All-Star Criminals

Fam Goes Full Free My Boi, Blame Cops For Chudmuffin Dad Who Led Weymouth Cops On 85 MPH Chase Through Traffic While Facebook Living Wheelies

Fam Goes Full Free My Boi, Blame Cops For Chudmuffin Dad Who Led Weymouth Cops On 85 MPH Chase Through Traffic While Facebook Living Wheelies

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Check out what this assbag from Rockland did……

Patriot LedgerA Rockland man whose driver’s license was revoked for unsafe driving a year ago was being held on $1,500 bail after what police described as a motorcycle chase with speeds exceeding 85 mph. James R. Hines, 24, of 838 Union St., Apt. 3, was arraigned in Quincy District Court Wednesday on charges of driving with a revoked license, failure to stop for police, driving an unregistered, uninsured vehicle, speeding and attaching false plates. Police said Hines “popped a wheelie” in front of a police officer, then led police on a chase through Weymouth Tuesday night, passing cars The chase ended when the officer in pursuit, Fernando Colombo, struck the back tire of Hines’ motorcycle when he slammed on his brakes, a police said.

Hines’s driving record, obtained by The Patriot Ledger Wednesday, shows the state registry of motor vehicles declared his driving an “immediate threat” last May and revoked his license for an indefinite period. Dating back to 2010, Hines’s record shows speeding, failure to stop or other driving violations on roads in Quincy, Hanover and Braintree and three accidents for which he was found at fault in Boston and Quincy.

The incident Tuesday began around 7 p.m. when Colombo, the Weymouth police officer, was patrolling the Washington Street area. In his report, Colombo said he noticed a group of four motorcyclists gathered in the parking lot of Advanced Auto Parts, 437 Washington St. After hearing them revving their engines, Colombo drove slowly by the shopping plaza twice to make his presence known, the report said. While parked at a nearby intersection, he saw the motorcyclists leave the parking lot and Hines ”popped a wheelie” as he passed Colombo’s cruiser, the report said. The officer put on his lights and attempted to pull Hines over, but the motorcycle gained speed. Hines traveled down Washington Street at speeds as fast as 85 mph, as he continued onto Main Street, Colombo said. The motorcycle swerved around several cars that were stopped at the intersection of Main and Front streets and ran a red light, turning right onto Front Street, police said, then went through a four-way stop at the intersection of Front and Federal streets.

”On Front St., I observed the operator abruptly lock his brakes multiple times in order to make me slow down so he could easily accelerate and evade me,” Colombo said.

At one point, near 253 Front St., Hines hit his brakes again and appeared to be trying to abruptly turn around, Colombo said. The officer hit his brakes but could not stop in time and struck the rear tire of the motorcycle, knocking Hines to the ground. After the collision Colombo swerved right and struck the curb with his tire.

”My actions of turning the cruiser towards the curb prevented the operator from suffering severe injuries during his reckless, foolish and unintelligent actions while operating a motorcycle,” Colombo wrote in his report. ”The operator showed total disregard towards the safety of the public and himself.”

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What an absolute moron. As we’ve seen before, bikers like this are like a friggin plague. Biking is their identity. It’s the only thing they have to talk about because their lives are so meaningless and empty. Them and all their friends are so simple minded and slow-witted, that they’re entertained by the sight of one of their own doing something insanely dangerous just for the thrill of it.

But if you wanna get yourself killed over something so idiotic, then more power to ya. Quite frankly, I’m all for it. Darwinism 101. The less people like this out there the better.

My problem is when you involve other people in your white trash rites of passage. Because that’s where I draw the line – where you endanger other people besides yourself. I’m all for you dying. Definitely pro-you dead. But what right do you have to fuck with other people like this? We’re all so impressed by the fact that you can do a wheelie and drive really fast. You must have a huge cock. That’s the only logical conclusion one can reach after seeing you do that.

And believe it or not this asshat has reproduced. He appears to have a son, who he has already purchased a bike for. A son who is impressionable and will think it’s OK to be so reckless with your own life. More than anything though, what kind of father does something like this? Once you have a kid it’s no longer about you. You like doing wheelies? That’s fine, if you’re single and no one is depending on you for sustenance. But now that you have someone who needs you, you don’t get to do that anymore. This is how normal people view the world once they have children.

