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Turtlegram and Gazette: A woman arraigned on charges of assault and battery on a child after her 6-year-old daughter died Tuesday reportedly kept notes saying the children were “bad and beaten.” The notes are among the disturbing details in the police report released at the arraignments of Shana Pedroso, 37, and Marvin Brito, 38, of 139 Stoneybrook Road. They are both being held without bail until a hearing next week to determine whether they are too dangerous to be released from custody.
Police reports in the case indicate that officers were called to the home at about noon Tuesday. They found the girl with what would become fatal injuries. Her 9-year-old brother, the report states, was also seriously injured and told police they’d been beaten by bullies during a walk the previous day. “He reported his parents left them and he and his sister were attacked by bullies,” police wrote of the child. “He stated that his sister couldn’t drink this morning and that his mother was mad.”
When Ms. Pedroso contacted Mr. Brito by telephone Tuesday, they both told the boy not to call 911, according to court records. Police also wrote that they found notes in Ms. Pedroso’s belongings when she was being booked. “Included in these notes was an entry dated 4/9/2018 which indicated that the children were very bad and beaten,” the report states.
Both children had injuries of “various ages,” and the boy told police his mother had used Super Glue to close a wound on his neck, court documents show. The children were taken to HealthAlliance – Leominster Campus, where the girl died. The brother was transferred to a Worcester hospital and the state Department of Children and Families has taken custody of him.
Fitchburg mother of dead girl reportedly wrote children were 'bad and beaten' https://t.co/NkD1dk8ECk
— Ashley Green (@agreenphotog) April 11, 2018
Update: Parents in court in death of 6-year-old girl in #Fitchburg https://t.co/JRIfSptPTo @ChrisPetersonTG @KimRingTG @georgebarnestg @worcesterda pic.twitter.com/sdf0PF98Ww
— Telegram & Gazette (@telegramdotcom) April 11, 2018
Marvin Brito, 38, in #Fitchburg District Court in connection to the death of 6 year old girl. @telegramdotcom @KimRingTG @RickCinclair pic.twitter.com/8YEsN7qGgI— Christine Peterson (@ChrisPetersonTG) April 11, 2018
Death of 6-year-old girl in Fitchburg: What we know so far about the arrests of Shana Pedrosa and Marvin Brito https://t.co/lZo0dBv8lF
— masslivenews (@masslivenews) April 11, 2018
The case of the 6yo girl who died in Fitchburg is in court today. Marvin Brito and Shana Pedroso appeared in Fitchburg District Court and pleaded not guilty to charges. Both were held without bail pic.twitter.com/QjVfexNZoz
— Emily Sweeney (@emilysweeney) April 11, 2018
People who have lost a child are the toughest people on earth. I can never fully understand the constant pain and sadness they have to cope with on a daily basis. Kids are the greatest gift you can be given. Anyone who has ever held their child and doesn’t immediately fall in love with them, and vow to protect them at any lengths, has pure evil in their soul.
So when I first heard about this story I prayed that the parents were not responsible. That this was some tragic accident for which they were not at fault. Because only a demonic monster would ever knowingly do something that leads to the death of their children.
When I found out that they were not charged with murder I was hopeful. Maybe they irresponsibly left some tide pods out that the kid got into. Maybe.
But then today we find out the truth – they did this. Why did they do it? According to Masslive:
The boy told police that his sister wouldn’t drink water Tuesday morning, which made Pedroso mad, court documents read.
Because she wouldn’t drink her water. Who hasn’t been there before? Sometimes kids fight you on stupid shit that you know is good for them. As parents we’re supposed to be patient and use our skills to figure out a way to coerce them into living a healthy lifestyle.
But Shana Pedroso doesn’t seem at all concerned about her children, and is a narcissistic, self absorbed trap queen. Just look at her pictures on Facebook:
What kind of Mom shares camel toe like that?
You’re a fucking MOM! Act like it. You’re not 20 years old anymore, dressing like a whore and going out to Destare for girl’s night. You’re a mother of two beautiful kids. Act the part, be the part.
You have to be pretty self-absorbed to constantly post pictures of yourself like that on Facebook. Most parents Facebook pages are littered with pictures of the kids they love. Because once you have kids, their lives become your life. I found one or two pictures of her children:
Here’s Shana and the child she likely helped kill:
This was on Grandma’s page:
Beautiful kids.
