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A lot of people are buzzing about Charlie “Tall Deval” Baker’s “reforms” in the Massachusetts State Police, as a direct result of the stories we broke about Alli Bibaud, Leigha Genduso, and fraudulent overtime scandals. But don’t be fooled – it means absolutely nothing, punishes innocent state troopers who are already following the rules, and does nothing to fix the systematic problems that led us to these problems in the first place.
Masslive: Gov. Charlie Baker announced Monday plans to eliminate Troop E, which primarily manages patrols along the Massachusetts Turnpike. Baker said the duties for policing the Pike would be turned over to other troops along the Mass. Pike’s route. The announcement came amid a series of reforms to the Massachusetts State Police, following a series of scandals, particularly the discovery that troopers in Troop E had been allegedly paid for overtime shifts they didn’t work. Additional planned reforms include a review of Troop F staffing, developing a body camera program for troopers and activating GPS technology in police cruisers that will allow the agency to locate troopers.
“I believe these reforms will improve the entire department, top to bottom,” Massachusetts State Police Col. Kerry A. Gilpin said.
Members of Troop E will be absorbed into other units in the department, Gilpin said Monday.
“The Massachusetts State Police has a long and honorable history. The men and women who’ve worked there for generations earned that honor,” Baker said, in prepared remarks. “That history, that reputation, has been tarnished.”
Baker and Gilpin said both internal and external investigations are ongoing. If either investigation determines they are guilty of these allegations, they should lose their pensions, Baker said. Baker and Gilpin also announced the creation of 10 new positions – six staff inspection positions and four internal affairs positions.
“Within the next 30 days we will also be conducing a study of the number of overtimes shifts in each barracks,” Gilpin said.
Additionally, the proposed reforms include several implementations of technology. On GPS, Baker said Monday he has ordered State Police turn on vehicle locators in every cruiser’s laptop. Gilpin said the department will also begin discussions of equipping troopers with body cameras. Baker said ideally he would like the program implemented by the end of the calendar year.
Why is anyone applauding this meaningless gesture? Here’s a review of what’s changing:
- The Troop E barracks is closing. Troopers working there will work in new locations on the Mass Pike.
- The buildings aren’t going to remain dormant, and the state will find some use for it, so it’s not like it saves the taxpayers any money.
- Ten new political hack positions were created, which will cost the taxpayers millions of dollars a year in salary and benefits.
- Body cameras might be implemented.
- Troopers have to turn their GPS on while driving so they can be easily tracked.
Although it’s nice that they’re concerned about the overtime scandals (that’s definitely important) the much bigger deal is how an admitted drug dealing, money laundering, perjurer who the state police themselves investigated, became a Massachusetts State Trooper. Until that question is investigated and anyone who had anything to do with her rise to power is fired, they haven’t fixed dick.
Of course that would actually require Charlie Baker publicly speaking out about it. It’s been a month and a half now. He has not mentioned it once, and the useless reporters who go to these press conferences have not asked him about it. Lt. Governor Karyn Polito blatantly lied about being friends with fellow Shrewsbury resident Leigha Genduso, even though photographic evidence proves otherwise:
Money comes and goes. The state can always get more money. But public trust is invaluable. And the fact that a group of state troopers CONSPIRED to get a drug dealer into the MSP makes it impossible to trust the higher ups in the MSP.
Meanwhile the ones who are being punished here are the thousands of state troopers who do the job they’re supposed to do every day. The ones who are not gaming the system. They’re being treated like children, despite doing nothing wrong.
And what the hell do body cameras have to do with ANYTHING???!!! What problem is this solving exactly? Is there an epidemic of alleged police brutality by the MSP? Nope. When was that bargained into the contract? The scandals with the MSP involve the politically connected troopers who got the plum gig at Logan Airport and high ranking troopers who made sure a drug dealer got into the MSP, not the rank and file.
