Someone sent us this submission from Shrewsbury:
“This was in Shrewsbury, they pulled into the parking lot in front of Starbucks at Lakeway Commons. The poor dogs looked miserable in the torrential downpours. It was so sad.”
According to Massachusetts State laws:
No person shall transport an animal in the back of a motor vehicle in a space intended for a load on the vehicle on a public way unless such space is enclosed or has side and tail racks to a height of at least 46 inches extending vertically from the floor, the animal is cross tethered to the vehicle, the animal is protected by a secured container or cage or the animal is otherwise protected in a manner which will prevent the animal from being thrown or from falling or jumping from the vehicle.
Yea, those aren’t 46 inches, nor are they in cages or cross tethered. That truck takes a sudden turn and those pooches go flying. Would love to get a name for license plate S91 224 if someone wants to provide it. Dogs deserve better than that.
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38 Comment(s)
That’s a good dog owner, and you’re an annoying, virtue signaling bitch for writing this trash. My dog spends all day alone while I’m at work. Once I’m finally home, if I turn to leave without him you can see his heart break. This guy made his dogs happy by inviting them along. And it is you who is the douchetwat.
Honestly they dont LOOK miserable at all, at least in these photos. Those are three beautiful Labs, which is a breed that happens to LOVE water. The only real concern in this case is safety, which yes they shouldn’t be loose in the back for a number of reasons.
To whomever wrote this piece, In the name of all that’s holy it’s “yeah” not “yea”. If you’re going to be a writer you need to learn basic English!
3 dogs for sure. Have been behind this guy before on the way home from work. His dogs are ALWAYS cross tethered…fake news
The dogs are lucky it was just rain.
Stupid article anytime turtle girl turtle babe whatever write they suck! I am not paying $10 for this trash bullshit!
At least it wasn’t just the black dog in the back and the two white ones up front.
Forget all balls, this doesn’t even make JV. This blog is benchwarming on the freshman team.
The people defending this bozo. I hope your dogs jump out and get hit.
So you wrote an article on this and you still only saw 2 dog in this picture?
Black Labs don’t matter!
Turtle boy must own the nicely dressed dogs in rain coats and hats and walk them with pretty pink leashes to parties with patte’.
The lady in the red car who took those pics on her way to the market must not get out much or, she is really one of those people who love to talk when they don’t know what they’re talking about!! Those dogs live for that ride on their way to SWIM CLASS!!
I don’t care if they love it or not. One person hitting that truck and all 3 labs go flying into traffic, a ditch, etc. I’m all for taking doggos for car rides, but this is unsafe.
Was their a blog, or is it just the headline and comments section?
Am I the only one not seeing the blog section?
was there*
I have 3 Labs anytime it rains they beg to go outside. They love the truck ride on a country road. This is not a big deal. It’s not like they are in the city . Smh
This is hog-filth!!! the guy could live a mile down the road and taking it slow for the pooches and I am sure the dogs loved the rain…..my lab sure does. This may apply to your Chitzu but they call Labradors water dogs for a reason.
One time, we successfully mated a Bulldog with a Shih Zu. We called it a Bull Shit.
Well, Randall, I have to admit you finally deserve a “thumbs up,” that was great. Woof!
Wanna be friends?
I’m a huge dog lover and advocate but i don’t think this is a big deal.Labs love the rain.They are probably having a blast.
Yet you wont read this on mainstream media!!!!
Blow it out your ass, North Shore. Dogs love to go for rides and the rain. Grasping for lame-ass obscure Mass. State Law isn’t gonna help your case. Don’t you have a handicap parker to bust? Do some real fucking journalism. So far all your blogs are annoying nonsense to scroll past.
Those dogs love it. Settle down, Dog Nazi. How do I know? I smeared my genitals in peanut butter, and had them lick it off. Video’d it too.
I believe it’s illegal to have dogs unsecured in the pack of a pickup. Correct me if I’m wrong……
And to the ‘no big deal’ commenters, I’ve seen videos of dogs making fatal leaps from moving pickup truck beds
Stop watching Dog Snuff Films, you sick bastard!
Link please
I once had a dog jump out at me from the drivers side window. Didn’t turn out well. The family had just pulled out of the vets. The vets couldn’t do a thing for it after it met my front end.
Theres 3 dogs back there, and the dogs look perfectly content. And you expect people to donate $10 a month for this .
Not really a Big Deal, Must be a slow news day.
Maybe he was getting them all puppachino’s?!
ya 3 dogs, black one is hard to see
Ask it to open its eyes or smile.
Meh the dogs are fine. Stop being a puss-cake.
The pupperonis probably loved that shit.
Those are not poodles, they are Labs, they love the cold and the rain. I had one for 14 years that loved to just lay outside in the rain, the snow, would even spend the day swimming in open pockets of water while we went ice fishing. My dog would cry when ever I left it at home, would rather be in the back of my truck in the rain than to stay at home. You are ind of virtue signaling here.
There are actually 3 dogs back there.
Looks like 3 dogs to me