This is Brittany Dauphinais from Killingly, CT.
And she may well be the stupidest drug dealer of all time. On June 24th she made her debut appearance on the public shaming device that is the WINY Radio Facebook page for getting caught with crack cocaine and fentanyl while driving around in an unregistered, uninsured car.
Her mughshot came out better than any school picture I’ve ever posed for.
I would literally pay money to get my crotch fruits to smile like she does after getting arrested for riding dirty on their school picture day.
A lot of the comments were the typical “it’s a disease,” “stop judging,” and “we shouldn’t be criminalizing addiction” bullshit that enable these slobrags to get trapped in cycles of addiction.
Literally two days later this happened.
Turns out she’s not just some sympathetic junkie; she’s a drug dealer who sells poisons to junkies, possibly to finance her own addiction. And literally the dumbest drug dealer of all time, because she wrote the names of her clients on the 74 bags of fentanyl she had on her, in case she forgot who to give them to. Can someone please introduce homegirl to Google Docs or something?
Amazing someone bonded her out for $10K, and she immediately went out, got more drugs, and sold it in the middle of some business parking lot on the busiest street in town in broad daylight. Wicked smart. Her mugshot this time was slightly less cheery, and could best be described as “finding out you’re going to spend eternity in purgatory.”
Not so bad. Not so good either.
She was put on $25,000 bond, which you would think would be enough to keep her in jail until court. But you’d be wrong because this happened yesterday….
Very rarely has anyone pulled off the WINY Radio trifecta in just one week. There have been many a ratchet to do it over the course of a few months, but one week? That’s the stuff of slopqueef legends. In her defense she at least was the passenger this time, and was smart enough not to label the packages. This time she had a different haircut and seemed slightly less thrilled to be there.
Here’s my question – who is her supplier, and how is she still alive? From my minimal understanding of drug dealing, which I mostly pieced together from watching Better Call Saul and The Wire, I was under the impression that low level dealers like her got fronted the product from someone higher up, and then sold it directly to junkies on the street. If you get busted by the cops that’s not Diego’s problem. It’s up to you to figure out a way to get make that money back by Friday, because Diego don’t play. So why aren’t the cops using her to get information on her dealer? That’s how it’s supposed to work out on these mean streets. Seems like she’s just some local idiot who’s probably gonna be back on WINY Radio by the end of the month.
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23 Comment(s)
Brittany Dauphinais is close to washing out to sea, along with Diego. Her body will be violated with dolphin mayonnaise. Hey, Brittany Spaniel, you might want to hope that you DON’T make the latest bail. Come to think of it, Diego and his boss probably have friends inside, too. You;re fucked.
Her 2017 Fakebook pic might have been a “would,” if not for the duck lips. First mug shot is an “uh, maybe, uh, don’t think so,” 2nd is a hard “Nope!” and the 3rd is a “RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!” At 24 years old, she’s one of those who post “Best life EVER!” What a waste of life. Shoulda, woulda, coulda… DIDN’T. Bye, Felicia.
Killingly 8 all day… Ok well, a Killingy 7 in the last mugshot
Give her her stock back.
All at once.
STFU Turtleboy. Dis be her culture and you best not disrespect it. BTW i wouldnt prosecute and I would go after the racist popo for harassing her 3 times in one week just for being black.
What Massachusetts judge is moonlighting in Connecticut?
Maybe they borrowed my girl McGuirl from RI.
She is considered hot in Killingly . .
She changed from unaffiliated to Republican on Feb 3, 2017.
A Trump Republican. There can be no other reason. She was so moved by his
inauguration that it compelled her to stand up and be counted.
3 February 2017: Brittany Shae Dauphinais was born 16 March 1995 and registered to vote, giving her address as 20 Orange Street in Killingly, Connecticut 06239-2617. She is registered as Republican. Voter status code: Active.
Voter ID number 004388580
I’m not sure what’s going on in ct but in mass she would be out in a day because high bails are oppressive. heroin dealers are scum i hope she gets waterboarded with ammonia. also instagram is false advertising her face looks like she washes with crisco.
That womans vagina smell like low tide at Kowloon bay
“Diego don’t play.”
Diego isn’t at top of the 4 food groups pyramid either.
Diego has some ‘splainin to do.
“You what?”
“2 more times after the 1st time?”
“You bailed her out?”
Diego’s boss doesn’t know who strike 3 is, and strike 3 doesn’t know who Diego’s boss is.
Diego is fucked. She may roll because 3 times in a week isn’t a good look.
She says “Diego” to save her ass.
Time to get a cleaner in to take care of of Diego.
Or the shit house door on a Tuna boat.
she has crabs
That’s the least of her problems. I’m betting right now she wishes that was the worst thing to
happen to her.
How many times do you have to get caught, before they say NO BAIL????
Arrested three times in one week is an obvious case of profiling. Brittany is a young, empowered woman and a budding entrepreneur. She was singled out by the QLTF thug troopers over what seems like some personal vendetta. Internal Affairs needs to investigate this ASAP and her arrests need to be expunged.
Liz, see my post above. She registered as a Republican within a couple of weeks of Trump taking his oath.
Ms. Dauphinais needs to be taken off the streets and locked-up, no bail! She is a drug dealer and is poisoning our youth. When found guilty, her prison sentence should be the longest possible under the law. No plea deals, no parole, no probation!
Thanks Liz!!!
Knew I could count on your for a fair appraisal of the situation.
Ok, on the second arrest of the week, she should have been made to consume all of the drugs that she had in her possession.
There wouldn’t have been a third.
Amazing what passes for ‘hot’ here.
Go out west and she’d be a 2 minus.
First pic: Full of myself, all guys want me, I have life on a string. I think I’ll smoke some crack.
Second pic: Not full of myself, not all guys want me, I’m full of cum to get money for more drugs, my folks kicked me out, maybe I’ll take a shower at the shelter this week. I have painful sores in my mouth.
Third pic: I’m definitely NOT hot, guys use me for drugs and then kick me out, even the fucking shelter told me to get the fuck out. My teeth are all back on i-95 somewhere.
This is Purgatory calling: How’s life girl? Making all of the right decisions? Still full of yourself? Welcome to earth, idiot. Maybe in your next life you won’t think you are ‘all that’….
A face for radio.
Slampig material?