There is always more than one side to a story….
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This afternoon our inbox blew up with a half-assed wanted flier that the Patriot Ledger tossed together. Apparently this chick is on the state’s most wanted list for strangling a 13 year-old kid in the food court at South Shore Plaza in Braintree.
What does “chocked” mean? Is that how real journalists spell “choked?” Asking for a friend.
Now, I could make some great jokes about a rough and tumble over the last hunk of Stromboli from Sbarro, but, I’m in an forgiving mood.
Crime occurred: June 11, 2017
Location: South Shore Plaza, 250 Granite St., Braintree
Case details: The woman attacked a 13-year-old boy and strangled him for about 4 seconds. She left scratches and marks on his neck, police said.
Investigator: Braintree police Officer Timothy White
Case number: 18744
If you have any information about the identity of this woman or where she is, call Braintree police at 781-794-8600 or go to massmostwanted.org.
I went looking for what really happened – and low and behold – the kid who got taken out by Jeggings McNothanks was saying nasty shit to her before she launched. Color me surprised.
The picture looks like it was taken after the beverage battle as she’s soaked.
Under no circumstances should she have physically touched the little prick. I’m not backing that at all. However, you’re going to throw her up on a Most Wanted list? Seriously? This is our prime suspect number one. Sure hope they alert Homeland Security next. -eye roll-
I’ve seen things like this happen. Hell, I’ve even been at the brunt of some smart-assed kids thinking they were all that at the Hanover Mall. (I’m from Pembroke so it’s all we have. Don’t judge.) I ripped them a new one, made the little fuck cry with my mean words, and went about my business. SSTG always claps back. I know I could have just rolled my eyes, been the adult in the situation, but there is a serious issue with kids having no respect these days. Don’t make me parent your kid. I won’t beat his ass but I’ll have them questioning opening their mouths in the future. Plus, just because I’m one of your beloved anonymous bloggers, doesn’t mean I won’t reave your soul if you cross me in person.
I’d like to hear from more people about what happened. Hell, if you’re the lady in the picture shoot me a message at Turtleboy Sports on Facebook. I want to know what was so nasty that you felt the need to strangle a punk kid.
3 Comment(s)
LMFAO Lee Morgan, aka TheQueenHeel of all people putting her two cents in. That stupid twat started a Patreon wanting people to GIVE HER MONEY to…live-tweet WWE Raw and Smackdown. Not to mention how many scams she’s run on people only to go and buy Wrestlemania tickets. Little bitch is a fraud.
She’s an adult. He’s an obnoxious 13 year old. Although I don’t condone rude comments from a teen, I wouldn’t throw a drink at them or strangle one for doing so. How hard is it to ignore an obnoxious teen?
Talk shit get hit