All-Star Criminals

Fall River Pudding Pinata Calls Veteran’s Hotline In Milford Pretending To Be Suicidal, Turns Out It Was A Prank And He Had 3 Warrants Already Out For His Arrest


This might be top 5 scummiest things a person has ever done to appear on Turtleboy Sports:

On Wednesday May 1, 2019 at approx. 6:40 p.m., the Milford Police received a telephone call from a Veterans Affairs Hotline indicating that a person at 7 Senate Road, Apt #6 had threatened to commit suicide with a firearm. Officers from the MPD Special Operations and Patrol Division responded to that location to check on the well-being and safety of the reported individual. Upon their arrival, the officers were met by a female and a male. Officer Kevin O’Loughlin determined that the threat was a hoax perpetrated by the male subject who was identified as Kenneth Fillion. Initially, Kenneth Fillion had provided the officers with a false name.

Kenneth Fillion admitted that he made the prank call and that he was streaming it live on social media as a joke. Additionally, during his conversation with the Veterans Affairs Hotline, Kenneth Fillion made disparaging comments about the hotline staff members race and ethnicity while threatening violence. A computer check of the Warrant Management System revealed three outstanding warrants for the arrest of Kenneth Fillion. Officer Kevin O’Loughlin arrested:Kenneth Fillion, 37 years of age, from Fall River and he was charged with:

1. Obstruction of Justice –Misleading a Police Officer
2. False Report to a Public Safety Dispatch
3. Threats to Commit a Crime, 3rd Party Transmission
4. Civil Rights Violation
5. Terroristic Threats
6. Arrest Warrant – Trespassing – Fall River Police
7. Arrest Warrant – Assault & Battery – Fall River Police
8. Arrest Warrant – Suspended License & Speeding – State Police

Kenneth Fillion was held on $10,815 Bail to be arraigned in the Milford District Court on May 2, 2019

Look at this fat tub of shame.

Cool neckbeard. Matches the Shaw’s brand you toss on four days in a row because you’ve completely given up on the chance of ever feeling the sweet sensation of raw dog.

I know he was joking about committing suicide, but maybe it’s not the worst idea in the world. Imagine being a 37 year old man who not only still makes prank phone calls like he’s at slumber party, but thinks it’s funny to trivialize a very serious epidemic that affects tens of thousands of veterans in this country. What exactly are you living for if that is your life?

Not only that, how did he think this was going to end? How did he not imagine getting arrested for this? Did he forget that he has three outstanding warrants, and when the cops came to save him from committing suicide that they’d realize he lied, they’d run his name, and he’d be arrested for a variety of things?

Guess he didn’t picture that far ahead, which is shocking because he looks like a really deep thinker.

And yes, he did use the name “Justin Case” when he called up to make his prank calls. Bart Simpson had better names when he called Moe’s Tavern. Bart Simpson was also 10 years old and a cartoon.

I can’t wrap my head around what a lowlife this pudding pinata is. He probably should’ve just said that he was jumped by two Nigerians in MAGA hats, and then he wouldn’t have picked up the filing a false police report charge. Oh wait, he’s white. Fuck off then.


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8 Comment(s)
  • Big Wick
    May 4, 2019 at 12:34 pm

    He looks like the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man’s embarrassing kid brother. And acts like it. Prank call to a suicide hotline? REALLY f***ing low. SMH.

  • Mom's Basement
    May 4, 2019 at 8:50 am

    If I was on the other end of the phone when he was threatening suicide I would have told him to switch to FaceTime. It’s not that I’d want him to off himself it’s just that I feel like I need to give something back to the liveleak and bestgore communities.

  • Jersey boys called. They said to get your own gig.loser
    May 4, 2019 at 2:42 am

    Grow up moron.

  • whatevuh
    May 3, 2019 at 6:27 pm

    There are wayyy too many stupid people running around loose out there without supervision . . . .

  • Peter Dautel
    Bosnia/OIF Vet II/ Don Key Punch
    May 3, 2019 at 3:26 pm

    OIF Vet has summarized the thoughts of his fellow veterans quite succinctly. BZ Though maybe he ought to go roam the halls at a VA Hospital (escorted) for a bit and see how fucking funny it is. -I’ll volunteer for the first watch. I really hope I don’t bump into this… this…. I can’t even describe what “it” is.

  • george costanza
    That's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow
    May 3, 2019 at 3:19 pm

    if he was brought upon the “PEARL” to parley, he would be promptly strapped to a yard arm and his ample extra flesh would be whipped and then skewered before being tossed over the side. maybe we would let the monkey jack at him too

    • Keel haul 'im!!!
      May 7, 2019 at 2:38 am

      You can’t forget about that!
      After the second or third trip from rail to rail, the sharks get the scent.
      Aye, brutal but effective.

  • OIF Vet
    May 3, 2019 at 2:31 pm

    For 22 a day on average, vet suicide is no joke.
    He’s never buried someone that decided to take themselves out because of what some of us experienced when we answered our country’s call.
    This turd needs some justice.

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