This is basically what they tried doing to troopers Sceviour and Rei of the Holden barracks. Those two troopers did their job. They arrested a woman who could’ve killed someone and tried to trade sexual favors for leniency. They bravely resisted orders from much higher paid commanders to commit fraud and alter a report, and for that they were punished. Same shit is happening all over again. Troopers doing their job are essentially being punished.
The body cams are just useless Charlie Baker being useless. Something he’s very good at. He’s throwing the taxpayers a bone and creating the illusion that he’s some sort of reformer. He’s not. Here’s what he would do if he was interested in actual reform:
- Fully investigate Secretary of Public Safety Dan Bennett for his involvement in Biblowgate. Tall Deval exonerated him within minutes of us blowing that story up, despite not investigating him at all. We have a right to know if he was involved in that. His cell phone records and emails should be thoroughly looked through, including any private lines. If he has a problem with that he’s free to resign and find another job that pays $200,000 a year to be useless.
- Suspend Dan Bennett with pay until the investigation is completed. He’s been implicated in the lawsuit on behalf of the two troopers. Until his name is cleared the public cannot trust him.
- Any trooper who fleeced the taxpayer for more than $250 in overtime must be charged with larceny over $250 just like a civilian would who stole from their employer.
- Publicly acknowledge how troubling it is that a drug dealer somehow became a state trooper.
- Fully investigate every single person who had anything to do with Leigha Genduso getting hired. Anyone who wrote her a letter of recommendation, voted to get her onto the force, failed to ask her about her previous activities, or treated her differently from any other candidate should immediately lose their job. They are unfit to be state troopers.
- Deny pensions to Colonel McKeon and all of the other cowards who have “retired” in disgrace as a result of their corruption. With the amount of money they’ve accumulated over the years they don’t need a pension anyway.
- Fully investigate former Colonel Marian McGovern’s alleged fraud to the pension board. She received a tax free pension that saves her $25,000 a year because she allegedly had a heart condition. Yet pictures from her Facebook page (which she took down after we published this blog) shows her doing strenuous Crossfit-like activity.
- Change the law that requires that State Police disabilities be reviewed by the state commissioner of public health, state surgeon, and State Police superintendent, and instead that state troopers pensions are reviewed by a panel of three independent doctors like everyone else. You want to prove troopers will be treated like everyone else? Then start treating them like everyone else.
Or just make the good cops wear body cameras. What a sackless toolbag Charlie Baker is. I would rightfully expect Dana Pullman and the union to fight this un-negotiated mandate. Contracts are a result of collective bargaining. In order to force cops to wear body cameras they have to get something in return. Charlie Baker does’t have the right to unilaterally interfere with a negotiated contract.
Unfortunately the Internet is taking its frustration out on all state troopers and their union. This was not our intention when exposing these blogs, and these yahoos are missing the point. I still trust the MSP when I see them around town or on the highway. They’re the good guys here. Their bosses, Charlie Baker, Dan Bennett, Karyn Polito, Joe Early and a bunch of others are the bad guys.
31 Comment(s)
After my victory against Exxon mobile, I will ignore umm excuse me, investigate the the original investigation of the need to investigate this non issue against our Sate Police. Global warming is real and I need to read the 1,456,722 pages demanded by the Supreme Court by my Judge wife. In the mean time, I will stop putting gas in my tax payer funded limo. I will also stop using home heating oil, stop all air travel by my staff and myself. I will also not use any products made from oil, plastics etc. Oh wait…no I won’t.
Love Maura
#pink pussy hat
#impeach Donald Trump
Cops in this state are a divided into 3 categories. 1. Crooks and thugs. 2. “Good cops” who are actually pussies and never report the crooks and thugs. 3. Real cops who actually go after all criminals, even when they hide behind the badge.
Massachusetts needs more REAL COPS like those two troopers who outed the previous colonel. Those troopers are the real heros!
Change the subject, to cover himself & Polito. Two politicians, while Healey is not even in the scene.