Neighbors said they didn’t even know they had kids, and they’ve lived there over a year. This happened during a school day in the middle of the day as well, but it’s cool because they’re “home schooled.” Which is really just a way for insane parents like this to avoid having their kids open their mouths to a guidance counselor about the abuse that’s going on at home.
To make matters worse they conspired to have the kids tell the cops a lie about what happened. She called her husband and told him not to tell the 9 year old NOT to call 911. Think of how fucked up that is. The girl wasn’t dead yet. Her brother, who loves her immensely, wants to call 911 so that they can save her life. Mom and Dad conspire to make sure the child does not call for life saving services because they don’t want to get in trouble for the crime they committed.
Then they instructed the child to make up an alibi. They went for a walk and bullies beat them up? Please. She took his wounds and closed it up with freaking GLUE!! What kind of animal does that? She wisely put it in her freaking diary that the kids were “bad and beaten.” That was smart.
My question is, how are they not being charged with murder? The girl is dead because of what they did to her. There were no “bullies” that inflicted injuries that led to her death THE NEXT DAY!! Mom and/or Dad did this. Because she beats her kids when they don’t do as they’re told. Because it’s too much work to be a real parent, and she wanted to take another selfie in a black cocktail dress instead.
Least controversial take ever on Turtleboy Sports – fuck this ratchet. Hope she burns in hell and gets charged with murder.
71 Comment(s)
I read turtle boy everyday of my life. How did I miss this story? You sick sad disgusting fukn cunt. I hope somebody brutally torchers your body till you both die. There’s no words for animals like you. May that beautiful princess forever rest in peace and I pray that little boy gets through life ok and goes to a purely loving home.
The worst people in America are ugly people who take a million selfies and post them online. This lady is ugly. That is why I think we should all post on our friends facebook feeds if they post a lot of selfies. Just kindly ask them to stop becuase they are both ugly and annoying. If they stop posting selfies than they wil just be ugly. And if your reading this and you post a lot of selfies take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself…….Am I Ugly? If you had to ask the question than yes you are ugly. Hit me up. I will write for you. Later
Given a choice, I’d prefer my wife home-school our children, as opposed to sending them to progressive/liberal indoctrination camps known as the public school system, where they teach kids Zuck is king and Facebook knows what fake news really is. We can’t afford that, so we have to split the difference and send our kids to parochial school, even though we’re not religious.
As for the superglue, for the record, hospitals do the same things these days rather than using stitches, so while it may sound weird, it really isn’t unusual.
-6 on the wood scale.
She’s a monster, alright.
I’d slay that beast by stabbing it in the exhaust port and fouling the fudge tunnel with the baby batter of justice.
I have many friends who are teachers. And they would never turn a blind eye. They are also mandated to report any signs of child abuse or they lose their jobs. Even if they see a mother smack her child on the butt outside of school on school property, they have to notify the authorities. Even though, in my opinion is not child abuse.
Teachers see the children in the class everyday and they build a relationship with them. They can pick up on things, like when a child has a lot bruises, when their personalities are different than they normally are. It seems like homeschooling is the new way to beat your kids and get away with it. It’s disgusting how cruel a person can be to a child. I hope Justice is served and I mean in prison from the other iinmates they don’t even deserve to Stand infront of a judge or jury. Kill em
Well, according to one teacher on here, in their experience, many teachers turn a blind eye to abuse. So, until we have statistics of abuse reported by schools vs abuse reported by hospitals of families that homeschool, my guess would be that the majority of abuse, obviously, occurs with kids that attend public schools with apparently, little reprisal.
Again, if you are refering to me, you need to reread the original statement. You are exerting a lot of energy attacking a statement that doesn’t exist.
It’s clearly there in your statement.
That is your opinion (about home school families’ motives). However, how many public school children are abused? Child abuse is never acceptable. When a public school child is abused, is there an outcry about “look at how many public school children are abused?”
Correlation is not causation.
Even if the children (presumably) were not in public school, does that mean that NO one other than the parents ever saw the children? Did they ever go to a doctor’s office for a well child visit or sick visit? Anyone notice anything there? How about the extended family? They were on a grandparent’s FB page…any relatives ever see anything wrong?
