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So the Turtlegram reported about this story yesterday, involving a Shrewsbury man named Gregory Polito, who was found not guilty of driving a boat while drunk, seriously injuring a man after the boat he was driving crashed into a construction barge.
He was defended by one of our first advertisers, Attorney Anthony Salerno, prompting this comment in the comments section:
Gregory Polito is the cousin of Lieutenant Karen Polito, which led many to make the assertion that he got off because of this political connection. If this commenter wants to know how we handle this “travesty” it’s really pretty simple. The guy didn’t get off because his cousin is the Lt. Governor or the cops are corrupt. He got off because he hired a winner for a lawyer. Tony Salerno is a winner, plain and simple. And so is Turtleboy. We don’t let people advertise on our site unless they’re winners too. Company policy.
The bottom line is that we have 100% faith in our justice system, the same way we did when Darren Wilson wasn’t indicted by a grand jury of his peers. Plus, the Polito’s aren’t the Kennedy’s so you can cut the jive out right now. They’re republicans in a democratic state. The idea that she could call this judge up and force him to find her cousin not guilty of a DUI is laughable.
Oh yea, and for anyone who wants to somehow blame defense attorneys when clients get off, welcome to grown up world. Sometimes guilty people get away with things. But it’s not like we’re dealing with a bunch of Hector Pineiro’s here. They’re not making their money scamming the system, suing the city, attacking the police, and stealing from taxpayers. They’re making their money defending people accused of crimes, because someone has to defend people accused of crimes.
Was this guy drunk when he did this? No clue. But it’s the job of the state’s attorney and the police in order to prove that he was, AND that the accident was his fault. Their case obviously wasn’t strong enough and Tony Salerno ate them for lunch. The details of how he got it done are irrelevant. At the end of the day we get due process in this country, which Gregory Polito received. This wasn’t a “travesty,” it was men vs. boys in the courtroom. Winners only here at Turtleboy Sports.
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Liberty Tax Preparation, Greenwood Street, Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Bennie’s Cafe, Craftech Restoration, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Attorney Michael Erlich, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors, Solarreviews.net, The Gun Parlor Range, Attorney Anthony Salerno,
Want to have your business advert viewed over 2 million times per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.
22 Comment(s)
Hopefully the RMV revoked his license while this was pending. And hopefully a big giant civil suit.
polito’s of shrewsbury get special treatment from the cops because money talks and the guilty walk. when have the shrewsbury cops not done breath tests and bloods tests on people when alcohol is lying all over the accident scene? the fix was in at the start!
Since the Shrewsbury cops didn’t investigate the accident why would they do blood and breath tests?? Get your facts straight.
Yep. Polito wasn’t under the influence causing the accident and….Scola didn’t kill his wife. Surrrrrrrrrrre! Another case of having all the right people in their pockets. Turtleboy’s favorite drink? Kool-Aid.
Whatever the true story is. Just outright dumb, for a grown man to have alcohol on his boat. Never mind drink it too, large or small amounts. Things do happen like this all the time. Not mentioned here, there were multiple injuries. One ended up in critical condition. This is no fender bender, people were hurt seriously and lucky someone didn’t get killed. He also refused a breath test too. Also, the cop said Polito’s eyes were red, glassy and he smelled of alcohol. Hopefully the young man who was in critical condition and went to rehab recovers completely !
Mr. Berries is not a winner
The barge company has already paid a settlement to the guy who got hurt. Since they already paid they knew they were liable or else they’d still be in court.
They likely paid due to Massachusetts Contribution laws. If the injured sued both the boat operator for negligence and the barge owner for inadequate or non-existing lights, the plaintiff would only need to establish 1% liability on the barge owner for them to be liable. Accordingly, it is a low threshold that likely justified settlement in light of the significant injuries.
Truth – I know this man and you nailed it 100%.
Money talks and bullshit walks.
The truth is Salerno is a slime ball, total scum. He thinks he’s a mob lawyer but he’s just a creepy 60 year old clown who couldn’t hack it as a state trooper. He’s also desperate for clients if you can’t tell. Just go to the Worcester Court House and watch this creep troll the halls looking for anyone who he can bill at the taxpayers expense. What a joke. He has pretty much worn out his welcome with every judge and prosecutor in the building, so I would hire him. Sorry turtle boy, this guys a complete loser.
Why do you think he’s advertising here? It’s like a loser paradise.
Says the guy who is here constantly….
OUI bench trials in Worcester are a complete joke. The judges just don’t care. The amount of evidence that can’t be testified to is laughable. Guilty go free on OUI at a staggering rate, particularly in Worcester. But no one cares until someone they know is the one that gets hurt…
The barge was not lit up or where it belonged. A perfectly sober person might have gotten the same results. This is my biggest problem with the case.
Man got the job done for my family member several years ago. He is the best and is able to back it up.
The fix was in right from the start. Someone got the word, don’t try to hard on this one, wink, wink.
After the hearing, Mr. Polito’s lawyer, Anthony M. Salerno, said no official blood alcohol test was conducted on Mr. Polito that day. Photographic evidence in Mr. Polito’s file of the mangled boat showed some empty containers of beer and a half-filled bottle of whiskey on the boat, though it was not clear who had consumed those beverages or when they were consumed.
Oh well, police screwed that one up
Sucks that if this were me or you we’d probably have a criminal record now and crushing debt fending off numerous lawsuits. I’m surprised more people are not offended by power & money creating double standards in this country.
SHREWSBURY police???? Wow, what a surprise! Politos reign in Shrewsbury.
Reminds me of Kevin Hayes’ incident. “You know who I am!”. Only difference is that Hayes didn’t have enough money in the game, Polito did.
If you read the article Shrewsbury Police didn’t investigate the accident. It was environmental police. Took two seconds to see that in the article.