Last night I finally got the chance to address the claims Dianna Ploss and her braindead followers have made. It’s fun being called a “Communist” and a “liberal” by a washed up old hag who wants the government to interfere with a private sale to a developer, plans to keep her chosen leader in office by overrunning local office with her moronic cronies, and makes all over her decisions based on emotion and made up “facts”. We debunked some of her more outrageous and easily-disproved lies, discussed her terrible grating voice and need for some spam javelin, and learned some new things – according to Ploss, America has 57 states. Also, I’m voting for Trump 2020, bitches. But not because I think he’s a great leader, just the least terrible and most amusing option on the table.
Also, we talked about how Worcester Wares doesn’t want to sell Bret refrigerator magnets, and some of our best internet trolling moments as of late.
14 Comment(s)
Turtleboy has changed over the past few months… Bristol is always keeping things fresh! It’s a pleasure to read these blogs! I’m an old lady now, but reading the nitty gritty while watching justice get served makes every day for me after watching Jeremy Rainer give the weather report on the 10:00 news every night! Keep the good stories coming girlfriend!
Last week you cited an instance and stated that you would be voting for Trump because of that instance/policy. Now you are supporting him for entertainment value? TB needs to be consistent.
TB wants to expose the bad guys. Up until now you,ve done a pretty good job. Dianna isn’t a bad guy. TB: go back to the bad guys. This most recent rant of yours is unbecoming.
Last week I did no such thing. “Consistency” as in uniform opinion between all the bloggers? Never going to happen. As for the “bad guy”, Dianna Ploss is a fearmongering, lying wack job inciting hate. She heads up a local chapter of an SLP recognized extremist group. Definition of “the bad guy”.
This is how you expand this blog! Audio is good, content is more intelligent and the host isn’t an egomaniac. Even Bret performs on a slightly higher level with Bristol
Bristol has a super hot voice and she’s intelligent. Is she married, is she looking? Serious inquiry.
Awesome show…Bristol made it move. I’d love to hear more from her.
Just less swearing please.
Brett is useless.
Ok RG, going to agree with you on this one point; Brett is truly useless except as a speedbump or backstop material for a shooting range.
He tried to donate his mangy mane to locks of love but got turned down.
They looked into the cost of cleaning the greasy contaminants out of his hair and decided that the bill from Clean Harbors was far too much for it to be feasible.
Dianna is President of ACT for America Boston.
Not shocked at it. Southern Poverty Law center labels that one a “hate” group. I’m definitely not pushing a huge “social justice” agenda here, but you have a responsibility as someone in the public eye to TELL THE TRUTH, and she doesn’t. As far as the language goes….eh, its sorta my thing? I’ll try to tone it down.
Meh, language isn’t that bad.
Really enjoyed the show.
I would make sweet, sweet love to Dianna if she were mine, bringing her to heights of pleasure with tender oral caresses and ministrations applied to the most receptive parts of her being.
She is a lovely and vibrant woman with a unique way about her.
I don’t know if it was just me but the sound cut completely out twice last night. Other than that, Freddie’s right…..sound was great. Also, Bret didn’t sound nearly as annoying or as Woostah as usual.
Uncle Turtleboy – Whatever rig Bristol and Bret were using last night –
See if you can use that one on your next show. The sound quality was stellar, to the point that I thought the show was being hijacked. Bret sounds totally different, more handsome, and way more intelligent than his usual schtick. Bristol continues to amaze, on point and crazy clever.
Keep up the great work!!
I second that.