There was a fire in Lawrence this weekend and when the cops went to hook their hoses up to the hydrant they found most commonly seen item in Lawrence after crack rock – a Honda Accord. It was a three alarm blaze so LFD didn’t have time to fuck around, so they took care of business instead. Watch.
The only thing more obnoxious than the guy who parked there was the guy filming it. Bruh, who are you even yelling at? We get that this guy’s a queef for parking there, and I totally appreciate your enthusiasm and hatred for whoever put it there, but the guy who parked there isn’t watching the video. Luckily no one was killed in this inferno, thanks to the quick actions of firefighters.
And is there a single street corner in Lawrence that doesn’t have cometing bodegas across the street from each other?
What an absolute shithole.
Anyway, I’d love to know who owns this Honda Accord if someone would like to run license plate 798 SG1 for me. Since this is Lawrence, there’s a 90% chance that the person driving it isn’t the registered owner, and a 95% chance they’ve already been featured on Turtleboy.
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50 Comment(s)
This story would be such a perfect storm of dipshittery if the owner of the car then ended up outing themselves on FB by bitching about replacing their windows. Come on ratchets, don’t fail me now!
hands down the best thing I’ve seen all day.
the owner of the vehicle in question should be beat with a garden hose and then thrown off one of those “rent a sailboats” on the Charles river, with weights heavy enough to force them to tread water for their life. before being rescued by the very same people they fucked around with.
damn. I’m on a roll today. don’t interrupt me when I say the german’s bombed Pearl Harbor!
While the cops were hooking up fire hoses the firefighters were out arresting crackheads. It mustve been opposite day…
Is it too much to ask that you proofread your articles before posting?
It only take a few minutes. No one was going to beat you to this Breaking News, I promise.
Seriously, fuck off. You’re not wanted here.
What the hell is cometing bodegas ?
Probably a Dominican with a stolen Puerto Rican ID. ICE would ship him back to the DR but our politicians want all the illegal aliens they can get, so they made it almost impossible for ICE to do their work.
The guy who took the video was awesome; so Massachusetts it hurts. It feels like Marky Mark should have been in the shot too.
This is what happens when you f*** a stranger in the ass. Is this your homework Larry?
LOL! I LOVE it when there are “cometing bodegas.” But this time I didn’t see them streaking across the night sky… although, come to think about it, there WAS one blazing, no longer trying to outsell the one on the opposite corner.
(You should have used an iPhone, as its spell-check would have saved you this typographical embarrassment.)
Lawrence… The Woonsocket of Massholia
here’s a clue. That’s a picture of Howard’s fried pork skins, chicharron con chili y limon flavor.
Who wants to bet it was a middle aged white male with a family to provide for? He surely does not have the time to find a parking spot. A fine gentleman way to busy being a productive member of society. Am i wrong?
They couldn’t run the hose over or under the car? Don’t get me wrong, the chud that parked there is still an asshole, but was busting out his windows really necessary? Guess the firefighters were trying to make a point, and I sure as hell bet this loser won’t park in front of a hydrant again.
Are you as stupid and unattractive as i imagine?
Unattractive, but not stupid. I can show you my Mensa membership card if you like, but I’m not gonna waste my time having a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
A normal hydrant will get you a max of 60psi or 900 gallons a minute at best. The average engine can pump 1200 gpm at ideal conditions. Problems arise when there are kinks, bends, and folds in the water supply line. Thus drastically reducing the amount of water being delivered. Straight and narrow is the best option. So in answer to your question is a resounding NO. No, they cant go under (logistical nightmare) or over.
Thanks, Water, I was about to go there, but your explanation was much more eloquent, but succinct, than mine was going to be. Additionally, notice in the pic that they STILL needed to move the car away from the hydrant to be able to attach the coupling.
Water – thank you for answering my rhetorical question with facts; I learned something new today. Big Wick – thanks for pointing out that they had to move the car, I guess I didn’t study the picture too closely.
Cops putting out fires.Bodegas in space. Al Swearegen showing up east of the Mississippi to make a video in Lawrence. Destroying Honda Accords. This story’s got it all!
I did not authorize these cocksuckers to use my trademarks. Feed all of the cocksuckers to Wu’s pigs.
Unregistered, uninsured, illegally attached plates. Likely the car was stolen in Jersey, and the plate was swiped off an Oldsmobile .
I could care less about publicly shaming a friggin parking violator. Save it for the real losers.
Sure… until your house burns down and the filerfightes can’t help because of fucking idiots to lazy to park 5 feet away.
Hey Fuck off turtlegirl for dissing the narrator, more of a fucking journalist than you, you lazy fat azz piece o’shit. He’s out in the street getting it done so fuck you.
Wow, someone took that personally
Why the hate for the guy who filmed it?? Wouldn’t you be that pissed off if you saw that shit??? And he stopped the video to help them push the car. SSTG I love you. But that was unnecessary. Just my opinion
On top of that, they are fire fighters, not cops. And yes, whoever parked that fucking car, they were not watching the video at the time. But hopefully they’ll see it. That’s kind of the point of this whole blog. Holding people accountable.
It’s amazing how many fires there are in Lawrence. City full of Dems living in shitholes owned by rich Dems from Andover
Get the picture
Did da way we do it in the islands mon!
There’s also a 95% chance they have no license and registration because people are allowed to do that in Massachusetts. Then they go to court and it’s dismissed or found not responsible.
I give a big thumbs up to the man taking the video. I was swearing right along with him. He nailed it when he said no respect. Also no common sense or common courtesy. Nothing but freaking state of entitled people.
Baaaaahaaaahaaaahaaaa !!
I LOVE it !
It reminds me of years ago in my hometown. Some chud parked in front of the bay doors of the Fire Station to run into the library. A call came in for a fire. The engine, which was an early sixties Seagrave with a bumper like a tank, was blocked in.
Soooooo ……they put the engine in drive and rammed the car out of the way !
Good times !
Kool story bro.
How many time did you fail the police test?
Cool put down, brah.
Just remember; Firefighters exist because cops need heroes too.
Look, Jake was clearly pissed of. Wikked was clearly pissed off with firefighters many time.
The car slowed down the putting out of the fire, but HE’s more obnoxious?
Somebody has got their priorities all messed up and it ain’t the guy who
made the video.
Fire fighters are all racist pigs who would spray POC’s with hoses back in the day. None of those fire fighters could get into Stanford.
Sarcasm, guys, sarcasm. Wake TF up . No way you can downvote unless you cannot recognize sarcasm? Stupid shits.
My favorite sign in the background : “Super-Market” Fucking priceless.
If this took place in Boston there’s a 90% chance the car would be a BMW.. The most inconsiderate, self-serving breed of car owners… just saying.
Not as bad as Audi drivers.
Well, No Shit stole my line!
Someone named Martinez, Rodriguez, Diaz, Bermudez, or similar must be pissed!
It was Flores
Correct again!
Honda Accord – the hood booger’s ride of choice. Always among the top five most stolen car models. Now you know why.
Probably someone just running into the bodega across the street for a minute. I fail to understand why these white, jackbooted firemen couldn’t wait a minute or at very least run across the street and ask them to please hurry up.
SSTG, Honey, I don’t want to be “that guy,” but I’m going to be “that guy…”
Cops don’t hook into fire hydrants. Firefighters do.