Who remembers this douchebag?
That would be Giancarlo Zambrano, the shithead brother of cop killer Jorge Zambrano, who ended the life of Auburn police officer Ron Tarentino by shooting him in the back in May of 2016.
We’ve written about Jorge’s stupid brother many times, because he was the boyfriend of 2017 Ratchet Madness champion Trashley Losapiho, the daughter of a judge and the corrupt employee of the probation department who once gave up confidential information on state’s witnesses to her gangster friends.
He’s also a sociopath who leaves voicemail messages like this with people who he believes have wronged him.
And in one of the biggest dickhead moves of all time he dressed his crotch fruit up as a cop and posted it as his profile picture two weeks after the murder of Ron Tarentino.
Since then Trashley dumped him once he couldn’t sell drugs up here anymore to finance her extravagant lifestyle. So he moved to Florida where we found out today that he was arrested for……
Drunken battery on a police officer and resisting arrest. Runs in the family.
So there’s your Zambrano update. He’s still a huge piece of shit, and he’s following in the family tradition of fighting cops until he dies, which hopefully will be any day now.
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58 Comment(s)
F oolish
I diotic
L oser
T weaker
H orrendous
Y apster
S ocialpath
P athetic
I diot
C riminal
I hope the Zombrano brothers fall in a pool of prostate cancer (stage 4).
Get Fucked,
Mr Finn, You are a frequent contributor to the comment section and I just want to wish you a Happy Winter Holiday!
Thanks! Have a great Christmas as well!
Are you sure it’s “Mr.”?
Oh My Secular Deity! I am awaiting the response, “DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER?”
Many, including myself are offended by the insensitive expression, “Merry Christmas.” Perhaps a less harsh “Seasons Greetings” or “Happy Winter Holiday” would be more appropriate, as not to offend. I do apologize for not respecting your pronouns. I assumed, based on your salty language, that you were a cisgendered white male. Shame on me.
I’m happy to say I had to look up “cisgendered”. I had no idea. For the record, I “identify” exactly how I was born. It’s easier for me to remember.
He doesn’t mind prison because he’s a queer and loves it when the negroe inmates fuck him up the ass
I would enjoy seeing his entire family in front of a firing squad.
His name is Jorge and he’s a piece of shit?
In the Christmas Spirit let’s think about all the KILL Animal shelters in Florida. So many pure, beautiful little dog and cat souls that are condemned to death for the crime of having nobody to love them.
He exists only to inflict pain and harm, dogs and cats exist only to love, much, slobber and love. The 3 wisemen would probably agree and sell their frankincense to get those dogs to loving homes.
Let’s use the money spent to prosecute, defend and incarcerate a violent scumdouche like him to send those furry loving critters to furrever homes and put him and others like him in the shelter kill chamber. Sounds fair to me.
As a Native American, I celebrate the Winter solstice. Soon Christmas will be banned and the official holiday will move to the solstice. Therefore I am wishing everyone a Happy Winter Holiday!
The chick’s chubby and has a big butt. Not up to standards for some chick living the high life off of a sugar daddy. She needs to up her game
Tessa Majors a beautiful 18 year old white college student was slaughtered by 3 sons of obama monkies. Fske news says 3 teens but it was three filthy primates
Imagine if 3 whife males did this to a sheboon. Liberal media would be going nuts about racism but everyday in America black on white violent crime is rampart and the fake news tries to pretend it doesnt exist.
Go start your own blog and call it:
Keep burying your head in the sand while the black snd brown destruction occurs all around you everyday from teens hooded youths lawrence men chelsea men erc erc. Whatever label fake news can come up with to not report who is comitting most of the violent and raciist crime across America. The best was last weeks CBS Boston story about a Mr Santos who killied a miss Rodriguez and fake news said police are lookiing fir a white male. I know its tough to follow along when you fall for the liberal brain washing.
Just the gifts of diversity presenting themselves
One look at that face? Total fag.
He’s gonna be Bubba’s bitch in prison lol!
He’s looking at hard time in the big house because nobody ever get arrested for drunken disorderly in Miami.
Oh wait, I’m sure at least 20 people get arrested for that every night 365 a year and the prosecutors drop all the charges and make them pay a $150 court fee.
I can’t believe he applied for Indigent Status, and got it.
