Hoodrat Heroes

Brockton Registered Sex Offender Looking For Female Pit Bulls To Drill His Male Pit Bull “Bronx” So He Can Keep The Pick Of The Litter And You Get The Rest

Brockton Registered Sex Offender Looking For Female Pit Bulls To Drill His Male Pit Bull “Bronx” So He Can Keep The Pick Of The Litter And You Get The Rest

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Here’s the kind of post you only see in Brockton:

It simply doesn’t get any more Brockton than that. A dude looking for his pit bull (which of course is named “Bronx”) to drill a hot bitch (an actual bitch) doggystyle (authentic doggystyle, not the kind we culturally appropriated from dogs) so that he can have a litter of pit bull puppies. Not the whole litter though. Just the best ones. Can’t make this stuff up.

Never mind the fact that there’s thousands of dogs in this state who could use a home. This asshole wants to breed a whole new litter because……fuck it. And of course his breed of choice is the pit bull, because when you’re a shithead from Brockton who tries to get his dogs laid on Facebook, of course your breed of choice is gonna be the pit bull. Not that there’s not great pit bull owners out there. But it’s a scientific fact that guttersluts are naturally drawn to this particular breed like none other.

But wait, it gets better……

Yup, he’s a registered sex offender who is looking for someone to provide a female dog for his pit bull so he can watch them do sinful things to each other. Nothing shady about that!!

Anyway, the post has been removed but the comments section turned into the dumpster fire you knew it would. Especially when he threatened to start stabbing women, and then run them over with his car:

And of course he’s all of a sudden a keyboard warrior now that he’s off of probation:

Wait….the do isn’t even his??? First of all, who would ever let this chudstuffer watch their pit bull?

You know the dog is coming back all Antonio Cromartie.

If only he could go back to his baller days of selling K2 and carrying around stacks of $5 bills with a 20 on top to make it look like you’re actually successful at drug dealing:

So yea, watch out for this guy. And if you have an non-neutered female pit bull lying around, do NOT let this guy’s dock fuck your bitch. Because there’s a 50% chance he’s getting in on the action and when the puppies come he’s gonna give you sick ones and kick you to the curb. Oh, and I wouldn’t recommend buying his sword either.

Just sayin.



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13 Comment(s)
  • PBLM
    October 30, 2017 at 7:39 pm

    You know how many pit bulls I’ve seen that were NOT aggressive and intimidating? 1
    And know how many pit bulls I’ve seen in my life? Not sure, but probably a couple hundred
    That pretty much tells you everything you need to know about that breed…

  • Bulldog
    October 17, 2017 at 10:38 am

    Why do these wanna-be thugs/criminals ALWAYS have pit bulls? Especially ones that aren’t spayed/neutered? I’m sorry but if you have a pitbull, I automatically assume your IQ has dropped several points. (There are good pit bull owners out there but it seems like the majority of pit bull owners are scumbags just like this guy.)

  • EPOCA Fan boy
    October 17, 2017 at 8:34 am

    The sex offender registry has to be abolished. So what if in his past he tried to share his love and intimacy with young children. That just means with his experience he would be a perfect candidate to get a job at a daycare center. He has paid his debt to society. Right people? You can send your donations to EPOCA anytime, they prefer PAYPAL or in some instances PLAYPAL.

    • Sterling Turtle Rider
      October 19, 2017 at 12:50 am

      When is the annual EPOCA golf outing? Just want to make sure no one I know goes anywhere near the public courses on that day, just in case your tee-off swing goes like that last one…

  • Tired of Ponch's Snitchin Pussy
    October 17, 2017 at 7:46 am

    wow they keep letting him out he should be caged like a dog after all those offenses

  • The Vorlon
    The Vorlon
    October 16, 2017 at 9:22 pm

    Could someone please drop this thing on Outer Brewster Island?

    The swim back to Boston should take care of it, if it even heads in the correct direction.

  • Rick
    October 16, 2017 at 8:32 pm

    Wow. Is it even legal for a convicted sex offender to have custody of another sentient being?

  • The call me Ponch
    October 16, 2017 at 8:05 pm

    Maybe, just maybe… he’ll fall onto that sword.

    6 or 7 times

  • Lassie
    October 16, 2017 at 7:18 pm

    Are you sure the female dog isn’t for him?

  • WorcesterProper
    October 16, 2017 at 7:16 pm

    And in other news the TurtleGaffneys are quitting the race. Because they know we’re on to them.
    Saw that one coming for months now.

  • Called It
    October 16, 2017 at 5:33 pm

    Lol I KNEW this was going to end up on Turtleboy

  • Street Sweepah
    October 16, 2017 at 4:43 pm

    YEAHHH!!! Everyone knows you’re not a tough guy unless you have a pitbull.

  • Hubba Bubba
    October 16, 2017 at 4:41 pm

    Someone please rescue that poor dog. This fuckstick shouldn’t be allowed to have plants, let alone a dog.

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