucking sammich, stat.
You’re still a loser whore who can’t hack it in the real world. Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh I have depression. Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh I can’t work because I am a diseased whore. Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You’re doing custom pictures for a donation? How ’bout sticking a buttered ear of corn up your ass, and then bending over to eat it? I got a stack of waynos with ur name all over it. Hell, I’ll personally shuck that bad larry and cook it for ya too!!!
Unfortunately, Zaiger has a bit of a heroin problem. He’s currently shilling for donations for EncyclopediaDramatica’s legal fund, but I think we all know which arm the money’s going into.
She should get on disability for injuries from stripping now, wait don’t they have workers comp?
Double dose of plan b for this chick. Each and every time
Can’t get past the BF, Ziggy’s err… outfit. Button down shirt open neck with tie under a white sweater-vest, hipster facial hair, shades on the head, selfie standing next to the shitter and a strange striped sweater/jacket hanging on the stall door.
Don’t need to know anything else about Mrs used underwear merchant. The Jeffrey Dahmer, crackpot BF is warning enough.
He’s also 40 and she’s 21..
Look him up.
Yet somehow every loser on this page (run by corny white boy loser racists) still cared enough to read and comment on the “story”? Somehow Turtleboy Trump cuckolds make money off this drivel.
You’re a little late to the party d-bag!
I gotta look into this GoFudgeMe stuff. Anyone can ask for money ” just because”?
There’s no ethical bar to meet? I have never looked into it and my naïveté shows.
Might be a good buffer so as not to work so hard.
Yeah, I left my job at “Party City” because it just became too difficult to blow up helium balloons!!! I wanted to blow up cocks instead! Party City wouldn’t let me do that! Something about store policy!
Who is the old dude behind your right shoulder in that picture?
Is it your “daddy”? Come on sweetie, let us know! Someone you’re banging for heroin/crack money? Watch out, he probably has a STD!
5 bucks for that??
Giving the industry a bad name. Thankfully the best is still performing.
Is this real fucking life? Bitch gets free food, stays in a hotel, no dependants or any REAL reason she can’t work a million hours a week, but sits around on her Obama phone begging for money?! Oh and we’re supposed to feel bad? Gtfo! I wish I didn’t have to worry about things like child care, groceries and LIFE. I would work 100 hours a week… what a selfish beast. You have ONE person to support. It’s not that hard. $400 a month in rent? Sign me up! $30 for ALL her monthly medications? Yes please! (I paid $40 for 7 antibiotics for my sinus infection) Depression, yeah I’m depressed too bitch…. even more so after reading about your GoFuckMe people are actually donating to.
You expect people to pay $5 for that? You’ve got no tits! And judging by the obscured picture, you might just have a penis!!! And that fag you’re with: Does he love it when you shove the double-headed dong up his pooper?
“I’m just a loser to her, and the rest of my family”. Guess what skankfest?
You’re a loser to all the rest of us too! Just go away!
Oh Mandi, for a fin I got a glance at your cookies, I can tell that you’re not a rookie, Oh Mandi, that pic was just for us, but it’s now covered with bubbling love puss.
Love me some down & out stripper. I’ve got room under thw stairs and your own water bowl. (With ice!)
This chic is gross! I wouldn’t fuck her with Feisty’s Dick and NSTB pushin my ass. I’m pretty sure Uncle TB has bigger tits than her just an all around Wretched Ratchet
“A vulnerable person! Lets take advantage of them!” – Turtleboy 2017
…is Turtleboy throwing stones about making money in disreputable ways?
“I’m one of the suckers Turtleboy was talking about.”-Chris 2017
….Is Chris knocking a set of bloggers whom are at least turning a paycheck, while defending a lazy drain on society? (and Turtleboy’s checks have a portion of their checks removed for trash like her.) Vulnerable my ass! It’s lazy, sloth, lack of pride and greed. You know what’s “vulnerable”? My wallet, it’s been repeatedly raped by the taxman for cockroaches to sit on their ass!
Chris- you’re a fucking pubic hair……. If you think Gofundme 2017 is reputable, pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.
That skank burger referenced above started a $1,000 Gufundme….do the math, she put the initial $435 in (courtesy of the state) so she could pick up the remaining balance of $565 to pay her rent……
Take a look at her pics, charging for blowjobs isn’t cutting it for her