Boston cops steal overtime too. It’s pandemic. It’s too tempting to pass up then money. The sergeants who sign the slips don’t give a sh*t about policing the rank and file.
The troopers at Logan are not crooks like the pike guys. The pike guys should be indicted, charged and lose their pensions. They have the chance to work extra shits and are present for them. Massport finds it cheaper to pay overtime rather than add to the manpower because it is cheaper to pay overtime than pay for an additional body when u add in all of the benefits etc. That John Candy looking union president needs to be forced to take the fitness test that all the other troopers have to take every 2 years. He was gunning for McKeon because McKeon was going to make him take the fitness test. Those 2 troopers in Holden were never to told to change the elements of the crime. I predict that their civil suit will go nowhere because of that. I head that Sceviour was hated on Canton PD and they were thrilled when he left to join the SP. Leigha needs to be fired for admitted criminal acts.
Fatboy Pullman needs to get around the obstacle course immediately. Maybe he could lose some weight if they take away his union expense account.
Can you imagine all these MSP crooks have retired to a big fat pension? They don’t think they did anything wrong – that’s how insane they are.
we should’nt ruin these no good state troopers. I think putting them in a mental hospital after they get caught committing felonies is unfair. They should just be left alone to rob us all sell all the dope they want while making 300k a year.
P.S Any single powerful men please call me at Tewksbury State Mental Hospital.
“The buildings aren’t going to remain dormant, and the state will find some use for it, so it’s not like it saves the taxpayers any money”
WAIT WHAT? You understand that a dormant building would still suck up money right. It would still have an operational HVAC and plumbing system, require MX and still need the grounds to be maintained. If the state can move another agency or utilize it in some other capacity it will save the tax payer money because its an already built and owned building controlled by the state. This is seriously the stupidest fucking thing you have ever written, a empty building not being utilized would quickly become an eyesore and you would complain about that. man your really a fucking retard sometimes.
Useless cosmetic [so-called] “reforms” that will change nothing. You’re right, the rank and file troopers who do their jobs the right way are being punished while the corrupt go unpunished.
Publish the names of troopers caught in the overtime scandal. Charge them, convict and fire them.
Investigate and fire those in the Genduso disgrace.
Expose the command staff for the frauds that they are in the BibaudGate. They interfered with an investigations and their pensions should be forfeited.
And what about the gun theft from the armory???
This rotten fish still stinks from the head. I feel a little bad for Gilpin in this. She came in and all this blew up in her face, but if she’s serious about reform and public trust she needs to do the right thing and drop the hammer on these gutless criminal frauds in the MSP
Why haven’t they been using the GPS in the vehicles already? What fleet of vehicles hasn’t had this for the last decade or more? The union must have opposed it, and as usual in this state, the bureaucrats caved into the union.
That’s what I was thinking. It’s pure bullshit that the cars haven’t been tracked.
I like Kerry Gilpin’s moxie. While watching her for 10 minutes in this video all I could think is “How would I do in a fight against her?”
Is anyone really shocked that cops, any cops, are crooked? Laws are for us little people
Aint that the truth
He he, he said F Troop
Oh yea…………… this ingrains the corrupt ones even more.
Actually makes them a mafia now.
Punishes rank and file that had no wrongdoing.
Actually, Fort Apache in F-Troop was far more competently staffed than F Troop at Logan.
Do they actually train the cops to scream at you when you’re trying to dodge all the bullshit while picking up arriving passengers, or is that learned behavior?
The camera and GPS will work IF there is a need to cross-check locations and actions. That’s a big if. It should make it easier to ferret out who’s telling the truth or not. I don’t fault Baker at all on this and I think he’s a dick.
But someone needs (costs money) to verify the cameras were working after someones shift and the GPSes were registering. That way someone gets put on notice right away, not a year later when there’s no record and the answer is “I dunno”. If it were up to me, X # of times with “malfunctioning” equipment for a particular officer in a particular time frame and that officer would be investigated. If a particular “checker” had too many “bad equipment” failures, I’d investigate that the checker. I’d also make video and GPS logs public record after a couple of months.
