WHDH: The child injured in a Fourth of July shooting in Boston was shot by her father and uncle, according to court documents released Monday. A judge in Roxbury District Court set bail at $30,000 for Ian King, 28, and Nathas Jacquecine, 31, both of Dorchester, following their arrests Friday at two different locations in Mattapan on charges including assault to murder, assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon, and unlawful possession of a firearm. Officers responding to the intersection of Folson and Dudley streets on July 4 around 11 p.m. found a man and a child suffering from apparent gunshot wounds in a crowd of about 50 people who had gathered to celebrate the holiday, prosecutors said.
The 35-year-old man, who prosecutors say was the intended target, was taken to a local hospital, where he remains after suffering life-threatening injuries. The young girl got stuck in the crossfire and was hit in the foot, prosecutors said. She was treated and released from the hospital. Investigators used surveillance cameras to track down the two suspects but their attorneys claim it is not King and Jacquecine in the video. However, the child’s mother allegedly identified Jacquecine and King, according to court documents, and said they were her daughter’s father and brother.
“Oh my god, you’re kidding me,” the mother allegedly told police.
King is an employee at the Department of Youth Services, and has been suspended and placed on unpaid administrative leave, a DYS spokesperson said. King and Jacquecine are scheduled to appear in court again on Aug. 15.
A DYS worker shooting at a rival in a public park on the 4th of July who accidentally shoots his own niece, alongside her father? Color me shocked. By the looks of Ian King’s Facebook page he totally didn’t seem like he was into the ghettofab life.
Definitely the kind of guy I would want to hire to work with at risk youth in Boston. Never could’ve seen this one coming.
The funny part is that this is exactly the kind of guy that DA Rachael Rollins based her campaign on. The “reformed” douchebag from Dorchester who wants to give back to the community by lecturing up and coming shitheads about how to not end up like him. That and the fact that clearly his politics were the right politics. He wants to abolish the electoral college.
Rename high schools.
And ironically improve safety for DYS workers and clients.
But you throw a shirt and tie on a career shithead like this…..
And get his chinstrap touched up…..
And the next thing you know a government agency is giving him a paycheck to work with kids and try to turn him into Dorchester Chris Herren. Maybe in the future they actually look at people’s social media accounts before hiring them. Just a thought.
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42 Comment(s)
so are you saying whites don’t commit horrible crimes , or carry illegal firearms . What exactly do you call these kind of people , you are hilarious .
Your all keyboard thugs, all this hate. You guys really dig into black AND brown people because your heart is soo dark, not because of ‘the facts’ you guys selectively choose your facts and turn the cheek to others. But history shows how cruel people can be towards different colored skin or religion… will we evolve from this? I hope for your revelation. Theres no reason for the wild things you keyboard thugs post, then you go to work and act cool with the same black and brown people you talk shit about, disgusting!
Just do everyone a favor and screenshot what you post here and put it on your FB AND IG account, so we can classify you accordingly.
Seems like almost every comment on here is pretty racist . Not to point out the obvious . How dare you ask for my money to fund something like this and I hope some of you clowns have to experience some of the things people of color go through maybe that would open your eyes a little .
I’m pretty sure these `people of color ` would not be subject to this, other ridicule or 1/2 of what they consider racism if they didn’t act like savage animals then using that behavior as ammunition to toss the race card out and expect different treatment than everyone else. Get your head out of your ass.
You may be blind I’m sorry but I cannot help you with that , here’s one example Scroll down maybe half the page and read some of these comments . I never said what he did was good but why do they have to be associated as a “dumb black” or a “pavement ape “, maybe if you look up there records they both have no record , these pavement apes had a better life going for them then you maybe , they had careers , maybe there was a bigger picture then what we are being told . Some reports also say it wasn’t them in the video , you should do some research
no records? so just because they have never been convicted exonerates them? yeah I just walk into crowded playgrounds with a loaded gun and try to murder somebody. fucking bleeding heart cunts like you are the biggest problem. oh and don’t forget stereotypes are based on fucking facts.
You unpatriotic reverse racist twat.
Blacks are dumb as fuck
Why is he wearing lipstick?
Don’t want to be overtly racist but…..
If you put a Bosox hat on a mountain gorilla…..
would you see a difference between the 2?
The desire by politicians to show how they embrace diversity has had some terrible consequences
Look any any public sector job and the morons they hire to be racially diverse. It bites them in the ass everyday and is only getting worse
Theres more weave in the Salisbury, NC VA hospital than at a ghetto Sallys Beauty Supply. Some of those people arent the brightest, either.
Standing headline: People Shot Last Night in Murderpanburychester. No Suspects Found.
why does this blog publish the word NIG** repeatedly while showing this pavement ape’s messages, yet you will delete a post using such words?
Send them back!
