Deadbeat Advertiser Who Owes Us Cash Is Advertising In The Turtlegram On A Car Insurance Story We Broke Four Months Ago
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You may recall that back in February Turtleboy Sports broke a story involving a car insurance scam we were investigating in Worcester. Basically a bunch of ratchets got together on a snowy night, parked a car at the bottom of a hill, and then crashed another car into it to make it seem like an accident.
We proved that Central Auto Body on Park Avenue, as well as Pat’s Towing, were both involved in it as well. We found out who owned the cars and where they live. We established their connections to Central Auto Body. NBC News contacted us, asked us to use our story, and credited us on the 6 PM News. In April the four scumbags who crashed the cars ended up getting arrested, due to our blogs.
Everyone knows that Turtleboy is the reason this story became a story to begin with. Well, everyone except District Attorney Joe Early and the Turtlegram and Gazette:
“Leter uploaded online.”
Translation – the guy whose camera filmed it trusted Turtleboy more than he did the mainstream media, so he came to us with the story. Hey Turtlegram, bad news – you’re four months late with this story. We cracked the case in a couple days and the bad guys are going to jail because of it. They’re gonna rot in a cell thinking about this face right here:
The same way Sideshow Bob thought about Bart Simpson.
It’s just amazing the lengths the Turtlegram will go to in order to pretend we don’t exist. We literally give them 90% of their stories and ask for nothing in return. They’re the little brother. They’re the runner up for best local news outlet. So we do feel kind of bad for them.
But apparently this article was written by some guy named Learner Liu. I shit you not. His name is Learner. Friggin Learner. I guess he’s some kind of freelancing blogger, because he’s not an employee. So basically the Turtlegram has no more revenue to pay reporters, so they find random guys named Learner and have them write stories about thinks we wrote about three months ago. Sad.
Speaking of revenue, noticed this ad at the top of the Turtlegram story:
Monster Movers. They advertised on Turtleboy from November 15, 2015 through February 15, 2016. You can see their ads on any blogs during that time period. They’re a bunch of crooks who think they don’t have to pay their bills. This is their owner Bill Antonelli:
It’s pretty easy to grow fast when Turtleboy sends you referrals and then you decide you don’t wanna pay the piper. It’s cool though, because we took them to small claims court and won after this deadbeat decided not to show up. Then he didn’t show up for the payment review, so that means it’s capias time. Small claims court is routine for Turtleboy at this point. We actually like it and we even have our preferred courthouses. That’s how often we go and win.
Can’t say I blamed Bill Antonelli for not showing though since he had no shot at winning. His wife Sarah Christie-Antonelli got in contact with us after riding the turtle for a while and asked to promote her business. We agreed. But the problem was that she forgot to tell her husband, so when the bill got to him he was like, “what the hell is a Turtleboy?” And since he probably considers us a joke, he decided he wasn’t gonna pay. Dude is a real tough guy if you ever meet him in person. He’ll be the first to tell you he’s from Charlestown. Hardo central.
Unfortunately for him we’ve got it all in writing from his wife. Including this email from January 26, 2015, asking us to end their campaign (pretty standard for any business) at the end of the monthly billing cycle:
Sorry for the confusion. Can you please send over the current invoices and take us off next months schedule. Best, Monster
And since the month ended for them on February 15, we kept them on and charged them for it. Now they want us to pro-rate it, because they asked to get taken off before the 15th, even though she says right in the email that we can take her off AFTER next month’s schedule. They’re literally arguing over $100 that a judge has ruled that they owe us, when they’re allegedly making all this money. No biggie. We’ll just keep paying court fees and sheriff fees and adding onto their bill. These people aren’t very smart.
Unbeknownst to her husband, Sarah also sent us these promising to pay:
“I am so sorry for the delay in getting your payment for TB out. We love the updates and appreciate “real news!” Best! Sarah
Hi – Sorry we are opening a new location in RI and it’s been crazy. Can you email an actual bill that I can send over 🙂 And what address do you want it sent to – thanks again for being so patient. We are trying to expand our company without any loans or financial support so everything is slow. Thank you!
I will be in Worcester on Monday – They don’t pay anything unless it is In Writing -and since we don’t have a hard copy of a bill they didn’t write a check. It would be great if you could email me a copy of a bill that I could bring in on Monday Thank you.”
We spoke with Sarah last year and she literally said that the reason she felt like they should not have to pay is because when they signed up they thought we blogged about politics, but people told her that we’re racist. Therefore they don’t have to pay. I swear to God, an actual business owner said that. Even though she messaged us in January and said we are “real news.” LOL.
But make no doubt about it – they will pay. They always pay. And he’s got money to pay outrageous prices the Turtlegram charges, so clearly he can fork it over. But instead he wants to play it the hard way, which is never a wise thing to do with the turtle. Easy way and a hard way Billy boy. We were nice to you for a while there, but you left us with no choice. Just be a grownup, pay your bills, and this all goes away. Then you can keep wasting your money, paying $3,500 a month to the Turtlegram, for an ad no one will see.
P.S. Whatever you do, DO NOT go to Monster Movers Facebook page and share your feelings with them.
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3 Comment(s)
What a fucking liar you are. You absolutely DO NOT go to court all the time and you sure as hell do not win a damn thing. You are a lying piece of shit and sound like that fucking asshole Trump – he wins everything, he’s the best, the biggest etc etc etc. Asshole. Anyone that believes you is a low life piece of shit but birds of a feather flock together don’t they?
Go figure a fire crotch £talian. The day a one of those soulless bastards beats Turtleboy is the Day me daisy go to work thinning the herd.
Can you blog when you’ll be in court with these deadbeats next? I want to watch Attorney Richard N Vulva, Esq., in action!