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Brockton Fupajuicer Princess Announces She Caught Ex-Husband Making Tummy Pancakes To Kiddie Noodz And Is Ratting Because He Stopped Paying $200 Monthly Blackmail Cash

Brockton Fupajuicer Princess Announces She Caught Ex-Husband Making Tummy Pancakes To Kiddie Noodz And Is Ratting Because He Stopped Paying $200 Monthly Blackmail Cash

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Here’s an example of how some people just aren’t a good match with the Internet:

Where else but the Brockton Hub can you read a full fledged ratchet confession of a jilted lover blackmailing her pedophile ex-husband for $200 a month? Little did he know that the moment that first check was late she’d run right to the Brockton Hub to tell the world about that time she saw him making tummy pancakes to kiddie porn when he thought she was sleeping.

So Karen’s post didn’t go as planned. Ya see, she wanted to get revenge on her ex-husband, not because he’s a pervert looking at child porn, but because he wasn’t writing her a check every month. After all, she’s not the porn police:

She’s also not the murder police, so one can assume that if you kill someone in front of Karen Monahan she’ll be keeping her mouth shut…….as long as the $200 checks keep rolling in.

Posts like this don’t come along every day. More like every other day in Brockton. And immediately the turtle signal went out from the two first names crowd:

He’s right – this one is way too good to pass up. This chick was a ratchet wet dream. She apparently lives in a bus down by the river:

Because….of course she does. Does this look like a chick who doesn’t live in a bus down by the river?

So she’s apparently in her late 40’s. But as you can see that’s like, 74 in Brockton years. I can smell the Parliament Lights and Mad Dog 20/20 from Worcester. And no wonder she wants that $200 a month. She needs to get that matching Space Jam titoo. Because what kind of respectable woman doesn’t reach a point in her life where she says to herself, “time to get a Space Jam tittoo.” And she’s really not happy about the fact that she can’t get her complementary flapjack artwork:

Especially since the free ride appears to be over:

Yea life was good for Karen Monahan. As long as she kept her mouth shut about all that child pornography!

Oh well, his loss!!

She really misses her husband a lot. Well, she misses his money at least:

So what does she need the cash for? Well, she apparently moved to Myrtle Beach and she really, really, really likes benzos, adderall, and of course meth:

Oh, and she’s totally not addicted to heroin either because she takes suboxone. She even takes cab selfies on the way to the “sub doctor”

And by “sub doctor” she means “guy on Craig’s List who gives her suboxone in exchange for some of her world famous yogurt cannon yaffling.

Living this sort of lifestyle in a bus down by the river might seem glamorous, but it comes with a lot of negative side effects though. For instance, sometimes you wait for your ride to the methadone clinic, but you forgot that your ride isn’t coming because you switched to suboxone three months ago, and you have no idea where the meth clinic even is:

Hate when that happens.

Although when you’re living Karen Monahan’s lifestyle it’s sometimes better when you don’t remember:

Oh, and you start to develop strange sleeping habits:

The next thing you know you’re squatting down at the gym and ripping butts in the shower:

Some suggested that Karen was only trying to extort money from ex-husband because she needed drug money. And since she’s such a classy broad Karen Monahan wanted to set the record straight – not ALL of the $200 a month is going to drugs:

Just some of it apparently.

Anyway, when we first saw this we figured it had to be a troll account. But after going through her Facebook page it was clear that Karen Monahan is way, way too real. And the fact that she sees nothing wrong with covering for her husband’s alleged child porn habits in exchange for monthly drug money is so Brockton it hurts.


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25 Comment(s)
  • on it's back
    July 9, 2017 at 6:02 pm

    In meth years she is only 22_23??? At least it’s greater than her Iq!

  • Wabbitt
    July 9, 2017 at 4:10 am

    Does she not realize that “teen” porn is all women in their mid twenties with small tits? Dude just like chicks without flapjack tits – doesn’t make him a pedo!

  • MGTOWarrior
    July 8, 2017 at 9:00 pm

    Family court-assisted blackmail.

  • Seriously?
    July 8, 2017 at 8:42 pm

    I want to start a GoFundMe for poor Marvin the Martian, yuck!

  • Michele
    July 8, 2017 at 8:20 pm

    I’m speechless

  • July 8, 2017 at 6:36 pm

    This Scumbucket is just as guilty as he is and should face prison time as well. Did she once contact the FBI, Homeland security, the police, or anyone else who can or will do something to stop this perv? Nope! She took it to Facebook where she proudly admitted to extortion. Wtf is wrong with people?? This is not a good look, even for her…

    Meanwhile I’ll be here, helping the federal government lock up a similar monster Kirkland Smith of New York City, for the next 60 years for possessing child pornography. There’s a spot in hell for individuals like this. This chick is a sad excuse of a human being.

    • Yougetwhatyoudeserve
      July 12, 2017 at 11:05 pm

      You honestly think this scum had someone who was a pedophile and was only extorting him for 200 a month… lol, thats cute. If this was in any way true, it would yes, be still as disturbing, but i assure you she’d either be a. Asking for way more then 200/month or b. Getting paid that 200/month.
      And your in our correctional facilities, thats assuring

  • Porn Marketing
    July 8, 2017 at 9:55 am

    I’m not defending porn… I’m just defending porn.