26 10/15/2019
Ghost Cowboy nodded and bellied up to the bar. Giancarlo was there placing a glass and a bottle in front of him. He poured himself and me a drink and studied me some as I did him. He was dark-skinned with flashing white teeth and the obligatory dirtbag grin. His eyes were bright like diamonds in the lamplight, his black hair greased back with a single curl at the front to bless his forehead. And then the sheriff came in and shot him like the desert rat that he was. The blood spatter on my hat was ok. The West was just a little bit safer. Good night gentlemen.
Go sit on a bowling ball
Those cops are good down there not like here,they got this shithead and all the pedojew’s in Miami.
They don’t fuck around in the Sunshine State. Prison is privatized there, and it’s a billion dollar industry, so they WANT prisoners. 10-20-Life motha fucka!
Trashly can get it too. I imagine she has loose, dark labias, but who am I’m to judge? I’ll only see them for the 11-25 seconds I last anyway…
Of course his brother is gonna be another cop hating, gold chain wearing wannabe guido that’s actually from PR.
His girlfriend looks mega hot in all the pictures except the bikini one. Her elephant legs were a surprise, if not a wicked disappointment.
Hahaha this guy is a first class loser. He’s probably getting drunk on Coronas at Miami beach right now with girls in bikinis while I’m living my best life in Springfield sucking down a cpl. Natty Daddy’s, vaping and reading Turtleboy.
Looks like I win again suckaaaas!!!
I took a screenshot of his sexy wifey pics to use for “later”… 😉
Later? How about now! Guess what I’ve spent the last 45 minutes doing? Now I need about three oversized beach towels for a cleanup! WOULD!
Killing yourself
Still too busy thinking about cockraping the slut!
You’re thinking about that time you were ass-raped in prison, I know it may have been dynamite for you, but this isn’t that kind of site.
Just emptied out another bucket of cum! Sorry you’re triggered by this!
Use legal sized paper and change settings to landscape if you want to print.
Zambrano is if Florida. Is he still registered to vote in Massachusetts, and is he “collecting” in Massachusetts?
ummm yeah a lot of Massachusetts residents go to Florida for the winter.
Obviously not you or anyone you know because you’re poor.
Poor, but proud, and not looking for any handouts. But to bring you up to speed, Giancarlo is a sales representative with South Motors Infiniti, in Palmetto, Florida. So, again, I am wondering, because he seems to have established a presence in that state, is he registered and collecting in the glorious Commonwealth of Massachusetts? He wouldn’t be the first dirtbag to game the system and “collect” in multiple states.
Funny how it is that we can get government documents to denote what veterans did while in the service, but when it comes to identifying what criminals get, the privacy of the criminals has to be respected.
In Massachusetts, if the authorities think “jail isn’t working for him”, they let the criminal out. In Florida, if the authorities think “jail isn’t working for him”, they understand to try out lots more jail time to see if that will work for him.
Good morning Turtle Riders. Has anyone had the chance to Ski Bretton or Killington yet this year? I don’t have to go back to work until after New years so I want to bring the wife and crotch fruits skiing for a few days but I can’t decide which mountain to go to.
Thanks for any insight riders.
Please just stay home for the love of god. There’s already enough massholes up here. If you have too I would suggest Mount Snow. Thank you.
Try Mt. Washington on a warm January day. It only takes a couple of hours to summit and you stay warm from the hike so you really don’t need much more than your skis and light jackets.
For all we care
Stupid guinea trash. I hate Italians! They’re the same exact thing as spics.
Fuck you Paddy you drunken dumb harp. First of all hes not Italian but youre SO stupid you think the name jorge is Italian. Go have another drink with your fellow laborer drunks Shortest book ever written is “Irish Geniuses I Have Known”. . póg mo thóin
vaffanculo a tua madre
you dumb dago
Ithis kid could be a gay porno star. I know backdoor talent when I see it.
Zambrano is not white but he is a gender bending cock sucking spic
“The Situation”
Too bad for this piece of shit he didn’t get in arrested in MA. He could have told the DA and judge that jail doesn’t work for him like his cunt brother. Hopefully he is reunited with his bitch brother very soon. I pray that it is painful and embarrassing.
One Zambrano down, one more to go!
Oh I would love to smack that smug look off his face, but I will have to be content with watching his downward spiral instead.
I would pounddddd that biatch for hours from behind. I’d bend her over to get a Lipnicki any day!
He will be dead in a year…. See ya mother fucker
Omg I would SPANK his skank!!! Looks like she can give good lipnicki’s!!
Busy doin nothing…
What a garbage family and he is the epitome of a douchebag. Karma is funny with people like this. His kids will probably grow up Luke him and his loser brother and continue the cycle of scumbags