Chad Reidy’s Funeral Was at 4:20 On 420, He Spent 10 Years In Prison Before Meeting Jo Ringer, And His Ex-Gf Was Just Arrested Probably Because She Know Where The Body Is

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There’s been some crazy developments in the Jo Ringer disappearance in the last 24 hours:
- Her disappearance has been ruled a homicide.
- Cops say that her husband Chad Reidy was the sole suspect from day one, despite the show he put on for the news where he pretended to be a loving husband, waiting at home for the woman he killed to return.
- Chad Reidy’s ex-girlfriend, Laura Reilly of Easthampton, was arrested on charges of misleading police officers in the disappearance, and was released on $1,500 bail.
- Jo Ringer’s car was found in Easthampton, close to her new job, and police believe Chad Reidy put it there to mislead investigators.
- Laura Reilly’s apartment is a 5 minute walk from where the car was found.
- According to random people on the Facebook machine, Laura Reilly was a clingy ex-girlfriend:
- Chad Reidy asked a stranger in Northampton (close to where the car was ditched) to borrow her cell phone, on the day that Jo Ringer disappeared, and he called Laura Reilly.
- On the day Jo Ringer disappeared it was proven that Reilly and Reidy were together in Northampton at 3:30 PM, and by 5:00 PM they were near his home in the Clarksburg/North Adams area. It’s believed based on debit card usage that she did not leave the area until at least 8 PM.
- A day after she disappeared, and a day before Reidy reported her missing, Reilly and Reidy took a trip to Chicopee together, which she lied about to the cops.
- Chad Reidy was sentenced to ten years in a federal prison in Tennessee for selling LSD after being caught in a sting. He was released in 2009 after the 2000 indictment.
- In 2012, Reidy violated the terms of his probation by committing a crime, using controlled substances and alcohol and failing to truthfully answer probation inquiries. He was sentenced to another 8 months in prison.
- In Colorado in 1995 he pleaded guilty to a charge of marijuana possession, and in 1996 he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of third degree assault, according to a search of Colorado court filings.
- Chad Reidy’s funeral was held on 4/20 at 4:20 PM.
Oh look, Turtleboy was 1,000% right again. Of course he killed her. Now we know the motive – he wanted to get back with his ex-girlfriend. If she was involved in killing her the cops will find out, because obviously she’s not very bright and I’m sure she did something along the way that will give her up. She’s already lied to them a bunch of times, and cops hate when you lie to them. They’ll go through all of her messages and find inconsistencies and eventually she’ll confess to her part in this.
Chad Reidy was a piece of shit. We knew it from the beginning. It’s why he wasn’t searching for her and why he waited two days to report her missing. It’s why he tried to make himself look like the victim. It’s why he lied to the cops. It’s why he killed himself without leaving a note about where she could be found. It’s why he sold poison to addicts and went to jail for all those years.
And his family can go right ahead and fuck themselves. I know anyone would defend a family member in a bind, but these people demanded we pay for his funeral and a bunch of other bullshit. Oh, and the fact that they had his funeral at 4:20 on 4/20 is perhaps the greatest display of ratchetry in the history of mankind.
Here’s what Turtleboy thinks happened. He killed her in Worthington. That was his alibi for that day. He knows if the cops pinged his cell phone that’s where they’d find him at on March 2nd. Here’s a map of how you get from Clarksburg to Easthampton:
Notice you can drive right through Worthington. We think he killed her there, dumped the body, took her car to Easthampton, and ditched it there. He walked a mile or so to Northampton where he asked a stranger to use her cell phone to call his ex to tell her the job was done, so there’d be no trace to his cell phone. The ex-gf picked him up around 3 and drove back to his house in Clarksburg where they had passionate post-murder sex. As far as we know most of the searching has been done in Easthampton and North Adams, which would explain why no body was discovered. Worthington is much more rural than both places, and if you killed someone there you’d be less likely to be seen. The next day they drove to Chicopee, which is where Laura Reilly’s brother lives. Who knows what they did there, but clearly they spent 48 hours figuring out how they were gonna cover this up.
My question is, did Jo Ringer know about his past as a drug dealer? How could that be kept a secret?
Once again, this is just our theory. But we know as a fact that guy is a piece of shit lying drug dealer who killed his wife, beat her, scared her enough that she felt the need to warn people that he might kill her, and coincidentally spent the next 48 hours with his ex-gf who just so happened to live down the street from where her car was discovered. Can you think of a way in which the ex wasn’t part of the planning? Because we can’t. If he killed her, then being with her was his motive. And there’s no way she couldn’t have known he was going to do it. The only question is, can the cops prove that? I’d say they should go through her Facebook messages, but we can’t find her on Facebook. So if you have any tips for Turtleboy, send them to us and we’ll look into it more.