Just check out this idiot’s Facebook page:

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Just doing some wheelies on I-93 with no helmet. Because the less value you put on your own life, the larger the size of your schmenzer. That’s how these nudniks think.

And he proudly brags about how he is not gonna stop for the cops when they try to pull him over:

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This trailer park legend even uploaded a 37 minute Facebook Live of him and his idiot friends doing wheelies and driving in and out of traffic in the middle of New York City:

In case he deletes the Facebook Live, here’s what they were doing for most the video:

And here is Jim Hines, taping himself doing a wheelie directly in front of a New York City cop:

Obviously this is what he does. He antagonizes the police and dares them to chase him. Keep in mind, he has a little boy at home who needs him and this is what he is doing. Apparently the NYPD doesn’t give a shit because they have bigger fish to fry, but in Weymouth they don’t play.

Any normal human being would be humiliated to have a repeat offender like this in their family. Not Jim Hines though. He has plenty of kin who actually think he was the victim and the cops were at fault for trying to protect society from selfish assbags like Jim Hines. This is his uncle Michael Grant:

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And as you can see, he really loves art and literature:

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According to creepy Uncle Mikey, his nephew Jim din do nuffin!!

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No, your nephew has a history with law enforcement EVERYWHERE. Ya know, because he’s a criminal shitbag who should be locked away from society. Which is why the DMV revoked his license and called him an “immediate threat.” Because he’s a dangerous, worthless human being who is being enabled by lifelong losers like creepy Uncle Mikey.

Bro and sis weren’t shy to share their displeasure with the police for doing their job and keeping shitbags like Jim Hines off the streets:

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Wait….what? The cop shouldn’t have been chasing him? Oh I see. So criminals should be allowed to flagrantly violate the law in front of cops, and if the cops chase after them then they’re the bad guys. Yup, that makes TONS of sense.

But please, tell me more about how the cop was the one who endangered your shitbag relative’s life by hitting him off his bike. Because your boy intentionally slammed on his brakes several times, knowing that it’s much easier for a bike to accelerate than it is for a cop car, and thus he could get away. Yea, it’s the cop’s fault he did that. Definitely.

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Kelly and Anthony Hines are real winners. Everyone loves a south shore gutterslug with an endless array of duckface selfies and the money she just cashed in from their SSI check:

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And Anthony Hines is a real bad ass as well:

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And he’s totally not gay. He swears.

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Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

In the least surprising turn of events ever, Anthony Hines is a Boston EDM promoter:

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Which means that it’s his job to let you know where some third rate DJ is playing this weekend,

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while he makes minimum wage and blows his entire paycheck on a watered down bottle of “top shelf” liquor at the club!!

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Then there’s my man Henni Ramos:

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He ain’t stopping neither!! Because as a private citizen he has the right to decide whether or not a police stop is warranted. This is how things work in an orderly, lawful society. And if you can’t trust a face like this, then who can you trust?



Then there was this brilliant commentary:

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Yea, why didn’t the cop “pull into the parking lot when they were revving the engine and try to prevent the high speed chase?” Because it’s the police officer’s fault for not assuming that this waste of space would do a wheelie right in front of him and lead police on a high speed chase in the middle of Weymouth during rush hour. Another brilliant thinker!!


Finally, it wouldn’t be a thread defending a skagbag without one of these tossed in for good measure:

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Free da boi!!! You tell him Nelly Arias, with your deep soulful looks!!

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Hopefully this idiot gets put away for a long time, and DCF makes sure he’s NEVER allowed around his kid without supervision. Because he’s a danger, he has no regard for human life, and he wouldn’t think twice about having his son do the same exact thing.


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54 Comment(s)
  • Finn
    October 18, 2017 at 3:30 pm

    Anthony Hines is definitely a gay porn star. (I use the word “star” loosely)

  • Agro man
    March 7, 2017 at 2:57 pm

    Wheelies are cool and all… But, dude, can you endo? Bunny hop?