Reason 254,367 I wish the South won the civil war
That’s quite a smelling apparatus you got there Toby. Can you smell the amount of trouble you are in?
intersting name savin. is this sarcasm? or do you really believe it’s not in dorchester?
Savin Hill is a community in Dorcester. It’s referred to as Stab and Kill by the Irish folks in Southie. It’s a very dangerous and povish section of the city. This is not uncommon. Nobody really cares. That’s why it goes unreported most of the time.
Savin Hill most definitely Dorchester.
Dorchester Ave goes right by there also.
Ian BT King, the most featured is a proud gang member and comfortable with jail and uses the DYS position to recruit more gang members. Only in Massachusetts, the Nanny State.
And Boston with DA Seacow Rollins from a criminal junkie family.
What a disaster.
I wonder if he worked at the Judge Connolly Center? It’s one of the hidden gems of Roslindale, lol.
These motherfuckers need to watch Get Hard and take some lessons from Will Ferrell. You suck a few dicks and next thing you know you have a few twenties and rush to the internet to impress people? Show me your fucking brokerage account balance or shut the fuck up! Wasting that money on henny and gold chains is not a good investment. Put your money to work.
Crenshaw Kings for life motherfucka!
Both of them should be brought out to international waters. After seeing that horrible shirt / tie holocaust he should DEF be brought out to international waters. One way fishing trip.
These people are the worst in society but the liberals are so desperate for the black vote they will ignore all crime a black person commits. You know what that means? Everyone but paroled douche canoes will go down based solely on race will go to jail.
They are putting forth the ideology that only white people can do bad shit, and every other minority is some how innocent cuz of their skin color?!??!?
This has Rollins’ name all over it. Wtf so now I’m guilty for just being white? I guess so under Rollins cu she’s a black supremacist. I guess that is completely gonna be fine.
Sounds like South Africa right now
and Rhodesia before it…
He uses the N-word. That makes him an N-word.
Fucking piece of shit N-word. This is why people hate N-words.
Look yo this be their culture and you best try to understand it. I will not prosecute a minor disagreement between loving family members just becsuse privileged people want to try and reinforce laws snd civility.
I love watching these apes on Judge Judy and people’s court The lies they tell, the stories they expect people to believe. Then when they lose and get mad, they have a chimp-out and storm out.
His story almost as inspiring as former state Rep. Carlos Henriquez.
You do know that Judge Judy and People’s Court are television shows and not real life?
Yes, it’s a tv show, but they are real cases, Judge Judy was a real judge in the judicial system before the show, and all the cases shown are REAL. Plaintiffs and defendants featured must sign a release that they will abide by the judge’s ruling. It’s like Doctor Phil and TBS meets Night Court.
Good for pickin cotton only! F’in animals. Stop welfare and watch those communities explode.
we should have picked our own cotton
how do I get the feeling that racial profiling will be brought up ? Because it’s inevitable. anytime you call someone out on just being an a****** in a low life, they turn around and say you’re racist 4 just saying that cuz they’re of a different ethnicity. It’s just getting so old and assholes are an a****** is an a****** no matter what color creed shape I don’t care, if you’re an a****** you’re an a****** I call out all people the act like this, what is this world coming to? What these people think that they are John Wayne with a gun that they can fire into a crowd of people,and only hit the people that they’re aiming at? Your no Wyatt Earp , your more of a Don Knotts kinda cool . Not the Mr. Limpid kind but the Deputy in Mayberry kind .
Hahahahaha the incredible mister limpet. I loved that movie. I couldn’t agree more.
I worked for DYS for 10 years and finally after climbing the ladder and been put in charge of running one of the facilities I can tell you how awful the hiring process. The state doesn’t pay shit so the quality of employees are horrendous, the turnover is constant and of course it’s become extremely politically correct. You can’t consequence any of the kids for their actions and over the last few years the department has started hiring former “inmates“. The higher-ups feel that hiring ex gang members is a good thing because the kids have somebody to look up to except most of these people are not former gang members they still one with the same crowd. The department is an absolute shit show run by absolute morons leaving that job was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.
I did 4.5 years of social work out of college, and I can fully attest to this.
I quit because I couldn’t pay my bills.
Love how liberals fall for their bullshit. We all know they’re all about the criminal life. They proudly display guns, drugs, cash, and promote violence to bolster their thug credibility. Then when anyone points out how fucked up their community is because of THEM, they’ll hide behind a well dressed/spoken POC, as if that’s truly what they are. Kinda like the illegal immigrants. They all brag about coming here illegally, taking our handouts, then when you call them out, they hide behind the children, and women. Liberals are retarded!
Just the 13 percent 13 percenting.
More like the 13 percent 51 percenting
And they think we are racist for stereotyping
I think that figure is more like 56% for overall criminal activity.
The common negro’s death by violence at the hand of another who shares their pigmentation versus by other somewhat more advanced humans of a lighter tone is rather lopsided at approximately 98% B on B and 2% perpetrated by other shades.