It was very brave of this beautiful little boy to unmask the evil miscreants who killed his precious sister. For him to be able to face the demons (even if they weren’t in the room when he told the truth about what really happened), I know he must have been in shock, felling overwhelmed, helpless, alone and totally terrified of punishment. What an amazing boy. Through this horror he was strong and stood up to tell the truth about the heinous murder of his precious sister who he no doubt had to watch die at the hands of his slut whore so called “mother.” He deserves a real mommy who will give him love, bake him cookies and be interested in him as more than a fucking prop to use. He deserves a mommy to standby his side to protect him with her life as a nature intended. At 9 he already knows the truth, he got the short end of the stick, no parental love. He saw satin in her and unmasked her. She is a narcissist/psychopath bully and a child killing waste of life. She is obviously not human as she has no conscience what so ever. No punishment will be enough, nothing can train the pure evil out of a soulless wretched filthy whore with no ounce of humanity in her body. So glad this kid is getting the fuck away from those torturous despicable purely evil wastes of life. God bless him and his sister, may she RIP.
When i worked for DCF I got 10 times more reports from teachers than I ever did nurses soooo…
How interesting your comment comes up just when the other douches comment does…not all nurses report to DCF…in fact, I would say the majority. We report to DPH. But here’s the truth…DCF wouldn’t do anything anyway.
Yeah, because there couldn’t possibly more than one person that disagrees with your self-righteous moralizing and calls your fake ass out on it – right?
Go troll somewhere else where virtue signaling is considered a virtue, like the Globe or CNN. Frauds and poseurs like you get eaten alive on TBS.
Hmmm…I think I’ve hit a TB nerve.
So you’re acknowledging how not all nurses (also mandated reporters) TURN A BLIND EYE by failing to report concerns to DCF? You made my case! Thank you NR.
No, you dolt. I said not all nurses report to DCF, because, as I’m sure you’re aware…if you weren’t an idiot, not all nurses deal with children. For the love of God the idiocy here is incredible.
and not all teachers see the abuse or neglect of their students to report to DCF. because, you know, they’re teaching.
Hope you learned something today!
You and all the others can continue to berate me by calling out a teacher who clearly said that they sometimes turn a blind eye and say nothing, despite knowing differently. The teacher said that. Not me. How you’re not disgusted with that speaks volumes of our public education system and the teachers that work in it. Not all. But clearly, yes, many learned tonight.
I’ve reread the initial post several times and I don’t see where the teacher implied or clearly stated that teachers turn a blind eye. This whole debate seems 2 b based on misunderstanding
Read the comments.
It’s in the comments in the lower portion of the thread.
Ask any social worker.
The reporting in the T&G and MassLive is a muddled mess – were the kids attacked by bullies and the parents did nothing after the fact to take care of their injuries? Did the parents injure the children and no one else was involved? Clear as mud as to what exactly the police think happened…
RE: “This happened during a school day in the middle of the day as well, but it’s cool because they’re “home schooled.” Which is really just a way for insane parents like this to avoid having their kids open their mouths to a guidance counselor about the abuse that’s going on at home.”
Give me a break! First of all, Any public school teacher (I am one) can tell you, abused children can come from a variety of backgrounds. Unfortunately, mandated reporting or not, things get hidden (even when sending children to public school), school staff miss or ignore signs, or (I know this is a shocker) suspicions are reported and nothing changes. Abuse is hardly exclusive to home schooling families.
Just because a person procreates, it doesn’t mean that person is a parent. Just because (if) someone says he/she is home schooling, doesn’t mean the person is really manning the education of their children.
RIP to this little girl, healing and prayers to her brother, and justice dealt to those who did this.
I’m disgusted to read that as mandated reporters, things “get missed or ignored” per your statement. As a nurse, and I won’t say in what capacity or field…if I “miss or ignore”, I am subject to losing my license and being jailed for doing so. I am regulated to report “suspected” abuse to the Department of Public Health within 2 hours 24/7. That includes any bruise or injury of unknown origin. Once discovered, you have no idea of the investigation that follows and again, the results of investigation have to be reported to DPH and police. I’m disgusted that teachers have the ability to turn a blind eye because I surely cannot, nor would I. Not only for the preservation of those I serve, but of my livelihood. Maybe teachers need to be held to that standard.
