As you know, I get death threats a lot. People don’t like the things that we say, so instead of coming on the live show and debating me, or confronting me face to face, they send emails and Facebook messages telling me they’re gonna kill me. Yet the only two people to EVER confront me publicly to this date are Julius Jones and WANDA. As much as I could care less for either of those two clowns, at least they had the balls to come see me.
I bring this up because I got another one today. Before writing this blog I did an impromptu YouTube Live session because I want YouTube subscribers to get content before anyone else. It’s pathetic that Josh freaking Abrams has more subscribers than I do. Take two seconds and hit the subscribe button on our channel by clicking here. In the future I’m not even gonna publish blogs like this, I’m just gonna do it on YouTube and you’re gonna miss it if you don’t subscribe.
Let me be perfectly clear – I’m not afraid of you Mr. anonymous gun nut with disgustingly overgrown finger nails. You’re not the first person to try to scare me into submission and you will fail just like the rest of them. The email subject read, “Shut down your entire site.” Hard pass on that one. I don’t give into terrorists who send me pictures of sniper bullets.
Sucks that that new armored tank I just bought won’t save me though. I really thought that was a good investment.
Although I’m not deterred in the least bit, I still take threats like this seriously and have reported this individual to Holden Police. These cretins create burner accounts and think they’re anonymous, and they are to an extent. But no one is completely anonymous on the Internet, and if the cops wanna find you, they’re gonna find you. I don’t know if HPD possesses the ability to figure this out as it likely requires contacting Google and having them do their Google thing, but it’s a pretty serious and specific threat and if they can’t do it we’ll find someone who does. Curious to hear from LEO’s or court people who have dealt with stuff like this to hear what it takes to find out who did this. Email me at turtleboysports@gmail.com if you got any info.
BTW, the email he used was maximmagazine10@gmail.com. Wicked smart using a Gmail account. Tick tock bitch.
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37 Comment(s)
Not an armor piercing bullet, inert training round. Armor piercing is red tip.
Half right, Pat.
Blue does indicate inert munitions.
A red tip on a bullet means tracer round, not AP.
A standard AP round will have a black tip.
I’ve always thought this wasn’t going to end well for TB. All it takes is one nut.
typicly blue bands in the munitions world means that its inert. i doubt thats real
So when someone this sick and threatening goes off in an email, do the Holden police just take your statement and go back to Fantasy Football? Shouldn’t the FBI Already be dragging him out in cuffs hogtied?
This is not a 15 year old playing video games. This is sick shit. This guy needs 30 days at Bridgewater to start.
At least get an opinion from that fat antiqueef therapist.
Yeah Unc, your dumbass uses gmail too for people to email you tips, you still using the same company that is blacklisting you.
A .50cal round??? Are you fucking kidding me??? It’s probably some fucking loser BOOMER that can and never say anything to your face unless it’s anonymously over the mail/internet. Fuck all BOOMERS. Society will be so better off without the BOOMER scum generation. Fucking save me the whole, there are some BOOMERS who are great. No they are not. THEY will all disappoint at some point. Write it off. All BOOMER talk and no fucking action. Fuck BOOMERS!!!
Did you take your meds today?
All I got from this was that you hate your dad.
Wow this guy is not very bright if he was found this easily.
This guy is every generic internet tough guy. “ Big dick” “guns” “will kill you”. Blah blah blah
I only have one of those 3. You know which.
I’m guessing garage not basement because of the amount of light and the source which looks to be coming in at a near horizontal angle. He may do something involving sheet rock. We see the drywall screws on the shotgun shells which look like they are the kind that load into a screw gun as well as a box to the left which may contain loose drywall screws. The jar labeled “nuts” may indicate that he either plans to perform a castration or already has. Between the jar of nuts and the long fingernails we can speculate that he may have been triggered by one of the blogs about trannies. He probably has some pretty unique homemade lampshades too.
just another internet hardo, sending threats from his mom’s basement, nothing to see here . . . .
It’s a souvenir round and doesn’t look live.
The fingerprints can be taken just from the photo.
The fingerprints probably won’t help b/c it’s a pic stolen from another site.
Whoever sent the threat doesn’t even own a Red Ryder or airsoft.
Posting death threats featuring ammo is a really good way to lose his license to carry. Which license appears to be his entire self worth identity.
Boo freakin’ who.
It could be that Dan Astle he said in the comments on that blog he was gonna fuck your corpse and all other kinds of weird stuff like gouging out your eye with his knuckle then taking advantage of you when your blind to humiliate you.. straight up weirdo!
The writing style is very similar
I sense piss bottles and stolen valor.
Dude, wtf ?? You post a picture of your mitts on the interwhatever KNOWING it’s gonna be published, seen around the world and your paws look like THIS ??? That alone makes you a first class lunatic, never mind the crazy ass threats. This shit classifies you as a Silence O’ the Lambs type in my book.
What a gross fk’n raccoon pawed mother fk’n creep you are.
I’ve heard Walmart is going to stop selling ammunition. When did they stop selling nail trimmers?
When the Squad was triggered by them because they only have one purpose: to cut people.
If they run they’re VC. If they stand still they’re well disciplined VC.
What’s up with embedding videos on this site?
Once again a brilliant post, the door gunner was originally cast as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman but when Lee Ermey came in he said this is your man give him that. Greatest war movie ever made!
TurtleBoy post from May 17, 2018
Title: Fall River Dick Pic Bandit Threatened Manchester Turtlette With Necrophilia After Appearing On The Blue Lou Show
This was about Dan Astle
I believe that is a 50 Caliber armor piercing tracer round.
The size of the rifles civilians can buy to fire these rounds is HUGE, not something you can hide under a large coat.
What a dope, this is a serious threat, I hope the Holden PD follows up on this.
Boy, the standard for psychos certainly has lowered. At least Ted Bundy was well groomed
Phone: (508) 675-9164
Daniel Astle
Phone | (508) 675-9164
Email | maximmagazine10 AT gmail DOT com
Info from: manta.com/c/mx7q431/bropod-com
My original comment is awaiting moderation (assuming because I posted the email address).
Another similar email/writing style, with the same email address and name (Daniel Astle), found on the following website:
Seems like you may’ve written about this douche, Dan Astle:
Here’s the original article (below). The above article is a follow-up to this article.
A guy in Fall River by that name has a Facebook page. Older guy. Hands look similar
and it looks like quite a few of his Facebook friends are gun nuts. Looks like this is the guy. Time for LE to pay him a visit
Uncle turtle tied, you should not make postings like you just did , the world is crazy and your posting just entices them to step it up to a face to face , this is not good for anybody , turn on the news and it is just ppl doing stupid shit , you just did stupid shit and invited a face to face conflict, think about the consequences before you post
I’ve missed telling you to fuck off. Glad you’re back.
Now off you fuck, cunt.