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31 Comment(s)
Well done, TB. Very nice work on all of this.
Isn’t that Bruce Jenner?
No ……….Laura’s dick is bigger.
I would love to sniff Jo Ringer’s soiled panties
Tired of sniffing your own?
So who made the decision that 4:20 on 4/20 was a good idea. So later someone can say “oh he was high and killed her” blame it on the devils lettuce. Why not? No one can accept responsibility for anything , ever. It’s not like he was jerry Garcia or something. I can see jerry doing something epic like that. But Chad fucking reidy, really. Let’s just pretend for a minute that he didn’t kill her, should we remember him as the epitome of pot smokers everywhere? I doubt it. He definitely wasn’t baked up or he would have just smoked enuf to forget he was pissed and not gone and become a murderer. And if your are that prolific at pot , then you should be too lazy to make an elaborate murder plan that includes a really long ride to drop the car off. I just think it’s the ultimate insult to pot smokers everywhere. Just saying.
Just sad that I never got the chance to fill Ringer’s hoop.
“It’s why he sold poison to addicts and went to jail for all those years.” You mean LSD? You have NO idea what LSD is.
Yes I know of a person that did not want to be found mainly by bill collectors and when she went to prison had her mom take over her face book acct in her name, so check out her family ie friends names and just have the police do some searching profiles of such.
Molly Bish was killed by an IKON office solutions driver who was employed at their office behind Duddie Ford.
Laura Reilly had a Facebook was under laura marquis however the guilty bitch deleted it she lives 3 doors down from me not cool
The state police can easily check the mass pike scanners also.
It’s been tried, believe me. But someone accessed the system and blocked the cameras from recording during the crucial time period. There are professionals at work in this matter. And “Crazy Stuff” is one of them. It’s a game to them. Cicada 3301.
Chad was a badboy. Have you ever seen a good girl get with a badboy? It doesn’t happen. Good girls don’t get together with piece of shit guys. Girls who get together with guys who treat them like shit know what they’re getting into. It’s part of the attraction for them. So all who praise Jo, equally praise Chad! They were ying and yang.
And yes some good girls do like bad boys because there life is boring and it brings excitement however the case doesn’t mean she deserves to die . I really wish people whom don’t know would stop
Her body is on highway 91.
No it isn’t. Someone would have run over it by now. Use your brain, hoss.
Hoss? That is a good one. Digging are ya.
Dig you notice the mud on the back of the car? He pulled off of the highway where there is a dirt base.
As I stated, SHE IS ON THE HIGHWAY 91 OR 90. Drive the canines along the route in the breakdown lane. Look at unpaved breakdown or pull of lanes where the murderors spun the tires spraying the clay onto the car.
Interesting theory.
She’s in the freezer next to the lamb chops & frozen spinach
Also, she’s been missing since early March?! That’s pretty sad, there won’t
be much evidence left for the medical examiner to determine how she died.
Sounds like she knew he was dangerous too. If you have a person like this
in your life, you MUST GET OUT!
Your blog has done a better job on this story than other news media, that’s
for sure. This freak of a husband was definitely a crazy abusive psychopath.
Killers dump bodies where where they feel comfortable, is there any fishing/hiking
spots he frequented? I’d assume he killed her in their home, and drove her body
somewhere. Clarksburg and surrounding towns are very rural, I was up there just
the other day, perfect place to hide/bury someone and never have them found.
When I go hiking this summer I’ll definitely keep an eye out.
“Clarksburg and surrounding towns are very rural, I was up there just
the other day, perfect place to hide/bury someone and never have them found.” Is this your alibi for when they find her? How much involvement did you have with her death? Did you participate in her killing, or did Chad call you afterwards to help get rid of the body? Amazing the things people will give away/try to use as their alibi on message boards. I’m onto you. I will hunt you down with the full force of the law.
She lives at 13 Berkeley st Easthampton
The more that is known about this, especially some people who were in Jo Ringer’s life. One can see what type of danger she was surrounded by. RIP.
That’s the life she wanted.
No it wasn’t she just met him she thought he was different no body asks for that so if you do have the facts maybe u shouldn’t assume
Do you think Chad ever had a 3some with Laura and Jo Ringer?
She’s the victim, was murdered by a coward woman killer.
I would love to sniff Jo Ringer’s panties
Your a sick fuck