So teaching is very different from nursing. Teachers do enough. They report everything they can. But “parents” who are abusive monsters know how to beat their kids without leaving marks in places that teachers can’t see. They know how to coach their kids into lying on their behalf. Teachers aren’t stripping kids down to the undies to check for abuse…they’re teaching. Looking for warning signs while they do so. Withhold your judgement Nurse Judgy.
Step back judgy “someone with a brain”. Questionable at best. So, you’re actually going to justify what the teacher stated which is they “look the other way” despite seeing or knowing something is going on? Get the fuck out! And let me tell you, you obviously have NO CLUE what nurses do by your ridiculous statement of how much teachers have to do. Teachers obviously don’t do enough if they are turning a blind eye. Judge yourself. It’s seriously lacking.
I said teachers report what they see. All the time. They do their best. Never said it was OK to turn a blind eye to what they see and neglect to report.
Just saying teachers can’t catch everything cuz they’re not stripping kids naked to look for hidden signs of abuse, cuz they can’t, and cuz they’re teaching.
Well obviously what you say is for shit because there is a teacher on here saying they turn a blind eye…so get that part straight. Meaning they don’t report all they see.
Please. When’s the last time anyone heard of a nurse losing their license or being criminally charged for failing to report? How about never.
Both professions have powerful unions that pretty much dictate everything that occurs in their respective workplaces, and both Nurse Ratchet and Mr Kotter can pretty much get away with murder so long as they are pushing the right “agendas” – and management doesn’t want to get involved or sued so they ignore this stuff, too. Lots of dirty little secrets in our schools and hospitals, so go virtue signal some where else, you phony.
Apparently you are seriously misinformed. Seriously misinformed. And hello? The majority of nurses do not work in a union situation. And I am management. So, there are no little dirty secrets…virtue signal yourself because it doesn’t happen under my watch.
Most nurses were knocked up as teenagers, had drug problems then “redeemed” themselves after being single mothers for years and miking the system. Then they are hero’s because they haven’t killed their kids, therefore should be nurses.
Social workers and nurses go hand in hand. Morons who couldn’t qualify for much else and are over paid because of the union thugs
If you had any clue about what you were talking about I would respond. As that is clearly not the case, can’t be bothered.
“Well obviously what you say is for shit because there is a teacher on here saying they turn a blind eye…so get that part straight. Meaning they don’t report all they see.”
If you are referring to my initial post, you need to reread it.
I certainly didn’t say that I turn a blind eye (far from it). What I said was “school staff miss or ignore signs.” I don’t condone it, I sure don’t like it, but some people notice things more than others.
In your own lovely words, “so get that part straight.”
Here’s a hypothetical example – 14 year old girl is pregnant. That should be reported, as a 14 year old may be either sexually bused, or, unsupervised (thus, that falls under neglect). However, a new teacher (or a real liberal one) might not realize this is reportable…just as not every nurse does as you do and calls in “any bruise or injury of unknown origin” as suspected abuse.
Teachers ARE mandated reporters. We are “held to that standard.” Blanket statements implying that all teachers are dropping the ball hold about as much water as a blanket statement that all nurses are ego tripping.
So where did I say it was you, specifically, not reporting? And where did I say ALL nurses report everything? Right. I didn’t. Saying a teacher may not report if new and doesn’t understand the requirement is saying they aren’t being trained adequately.
They ought to get bail – just be sure that when and where they get released is announced to the public first. Forget gen pop. These two will never make it to prison.
They need to be stoned to death. That poor boy has no chance at a normal life unless he receives some major counseling. That bitch of a “mother” was too wrapped up in herself with posting ridiculous selfies thinking she’s all that…the little girl took too much away from that and would have been what she considered, competition eventually. Sick.
Give me one hour with her alone and she will find out how sexy mommy is.
If you want to kill yourself with drugs & alcohol, or even with a rope or a gun…..fine. But anyone who could do this to children is a fucking monster. Execute them both.
Maybe if having kids wasn’t so good for deductions and free stuff abortions would be me popular among the degenerate fucks that populate this country. But what about the children?