You shouldn’t have to treat or consider men and women with dangerous weapons like they were 5 years old. But, they brought this crap on themselves. That just tells me these 5 year olds have no business being cops.
I now look at a cop and the first thing I think of is “thug”. Sanctioned goons until proved otherwise. I have to respect the badge, I don’t have to respect the person with the badge.
In the last few months, Springfield has/had a cop that beat the snot out of his (ex)girlfriend. Another ex Springfield cop is charged with rape. Next door in Chicopee one of theirs is charged the same. Springfield promotes a clown who was canned from the force when his pit bull mauled an 8 year old. He did everything possible to keep the police away from the incident. He fights for reinstatement, wins his job back, has a questionable record after that and is good to go for a promotion.
The police do not have GPS locaters? UPS has GPS locaters. This is a safety issue if nothing else. While this may allow scrutiny where they don’t want it it also allows them to quickly locate a trooper who may be in trouble.
How this criminal cunt got on the MSP is just absolutely amazing when highly qualified people were passed over because they didn’t score 100 % on the written exam, I would bet that cunt didn’t even come close to that score. All I can really think of is she must suck a mean cock.
Yes she not only sucks a mean cock but swallows too Good to the last drop
Stop the attacks on tall devall. Really? You want Dimples running the show next election? Healey will make Baker’s run seem like camelot.
I heard it’s time for some accountability for the MSP. I’m sure Baker is boxed in to some extent, as the mafia is the only with more control than the unions (as if there is much difference between the two in the blessed hellhole of a libtard utopia.) So he has to step lightly.
Genduso is the elephant in the room, and it’s obvious they have yet to come up with a credible story they think will pass the sniff test. I agree, that will have to be aired and resolved before any semblance of credibility is restored.
As with most politics, the devil you know… Trust me, you don’t want frau Healy running the show…
Do you know how many guys I had to blow to get that job?
They’re not talking about Genduso clearly because they may have fucked up by hiring her and she could end up owning the state police ….. duhhhhhh.
Double-check the facts here, TB.
Troop F isn’t going away, nor is their use of the barracks at the airport ending. In fact, they are looking into increased staff levels at F so they aren’t as reliant on overtime shifts.
Troop E is going away, though barracks aren’t necessarily being closed. Rather, they are being absorbed into the troops having jurisdiction where they’re located: Weston falls under Troop H’s jurisdiction, Charlton will be in Troop C, Westfield answers to Troop B command structure.
As soon as I saw this on the 10 o’clock news, I said the exact same thing to my boyfriend … why no mention of Leigha ??? Then knew u were busy blogging !!!!
Get off the union dick and start fighting for the taxpayers. Management and the unions are equally at fault. It’s like Dems and Repubs. They all suck – and we pay for it.
I responded to his tweet, however, I am clearly behind on the backstory, because, you know, MSM and fake news. I’m only apprised of recent events regarding Genduso and a bit of the judge’s daughter backstory only because of TB and recently joining the TB train. So, although I said this was a move in the right direction, I did say…People are still interested in the status of Leigha Gendosa and how she was able to become a trooper with her known history of dealing drugs, committing perjury, money laundering and tax evasion. Doors were opened for her that would never have been opened for the average joe attempting to become a trooper. In the movement of full transparency, these questions should be answered. Until that happens, people will still question the veracity of the MSP.
They’re not closing the Logan barracks. They are reducing the number of troopers at Logan. Troop E is the pike. This unit is being disbanded.
remember about decade ago atleast a dozen of worcesters finnest got caught double dipping saying they were at courthouse doing case work when they were at home. 1 guy got fired for all of them and is like earlys pitbull today youve mentiond hum in the judes daughters dui articles.