  • Souse Bro
    March 7, 2017 at 2:22 pm

    The ass-fucking dialogue between enemies/lovers is getting old, however, the posts by the friends of this idiot are a refreshing return to the stupidity of the people who surround us. I live a average life, but these people have elevated me a few notch’s on the human social register.

  • GeorgeWashington
    March 7, 2017 at 1:54 pm

    But having 9 DUIs on your license is no issue? This is fucking retarded.

    • Uncle Mikey
      March 7, 2017 at 2:56 pm

      That’s only because the cops are out to get my family… Duh…

  • Kristina
    March 7, 2017 at 12:12 pm

    First of all ur getting info from the cops which they do alot of fucked up shit and get away with a lot. Not my point tho.
    You seem like a low life scumbag that gets off of rashing people on false shit. Nvm the fact ur talking about my family you’d probably get your shit rocked if u were standing next to one of us and wouldn’t even think about writing about one of us again but u hide behind a computer like a pussy anyway. Kelly works her ass off working two jobs and those comments you said about her I hope you get ran over by one of those motorcycles since you wanna wish death apon them . My cousin jim has an amazing heart biggest goofballs I know besides the rest of my family including Anthony Hines. Which he isn’t gay he’s just a guy that jokes around but you’ll get anything off his Facebook page to make people think otherwise. Jim is an amazing father but u wouldn’t know that because he has a life outside of facebook. He absolutly deserves to see him son ,Just because you bike doesn’t make you a bad person , yes he is reckless sometimes but he is not a bad dad or a bad guy. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MY FAMILY. So do me a favor you low life piece of shit shut off your computer because you suck at this and believe me I’ve read your other shit , it’s shit. The more you do this the more you’ll be hated and most likely be dead on the side of the road and that’s not a threat from me btw I just see your life going that way.

    • Hey Kristina
      March 7, 2017 at 12:45 pm

      Sorry kristina, you sound upset. I actually sympathize with you some but c’mon, you know the story. How do you rationalize that? And some of the pictures speak for themselves. Give me a break. Someone made a good point. Let him put his skills to use entertaining people at shows or something if he really needs to ride or die! The stuff on the road could kill somebody whether you believe it or not. Grow the fuck up. And yes, I do very much know some cops are absolute dirtballs with a badge who get defended on here way to much. Either because it helps business to have them on your side or because some of the writers have them as family members. That still doesn’t excuse the shit for brains in your family.

    • Fuck off Kristina
      October 18, 2017 at 3:47 pm


      Yes. Yes, I do. Your family is a bunch of trashy idiots who can’t live like normal citizens and follow rules. He had ZERO right putting the people on that road in danger. Being reckless DOES make him a bad guy. He’s an asshole (and you are too).

  • Me
    March 6, 2017 at 10:06 pm

    He should loose his kids for this??? I was with you until that, that was pretty dumb. Do you think boxers or mma fighters should loose their kids to because of the risks they take?? Ur an idiot sometimes, well alot of times.

    • MrSmiley
      March 7, 2017 at 4:02 am

      Oh you mean the legal, sanctioned risks they take in the ring or octagon? What kind of comparison is that? If you can’t operate a motor vehicle properly and responsibly, how can you be trusted with a small defenseless human?? Think then speak…

  • veronica lawson
    March 6, 2017 at 7:12 pm

    It is a shame to read an article from a man who sounds just an unintelligent as the people who he is insulting. Instead of stating the facts of the case and saying what he did was wrong and hoping justice is served, he decides to put in his two sense/discriminatory insulting disgusting insults about the case of which he knows nothing about other than his “internet research” and then goes on to attack his family and more disturbingly..throws his son into the mix and throwing out discriminatory insults for being or not being gay…what does being gay have to do with anything…like how old are we here?
    The case whether or not this man is guilty is not a question here; he was doing some questionable things and clearly was out of line, but this article is atrocious. I think it is funny that this wannabe “journalist” is throwing out all of this garbage about people living off SSI when he is trying to make a living off downing others to make a buck…real nice.
    Hey how about actually being a REAL reporter and stating your real name for this article because if i were a member of this family of who you were so eager to throw rocks at, I would be looking for your ass…but maybe that is why you are under your screen name because you can only have some balls behind a computer and not write anything with any substance. Like way to basically re run a story already put out there for a week. Like be original.