My wife and I don’t have kids. We tried. When my wife sees stories like this she cries about how horrible people can be. It hits home. I wish nothing but the worst pain and suffering on these two pieces of filth. I hope the son is raised in a loving home. What a God damned shame.
I’m so sorry to hear that Bill.
Bill, that must be tough man. It’s hard to hear stories of people who can’t have kids when there are so many people who have kids but don’t deserve them, like the wretched evil people mentioned in this article.
Just drop them in the middle of the ocean. Feed the sharks!
RIP, Baby Girl
Both “parents”, and I use the term loosely, look like they are more than a few fries short of their happy meals.
What the hell is it with Fitchburg parents killing their kids?
It wasn’t very long ago that they found that Jerimiah Oliver boy.
The police search was a success even after that creep Kevin Lynch did everything he could do to impede the investigation and probably cost the Oliver boy his life.
How do you say to a child with a black eye you want them to drink their water?
You don’t because you’ve already told them once!
Woman will get a slap on the wrist, dude will get put away for life. Man, look at those selfies! Women just get damaged past a certain age huh?
Sure they are married ? Different last names
BTW How many EBT cards do you think they have?
They lived in one of the only relatively nice and safe neighborhoods in Fitchburg so it’s not a bad question, but your judgement of anyone’s martial status as it relates to their financial status certainly is.
I lost a sibling when he was just 4 years old (sudden illness). My parents never fully recovered – how could they? During my life, I never saw my mom cry (ever) except if she caught a glimpse of a picture of my sibling. I can’t fathom the pain and agony of that gut punch.
I truly believe that monsters walk among us. Shana Pedroso and Marvin Brito are two of them. I don’t believe in “Only God can judge” and all that other horseshit. In this case, I hope the guards look away for just a minute and let the inmates be inmates.
Piss off. If you really had a sibling, they probably offed themselves knowing what a shit sniffing poser they had for a brother.
Take your sniveling, attention whore fables and post them on some fake ass SJW site.
Wahhh, now I need therapy because some twat doesn’t like me.
You really *got* me. Wanna go shopping and discuss our differences?
Get Fucked,
ps – I’m not going anywhere. Thanks for trying. 🙂
My thinking is she’s not being charged with murder because they are probably going to upgrade the charges at some point after they get the evidence together and put it in front of a grand jury. The government probably charged her with enough to hold her in jail while the police make their case, gather evidence, and once they present evidence to the grand jury, they’ll indict her.
RIP poor little girl..The little boy, he’s going to remember this forever. These two sad excuses for parents should be made to sit in a glass room with pictures of these poor children plastered on the outside wall for the rest of their worthless lives..
The DAs office will be lucky to get manslaughter considering that Alyssa Forino case. They don’t like non irish names their.
Marvin and the camel toe. Sounds like the name of a terrible emo band. Who the hell names someone Marvin?
Just wait until she gets to MCI Framingham and some woman who lost her kid to the system gets a hold of her trashbag ass—See Ya! Better keep her and her dickless husband in the GP to get everything they deserve. Another reason for sterilization to be part of the punishment as well.
Fucking cuntmuffins.
Crimes like this cry out for vengeance. “Disgusting” doesn’t even begin to describe it.
those poor little darlings having to live like that,so so sad, i hope they hang the SOB’S
Sentence them each to 10,000 years plus another 10,000 just for good measure.
She looks like Gilbert Godfried with a wig
She looks like a baby killer to me. It’s really unfortunate that these two will certainly be in protective custody for a while.
Looks like we got a 1 or 2 seed already for 2019’s Ratchet Madness.
Insanely sad/fucked up story.
Bring back cruel and unusual punishment. Burn them both alive.
I’ll bring the matches! Fucking shitbags. I have a 6 and 8 year old right now and the THOUGHT of anything happening to them makes me have panic attacks! The idea that their own parents may be (are) responsible for this is horrifying!
Hopefully they aren’t charged yet because they are still making the case and want an easy indictment. Good for then for holding them for **anything** until then.
Spics again. Are they trying to prove that they suck, as if everyone else didn’t already know?
Get them the fuck out of this country. Now.
I can’t even wrap my head around this shit. That little girl is still a baby! Was still a baby. I’m sick to even think about what went down in that house. I hope we can learn more soon and the rumor mill (DFN) can stop with these crazy, incorrect, stories.
Gross dude