It’s been a while since we shamed someone for parking illegally in a handicapped spot. I’ve personally been wicked busy outside of my Turtleboy life and haven’t had the time to blog as much as I like to. But I saw this one today and it just got me fired up and back in the mood:
I hate these people so much. Poor little girl was dealt the shit end of the stick because she doesn’t have the ability to walk. The only thing we can give her as a society is preferential parking. Then some chud in pickup truck parks on the yellow lines, which exist solely for the purpose of allowing ramp access to people in wheelchairs, because he didn’t feel like walking.
I’m sick of the “I didn’t know” excuse that people often give for parking on the yellow lines. You knew you weren’t supposed to. You knew parking spots don’t have yellow lines on them. You might not have known that it’s for wheelchair ramps, but you knew it wasn’t a spot you could park your truck in.
Ignorance is no longer acceptable. I don’t care if I have to shame a new person every day of the week. This has got me fired up again for this cause, and I want to know who this truck is registered to so I can give them the public shaming they’ve earned.
Oh, and look closer at the truck’s windshield. They have a handicapped placard! They know better than anyone that they can’t park there.
If you know who Rhode Island license plate WH-681 belongs to, send us a message on Facebook to TBNews, or email
P.S. This skank can pound sand.
Fuck off. She shouldn’t have to pull her car up. You did the right thing Maddie. Keep shaming these people until they stop. We got your back.
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18 Comment(s)
Hey, Karianne, why so lame, now, can we have a nice day?
These shits make me sick. I understand the need for the handicapped to be able to drive, but often I see some, like this turd-trucker, who can’t seem to negotiate parking spot lines. If you can’t park correctly, you have no business driving, handicapped or not. And, BTW, Karianne, did it ever occur to you you that maybe Maddie’s sister was HERSELF a driver? If she were out solo, she’d be SOL in this situation. Bottom line, trucker deserves shaming.
Careful about who you choose to call out. That truck looks like the one the Kennedys use to drive Ethel around in inside of her iron lung. All of that virgin’s blood and black majic fuckery will add another hundred years to her expiration date.
A Conservative estimate is that 3 out of 10 vehicles with a handicap placard hanging from its mirror contains someone who actually needs it. Ever see the people who throw a piece of white tape over the photo on the placard to avoid being identified?
Accurate assessment.
Adroitly place 1″screws at 45 degree angle wedged behind all four tires. When said douche bag reverses you’re guaranteed to get two of the four tires.
The people with the wheelchair shouldn’t HAVE to pull up to accommodate the meat whistle in the truck who probably has a quack doctor who lied for him to get him the placard or the person flat out lied to obtain it. Loser. I’d drop the ramp right into the door of that truck over and over and over again ad nauseum.
Hey folks, the girl in this pic, and Maddie Hawks, are both my oldest and youngest.. I raised my kids to not tolerate this kind of shit.. This Dad, is proud asf….
And this girl you shamed for helping others is, this girl and maddie Hawks auntie.. go figure…
Love you kids so much! Glad these people made up for their crap!
Just put the ramp down and take out the side of the truck.
Then call and get them a $200 ticket and a tow……
Marianne Vaughan should shut her suck hole! I can’t stand people like her!
i’ve directed the board to update my fine leather bound dictonaries to include karianne’s face next to the word cunt/kunt/ a noun, vulgar slang, a woman’s genitals
I think there is actualy Turtleboy readers that stay in there little apartments and this is the only way they see the world.
Well these are the jerks that we deal with.
You must encode secret messages for the kremlin. I couldn’t understand what the fuck you were trying to say
Must be really handicapped to be able to get into a truck that high up!
Truck was being driven by some stupid twat. Look at how up the seat is and how the wheels are turned. Even a hmoe wouldn’t park like this.
Either that or the drive is some turd with a pencil dick
Maybe she should get behind the car when it’s backing up those 6 feet and do us all a favor
Yeah, “pull your car up six feet.” Then WHY HAVE THE FUCKING PAINTED LINES, BITCH?!?
Jesus Christ, I fucking HATE people who just roll over and take that kind of shit. The driver of the pickup truck fucked up. Period. It should not be up to the person who parked correctly to work around that bullshit.
Grrrrr! Now, I’M pissed off!