    • True Reality Speaks
      True Reality Speaks
      March 6, 2017 at 8:12 pm

      The stupid keep crawling out from under the rocks to defend this cretin. And people wonder how nitwits like Maura Healey and Fauxcahontas get elected in this state.

    • Author Author
      March 6, 2017 at 8:39 pm

      1. Like, fuck off!
      2. So you’re confirming he’s a homosexual?
      3. My name is Kevin Lynch.

    • TheRealZephyrCat
      March 6, 2017 at 8:53 pm

      2 cents, not two sense. Sense is like hearing or taste or touch or smell or sight. Also thank you for confirming he is indeed light in the loafers. That would be gay, in other words. A shitstabber, as it were. Thank you for playing.

    • King Edward
      March 7, 2017 at 2:54 pm

      Time to bring back the stocks and pillory!! Veronica Lawson first into the shrews fiddle!!

  • mussaccaaa
    March 6, 2017 at 6:54 pm

    Yeahh haha Neully alima or something? Yeah she is in fact a dirty ass nigger. Thats jim hines girlfriend. Shes the one that produced his lovely children. Shes quite whorishly known in braintree. Been fucked by their whole family. I believe she still has a facebook as well. You guys should check her out.

  • Boopahhsee
    March 6, 2017 at 6:52 pm

    Neully Ebode is his girlfriend. Shesss a dirrttyyy nigerrrr

  • ElJefe72
    March 6, 2017 at 6:27 pm

    If popping wheelies are the high points of your life, you just might want to take a hard look at yourself.

  • Cat Vomit Tango
    March 6, 2017 at 5:46 pm

    His family can argue all day long about whether the police chase was legal or illegal, right or wrong, necessary or unnecessary. But the chase doesn’t negate the other charges…driving with a revoked license, failure to stop for police, driving an unregistered, uninsured vehicle, speeding and attaching false plates.

    Here’s what befuddles me (and I’m easily befuddled). He obviously has a talent for, and gets enjoyment from, riding wheelies and performing sundry stunts on motorized vehicles. Steered properly (pun intended) he could probably become involved with a riding group that puts on shows and make money from what he loves doing. Instead (this is the befuddling part), he chose a path that literally put him on a crash course with the police.

    As for H.R. BuffnStuff…those shirtless pics of you in the men’s locker room leave little doubt about your preferences.

  • B
    March 6, 2017 at 4:53 pm

    He has never been allowed to be unsupervised with his kid the court also deemed him an immediate threat not just the RMV. but I think we should be more concerned about getting mr.hines some adult supervision.

  • whatevuh
    Dick Hertz from Holden
    March 6, 2017 at 4:36 pm

    Just another shit-stain on the underwear of society

  • "The Situation"
    March 6, 2017 at 3:54 pm

    I knew my old, dinosaur look was still in somewhere. Where is Weymouth anyways ? I still long for my “Jersey Shore” days !

  • oneopinion
    March 6, 2017 at 2:11 pm

    This guy has mommy issues because when he was little and learned how to do a wheelie she didn’t praise him enough.

  • repos
    March 6, 2017 at 1:13 pm

    Hey you pos .i was concerned about my nephew .& upset that he was out doing shit and posted what i was told i never said it was ok.just that him & the cop had history .so gfy call me a creep makes you a real stand up guy you dont know me or my family i stated what i was told your an asshole for saying shit like this

    • ZephyrCat
      March 6, 2017 at 1:47 pm

      Man, where to start. Bad punctuation, Run on sentences, No spacing between sentences, No capital letters to start a sentence. Hard to take a stupid person seriously. Now, take a deep breath and calm down. Who told you to post that? It was a woman right? Another dude who can’t think for himself. Such a bad look. Another reason not to take you seriously.

    • Ryan
      March 6, 2017 at 4:34 pm


    • True Reality Speaks
      Tired of Don't Snitch Pussies
      March 6, 2017 at 8:06 pm

      Something tells me most of your family has a history with the cops – big surprise. How ’bout you be a stand up guy and set a good example for your nephew, instead of being a dumbass and a poster boy for white trash sewer rats.

