Butt Nugget Arrested For Yelling Sexually Explicit Slurs At A 9 Year Old On MBTA Is A Youtube Rapper Who’s Been Arrested A Bunch Of Times For Fare Evasion
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Tyler Cummings was also riding the train and went to comfort the girl who was crying. He said he snapped a photo of the suspect identified as Galatis before he swatted the phone out of his hands. The girl’s father said Galatis shoved at least three passengers on the train before exiting at the Community College stop. No one was seriously injured in the incident. Transit Police said Galatis will face criminal charges of intimidation of a witness, annoying and accosting a person of the opposite sex and assault and battery.
In the least surprising turn of events ever, Xavier Galatis is an up and coming “rapper” with his own Youtube channel. We’ve seen a lot of terrible wannabe rappers on Turtleboy Sports, but can’t recall ever seeing anything quite this awful……
This can’t be real life. This buttnut was flashing $1 bills and drinking Red Bull outside of a convenience store while wearing a Wal-Mart brand coat his Mom was given from the local church.
I can smell the aroma of failure as it emanates from that God forsaken lump of pubes he’s attempting to cultivate on his face.
He’s also got videos of himself (which he posted just two hours ago) driving around on his bike (he appears to be some sort of courier) and playing rap music as loud as he can in front of civilians as they ride in a horse and buggy.
So yea, basically this idiot just rides around looking to be a huge pain in the ass to everyone. He serves no purpose in society and really has no reason to exist. How come there’s no mass movement to deport people like him? I see people get all enthusiastic about getting rid of some cleaning lady who’s lived here for 20 years illegally. She’s gotta go. But this ass muncher? He gets to stay because he was born here. Makes sense.
And apparently he’s pretty well known by the MBTA police. In June he was arrested for threatening and assaulting T workers:
Transit Police report arresting a Medford man they say threatened to kill T workers who caught him trying to evade his fare at Harvard Square and then punched a T cop before he was brought under control yesterday afternoon. Police say that Xavier Galatis, 23, of Medford, failed to use the “great problem solving and communication skills” he lists on his LinkedIn page when he was spotted fare jumping around 2:20 p.m.
He became violent and threatened the employee with death. Officers approached Galatis and were greeted by the same belligerent behavior and threats. Officers requested Galatis cease his tumultuous behavior and leave the station. Galatis refused and continued to shout threats at the officers and racial epithets at MBTA employees. Officers attempted to place Galatis into custody and he violently resisted striking the officer in the torso area.
He was charged with assault and battery on a police officer, resisting arrest and disturbing the peace, police say.
Then three weeks ago he was arrested AGAIN for fare evasion:
“Transit Police report a man already facing charges for fare evasion, threatening T workers and punching a T cop was arrested again after being caught trying some more fare evasion at Chinatown on the Orange Line. Xavier Galatis, 24, of Medford, went quietly after being stopped by Transit Police officers around 7:30 p.m. yesterday, police say.”
Most people would be embarrassed after getting arrested for yelling sexually explicit things at a nine year old girl and making her cry. Not this shitstain. He’s sharing the story like a badge of honor:
Just as he did a few weeks back after being arrested for fare evasion:
If you’ve ever reached the point where you’re tempted to use the hashtag, “#FuckMBTA” or “#TrackOrDie,” you may want to reevaluate your life choices because you’re officially the hemorrhoid on America’s ass.
But don’t let all this fool you – Xavier Galatis is getting a full scholarship to the college of his choice:
Really made it out the hood? Bitch you live in Medford. Medford is not the hood. It’s the gateway to the wealthiest part of Massachusetts.
And believe it or not he’s actually got a LinkedIn account. Who wouldn’t wanna hire someone with a resume like this?
“Knowledgeable in the subject of internal and external loss prevention.” Translation – I’ve stolen so much shit over the years that I’m basically an expert for hire at this point. Oh, and I’m also really good at folding, and have a 100% on time record. Unless of course I get arrested for yelling sexual things at a nine year old, which will probably happen once a fortnight. Then I’ll be at work after my Mom bails me out.
And his Tumblr is a window into his dooshnozzelry too
We’ve all been out in public and seen some assbag like this blasting rap music with the most offensive lyrics possible simply because they WANT you to ask them to turn it off. Because people like him are looking for a fight. They’re looking for the shock value. So yea, if you ever see this guy on the MBTA, just punch him in the face, because that’s clearly what he’s looking for.
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11 Comment(s)
he is on the tpd411 ( mbta police) website for a sexual assault in dec. 2015.
How come that little twit (or one like him) never fucks with me? I honestly wake up every day hoping it happens.
Flashing that little bottle of Fireball like he’s some kind of bad ass. Bitch get yourself a big boy bottle of some real liquor like Jim Beam or Jack Daniels and stop showing off that pussy ass shit.
I know this kid.
Not only is he not a courier, but he used to attack messengers downtown because he couldn’t get work and nobody would acknowledge him.
He also caused a fire that resulted in one of Boston’s oldest diy spaces getting shut down.
In his defense he really doesn’t have parents. He was raised by his grandmother and shithead uncle so he has major problems, but he’s been given quite a few chances and seems more concerned with “coming up” than even attemptIng to become a decent person.
he has the nickname “greenwheel” amongst couriers because of his greenhorn maneuvers and funny looking bicycle.
Looks REALLY Wangstah standing there with his “Gun” that has orange on the clip and orange on the barrel. Hey pud puller they put that there so when some fuckin moron like yourself points that at a cop they don’t shoot you.
So much like my Bobby. He also lists “great problem solving and communication skills” on his resume, blames others for his errors, and is really super at folding!
15 year old mentality for sure.
Do it to my kid and you would have spent last night in the morgue.
Nothing shouts “I’m insignificant and insecure- LOOK AT ME!!!” quite like playing music on a speaker in public, especially when you can buy a decent pair of headphones in the checkout line at 7/11 for like $6 bucks.
Everytime I ride a subway, there is some tool playing rap on a speaker looking around to see who notices them. Never someone playing rock, classical, jazz, polka, bluegrass… always rap.
Nothing screams street cred more than an airsoft AR-15 that still has the orange tips on it.
Please Xavier, do everyone a favor and brandish your toy rifle at the cops next time. You have a strong need to be perforated in the forehead