    If you believe the Porn Movie Titles, you’re a special kind of dumb and Angelina Jolie really raids tombs, c’mon Karen Monahan, think about it.

    teen porn = 18 to mid twenties.
    Milf’s and “moms” are usually late 20’s early 30’s,
    “mature” women are all under 40. In porn young women are older, Older women are young.

    Step sister, step mom porn, is a porn marketing tool, just actors/actesses not related, don’t be foolish. Who would believe that is real sooo stupid.

    Go to any porn site, they often have interviews and are very careful to give the real age all documented and legal. Porn producers are there to make $$$ not go to jail.

    Karen Monahan is pissed-off and has nothing of substance on this guy, so she makes unsubstantiated claims of kiddie porn to destroy him but she’s a terrible witness with no proof or brains. Peeps that get busted for Kiddie porn are often who least expect, track coach, cop, lawyer, teacher.. just google it. People who abuse children are pure scum regardless of their job title.

    I’m not defending her ex just the art-form known as porn, bc porn is awesome!

    • Phong
      July 8, 2017 at 10:24 am

      The funny thing is the guy would rather jack it to an Iphone that dump the puss in her.

      • Johnnywalkerblue
        July 8, 2017 at 2:54 pm

        Who wouldn’t? It’s like Eddy Murphy said in Raw; what’s next you put your Dick in and it explodes?
        That’s as Nasty as it gets.

    • She's dirtier than he is
      July 8, 2017 at 11:13 am

      Thank you. You did a much better job making the point than I did.

    • North Country Turtle Rider
      July 8, 2017 at 11:23 am

      I’m not defending Porn Marketing, but I’m about to defend Porn Marketing. Porn is no different from ‘legitimate’ news source article titles or sponsored ads. And therefore the title is often nothing more than clickbait. The brother/sister titles are common on mainstream porn sites (e.g. pornhub, redtube, etc..). Google ‘Piper Perri’ and tell me how old she looks. These are just a couple examples. My guess is that the guy was just embarrassed about it and the $200/mo was to save the embarrassment. And at some point the $200/mo just wasn’t worth it anymore.

      By the way, a friend told me all of this as I do not watch porn.

      • anonymous
        July 8, 2017 at 11:47 am

        Googled piper, she’s 22 yo, looks 15 and it is not a pedo fantasy. Who doesn’t have a memory of that high school crush… or a week spent at the beach with her family poorly chaperoned. 🙂 🙂

        A movie can help you relive that experience, nothing to be afraid of, human sexuality all quite natural and healthy.

      • Wabbitt
        July 9, 2017 at 4:20 am

        Riley Reid and Aubrey Sinclair are more my speed. And Chloe Amour – caliente!

        Sarah Blake was one of my all time faves, but now she just does cuckold stuff and doesn’t take any clothes off. And her Instagram is just pictures of her dog and her coffee mugs.

    • Yougetwhatyoudeserve
      July 12, 2017 at 11:00 pm

      … your probably right tho, she’s just mad the pornstars were younger and prettier

  • She's dirtier than he is
    July 8, 2017 at 9:52 am

    I call bullshit. $200 wouldn’t be enough for a didler to risk getting caught and where they live wouldn’t change the circumstances one bit for extortion. Shame on her if she believes he did that and kept quiet but more likely he was looking at young but legal porn geared towards dudes who are into that.

  • Jafreese
    July 8, 2017 at 2:32 am

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I miss the good old days when using computers required a certain amount of intelligence. Making computers so easy to use that even this idiot can do it will be one of the major downfalls of society. Bottom feeders like her shouldn’t be allowed to communicate to such a large audience. Verbally she probably cant even speak in complete sentences or even complete a thought, but giving her the ability to post quotes lets her think she’s making a valid point.

    • Anonymous
      July 8, 2017 at 10:40 am

      I don’t have a problem with computers. I have a problem with social media. I wish it was never invented. I miss a pre-2003 Internet before social media became a thing.

  • itsjustme
    July 8, 2017 at 1:34 am

    Disgusting. She should be arrested with him. It really is true, drug addicts will literally do anything (or not do something) as long as the money (and drugs) are rolling in. Pathetic.

    July 8, 2017 at 1:22 am

    It starts with the tattoos (I know it’s important to you) you’re a peacock. Then the job (not the career, the job). Then the money (I have money… you have cash), then the drugs, then the foodstamps, then the criminal record, the flat-brimmed hats, saggy pants or jorts. Dental work is grillz. Then white people must truly be colorblind, they call everyone nigga, then the duck-face selfies (girls or guys) – always in the bathroom. Dropped out of school, but finding it not very funny 5, 10, 15 years later. Necessity begs, so sell your food-stamps, prescriptions, Klonopin, heroin — it’ll fund another piercing (or tattoo) you’ll look great while getting pepper-sprayed at your next protest against Trump trying to Make America Great Again… Dolts.

    • Yougetwhatyoudeserve
      July 12, 2017 at 10:57 pm


  • Phong
    July 8, 2017 at 1:21 am

    That things got more miles on it than a 1973 checker cab, more cumstains in the back too.

    • Wabbitt
      July 9, 2017 at 4:11 am

      That was as disgusting as it was hilarious. Bravo, sir.

  • Noseface
    July 7, 2017 at 11:35 pm

    Not a bad set of tits on the ol’ gal. Credit where credit is due.

    • horndog
      July 10, 2017 at 8:33 pm

      She does have nice Big Tits and the part about how she is sucking sperms from a man pipe is also good. Now I feel happy.

      ) )

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