    • Finn
      October 18, 2017 at 3:42 pm

      What is it so difficult in your lives that your family can’t do the “right” things. You know – follow laws, have self-respect, contribute to society, etc. If your nephew had a “history” with a cop, there was a reason. When my dad was a cop he continually pulled over a kid doing wheelies – so much so that the *parents* (idiots) complained to the chief of police. True story – he wiped out on his bike while my dad was off duty and my dad just happened to be on his bike too. He stopped the bleeding on this kid and went to the hospital with him when the ambulance arrived. You know what the parents did? Kicked him out of the hospital room and told him it was *his* fault (’cause you know – “history”). Only when the son regained consciousness and told them my dad *saved* him did they know the truth. They still didn’t apologize (the kid did though).

  • MrSmiley
    March 6, 2017 at 1:12 pm

    You don’t lose your license for being an awesome responsible human being. Cops must’ve made that up too right? I get it. People enjoy riding. But riding like nothing else matters except video of your stupid fucking wheelie, endangering everyone else around you for 10 mins of Facebook fame? You’re a toolbag. Since when do these people know department standards for chases of any kind? I hope there is dashcam evidence too just to shut these idiots up. If you brake check a cop and get hit? You deserve whatever happens to you.

    • True Reality Speaks
      Tired of Don't Snitch Pussies
      March 6, 2017 at 7:41 pm

      I’d have run this little pussy’s ass over and had his “fam” come and pick the pieces out of my grille. Freaking Darwin candidates.

      Someone tries this BS on me when I’m driving they’re gonna find themselves lying in the ditch.

  • Hypocrites
    March 6, 2017 at 1:11 pm

    You promote “bone rides”. Doesn’t that put other people at risk?

  • Free Jim
    March 6, 2017 at 1:08 pm

    Yo turtle boy, I hope every woman in ur family gets raped

    • Killercat
      March 6, 2017 at 1:23 pm

      Don’t worry yo, im sure you and your bros get waffled by a tractor trailer soon enough. Then you can blame it on the person who hit them, while you were showboating and putting people lives at risk for the thrill of it, because nothing is ever thier fault. Then you can print Tee shirts with their face, have a party with more wheelies, do burn outs in thier memory. It will be awesome.

    • ZephyrCat
      March 6, 2017 at 1:38 pm

      Again, a peek into the brain of someone with even lower IQ. 1) Starting with the word “Yo”. Kinda speaks for itself. Bad start. 2) Spelled most of the words correctly but used “ur” instead of “your” just to show he doesn’t play by the rules. 3) When all else fails and you have no legitimate argument, threaten to rape all the women. Outstanding choice!

  • Strata
    March 6, 2017 at 12:51 pm

    I’m laughing at all these losers ….. Unfortunately there will always be burdens on society like these people & defenders. I wish them all the worst ..

  • Agent Smith
    March 6, 2017 at 12:47 pm

    Maybe Anthony Hines and the real Brian Albrecht having been licking each other’s balls and puckered balloon knots all along.

    Hint for big gay Tony, if you have to ask if licking a guy’s taint and asshole is gay, it probably is, you fucking pillow biter.

    • Arnold
      March 6, 2017 at 12:57 pm

      You could be right but I didn’t interpret it as licking a guy’s taint and asshole. I assumed he was referring to women.. Otherwise why ask?

  • ZephyrCat
    March 6, 2017 at 12:45 pm

    Is the number of fingers held up the years they got thru high school? 2 seems about right. Wow, stand up guy. That’s the guy when I see him popping wheelies on the highway that I pray to God they flip. Hasn’t worked yet but I keep trying as I believe in the power of prayer. Keep facebooking, improves your chances of becoming a splotch on the pavement. SPLAT!! Speaking of splat!, his girlfriend….now that’s the face someone makes right before the facial. SPLAT!!

  • John Galt
    March 6, 2017 at 12:43 pm

    I put the blame for this scourge on society squarely on the shoulders of Arthur Fonzerelli.

    But Fonz never drove without a license.

  • Cat Vomit Tango
    March 6, 2017 at 12:34 pm

    Top reasons why this is not Jim Hines’ fault…

    5…It’s Trump’s fault.
    4…It’s Obama’s fault.
    3…It’s the Pope’s fault.
    2…It’s natural for every guy to pop his willy.

    And the number one reason…..Poppin’ a wheelie is a disease.

  • bottom rung of society
    March 6, 2017 at 11:58 am

    Looks like the loser circus is in town.

    • March 6, 2017 at 12:37 pm

      Quite the article! First of all if you’re on a motorcycle there is a no chase law. Second I don’t promote for Boston EDM anymore so do a little more digging there pal. Wasn’t my only means of income at that time either. I also train peeps to get buff & stuff & to hurt people. I also think you tried gay bashing me which is also a crime punishable of up to 7 years I read somewhere on the internet. Idk how true that is but like you I researched it for only a minute. I probably fucked your wife or girlfriend that is if you even leave your couch and take your fingers out of that potato chip bag! I’m sure you get paid a lot of money to research stupid ass shit on the internet. Thanks for the little chuckle tho & I wouldn’t be surprised if you tried to dig up a little more shit on me. You’ll find quite the hefty amount of stuff! There ya go I have ya something else to do with your boring ass wife. Kk pumpkin

      • ZephyrCat
        March 6, 2017 at 12:59 pm

        Ah, some insight into the mind of a narcissistic halfwit. Ooooh, I got kinda scared at the buff, tuff, hurt people part. You do sorta look like 1 of the village people (Jesus, hope you get the reference). Oh shit, am I gonna get 7 years for calling you Fudgie LeGland? Is that homophobic or homoerotic, can never remember. And who the fuck actually calls themself big daddy??? Well, that’s the name I gave myself that I pretended my cat called me but that’s something else.

        • ZephyrCat's Tiny Penis
          March 6, 2017 at 6:12 pm

          You can see why I gave myself the name Big Daddy.

      • brian albrecht (the real one)
        March 6, 2017 at 1:14 pm

        Dude, I’ll lick your taint and ass. I’m in Weymouth. Got a boyfriend to drive me to your crib! They call me the Switchmaster! HMU!

      • Kelly Hines
        March 6, 2017 at 1:31 pm

        Yeah, no chase law, bitches! And that money is from giving handies behind the dumpster at the Cumberland Farms, not SSI. Getcha facts straight!

        • Yalie
          March 6, 2017 at 2:18 pm

          Kelly Hines, bitch, it looks like you’ve been punched in the nose like 20 times. That’s quite a schnozz! Plastic surgery maybe?

          • ZephyrCat's Gaping Anus
            March 6, 2017 at 6:13 pm

            My ass has been cockpunched 20 times. And that was before lunch.

      • Ron
        March 6, 2017 at 3:44 pm

        There isn’t a “no chase” law in Masschusetts. Some cities/towns PD departments have internal no chase policies, but Weymouth is not one of those towns.

        • Uncle Shitstain
          March 6, 2017 at 5:49 pm

          Stop confusing the argument with facts! Free my boi!

      • Ryan
        March 6, 2017 at 4:32 pm

        You’re a faggot. Have me arrested for 7 years.

      • True Reality Speaks
        Mirror Mirror
        March 6, 2017 at 7:35 pm

        Anthony Hines – definitely a closeted pole polisher, although that never stopped him from banging his sister.

        Probably got a dildo strapped on to the bike seat. Ride or Die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Mr Butthurt
        March 6, 2017 at 8:37 pm

        Internet law suit incoming. Cant wait

      • StreetSweepah
        March 7, 2017 at 12:41 pm

        Bro… You aren’t answering my texts, so I figured I’d hit you up on here. Look, I really liked licking your taint & b-hole. I’m sorry I didn’t let you know I was gonna nut and blew in your mouth. But damn yo! I could tell it weren’t your first rodeo son!! I know you like my hard ass abs too… And you was moaning like a bitch while I tongued your grundle… Hit me up.. I got some poppers & want to see if you can slide that hard one in my backdoor.

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